Thursday, December 13, 2012

[Inglemia] Right Bastards - Stats for the IRS Sarah Dark and Crew

IRS Sarah Dark - Prototype Air Sub [101 Equipment Points, 20 Power Points. 11 Paid, the rest granted by GM Fiat]

Category: Polacre [Size Huge (External) Colossal (Internal)] - [5]

Toughness - 15 [5]


Aircraft [Flying Carpets]

Aircraft [Loading Skiffs]

Weapons [Port Lightning Cannon Broadside - Ranged Multi Attack Area Penetrating 10' wide ray Range (9 Damage)]

Weapons [Starboard [Port Lightning Cannon Broadside - Ranged Multi Attack Area Penetrating 10' wide ray Range (9 Damage)]

Weapons [Alt: Port - Fire Cannons - Ranged Exposion Attack 8 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Starboard - Fire Cannons - Ranged Exposion Attack 8 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Port - Acid Cannons - Ranged Exposion Attack 6 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Starboard - Acid Cannons - Ranged Corrosion Attack 6 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Port - Frost Cannons - Ranged Attack 7 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Starboard - Frost Cannons - Ranged Attack 7 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Port - Trebucet Ranged Area Attack 6 Damage]

Weapons [Alt: Starboard - Trebucet - Ranged Attack 6 Damage]

Weapons [Front: Anti Magic Field - Ranged Nullify 6]

Weapons [Alt: Telekinisis Ray - Move Object 10]

Weapons [Alt: Petrification Ray - Ranged Cone Transform Flesh to Stone 8]

Weapons [All: Magic Missile Anti Personnel Guns - Ranged Area Attack 7 Damage]

Concealment [Visual]

Concealment [Magic]

Concealment [Remote Sense]

Combat Simulator [Illusion Room]

Communications [Missive] (Intraship)

Communications [Narwhal Node] (Intership)

Difference Engine

Defense System [Internal Wards]

Defense System [Teleportation Suppression]

Defense System [Planar Barriers]

Deathtraps [Anti Personnel Systems]

Dimensional Portal [Jeshatan Planar System capable of Astral or Etherial Travel]

Dimensional Portal [Mirror Tube]

Dimensional Portal [Spell Jammer Helm]


Watercraft [Boarding Vessels]

Watercraft [2 Deployable Merchant Frigates]

Dual Size [Archnesilk]

Fire Prevention System

Grounds [Internal Gardens]

Stables [Horses and Centaur Quarters]


Holding Cells [Magic and Psi containment Features]

Holding Cells [Undead]

Holding Cells [Self Repairing Secured]

Holding Cells [Outsiders]

Laboratory [Inglemian Magic]

Laboratory [Alien Magic]

Laboratory [Divine Magic]

Laboratory [Psi]

Labaratory [Science]

Library [Inglemian]

Library [Inner Trade Network]

Library [Outer Trade Network]

Library [Terran]

Hull Effect [Self Repair]

Alt: [Inpenetrable Toughness]

Alt: [Fire Resistance]

Alt: [Cold Resistance]

Alt: [Acid Resistance]

Alt: [Lightning Resistance]

Effect [Boarding Teleporters]

Effect [Experimental Teleporter]

Effect [Healing Chamber]

Power System [Inglemian Magic Drive]

Alt: [Decantur of Endless Water Impellers]

Alt: [Sails]

Workshop [Blacksmith]

Workshop [Cloth]

Workshop [Leather]

Workshop [Golem Repair]

Workshop [Gemology]

Workshop [Weaponcraft]

Workshop [Alchemy]

Sensors [Magic, Extended Range]

Armory [Magical]

Armoy [Non Magical]

Arsenal [Mission Specific Equipment]

Wardrobe [Infiltration World Specific]

Security System [Locks and Wards]

Astronomy Chamber

Navigation Chamber

Cargo HoldX7

Admirals Quarters

Captains Quarters


Food Stores


Personnel [Psi Ghost Crew-300]

PL4 Str: 0 Sta: - AGL: 2 Dex: 1 Fgt: 3 Int: 1 Awe: 0 Pre: 0

Equipment: Wand Pistol [Ranged Attack Magic Damage 4], Skills: Athletics 2 (+3), Expertise: Sailor 2 (+2), Expertise: Magic 1 (+1), Perception: 2 (+2), Ranged Combat: Wands 3 (+4) Powers: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Offense: Init: +1, Wand Pistol +4 (Ranged, Damage: 4), Magic Daggers +3 (Damage: 3)

Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 3, Fortitude: -, Toughness: 4, will: 2

Complications: Vulnerable Psi and Social Attacks, May not leave the Sarah Dark for more than one hour

Personnel [Angus Setterdark]

PL6 Str: 2 Sta: 2 AGL: 2 Dex: 2 Fght: 2 Int: 2 Awe: 2 Pre: 2 Tech: 3

Advantages: Ritual Caster, Artificer Equipment: Various, Skills: Expertise: Magic 7 (+10), Expertise: Sailer 6 (+9), Expertise: Science 2 (+5), Expertise: Craft (Various) 5 (+8), Equipment: Various, Offense: Wand Pistol +4, (Ranged, Damage 4, Magic), Sword 6 (Variable Magic Effects, Damage 6, Magic), Defenses: Dodge: 6, Parry: 6, Fort: 7 Toughness: 7 (4 Impenetrable), Will: 6

Complications: Insane, Patriotism (Inglemia), Loyalty (Right Bastards), Addiction (Alchohol), Curious

Personnel [Sarah Dark Ship Spirit]

PL7 Str: - Sta: - AGL: - Dex: - Fght: 8 Int: 8, Awe: 8, Pre: 2

Advantages: Assessment, Eidetic Memory, Fearless, Well Informed, Skills: Insight: 5 (+13), Perception: 5 (+13), Ranged Combat: Ships Weapons 2 (+2), Technology: (Magic) 3 (+11), Expertise: Current Events 8 (+16), Expertise: Magic 8 (+16), Expertise: History 8 (+16), Expertise: Planes (+16), Vehicles 2 (+2)

Powers: Immunity (Fortitude Effects), Intangible (Always On, Innate), Defenses: Dodge: -, Parry: -, Fortide: -, Toughness: -, Will: 1

Complications: IS the ship, Patriotism (Inglemia), Controlled (May only be commanded by humans), Dependant (Must have a human on board within past 24 hours to exist, else she goes dormant), Compulsion: Obey Chain of Command (Captain>Inglemian Military>Senate>Doge)

Personnel [Golem Guardians]

PL7 Str: 9 STA - AGL 0 Dex 0 Fgt: 5 Int: 1 Awe: 0 Pre: -

Powers: Damage 8, Growth: 3 (Permanent, Innate), Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Protection: 6 Skills: Close Combat 6 (+6), Offense: Init: +0, Unarmed: +5 (Close, Damage 9) Defensese: Dodge 3, Parry: 4, Fortitude: -, Toughness: 10, Will: -

Complications: May not attack humans outside of the Sarah Dark, May only change actions on command of an authorized human

Personnel [Unseen Servants - 400]

PL4 Str: 0 Sta: - AGL: 0 Dex: 0 Fgt: 0 Int: - Awe: 0 Pre: 0

Powers: Immunity (Fortitude Effects), Concealment (Visibile Senses, Permanent, Innate), Levitation 2 (Permanent, Innate), Senses (Detect Magic, Permament, Innate), Skills: Close Combat Unarmed 2 (+2), Defenses: Dodge 3, Parry 3, Fortitude: -, Toughness: 2, Will: -

Personnel [Psi Ghost Marines- 40 (4 Squads)]

PL7 Str: 2 Sta: 1 AGL: 1 Dex 1 Fgt: 1 Int: 1 Awe: 0 Pre: 0

Powers: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Equipment: Mithril Fullplate (Impervious Protection 4), Wand Rifle +5 (Ranged Multi Attack Variable Effect Damage 5), Bayonettes (Magic), Variable Equipment (Mission Kit) Advantages: Equipment 7, Improved Initiative Skills: Athletics 3 (+4), Close Combat: Bayonette 2 (+5), Expertise: Marine 4 (+4), Expertise: Magic 2 (+2), Ranged Combat: Wands +4, Offense: Init: +5, Wand Rifle (Ranged, Variable Effect, Damage 6, Magic), Bayonette +5 (Close Combat, Damage 6, Magic)

Complications: Vulnerable Psi and Social Attacks, May not leave the Sarah Dark for more than 1 hour

Personnel [Psi Ghost Wizards- 40]

PL7 Str: 0 Sta: 0 Agl: 0 Dex: 2 Fgt: 3 Int: 3 Awe: 3 Pre: 3

Advantages: Ritualist, Artificer Powers: Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects), Sorcery 4 (Various Effects), Equipment - Potions, Wands, Etc Offense: Magic +6 (Variable Effects, Magic, Damage: 6) Defenses: Dodge: 2, Parry: 5, Fortitude: -, Toughness: 8, Will: 8

Complications: Vulnerable Psi and Social Attacks, May not leave the Sarah Dark for more than 1 hour

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