Tuesday, June 7, 2016

[STGTH] Entry 2


> There's actually an identifiable owner of the second station? Who? What
> do I know about this person? I assume it was a lot of space. I mean,
> considering how inexpensive that warehouse sized are was.
It was a lot of space.
And the owner of the second station was that one guy who's name I can't remember.

> >
> > Your pilot just radioed in saying he has detected a Borg ship, forty-five
> > minues inbound ETA. It's headed straight for Sagga.
> > (And as for Mr. Lepton, your boys are asleep at the switch, if you know what
> > I mean. They'll be figuring this out in a few minutes.)
> >
> Sagga? That one of the stations? If it is, then when my men do find out
> about it, then we're evacuating as planned. No use sticking around in a
> combat zone, not when the enemies never purchase anything (those
> borgs..always assimilating whatever they find...but lousy tippers).
Sagga is actually the system you're in.
Your men start heading out, and request permission to loot along the way, assuming
you don't expect to come back.


> Sagga? That one of the stations? If it is, then when my men do find out
> > about it, then we're evacuating as planned. No use sticking around in a
> > combat zone, not when the enemies never purchase anything (those
> > borgs..always assimilating whatever they find...but lousy tippers).
> Sagga is actually the system you're in.
> Your men start heading out, and request permission to loot along the way, assuming
> you don't expect to come back.
Of course they can loot, they just need to disguise themselves, avoid the
people whom we just sold disruptors too (or did we sell them broken
disruptors?)...but they need to dress up a bit and make sure no one sees
who they're with..that way we can come back if possible. And of course
they have to turn over the standard 30% of whatever they collect.


Mr. Lepton tells most of the crew to skip the looting, leaving one
maurader behind to allow minimal looting...the other two mauraders and Mr.
Lepton's own personal ship are going to skip out of the sector, back to


> > > OOC> Does Tach'kar get any response or the two spirits or whatever
> > > just ignore it?
> >
> > They ignore it.
> I'm assuming that Tach'kar doesn't remember any spirit that would
> resemble these spirits possessing Revaeb. So, it tries to examine them
> more closely.
> <>
Upon closer inspection, Tach'kar gets the distinct impression that it is one
being (sorta), but that none of the faces it wears are it's true form.
He (it) can't quite get a grip on it's aura, though. It might be a proxy for
some sort of god, or part of a god itself, or a projection caused by a
Or it could be Revaeb is possessed by something that doesn't inhabit the
same 'layer' of the spirit world.


On Fri, 29 Jan 1999 02:37:42 +0100, Savic Marko wrote:

>> > Okay. Revaeb? The blue men are GONE.
>> > You don't know why, or even how you can tell, but they have ceased
>> > to exist.
>> >
>> > And you feel more calm and clear headed than you have in...your
>> > life, I guess.
>> > Incidentally, you powers are gone too. >:]
>> That's a relief.
>> I say to Tach'kar, "Thank you, giant bugman. Now, how do I get out 
>> here now that nobody trusts me?"
>Tach'kar says over its universal translator: "I don't know. You will
>nave to ask Lucky."
>Tach'kar taps its comm badge. "Tach'kar to Lucky. Summon me."
"Summon you? You mean beam you to where I am?"

"Computer, please perform a site to site transport on Tach'Kar bringing 
him to the bridge."


 > They just look at him funny.
> >
> > "It's okay, you don't have to respond to me. Where's the food on
> > ship?"
> "We'll show you to the galley..."
> They take you to the galley. It looks like a normal starship's
galley. I
> don't know what else to say.
> They show Revaeb how to operate the replicators, and watch whatever
he does.

Revaeb makes some fried chicken and sits down and eats it. When he's
done, he pockets the chicken bones and asks the guards what there is
to do for recreation.


>The cyberpunk looks to the woman first, then speaks. "You are known only as
>Winter. Valrian intelligence file XD:Terra:Winter:24D. You sold your soul to
>one of the extradimensional deities associated with Entropy in exchange for
>immortality. Your powers include rating 8 life drain and rating 5 ice
>In 2012, you betrayed Kal Turan, your employer of six years, by failing to
>rescue him from a band of rebels and subsequently took control of the
>inevitably splintered factions of his former command. In 2016 you murdered an
>Andynysian Ambassador and his bodyguard in professed self-defense. In 2018,
>were incarcerated for the murder of thirty-five elven civilians in the
>system. In 2024, you murdered an Alrian agent and destroyed an Imperial ship,
>and in 2026, you were executed. Does that satisfy you?"
Pools of frost formed under the pale mans feet as he listened to the dry
recitation of his crimes. His life. He looked from Ty to the Cyborg and back
"Thank you." he said at last. 
Then he turned and left the three to whatever fate had in store for them. 
"Beware the Borg..." he whispered softly, his voice echoing down the steel
corridor. "They are like you, but more than you. They have given up their
souls to the machine, and sacrifice others to it as well." 
His boots crunched in the ice that he generated. 
"Resistance... is futile." 
He laughed. 

He tapped the communciations device that linked him to the men he had been
given command of. 
"The one on the station is not who we seek. Perhaps she is aboard the craft
that Lucky pursues. Return us to the ship."
He waited for the spell of transport to grip him, and replayed the cyborg's
words over again in his mind, sifting them like grains of sand. 
Murder. Treachery. Destruction.
What had he been? And what could he be? Ty knew what he was. That explained
the hate in her eyes. And yet there was the memory of the demons; the two of
them allied together against that hellish foe. 
He closed his eyes and tried to find a center within himself. And was met
instead with the storm. 
His hand closed into a fist, nails biting into flesh until it tore. 
He would beat Entropy. He would *not* waste this chance. Even if it killed


>> His eyes seemed to shimmer in the half light of the corridor.
> >> "You knew me. How?"
> >>
> >
> >"That's a long and complicated story. Sufficed to say, Travis is a Cyborg.
> >If you don't
> >know what a cyborg is, then there is no way we could explain anyway."
> >
> >
> "It is a being of two natures, mechanical and mundane." Winter replied
> softly. "I had a great amount of time under Lucky's... *care*... to read of
> things." He had become very still, as though he were holding his breathe.
> "Please," he continued, the word feeling unfamiliar and little used "if you
> can, tell me what you know of me."
The cyberpunk looks to the woman first, then speaks. "You are known only as
Winter. Valrian intelligence file XD:Terra:Winter:24D. You sold your soul to
one of the extradimensional deities associated with Entropy in exchange for
immortality. Your powers include rating 8 life drain and rating 5 ice affinity.
In 2012, you betrayed Kal Turan, your employer of six years, by failing to
rescue him from a band of rebels and subsequently took control of the
inevitably splintered factions of his former command. In 2016 you murdered an
Andynysian Ambassador and his bodyguard in professed self-defense. In 2018, you
were incarcerated for the murder of thirty-five elven civilians in the Centron
system. In 2024, you murdered an Alrian agent and destroyed an Imperial ship,
and in 2026, you were executed. Does that satisfy you?"

Jonathan Gagnier wrote:

> Of course I'm still on your list, no your email just WANTED me to
> receive this... Maggott lay off mushrooms especially the ones that grow
> in cow shit will ya? And a summary won't be REALLY necessary just as
> long if I make an error no one yells at me at it. Maggott you're the
> excuse for a supreme being in this group. What you say is law ain't it?
> So figure something out. It's not like anyone can rag the all might
> Maggott about it.
I didn't put this list together; Mr. Lepton did (You were long since off my
personal list, since I though you just never wanted to see us again).
And don't be so mean. I was merely open to suggestions, you wart on the
tongue of a cadaverous english teacher, you.
The problem is getting you back where everyone else is while still
explaining why you haven't done anything since we last saw you...
And I don't want to start you somewhere else, because my players get
scattered to the four winds a little too often already.

Okay, here's a possibility;

When Lucky asked Terran to telemechanically interface with the computer,
it's hack-detection system saw him and trapped his mind in a defensive
program loop. He just got out.
I know this isn't how standard Telemechanics would normally work, but I
don't care.
So Terran just dropped out of a computer terminal in engineering, with a
slight headache.


Friday, June 3, 2016

[Star Trek Goes to Hell] Salvation and Intro

In what is, to me at least, the greatest email game ever ran and played, it all started in my final summer of college 19 years ago on the old pbem.com site where a game advertized itself called, "Star Trek Goes to Hell."  Thinking it was a joke, I chose from the long list of powers presented and simply made up my own.  The rules clearly stated that the less you chose, the more powerful it would be...so I chose, "Probability Alteration" and the rest is history.

The following 7 years were an amazing roller coaster of insane mish mashing of properties from a dozen different universes until political bullshit outside of the actual game forced me to quit.  There was a part 2 of this game set in the world of Babylon 5 that ran for a while and a part 3 that I finished that Mark aka Byeard Maggot played in.  So it ended.  After 10 amazing years and helping me change my life for the better it ended.

So to did the amazing Byeard Maggot, my friend.  A few years later he ended his own life, and knowing the amazing person he was and what he could have done saved mine a few years later when I was considering ending my own after my soul sucking divorce.  This game, especially Part 1 has just been sitting there, but the problem is that Yahoo is run by morons and gets worse every day.  At any minute, this castle made of sand could crash and all of these lovely memories will be gone forever.

It is simply TOO MUCH to do all at once, the interface is worse than it has ever been, but I will salvage both for my own memory and posterity as much as I can.  I originally was only going to save my own thread, but the story is too amazing for me to include just Lucky Day....having said that? I will be engaging in editorial liscence and moments where people slam Mark or myself or my character out of character will be edited out entirely.  But I'll post as much as I can.  As time goes on I'll include more editors comments.


Understand that over a year and a half of the game had already happened on pure email before this group was used.  The group, seven of us, woke up in a Star Fleet shuttle with no memory of how we had arrived there.  Lucky had used his powers to summon the US Spider, having had a bit of magic stored in some gems he would learn about later, saving everyone's lives.  The ship picked them up.  At one point, the Borg attacked the ship and Lucky was 'luckily' on the Bridge after the Captain was killed and managed to keep the ship from being destroyed due to some quick thinking.  He was then made acting captain of the Spider, which didn't go over well with the other refugees from other dimensions.  Needless to say...it all went downhill from there.  I don't remember the gap between that and this...so you're exploring along with me...


Lucky asks the computer,"Hurry if you would...and throw into those 
keywords, "Q", "Lucky", "Tack'kar", "Revaeb" "Winter" "Fade" "Tri'yel" 
"So'oong" "Magic Protection" "Terran Empire".

Activate Program Lucky-7." And with that, there is a shift and brief 
shimmer of transport, and suddenly Lucky is dressed in a rather 
interesting looking set of combat armor with a rather NASTY looking gun 
with all kinds of protrusions on it.
[To security]
"We still have an intruder on board this ship. I wan it searched deck 
by deck if you have to, but FIND them. Random phaser fire is 
authorized so long as it doesn't damage the walls.
[To Ship]
All non-military personelle are to be restricted to quarters. 

We are going to Yellow Alert, keep shields and weapons down for now, 
but be ready to raise them at a moments notice.
[To security]
Security, I want all of you patched together...you are to work together 
and shut gravity off at random parts of the ship, especially in 
cooridors. Make sure the area seems clear on internal sensors-if our 
person is invisible, he should be the only one there.
[Directly to Tri'yel]
Tri'yel, if you would please stay on the bridge with the two squads of 
security personel. They seem to want you for some reason, I don't 
intend to let them get you without a fight.


Updates for Lucky:

Regarding the bugs: Recording civilian conversations against their will
without a court order is against starfleet regulations a yadda yadda
yadda...anyway, they won't be able to pick up a lot (A microscopic
microphone is what we intellectuals call "Crappy") but it will be good
enough to work with for normal speech.
Due to the number of such bugs, the computer will need to decipher the info
fairly simply, using certain keywords to see which conversations to watch
for and so on.
To begin with, it just detects a hell of a lot of business deals.
And at least a quarter of the bugs don't report anything.
Then it hears the word "Tr'iyel". But I'm not going to talk about that...>:]
(Actually, it's just starting to decipher the conversation)
The ship sensors just detect a bunch of wierd races and a bunch of Ferengi
on both stations.

Updates for Tach'kar:

You're not sure if he's possessed or not; most spirit forms don't look just
like that. When possessed, they usually tend to be wearing a mask or
something similar. It's not to rule out the possibility, however; it looks
as though he's *sorta* possessed, if nothing else.

Updates for Mr. Lepton:

The owner of the second station more or less tells you to come back later;
he wants to find out more what your stuff is worth before he trades it for
his own (or for his space).
You get more space on the first station for a crate of Klingon disruptors
and power cells (You don't have enough of the local currency to get any).

Updates for Lionness:

You're getting these, right?

Update for Winter:

Your pilot just radioed in saying he has detected a Borg ship, forty-five
minues inbound ETA. It's headed straight for Sagga.
(And as for Mr. Lepton, your boys are asleep at the switch, if you know what
I mean. They'll be figuring this out in a few minutes.)


> Updates for Tach'kar:
> You're not sure if he's possessed or not; most spirit forms don't look
> just like that. When possessed, they usually tend to be wearing a mask
> or something similar. It's not to rule out the possibility, however;
> it looks as though he's *sorta* possessed, if nothing else.
OOC> Does Tach'kar get any response or the two spirits or whatever just
ignore it?


They ignore it.


> Updates for Mr. Lepton:
> The owner of the second station more or less tells you to come back later;
> he wants to find out more what your stuff is worth before he trades it for
> his own (or for his space).
> You get more space on the first station for a crate of Klingon disruptors
> and power cells (You don't have enough of the local currency to get any).
There's actually an identifiable owner of the second station? Who? What
do I know about this person? I assume it was a lot of space. I mean,
considering how inexpensive that warehouse sized are was.

> Your pilot just radioed in saying he has detected a Borg ship, forty-five
> minues inbound ETA. It's headed straight for Sagga.
> (And as for Mr. Lepton, your boys are asleep at the switch, if you know what
> I mean. They'll be figuring this out in a few minutes.)
Sagga? That one of the stations? If it is, then when my men do find out
about it, then we're evacuating as planned. No use sticking around in a
combat zone, not when the enemies never purchase anything (those
borgs..always assimilating whatever they find...but lousy tippers).


>Update for Winter:
>Your pilot just radioed in saying he has detected a Borg ship, forty-five
>minues inbound ETA. It's headed straight for Sagga.
>(And as for Mr. Lepton, your boys are asleep at the switch, if you know what
>I mean. They'll be figuring this out in a few minutes.)
"First Ferrengi, and now those souless Borg." Colorless eyes flicked back and forth among
the assorted troops. "It would seem that this place is about to become very busy." He smiled, 
but it was without warmth. 
While aboard the Federation craft, he had taken the precaution of loading those things called 
'bio-scans' into his tri-corder. The bio-scans in question were of all the ones he had been captured
with. He now set the device to Ty's scan, and instructed it to search for a lifeform aboard this 
floating place that matched it. Since his target was presumably sister to Ty, the device should be
able to locate a close match. 
"Send your warriors out into the station." he instructed the leader of the Empire's men. "Have them learn
all they can of what is going on aboard this place."
He glanced down at the screen. 
"I will find the girl."



I'm assuming that Tach'kar doesn't remember any spirit that would
resemble these spirits possessing Revaeb. So, it tries to examine them
more closely.

Tach'kar the Kreen


Lucky says to Lioness,"Welcome to the Spider. We belong to the United 
Federation of Planets...or rather, we work for them....and the ship 
belongs to them."

"Can sensors get an internal reading of what's going on inside those 

Lucky will have the crew replicate (asap) a series of microscopic 
"bugs" and then beam them over to the stations to listen in on whatever 
the heck is going on over there.

[Editors Note: This game has a LOT of people come and leave....LOTS....]


> Tach'kar and Revaeb are in a cell no bigger than 4 by 4 meters, which
> has only one entrance. There might or might not be a physical door on
> that entrance, but the entrance is certainly secured with an invisible
> forcefield. The only way for "a blue man darting in front of him and
> around the corner" is that the blue man exits the cell through the
> exit, which contains an invisible forcefield. The forcefield that
> Tach'kar hit.
OOC> That makes sense. The blue men aren't necessarily physical
beings anyway.

Revaeb shouts out, "You let him get away! I thought you were here to
help me! He told me he would release the bonds of slavery from me!"


OOC> BTW, Tach'kar is looking at the spirit world. That means it made a
circle with its lower right hand and is now slowly walking around the
room and staring at Revaeb.

Tach'kar says over it's: "Don't worry, he is still possessing you."


OOC> You have hands? You're an insect!

Revaeb says, "Don't worry that he is? I'm angry that he is! He
promised me he would free my soul, and then you come in here and scare
him off! Why are you waving your hand like that? Is that going to
help me?"

Revaeb makes sure that Tach'kar doesn't see the blue man running
around any corners. In other words, he dispels the effect of the
illusion on Tachie's mind, so he doesn't what Revaeb had originally
planned him to.


 OOC> You have hands? You're an insect!
OOC> Haven't you ever seen a Thri-Kreen, man?

> Revaeb says, "Don't worry that he is? I'm angry that he is! He
> promised me he would free my soul, and then you come in here and scare
> him off! Why are you waving your hand like that? Is that going to
> help me?"
Tach'kar says over its universal translator: "I hope so."


Lionness looks around at all the different types of computers. She has
never seen anything like this and when the computer actually speaks she is
a bit taken aback. She will more to stand next to a wall where she is out
of everyones way. 
Not having the foggiest clue what the United Federation of Planets is or
what type of ship this is (perhaps it is some typw of new submarine?) she
stands quitely out of the way watching everyone.


Don't worry. I'll figure out a way to drag you into the fray soon enough.

On Mon, 25 Jan 1999 05:58:05 -0700, Der Maggoch wrote:

>Tom Ricks wrote:
>> Lucky asks the computer,"Hurry if you would...and throw into those
>> keywords, "Q", "Lucky", "Tack'kar", "Revaeb" "Winter" "Fade" 
>> "So'oong" "Magic Protection" "Terran Empire".
>It doesn't find any of those. 'Cept "Magic Protection", which it seems 
>hear a lot, usually within the context of artifact trading.
>It hears the word Tr'iyel a couple of times.
>As close as it can figure, it's the name of someone on the station who 
>with another group.
Focus on this.

>> Activate Program Lucky-7." And with that, there is a shift and 
>> shimmer of transport, and suddenly Lucky is dressed in a rather
>> interesting looking set of combat armor with a rather NASTY looking 
>> with all kinds of protrusions on it.
>> [To security]
>> "We still have an intruder on board this ship. I wan it searched 
>> by deck if you have to, but FIND them. Random phaser fire is
>> authorized so long as it doesn't damage the walls.
>Your boys start hard-core scanning all over the place.
>If he/she is still around, they'll probably find him/her.
>> [To Ship]
>> All non-military personelle are to be restricted to quarters.
>> Battlestations.
>> We are going to Yellow Alert, keep shields and weapons down for now,
>> but be ready to raise them at a moments notice.
>I'm assuming you're staying cloaked, though?
Definantly...the magic people might know we're here, but the ferengi 
hopefully don't...and anything I can do to screw up magic sensors the 

>> [To security]
>> Security, I want all of you patched together...you are to work 
>> and shut gravity off at random parts of the ship, especially in
>> cooridors. Make sure the area seems clear on internal sensors-if 
>> person is invisible, he should be the only one there.
>> [Directly to Tri'yel]
>> Tri'yel, if you would please stay on the bridge with the two squads 
>> security personel. They seem to want you for some reason, I don't
>> intend to let them get you without a fight.
>"Of course."
>She continues to mess with the sensors. She seems to be looking for 
>particular ship, as she's punching it's schematics into the computer. 
>far, though, she hasn't found it.
>Incidentally, though, it finds the rest of you.
>More on that in a later message...
Understood. ETA on borg?


Tom Ricks wrote:

> Lucky asks the computer,"Hurry if you would...and throw into those
> keywords, "Q", "Lucky", "Tack'kar", "Revaeb" "Winter" "Fade" "Tri'yel"
> "So'oong" "Magic Protection" "Terran Empire".
It doesn't find any of those. 'Cept "Magic Protection", which it seems to
hear a lot, usually within the context of artifact trading.
It hears the word Tr'iyel a couple of times.
As close as it can figure, it's the name of someone on the station who is
with another group.

> Activate Program Lucky-7." And with that, there is a shift and brief
> shimmer of transport, and suddenly Lucky is dressed in a rather
> interesting looking set of combat armor with a rather NASTY looking gun
> with all kinds of protrusions on it.
> [To security]
> "We still have an intruder on board this ship. I wan it searched deck
> by deck if you have to, but FIND them. Random phaser fire is
> authorized so long as it doesn't damage the walls.
Your boys start hard-core scanning all over the place.
If he/she is still around, they'll probably find him/her.

> [To Ship]
> All non-military personelle are to be restricted to quarters.
> Battlestations.
> We are going to Yellow Alert, keep shields and weapons down for now,
> but be ready to raise them at a moments notice.
I'm assuming you're staying cloaked, though?

> [To security]
> Security, I want all of you patched together...you are to work together
> and shut gravity off at random parts of the ship, especially in
> cooridors. Make sure the area seems clear on internal sensors-if our
> person is invisible, he should be the only one there.
> [Directly to Tri'yel]
> Tri'yel, if you would please stay on the bridge with the two squads of
> security personel. They seem to want you for some reason, I don't
> intend to let them get you without a fight.
"Of course."
She continues to mess with the sensors. She seems to be looking for one
particular ship, as she's punching it's schematics into the computer. So
far, though, she hasn't found it.
Incidentally, though, it finds the rest of you.
More on that in a later message...