Thursday, April 5, 2018

[United] The Monocain Conspiracy Part 1


The Monocain Conspiracy Part 1
Date of Scene: 09 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Frankenstein, Lara Croft

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is walking with Lara in the warehouse district in up river NYC. This is not the gentrified city or the ruined portion after the incident but genuine slum that are factories and a few crazy start ups just off the river. There have been rumors of invisible animals. A police officer was mauled but as it went into the shared databases something was flagged by WAND which was flagged by Frankenstein. It was his first case in this form with shield, and he had been rather silent on it though grateful Lara had listened to him as they did. They were nearly to the place the mauling had taken place.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had happily decided to accompany Frank on this mission, she knew he was eager to get out there and help out. She'd brought a few SHIELD-gadgets with them too and she was already holding one in her hand and taking scans with it, a cell-phone-like device that would search for heat-signatures in the surrounding area, and since it was so cold out... those kinds of things would pop even more.

"If this claims are true, this could be a seriously unsettling discovery." Lara told the much larger man to her side. "Invisibility on anything is bad, let alone animals wishing to 'maul' others." The young Brit said idly while scanning.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "Ever read any HG Well?" He is watching, listening, smelling, his arms making wide ranging circles. But it is the floor he pays the most attention too and points to a track in the mud."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara cracked a small smile at this question while her brown eyes remained on the scanning device she was moving around, searching at the landscape with its Augmented Reality-type display on the screen.

"I've never been much for science fiction." Lara replied to the question, voice soft. "I was always more into historical novelists." She glanced at him and cracked a grin. "I'm boring. I know, you don't have to say it." She then looked to the tracks in the mud and tried to figure out what type of vehicle those would belong to.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods. He takes out an old school lantern, bullseye. He lights it. She has seen him use modern devices including a flashlight. The device shows fresh thermal tracks. "Monocain. Banned in secret treaties around the world. Every thirty years or so some idiot begins expirmenting with it. The proverbial invisible man. A drug that gives invisibility and a cost everyone ignores." As he swings the lantern smoke comes from it revelaing a pair of beady red floating eyes as the display lights up with a gigantic rat. There is scurry in the distance. A lot of scurrying.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara gently nodded her words to what the other said. "The search for power will drive many people to do very strange, and terrible, things. Even to themselves, let alone to others around them." She commented before she swept her scanner off of the tracks and up and around to where the eyes were now showcasing themselves.

"There!" Lara announced, but she seemed to get the idea that Frank already knew.

"We need to capture it, find out whats in its system giving it that ability... Easier said than done though." Lara's ears picked up on the scurrying though. "That... doesn't sound like 'one' rodent."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "One of me," since by now she would know he was many monsters, not one,"met the original Invisible Man. You could see shards of the original inside the madness but totally immoral and ammoral. Megalomaniac. It simply isn't worth the price." He took the steam gun off his back and aimed at the rat. He slowly pulled the trigger and splattered it. "You don't want it.. " the noise in the warehouse grew louder and louder "alive. You really don't. Someone in some department will get an idea to make more invisible rats or soldiers. We can test its dead tissue."

The rats come closer amd now Lara can see dozens, maybe hundreds closing in, their bodies lighting the augmented reality up like fire."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara watched the large man splatter the invisible rat and she winced at it... but she had to agree with his logic overall on the 'why'. "I suppose so." She muttered, feeling poorly for the creature anyway though as it likely didn't want to be invisible at all.

"Sorry if I insulted you too." She wasn't sure if she had, but she had to apologize just incase. "I met an invisible person once, but they were using magical means to achieve it... I thwarted them after they stopped to drink water, I could 'see' the water inside their stomach. It was quite odd."

Lara's scanner came around and she saw the horde of rats. "Oh god." She said to him. "Frank. They're--they're everywhere here!"

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "in the fifties the guys name was General Striker of all things. The gentleman it turned out was neither a general nor named striker nor a gentleman. The story is long and pointless," he sheathed the steam gun and took out a holy sword, swatting and cleaving rats as he saw the blood in theie eyes from the lantern amd their wisps in the smoke. "He ended up raving mad and in an asylum for the rest of his life. Half invisible. That half being the outside. Someone has been testing it. A lot of it. More than I have ever seen used."

The rats are held at bay by the sword but only barely. "Magic has its own problems but its cleaner than monocain. I would not use it on a nazi."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara reached for her sidearm out of the inside of her black leather jacket. She pulled the handgun out but didn't readily aim it or prepare to use it quite yet... Frank was doing a remarkably adept job with that sword and... if she could get away with not discharging a firearm in this part of the city, then she'd be pleased... but if she/he got overwhelmed she knew she might have to.

"Insane asylums from our past, generally did very little to try to help 'insane' people recover. Essentially, all they did was take a troubled person and make them far far worse!"

Lara kept the scanner going, because it was also recording all of this in many different formats both in heat-signature and non.

"Where are all these poor, filthy, little things coming from?"

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods, "Good damn point." He slashed at a few but took a large slab of concrete with a rebar handle and made a massive slimy inprovised shield as the rats bounced off. "Let's find out." He moved farther into the warehouse, shining the lantern about. Lara could see them slithering all around and above them, a few hissing.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara was quick to knock over a large stack of wooden rates that fell down across part of the floor, crushing a whole stream of the rats while others just jumped over the wrecked boxes.

The young British agent traced after Frank though, still holding her phone up and panting softly from the exercise and the generally madness around them.

"This place certainly doesn't scream 'high tech lab'!" Lara said back to her partner on this mission.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "The rumors about you are true Lara. You hold yourself well. Shield still picks good people. And it doesn't scream hi tech but this kind of science is old. It isn't Mr Stark." He shined the light on a trap door on the floor, open with rats climbing up the ladder."

Lara Croft has posed:
"Thank you!" Lara said back at Frankenstein with a brief and momentary smile. A compliment was always a nice thing to receive, but in their current situation there was little time to mull it over...

She rushed past Frank as he exposed the trap door and she pushed down another stack of boxes that crashed to the ground and their contents of old uniforms spilled out in lumps of fabric.

"That looks... ominous." She told him, looking back to the trap door.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is also impressed with the agility. He is not. At all. "Anything involving monocain is ominous. We need to contain this." As she looked down the night vision showed a shadowed nightmare of autopsy and wicker cages.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looked to Frank when he said this and then she turned a LED light on that was at the end of her handgun and aimed it at the trap door.

"This is beyond the two of us, Frank." She told him. "We've discovered something much larger here. We have to place a call for a containment team to come in and secure this area. If whatever is down there is infecting rats, that likely means that its... no longer in whatever containers it was previously stored in. Which means the two of us might suddenly become a lot harder to find if we go down there."

Lara looked at the scanner, she could see glimpses of the area below and it wasn't pleasing or comforting.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "It needs to be burned. All of it. Can you compartment ize this so that they don't take but a few samples, no living ones? Can we do a ..." he thinks "air strike?""

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara huffed out a soft laugh of disbelief at the man's words and suggestion. "We can't do an... air strike... This has to be a controlled burn if we're do such a thing at all." She'd tell him back. "I can call it in and we'll have someone here in moments... We should head back outside and get away from their nesting place, that is probably what is setting them all off like this."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nodded. His shoulders slumped. This was going to get out. But it wasn't Victors work. He wasn't going to push a boulder up a hill. "I understand. Seriously. Tell them its infected. Tell them that to look at the things in here will drive them mad if they see it. But if they know about them the tempation....monocain is not that had to get. Not really.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would listen to Frank's words as she'd push her way past some of the debris they'd caused, stepping over what she assumed were dead rats and then she shoved at a doorway, locked though. Lara's handgun came up and she blasted the padlock off of the chain then yanked the old rusty chain loose.

"They won't let it get out." She assured him as she shoved the door open to get back outside. "Come on. We can get this whole place burned down to ash, neatly."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods. It would have to do. It would have to. He killed a few more that got in their way, the shadows shimmering over the shining walls. "Damn whoever this is.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara made her way back outside and turned back toward therir vehicle that they'd come in. She already had her phone out and was dialing in the call for an emergency cleanup team. She put her gun back into her jacket holster and looked back to him. "Damn them indeed." She muttered.

Once the call had been place, she looked back to him. "They're on their way, Frank. They'll be here in ten."

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

[United] An Unexpect Visitor


 An unexpected visitor
Date of Scene: 05 January 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Frankenstein, Shadowlite

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein sits in a shield safehouse, watching Young Frankenstein, laughing but also horrified since he remembers it first hand and can't explain how. It's surreal and he takes notes and eats popcorn as he does.

The facility is a safe house in up state New York near a train. It's some place he can be at home without screams but still 'away' from work and some place he is allowed to rest until he finds a place of his own. It's semi high tech security, with a small arsenal but mainly just a secure facility with a small lab and arsenal just in case. The room he is in now is basically a lounge with a few chairs and tables near an open kitchen.

Shadowlite has posed:
There's probably some sort of alarm in the place, and it goes off in short order when Shadowlite hops out of a portal and into the armory. The bodysuit and trenchcoat wearing mutant doesn't seem all that fazed about it, really, his sub-machine gun sitting on his shoulder while he browses through the toys inside, his augmented reality goggles identifying each asset in turn. "Belated christmas for me, woo. I figured the absurd power draw for this place made it a lair of some kind."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein blinks as one of 20 different alarms go off. He has no idea which kind it is but grabs his steam cannon and begins to look around. He stands and begins to look for something to point at when he hears a voice down the hall. "Who the hell goes?" He is midway between the human and monstros side of his spectrum and he sounds quite hoarse.

Shadowlite has posed:
Folding the sub-machine gun back into his trenchcoat, Shadowlite goes to find himself a nice hidey hole... before he concentrates, and suddenly a radial 40 meters around himself plunges into pitch blackness. There, in said hideyhole, he waits to see who comes along.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein looks around, not liking what he sees. Which is nothing. He knows someone is there though so he carefully moves forward, putting the gun and the flashlight back and forth. No light appears. Not good. "Hello?" He doesn't think the alarm is broken. He's just too seasoned.

Shadowlite has posed:
Oh good, someone who can't see in darkness. That makes this a lot easier. "Don't mind me, I'm just taking a look around." The voice is scrambled, and irreverent. "You've got yourself a nice hidey hole here. This yours, or are you with someone?" Shadowlite remains in his hideyhole, waiting for... with that voice, whatever... it is to step out into the open for him.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein tries to think of the list of folks who can do darkness. It's a short list and he has a database but the voice doesn't match the ones he knows. "You're in a SHIELD facility." That should throw most for a loop. But darkness is something he is comfortable in, even if he can't see. He is now quite in the open but not able to see Shadowlite.

Shadowlite has posed:
"Oh, SHIELD? Neat." Does one doesn't seem all that scared. "No wonder my goggles can't figure out half this shit." Shadowlite continues, the voice scrambler adjusted audibly, before he tosses a piece of loose metal over to the other side of the room, testing Frankensteins reaction time and detection methods.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein wonders at the word Goggles but that narrows things down a bit. Frankenstein almost has him identified but then is distracted by the noise and points the cannon at it. He's pretty fast for someone so large but not blinding. "Shadowlite?" Its a good guess at least

Shadowlite has posed:
"Never heard of him." The lie comes out smoothly. He's definitely used to that. "And you're probably not gonna let me take a look around, are you?" Shadowlite inquires.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "You're on the index dude." He was sure now. "And I can start shooting the place up randomly but no one wants that. Why not let the lights back on and we can talk. There something particular you are looking for?"

Shadowlite has posed:
"You could shoot up the place randomly." Shadowlite concedes, "That won't be very effective, though." With the threat given, Shadowlite concentrates once more, and silently a misty blackness forms around his body, clinging to the bodysuit as it solidifies from head to toe, providing him with a pseudo titanium shell. "You have fun, now." With that, Frankenstein can hear an electrical crackling from... somewhere, seemingly in front of him, as Shadowlite begins to open an aperture into the Darkforce dimension.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods and is glad he can see...something at least. Frankenstein considers his options. The guy didn't visibly take anything. He'll probably have to report this but he's hardly concerned about arresting random people. Still. "Don't come back unless you knock on the door." It isn't an empty threat but he isn't being thugish either.

Shadowlite has posed:
The aperture is a bit random, seeing as Shadowlite only has a vague idea of the size of the place from scouting... but his portals wouldn't eject him into walls. Usually. He drops off on the other end of the facility, trying to find the utilities infrastructure to turn off the lights and smash the controls. Instead, he trips another alarm.

He looks up as it goes off, and sighs resignedly, "SHIELD sure are a bunch of unbelievable killjoys." He mutters under his breath, before he focuses, and his right hand outstretches, a misty black flow streams out of his arm and forms to close off the main doorway in with a sheet of titanium strength Darkforce. "I had to find the SHIELD safehouse that was occupied." He gripes.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein grunts as the alarm keeps going. He tries to remember where the security room is so he can check the cameras, and finds it locked, trying to remember the damn code. For now, he just listens, hoping he can hear something to locate where he is.

Shadowlite has posed:
With no attempt to break into the room, Shadowlite instead once again opens an aperture. SHIELD safehouse marked, time to let things cool down and see if he can hack into it from outside. Alarms are not fun to deal with. Once he steps through, Shadowlite disappears, and so does the elarm.