Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Three Aeons - 2nd Era - Day Before the End

Tiitloc forges tools for the inhabitants of his temple to use to make other tools.

And there are many tools that are made to make many other tools.

Tiitloc, having grown tired of the chaos that has taken place since he was ripped from the fabric of space, expels himself from the planet's sun. The formerly formless Tiitloc channels himself over a solar flare and takes the shape of a great white dragon who rests on a throne of stone beneath the sun-bound obelisk. The Titan offers no further aide to the dragons; however, Tiitloc welcomes all who flee from the usurping metal men into his fortress.

And so a safe haven is made for all those who see to flee the chaos outside. The quickest way for people to enter is to literally meld into the stone so that as the metal men chase them they dash harmlessly against the rocks.

Life on the rest of the planet is not faring so well however, as the Metal Men have slowly begun to kill all other life. They have eliminated about a third of all living things so far outside of the valley. Their weapons are huge clawed metal hands and teeth that rend and tear all things around them.

Χαος implants ideas and blueprints to the minds of the Shardi for how to forge their crystals into more advanced armor and weaponry, and how to imbue them with Light or Dark Matter to furthur reinforce certain properties.

This helps the Shardi turn the tide with various Clans, making them rather slow (still) but incredibly destructive when they do move. The Shardi in Tiitloc's valley, combined with the tools that he has provided, create the most devastating weapons of all, and soon squadrons of Dragons, Phoenix and Djinn leave the fortress every day and kill mass amounts of Metal Men.

Χαος expands the dragon's understanding of warfare and tactics, and how to exploit their enemies weakness to their best advantage.

The Dragons, already highly intelligent, become master tacticians and begin to carry squadrons of Shardi Armored Shock troops which they drop into the middle of Metal Men who slaughter them in massive amounts. The tide of battle begins to turn, though the clans still fight heavily amongst each other. The Tiitloc Valley clan is more concerned about killing Metal Men though, and soon all of the other clans defer to them in fighting the war.

Χαος plucks a random bacteria from nature, and alters its genetic makeup such that it thrives on consuming the metallic Death Rock that the Metal Men consist of. These new bacteria are released upon the Metal Men like a virus.

The rust scourge is born. While it does interfere with some of the tools created by Tiitloc and the Shardi, it does FAR more damage to the Metal Men, causing them to rust at an accelerated rate whenever they band together, forcing them to disperse until they live in only the most remote parts of the world.

Tiitloc gifts his loyal followers with preliminary engineering, teaching the Shardi, dragons, and elementals how to terraform and shape the world to their bidding. Tiitloc encourages these beings who have sought haven in his temple to venture out and protect the exposed world from the forces of destruction.

They learn preliminary engineering. They slowly begin massive building projects all over the world, temples and fortresses and roads and aqueducts to make the world a better place and to better protect people in case Banio strikes back in some unforseen way.

Χαος introduces the concept of currency into the world.

Every race and every clan has a different idea of what constitutes currency. The Shardi use Light matter and Time, and accept little else. The Dragons value Light Matter, Dark Matter and Gold. The Elementals each value minerals reflective of their respective element, and titles to land nearest the obelisk of their same name. The Alexandrians value shells or a good song. The Metal Men are too few and far between to value anything but survival.

And there is much trading and the world begins to prosper.

Tiitloc, after many hours of inefficient communication, develops a spoken language to be spread from his castle to the rest of the world.
There is only one word: Tiitloc.

Until now, the races cooperated by instinct and strange grunting and inflection, save the Alexandrians, whose language had become the ...well...the Lingua Alexandra as it were, used by all races, but now a second language is introduced. True, while on the surface, it is maddening, with but a single word, Tiitloc, the sheer order of Tiitloc's mind forces his disciples to learn it in greater detail.

If the Eskimos of Earth have 750 different words for snow, the followers of the Vale suddenly have 10000 words for Tiitloc. It becomes all about how the word is said, and in context with the rest of the word, thus largely about context, pronuciation and inflection. Still, it is primarily a word of numbers, of order, of earth and of engineering. Both Alexandrian and Tiitloc are spread throughout the world, but one is the language of calm, every day things, and the other is the language of the Skies, of grand ideas, the Titans, of war, and of engineering and mathematics.

Banio can tell the end of the era is coming and takes advantage of the impending gap. While the Titans sleep, Gods shall arise, based on the beliefs of the various races that inhabit the world, whose power shall be derived not from the universe, but from the worship and thoughts of mortal sentient beings. And since mortal sentient beings have an infinite capacity to dream, so too shall their power be infinite.

Banio creates the Law of the Gods which states that during the second interim, Gods shall arise based on the beliefs of sentient creatures.

And so it shall be. Of course...that was what the Void was planning to do after the first Aeon anyway, but now strange new gods before the Gods of the Second Aeon, which shall inevitably come after the End of the Titans, shall come, and their power is indeed nigh infinite, held only by the dreams and aspirations of mortal kind.

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