Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Inglemia] Right Bastards - Something Fishy Going On

Hobbes had a friend named Mira who had once been friends with the daughter of the ambassador from Kelp. The girl had been kidnapped. Hobbes decided to ask the others to help save her. The group agreed.

Wreckles noted that he had a spell that could find the princess (45th removed from the throne but still a princess nevertheless) (Princess Persphone [insert 45 rediculous titles here] de Kelp) but it would work best if he had a focus of someone who knew her. Hobbes was rather uncool of casting spells on a small child, but was busy later out looking for clues when Virgil, who helped keep her calm and Wreckles used ritual magic aboard the Sarah Dark (teleported there in an instant by Glythbad), found a link and briefly established a telepathic link.

They learned that the girl was afraid because her father wasn't paying the ransom that the renegade prince was demanding. The prince had been thwarted earlier in his attempts to ransom the inglemian city of blue port, and much as Ambassador Setu loved his daughter, he could ill afford to have her used to weaken the already tenuous grip that the Empress had on the crown.

Glythbad did some research of his own and found out that House Rotorsh had done the wards, and that there was a short list of those who could have put them up. Within a day he would have a shorter list. Hobbes, meanwhile, outraged about what had happened, raced to the ship, leapt on board, only to find out that Mira was fine and having tea with Virgil. He knew they had all been up to something but had no proof, and more importantly, nothing to hit, which frustrated him to no end. But, they now had a location to go to. Glythbad used his connections as a newly made Syndicate owner in the Invisible Consortium to gain to contractors, Barion Myts, knowledable about Kelp and a lot of other local lore, and Jorian Drake...military liason. (After many hidous puns involving ducks....) the group arrived at the capital city of Kelp, home of the Pearl Throne almost 2000 miles away. The ship remained well hidden.

Wreckles did some research by talking to the local fish and found the owner right away. It turned out that the renegated prince was using the local Crab people for minions. The group waited and looked for an in, and when the head of the house went out in his carriage, mind controlled him into helping them get past all the insane wards that Rotorsh had set up. The guards were easily dispatched. They found Jira Rotorsh, professor from Fingolde university, magic jarred and trapped inside, and freed her through a combination of Glythbad's psionics and Angus's artificing. At this point, she instantly took the wards down and they rescued Princess Persophone. Lady Rotorsh took care of herself.

Her grateful father assured them that they had Kelp's gratitude, and asked if they needed anything, to just ask.

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