Friday, February 15, 2013

[Inglemia] 5 Element Majors - Feb News

[Seven Sections, in Order of Which You Might Care About Them]

Section 1

Headlines - [Cost a DTP to investigate]

Constitutional Convention Begins, Five Element Majors Save the Doge

Corrigan Flint becomes head of Mountain Kingdoms.

Fourth Level Self Replicating Rune Level Discovered!

War of Five Gods Ruled Officially Over - All's Quiet On The Ether Front

Ring of Xarthac Officially Disbands

Diplomatic Row Between Elven Coalition and Ingleima Heats Up, Sharn cancels Knowledge Sharing Treaty

No Clear Leader As Heir For the Doge

Martel Martavious Recovers IRS Sarah Dark - Heirs of the Dead Demanding Answers

Should there be a Sixth Branch of the Military? Is Plasma Worth It?

What Was Segglestaff Hiding?

Trade is Booming!

Melnibone and Boomerange Officially Cut Off From Contact in the Outer Ring

Bjorn Ogreshaft becomes King of the North, loses ranks in Inglemian Military

Section II

Rumors - 1 DTP To Generate More For Next Cycle, 1 DTP to Push Towards True or Not True, 1 DTP to Investigate each

The Red Society and the Violet Society are engaged in a shadow war about something

The Invisible Consortium has been holding secret talks with the Shard

High level councils of the Gnomes, Halflings and Goblins in the Madlands have reached an accord

A Mass Breakout from Ravenloft is occuring somewhere in the Inner Trade Ring

An Ancient Gold Dragon on the Far Continent is gathering a flight of Dragons to take on Char

A new underworld organization is challenging the invisible consortium for dominance of certain sections of the underworld streets

The City of Brass and the City of Doors are forming a league to counter Inglemia

Section III

The Party


Ace - Mr. Green

Current DTP: 35

Generation: 7 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major + 1 Clear Society Member + 1 For "X"]

One Shot: +5 For Illustration + 10 for RP from Doppleganers


Current DTP: 30

Generation: 12 [3 PC + 1 Clear Society Member + 6 For Heading "The North" + 1 Sr Red Society Membership +1 Honorary Board Member 3 Universities]

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 46

Generation: 7 [3 PC+2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +1 Cloud Kingdom Ambassador]

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 48

Generation: 13 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +6 Acting Head of House Segglestaff+1 Acting Head of 3rd Ether Branch]

One Shot: Generation of NPC [+10] + RPG from Dopplegangers [+10] + Journal Entry [+5]


Current DTP: 39

Generation: 0

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 0

Generation: 3 [PC 3]

Section IV

1 DTP to Invest/Expand Party Assets, 1 DTP to Expand Strength/Fortification of Assets, 1 DTP to Leverage an Asset or Asset Group, 1 DTP to Cultivate/Train an Asset, 1 DTP to Leverage a Contact, 1 DTP to Cultivate a Contact

Followers via Feat do not count DTP and may spend up to 2 weeks of time directed by turn email.

Party Assets:

The Castledown Inn - 100% ownership (Gifted to them by the Doge)

Party Income: 20000GP in Gold per month

103000 in Gold

Zanzibar the Carpet (deployed permanently to M.)

Library of the Lich (+5 on all knowledge actions whilst performing a DTP action, plus other elements. Worth 200000gp if sold)

10 Staff (from each branch) serve as contacts (deployed to Martel but usable by all)

5th Tower in the Vermilion Citadel (well secured)

5th Element Major Status

Titles of Nobility on Sosori Lands: Produces 2000 GP a month each.

Order of the Silver Conch Feat: +4 on all Diplomacy Checks with Kelpian and other entities who speak Aquan or Merman as their native tounge and are aware of the title. Also magically conveys the ability to speak Aquan.

Titles of Nobility in Aquan Lands: Produces 5000 GP a month each.

Unexamined Treasure of Dead Iron Horse Gang Members

Section 5

Green, Martel and Auranos may spend 1 DTP to Redeploy 1 asset, +1 Cost for Redeployed Asset [Must Justify], 1+ to Lobby Senate for Asset Creation

Bjorn may attempt to do so through the Red Society but at a cost of 4 via indirect military power.

Inglemian Military Deployments


First Legion - Inglemia

Second Legion - Inglemia

Third Legion - Iosport

Fourth Legion - Charport

Fifth Legion - Clockport

Sixth Legion - Blueport

Seventh Legion - Perport

Eigth Legion - Norport


First Block: The Node

Second Block: The Node

Third Block: The Node

Fourth Block: The Node

Fifth Block: University Collaboration

Sixth Block: Northern Rapid Road Network

Seventh Block: Southern Rapid Road Network


First Fleet: Inglemia

Second Fleet: Inglemia

Third Fleet: Proport (Repairing, 2/3rd Strength)

Fourth Fleet: Charport

Fifth Fleet: Iosport

Sixth Fleet: Blueport

Seventh Fleet: Perport


First Recon - Kelp

Second Recon - Kelp

Third Recon - Madlands

Fourth Recon - Charport

Fifth Recon - Protport

First Deep - Iosal

Second Deep - Shard


First Brevet - Earth

Second Brevet - Earth

Third Brevet - Ravenloft

Fourth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Fifth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Sixth Brevet - Eberron (Spying)

Seveth Brevet - Toril (Spying) (Incommunicado for 2 Months)

Inglemian Projects:

Eighth Airfleet (4 months)

Ninth Airfleet (4 months)

Tenth Airfleet (4 months)

Fortified Mirrortube Network (3 months)

Ether Academy and Increased Funding (2 months)

Eighth Fire Legion (1 months)

Ninth Fire Legion (1 months)

Tenth Fire Legion (1 months)

Eleventh Fire Legion (1 months)

Eighth Earth Core (3 months)

Ninth Earth Core (4 months)

Tenth Earth Core (3 months)

Revised Constitution (5 months)

Section 6 - Constitutional Convention

1 DTP to receive more details/investigate a faction, 1 DTP To Boost or Lower a Factions Political, Economic or Intruige Power; 1 DTP To Leverage a Major Issue +/-, 1 DTP to place a new issue before the Council

Current Factions

Ohigattan - Economic: 5 Political: 5 Intruige: 5

Yontor - Economic: 2 Political: 6 Intruige: 3

Sosori - Economic: 4 Political: 10 Intruige: 7

Segglestaff - Economic: 7 Political: 2 Intruige: 6

BluePort - Economic: 5 Political: 5 Intruige: 1

NorthPort - Economic: 1 Political: 1 Intruige: 2

CharPort - Economic: 2 Political: 3 Intruige: 2

ProtPort - Economic: 1 Political: 4 Intruige: 4

External Relevant Factions

Protectorate - Economic: 1 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Kelp - Economic: 9 Political: 5 Intruige: 9

Invisible Consortium - Economic: 10 Political: 1 Intruige: 9

Eberron - Economic: 5 Political: 0 Intruige: 3

Imperium - Economic: 6 Political: 0 Intruige: 7

The Shard - Economic: 4 Political: 1 Intruige: 5

The Issues [Abstracted]: Where each item looks to be in the current version of the constitution

Nobility: 5

Citizenry: 5

Power of the Doge: 2

Power of the Senate: 5

Cantons: 3

Inglemia: 9

Ing Allies: 1

Trade Network: 5

Merchants: 7

Military: 6

Section IV - Misc

Individual Items will be Sent to each of you tomorrow. This section will also include random things I want to put here that don't go anywhere else (none yet) as well as individual elements for each character that you want to make or become public knowledge (none yet).

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