Tuesday, September 24, 2013

[Inglemia] 5 Element Majors - Final

Attending: Martel - Greg

The Inglemian Constitutional Convention finally happened.  Martel was able to negotiate a lot of good will and get the factions to hold it in Inglemia.  There were five Noble House factions, Sosori, Yontor, Ohigattan, Segglestaff and Lamplighter, and four Canton factions, Northport, Charport, Blueport and Perport.  In the end, this is what they came up with (summary)

Article I: The Dogeship remains intact as does the Inglemian senate.  The Doge commands the military and is the "head of state" of each Canton.
Article II: The senate retains its powers and privileges.  The Cantons now form a conclave of which 2/3rds can remove the Doge, but must also sacrifice their seats.  The replacement Doge (of the same house selected by the Senate) selects the new members of the Conclave.
Article III: Nobles from each house get 1% of the land of each Canton of their choice.  Anything more than this retained by them is up to the House and the Canton.  The houses retain their holdings in the trade network and can issue licences, which means those Cantons wanting access to the trade network would do well to work with the houses.
Article IV: The rights and priviledges of Inglemian citizens will be extended to all Canton citizens within the Inglemian Republic, but pure citizens must still earn that right by service in the military.
Article V: Courts.  Inglemian nobles are still tried in Senate court.  Military members are tried in military courts.  Commoners and citizens are tried in Canton > Conclave > Gendremain courts, with the Gendremain still selected by the citizens at large of Inglemia.

Other things of note: Their mission (unknowingly) completed) the tattoos of the 5 element majors vanish, save the third which allowed them to communicate.  Martel retained his item summoning tattoo as well.

Bjorn has secured the North for the most part.  It is still quite wild and will require a lot of work but it and his heirs have a legacy.

Auronos was able to find his mother and kill the bastard who killed his father and sold her into slavery.  With his remaining influence, he was able to get the Cloud Kingdom to leave the Elven Alliance and sign a treaty with Inglemia.

Mr. Green's activities are unknown, but they are large, and growing larger.

Enchante is still a statue in the Doge's warehouse.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

[Ingemia] Five Element Majors and Disposable

The expendable scouts for Ether examined the ruins carefully and after some experimentation found a machine capable of opening a massive gate to the inner planes; including the negative material plane to create undead, or the positive material plane to either heal or ressurrect.  Word of their report leaked out and soon a massive army of undead had laid the area under seige.  They used the Resurrection Machine to protect themselves but knew it was only a matter of time.   A massive Ether army as well as House Ohigattan troops also showed up, but something was attacking the Ether forward base.

After defeating a large amount of undead, the group finally set the machine to destroy itself, while teleporting out at just the last minute.  Red was killed but Pike and Sunya managed to get out just in time.  In order to avoid ruining an asset, the group was quickly moved through a portal back to Inglemia proper but Sunya had done her job and alerted Mr. Green.

The Five Element Majors showed up at Graveyard, having traveled by SpellJamming since the plane of mirrors had been blocked off magically.  They immediately scanned the area and saw four armies converging on the remains of the Resurrection Machine, an army undead lead by a masked Ohigattan Necromancer, an army of the native undead, Beholders, and a huge force of Trogers from Kiridon.  The group used the experimental teleporter to land.  Upon quick examination, they used the pyramid to send it back to Inglemia and instructed Earth to pick it up.  Then they were attacked by a major force of undead.  While not heavily wounded, the group faced a greater challenge than they ever had before and bled severely.  Auranos and the arrival of the strange marked one from Sigil heralded major casualities, with Green focusing on the Vampire Lords.  Martel attempted to deal with the Trogers and was successful to a degree but they would not see reason.  He had more luck in disorganizing the assaulting hoards of undead.

In the end, the group retreated after having done major damage to the undead, and killed the Ohigattan necromancer.  The Trogers retreated on their own to parts unknown.  Attempts to track the contingined soul of the mage by Mr. Green led to a race back to Inglemia to find who he was and stop him.

[Inglemia] Right Bastards - Battle of Inglemia

Summarized by Andrew here and here.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

[Grynn] There was a mighty duel

The group got to Candlekeep with no incident.  They ran into Skreg (spelled backwards) who joined them on the way to candle keep.  Then they ran into two people arguing about a map.  Evard the mage was cursed to never sleep and joined the party.  Then they were warned by Ulshania (spelled backwards) who was riding a copper dragon about a giant blue dragon.  Then they were warned by Spurdike Sprondike on a giant blue dragon about a giant Emerald dragon.  They all went to get the map to candlekeep.

A hoard of monsters threatened the party.  Mira said, "To hell with this" and dimension doored around them.  She told everyone to attack the emerald dragon.  Tock was reluctant since he thought the dragon could be reasoned with.  Ultimately he attacked out of loyalty to the party which turned out to be correct because it was insane.  He slew the dragon with his blade but reality was distorted somewhat and the result was questionable.

The group split the dragon's treasure but left Tock with a sense of forboding doom on the distortion of reality.  They returned to the tower where they had originally appeared since there was a portal there to Shadow and thus to Grynn.

Friday, March 22, 2013

[Inglemia] Five Element Majors - March News

[Seven Sections, in Order of Which You Might Care About Them]

Section 1

Headlines - [Cost a DTP to investigate]

Convention amicable, slow to progress. Deligates extend time vow to forge meaningful peace. Some factins becoming agitated.

Corrigan Flint assasinated. Hostile son heir to throne.

More Fourth Runes discovered, new products being created, Inglemian economy expected to soar.

The Perfect Dominion and the Charred Lands are now at war.

Undying Court forms alliance with Iosal. Defense treaty pending.

Verbal Sosori, son who favors Segglestaff faction, current leading candidate for heir.

Inquiry into the Sarah Dark resolves peacefully, abliet with lingering questions.

Formal committee to discuss how to create Plasma created.

Inquisition into Segglestaff activities reveal most offense crimes imaginable. Trials set to begin soon.

Tax revenues up as economy soars. Many are calling for increased expansion of Inglemian interests.

Three more worlds cut off from communication in outer ring. Some trade ships going missing.

Bjorn Ogreshaft secures leadership of the capital in the North, facing armed insurrection from some tribes.

The Red Society and Violet Society disagree on Exposure of Military Secrets. Public debates held.

Civil war occuring in Madlands. Half of each race taking sides. Mass casualties.

The Gendremain report a drastic increase in magical crimes infecting the city.

Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Fire legions completed. Cantons and senators are fighting for deployment or even whether the current military expansion is now needed.

Section II

Rumors - 1 DTP To Generate More For Next Cycle, 1 DTP to Push Towards True or Not True, 1 DTP to Investigate each

The Mountain Kingdom is approaching the Undying Court for an alliance

Fingolde University believes it can recreate the Eberon science of Artifice

Bluebridge has left the Blueport faction for the Northport Faction in the Constitutional Negotiations.

House Antigan is in flagrant violation of the Construct protocols and constructing a huge number of greater undead.

The lucky Blue Spider comet has been spotted in the skies, which only appears once in a generation.

The dragons and giants of the far continent are considering an invasion of the North while they are divided.

Charbridge has discovered a large cluth of hidden dragon eggs and has begun experiments.

Ohigattan is talking with the Invisible Consortium.

A frozen ship of an unusual nature has been discovered among the most isolated of ruins in the north. It is of a most curious design.

Section III

The Party


Ace - Mr. Green

Current DTP: 33

Generation: 8 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major + 1 Clear Society Member + 2 For "X"]


Current DTP: 32

Generation: 12 [3 PC + 1 Clear Society Member + 6 For Ruling "The North" + 1 Sr Red Society Membership +1 Honorary Board Member 3 Universities]


Current DTP: 53

Generation: 7 [3 PC+2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +1 Cloud Kingdom Ambassador]


Current DTP: 38

Generation: 13 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +6 Acting Head of House Segglestaff+1 Acting Head of 3rd Ether Branch]


Current DTP: 39

Generation: 0


Current DTP: 3

Generation: 3 [PC 3]

Section IV

1 DTP to Invest/Expand Party Assets, 1 DTP to Expand Strength/Fortification of Assets, 1 DTP to Leverage an Asset or Asset Group, 1 DTP to Cultivate/Train an Asset, 1 DTP to Leverage a Contact, 1 DTP to Cultivate a Contact

Followers via Feat do not count DTP and may spend up to 2 weeks of time directed by turn email.

Party Assets:

The Castledown Inn - 100% ownership (Gifted to them by the Doge)

Party Income: 20000GP in Gold per month

123000 in Gold

Zanzibar the Carpet (deployed permanently to M.)

Library of the Lich (+5 on all knowledge actions whilst performing a DTP action, plus other elements. Worth 200000gp if sold)

10 Staff (from each branch) serve as contacts (deployed to Martel but usable by all)

5th Tower in the Vermilion Citadel (well secured)

5th Element Major Status [Not Bjorn]

Titles of Nobility on Sosori Lands: Produces 2000 GP a month each. [4000 in individual accounts]

Order of the Silver Conch Feat: +4 on all Diplomacy Checks with Kelpian and other entities who speak Aquan or Merman as their native tounge and are aware of the title. Also magically conveys the ability to speak Aquan.

Titles of Nobility in Aquan Lands: Produces 5000 GP a month each. [10000 in individual accounts]

Unexamined Treasure of Dead Iron Horse Gang Members

Section 5

Green, Martel and Auranos may spend 1 DTP to Redeploy 1 asset, +1 Cost for Redeployed Asset [Must Justify], 1+ to Lobby Senate for Asset Creation

Bjorn may attempt to do so through the Red Society but at a cost of 4 via military contracts.

Inglemian Military Deployments


First Legion - Inglemia

Second Legion - Inglemia

Third Legion - Iosport

Fourth Legion - Charport

Fifth Legion - Clockport

Sixth Legion - Blueport

Seventh Legion - Perport

Eigth Legion - Norport


First Block: The Node

Second Block: The Node

Third Block: The Node

Fourth Block: The Node

Fifth Block: University Collaboration

Sixth Block: Northern Rapid Road Network

Seventh Block: Southern Rapid Road Network


First Fleet: Inglemia

Second Fleet: Inglemia

Third Fleet: Proport (Very Friendly towards Party)

Fourth Fleet: Charport

Fifth Fleet: Iosport

Sixth Fleet: Blueport

Seventh Fleet: Perport


First Recon - Kelp

Second Recon - Kelp

Third Recon - Madlands

Fourth Recon - Charport

Fifth Recon - Protport

First Deep - Iosal

Second Deep - Shard


First Brevet - Earth

Second Brevet - Earth

Third Brevet - Ravenloft

Fourth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Fifth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Sixth Brevet - Eberron (Spying)

Seveth Brevet - Toril (Spying) (Incommunicado for 2 Months)

Inglemian Projects:

Eighth Airfleet (3 months)

Ninth Airfleet (3 months)

Tenth Airfleet (3 months)

Fortified Mirrortube Network (3 months)

Ether Academy and Increased Funding (1 months)

Eighth Earth Core (2 months)

Ninth Earth Core (2 months)

Tenth Earth Core (2 months)

Revised Constitution (4 months)

Section 6 - Constitutional Convention

1 DTP to receive more details/investigate a faction, 1 DTP To Boost or Lower a Factions Political, Economic or Intruige Power; 1 DTP To Leverage a Major Issue +/-, 1 DTP to place a new issue before the Council

Current Factions

Ohigattan - Economic: 6 Political: 5 Intruige: 6

Yontor - Economic: 2 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Sosori - Economic: 4 Political: 11 Intruige: 7

Segglestaff - Economic: 8 Political: 1 Intruige: 7

BluePort - Economic: 5 Political: 4 Intruige: 1

NorthPort - Economic: 1 Political: 1 Intruige: 3

CharPort - Economic: 2 Political: 3 Intruige: 2

ProtPort - Economic: 1 Political: 4 Intruige: 4

External Relevant Factions

Protectorate - Economic: 1 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Kelp - Economic: 9 Political: 6 Intruige: 10

Invisible Consortium - Economic: 11 Political: 2 Intruige: 10

Eberron - Economic: 6 Political: -1 Intruige: 5

Imperium - Economic: 6 Political: 0 Intruige: 7

The Shard - Economic: 6 Political: 2 Intruige: 6

The Issues [Abstracted]: Where each item looks to be in the current version of the constitution

Nobility: 6

Citizenry: 5

Power of the Doge: 4

Power of the Senate: 6

Cantons: 4

Inglemia: 10

Ing Allies: 1

Trade Network: 6

Merchants: 9

Military: 5

Section IV - Misc

Individual Items will be Sent to each of you tomorrow. This section will also include random things I want to put here that don't go anywhere else (none yet) as well as individual elements for each character that you want to make or become public knowledge (none yet).

*A large number of false identities are being estbalished through the 5 Element Major water office.

Friday, March 15, 2013

[Grynn] The Radiant Society - New Friends, New Enemies, New World

The group said goodbye to Lantan.  Tock left his psi crystal with his cohort, Zoosk the gnome, so he could guide the gnomes of Lantan while he was away.  The group went through the portal, where the psi web still stood guard and caused everyone to experience the shared fears of the group.   Then they went through the portal and arrived at Allelithong.

The group went directly to the dragon slayer school there they met Scrondike and Trinity.  The group told them about their goals and travels.  Things went mostly well but Void (one of the three members of who was Trinity), was upset at the Hourons for having harmed her people (the Fierons).  She did give Tock the benefit of the doubt but only barely.

Trinity taught Calwen some magic, and they made several items and gave several items to the party.  Among the items given to Tock included a magic Volcano blade, a tiny fireball grenade, a set of elven chain (from Calwen), a crystal that would help him learn a psi ability when he was powerful enough, and several others.  Void also gave him a bit of Tyche's blood.  Tock drank it and nearly died but, upon surviving became stronger, faster, smarter and more adept at combat.

Once the group was reequipped and rearmed, they were ready to teleport to Northending in Corymr (Mira's HQ) but the Queen of Wands and the former Halruan Mages (Snidely Whiplash) snagged them mid teleport in an ambush.  After much speechifying against the Party, Mira pulled out a bomb which was highly destructive...and destroyed the microplane.  The party escaped alive...but were in Nyrg.

Nyrg was like Grynn but oppposite in many ways.  The goodly wizard of Thay the lady Spindle owned the tower.  The party just pretended it was a teleport accident rather than leaving Grynn.  They cleaned up and went out into the town to buy some supplies.  They also were going to commision a ship to leave.

In this world, the war wizards of Corymr were evil and invading Allelithong, and the party got out in time just in time on a ship.  The crew was going to demand that the party perform for them (again calling themselves the Joker's Wild for cover) but Tock had a promonition of danger.  Mira and Calwen slept with the Pirates while Tock and Belvin secured a long boat.

They ran into the same mages that were trying to kill them before, but this time the Party ambushed them.  Calwen threw up hallucinatory terrain and Belvin used a blade barrier ring given them by Trinity.  A fight ensured and the party (primarily Mira and Tock) used the blade barrier to tactical advantage by pushing wizards into the swirling blades.  Calwen cast several potent spells and  Belvin shot several deadly arrows.  Upon defeating the villains, the party took their stuff and sailed onward towards Candlekeep which wasn't kept in lock by an insane dragon in this world.

Friday, March 1, 2013

[Inglemia] - Right Bastards - From the Journal of Glythbaad Sslurr [by Bill Bridges]

From the The Journal of Glythbaad Sslurr

I have discovered yet another unfortunate aspect to the existential dilemma of, as they say, “being human”: toothpicks.

The human anatomy lacks the elegant, widely spaced, serrated teeth of higher lifeforms. Human teeth are dull and crammed together, more for mashing plant matter than piercing flesh. As a consequence, gray matter tends to get caught between molars, necessitating use of a… toothpick.

I of course purchased a fine ivory one, rather than settle for the common, disposable wooden variety used by most humans. After some awkward moments I finally figured out how to implement it and successfully extracted the now-rotting piece of goblin brain from between my teeth.

Goblin brain is not really a delicacy, but insane goblin brain – well, now that is a nice treat. All forms of insanity add different degrees of taste to the brains they inflict. I believe the proper metaphor here would be “marination.” Yes, insanity marinates a brain. The longer the affliction, the more tender the mind.

These goblins were relatively new to their insanity. I don’t know what drove their reasoning faculties askew and I didn’t really care. They had invaded a district of town where they were proving to be a nuisance. Nobody would miss them if they disappeared from the streets. And certainly nobody would object to me “studying” their brains to “better understand” their insanity so that its causes can be predicted (and so recreated at will, for culinary purposes).

My goblin hunt commenced at night. Their minds were easy to detect, not just because most residents were asleep at that hour but because their madness proved rather loud telepathically, akin to the banshee-like howl of someone playing the bagpipes. I quickly tracked a number of them and followed by levitating above (they were so focused on chasing urchins that never thought to look up).

When I felt they were sufficiently removed from the earshot of a constable, I prepared to lash their fragile minds into mush. But then I had a rather somber thought: Why be so direct and quick? When, oh Glythbaad, had you stopped playing with your food? I had, of late, failed to indulge in the finer things of life, and although these goblins hardly counted, they could at least afford a taste of cat-and-mouse.

I listened intently to their insane chattering and slowly, here and there, introduced compulsions into the noise that, one by one, turned goblin against goblin. What fun!

I did, however, have to cut the melee short when one goblin bashed out the brains of another, spoiling my coming feast. I somewhat wistfully destroyed their minds, all without them ever knowing what was happening to them. I then glided down and, with the aid of a knife and telekinesis, extracted their brains. Sitting on a nearby crate, I chewed slowly, savoring the taste. They lacked the bite of a hobgoblin brain, but there were certainly sweeter – there’s a reason Illithid’s refer to it as “goblin fruit”. A good desert for my exertions.

My reverie was broken by the screams of a prostitute and her “John,” who had sought to use the back alley for a tryst. I tried to explain that I was only putting an end to a public menace, but my mouth was still full of brains. Not having yet fully mastered the use of the human speech apparatus, I could only mumble as cerebrospinal fluid ran down my chin. The look of horror on their faces made me hungry again, but I was full and had to watch my synaptic calories lest I put on cranial weight. (Although, perhaps this does not occur in human frames. I am told fat goes to the belly.)

I took to the air and headed home. I became plagued by the piece of brain between my teeth, necessitating my stopping off at a night market and acquiring my fine ivory toothpick. It came with a nice velvet carrying case, so I can practice proper hygiene after my next feast afield.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

[Inglemia] Right Bastards - Something Fishy Going On

Hobbes had a friend named Mira who had once been friends with the daughter of the ambassador from Kelp. The girl had been kidnapped. Hobbes decided to ask the others to help save her. The group agreed.

Wreckles noted that he had a spell that could find the princess (45th removed from the throne but still a princess nevertheless) (Princess Persphone [insert 45 rediculous titles here] de Kelp) but it would work best if he had a focus of someone who knew her. Hobbes was rather uncool of casting spells on a small child, but was busy later out looking for clues when Virgil, who helped keep her calm and Wreckles used ritual magic aboard the Sarah Dark (teleported there in an instant by Glythbad), found a link and briefly established a telepathic link.

They learned that the girl was afraid because her father wasn't paying the ransom that the renegade prince was demanding. The prince had been thwarted earlier in his attempts to ransom the inglemian city of blue port, and much as Ambassador Setu loved his daughter, he could ill afford to have her used to weaken the already tenuous grip that the Empress had on the crown.

Glythbad did some research of his own and found out that House Rotorsh had done the wards, and that there was a short list of those who could have put them up. Within a day he would have a shorter list. Hobbes, meanwhile, outraged about what had happened, raced to the ship, leapt on board, only to find out that Mira was fine and having tea with Virgil. He knew they had all been up to something but had no proof, and more importantly, nothing to hit, which frustrated him to no end. But, they now had a location to go to. Glythbad used his connections as a newly made Syndicate owner in the Invisible Consortium to gain to contractors, Barion Myts, knowledable about Kelp and a lot of other local lore, and Jorian Drake...military liason. (After many hidous puns involving ducks....) the group arrived at the capital city of Kelp, home of the Pearl Throne almost 2000 miles away. The ship remained well hidden.

Wreckles did some research by talking to the local fish and found the owner right away. It turned out that the renegated prince was using the local Crab people for minions. The group waited and looked for an in, and when the head of the house went out in his carriage, mind controlled him into helping them get past all the insane wards that Rotorsh had set up. The guards were easily dispatched. They found Jira Rotorsh, professor from Fingolde university, magic jarred and trapped inside, and freed her through a combination of Glythbad's psionics and Angus's artificing. At this point, she instantly took the wards down and they rescued Princess Persophone. Lady Rotorsh took care of herself.

Her grateful father assured them that they had Kelp's gratitude, and asked if they needed anything, to just ask.

[Inglemia] Missing Heroes - Session 1

Phoebe (Charmed) - Helen

Baltazar (Charmed) - Wayne

Willow (Buffy) - Julia

Phoebe had noticed her sisters missing for a week. Willow had noticed the other Scoobies missing as well. Upon casting powerful spells to discover what was going wrong, they went through a mirror near where they cast the spell and ended up in an antechamber in a room made of mirrors with two doors on either side, and on the other sides the reflections of where they had come from. After a brief initial bit of tension, they introduced themselves and realized they were all in the same plight, and agreed to help each other find their friends.

Willow cast a direction spell which produced a small white light, that they followed through one of the doors towards their friends. They entered a long corridor also made of mirrors. As they did, they saw reflections all around them of every kind and description from many different worlds. As they passed by, they noticed a strange victorian house that had Piper's glasses in it. But they kept following the white light. They also passed a high school gym which had Buffy's vampire slaying kit. The white light kept leading them toward the door. Phoebe had a premonition of them entering through the door and saw Willow plunging horribly to her death and being impaled on a spike. Upon review, she realized she had never given instructions towards the little ball of light (ie a Will'O'Wisp) beyond, "Take us to our friends." Baltazar fixed this problem by using his skills as a DA to create a legally binding set of instructions that made the Will'O'Wisp's head hurt. It cried uncle and lead them back towards the mirror with Phoebe's glasses. Upon entering the house, they found themselves in early 19th century London where the woman Mrs. Darcy was crying about being unable to find her husband. At first, they just sort of blabbed all of everything and Mrs. Darcy fainted until it turned out Phoebe had a premonition not to do that. They said they had been sent to investigate his disappearance instead. Upon investigating his letters, it turned out that he had been working as a front agent for a great deal of money for someone who simply wanted freight moved and obtained quietly and paid in gold. He also had been missing a week.

They investigated the Habadashery Mr. Darcy had gone to to receive payment from these patrons, only to find it contained a magic mirror to some as yet unknown office. A wizard of some sort pulled a wand and shot Phoebe with a lightning bolt. Oh wait, no, that didn't happen (premonition) and instead she took the wand in hand, and obliterated the skeletons and wizard. Baltazar leapt right in behind her and put up a force field to protect them and sealed the way behind them. Then he broke the mirror to keep them from following.
Meanwhile, Willow searched the unconcious owner of the shop and found another wand and a small pouch. Upon examining the pouch she found a stone that translated the book before her when she held it about a place called, "Inglemia." Turning to the right page (as Willow is wont to do) they found an entry about a Mirror King who had a dark and terrible palace and learned of his weaknesses. Phoebe had a premonition that he was indeed holding their friends...

And we ended on a cliff hanger...duhn duhn duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhn!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

[Grynn] Tock makes a Gazebo, a Portal and a Guild.

[Note: The greater details of these can be found on Grady's meeting notes on the Briarpatch website]

The group attended an Oath of Liegies in which a bunch of really powerful people did minor things of great consequence. They started with celebrating the return of a dwarvish sword by elves, but explained that this would not be sufficient to undo all the dwarves had suffered...but it would be a nice start, and the elf they liked who had helped them not die as they fled Myth Dranor and had lived with them for thousands of years could come back and be their pal again.

Instead, the dwarves argued, it was required that Scornuble(sp?) the Psyhotic Dragon of....some place the dwarves wanted to live...be slain. The elves agreed. Everyone agreed. Ulshania also verified that the sword was the right sword. She also presented a bill for items removed from her near carcass after her first and subsequent murder attempts. Mira, in a show of Largess, did not return the items liberated from Ulshania, but did pay her THOUSANDS of gold coins in front of lots of people. Most of the reputations in the group increased.

Then the Oath started to list Things That Needed Doing. Most of which, the group said no thanks to. A few notes were taken about potential future things to do, but since the two lead plans on taking out the dragon involve retrieving uber powerful weapons or retrieving a dragon orb in the underdark, action at this time was tabled. At that point, that was about to be the end of things, when Mira summoned the dragon who had allowed Scornuble to not die (disintigrating the weapon that was going to kill it) and a discussion ensued. It was shown that there are indeed two sides to every story, and this just dragon that had moved on to the next life as an Avatar of Justice...sacrificed his own life in order to use his left over dragon parts to be made into a weapon the council was seeking. No more plans were set after that.

Tock was officially made into a Lord of 10 square feet of lantan...but he was a lord.

There were many funerals for the dead dragon.

Then the group went back to Sunhome where they freed Belvin from the frame job he had gone under. While Mira and Belvin were recovering from it all, Tock and Calwen came up with a plan to get them to Lantan and the portal that would take them to the dragon academy Tock had told them about but been unable to attend due to the yank of Random Accidently. Tock came up with an elaborate ritual and Calwen provided the chaylite and the magical mojo. It worked.

There was now a portal between a hidden cave near the mouth of gods and Lantan....right in Creed's front lawn. Tock realized this might be bad, so he founded a Scrivner's guild and raised a gazeebo over it so no one was the wiser. Turned out it was the 10 square feet he was also the lord of.

Calwen had a deck of Awesome and Terrible stuff he wanted to try out. He got a house out of the deal. Tock tried it and got a stat boost (major), something bad he doesn't know what it is, and an enemy and a temporary friend. Net negative but the stat boost was nice. He also gained in power and stature after taking the soul damage from making the portal, and became a more powerful Timelord. Zook, a scrivner and sailor, determned that Tock was a good person to learn from, and joined the group.

Tock began considering disolving the guild or stepping down as guild master once it looked like a beuracratic nightmare and he hadn't set up a two way communication back to Lantan yet.

Time will tell whether or not it is a good idea...

Friday, February 15, 2013

[Inglemia] 5 Element Majors - Feb News

[Seven Sections, in Order of Which You Might Care About Them]

Section 1

Headlines - [Cost a DTP to investigate]

Constitutional Convention Begins, Five Element Majors Save the Doge

Corrigan Flint becomes head of Mountain Kingdoms.

Fourth Level Self Replicating Rune Level Discovered!

War of Five Gods Ruled Officially Over - All's Quiet On The Ether Front

Ring of Xarthac Officially Disbands

Diplomatic Row Between Elven Coalition and Ingleima Heats Up, Sharn cancels Knowledge Sharing Treaty

No Clear Leader As Heir For the Doge

Martel Martavious Recovers IRS Sarah Dark - Heirs of the Dead Demanding Answers

Should there be a Sixth Branch of the Military? Is Plasma Worth It?

What Was Segglestaff Hiding?

Trade is Booming!

Melnibone and Boomerange Officially Cut Off From Contact in the Outer Ring

Bjorn Ogreshaft becomes King of the North, loses ranks in Inglemian Military

Section II

Rumors - 1 DTP To Generate More For Next Cycle, 1 DTP to Push Towards True or Not True, 1 DTP to Investigate each

The Red Society and the Violet Society are engaged in a shadow war about something

The Invisible Consortium has been holding secret talks with the Shard

High level councils of the Gnomes, Halflings and Goblins in the Madlands have reached an accord

A Mass Breakout from Ravenloft is occuring somewhere in the Inner Trade Ring

An Ancient Gold Dragon on the Far Continent is gathering a flight of Dragons to take on Char

A new underworld organization is challenging the invisible consortium for dominance of certain sections of the underworld streets

The City of Brass and the City of Doors are forming a league to counter Inglemia

Section III

The Party


Ace - Mr. Green

Current DTP: 35

Generation: 7 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major + 1 Clear Society Member + 1 For "X"]

One Shot: +5 For Illustration + 10 for RP from Doppleganers


Current DTP: 30

Generation: 12 [3 PC + 1 Clear Society Member + 6 For Heading "The North" + 1 Sr Red Society Membership +1 Honorary Board Member 3 Universities]

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 46

Generation: 7 [3 PC+2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +1 Cloud Kingdom Ambassador]

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 48

Generation: 13 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +6 Acting Head of House Segglestaff+1 Acting Head of 3rd Ether Branch]

One Shot: Generation of NPC [+10] + RPG from Dopplegangers [+10] + Journal Entry [+5]


Current DTP: 39

Generation: 0

Oneshot: +10 from RP from Dopplegangers


Current DTP: 0

Generation: 3 [PC 3]

Section IV

1 DTP to Invest/Expand Party Assets, 1 DTP to Expand Strength/Fortification of Assets, 1 DTP to Leverage an Asset or Asset Group, 1 DTP to Cultivate/Train an Asset, 1 DTP to Leverage a Contact, 1 DTP to Cultivate a Contact

Followers via Feat do not count DTP and may spend up to 2 weeks of time directed by turn email.

Party Assets:

The Castledown Inn - 100% ownership (Gifted to them by the Doge)

Party Income: 20000GP in Gold per month

103000 in Gold

Zanzibar the Carpet (deployed permanently to M.)

Library of the Lich (+5 on all knowledge actions whilst performing a DTP action, plus other elements. Worth 200000gp if sold)

10 Staff (from each branch) serve as contacts (deployed to Martel but usable by all)

5th Tower in the Vermilion Citadel (well secured)

5th Element Major Status

Titles of Nobility on Sosori Lands: Produces 2000 GP a month each.

Order of the Silver Conch Feat: +4 on all Diplomacy Checks with Kelpian and other entities who speak Aquan or Merman as their native tounge and are aware of the title. Also magically conveys the ability to speak Aquan.

Titles of Nobility in Aquan Lands: Produces 5000 GP a month each.

Unexamined Treasure of Dead Iron Horse Gang Members

Section 5

Green, Martel and Auranos may spend 1 DTP to Redeploy 1 asset, +1 Cost for Redeployed Asset [Must Justify], 1+ to Lobby Senate for Asset Creation

Bjorn may attempt to do so through the Red Society but at a cost of 4 via indirect military power.

Inglemian Military Deployments


First Legion - Inglemia

Second Legion - Inglemia

Third Legion - Iosport

Fourth Legion - Charport

Fifth Legion - Clockport

Sixth Legion - Blueport

Seventh Legion - Perport

Eigth Legion - Norport


First Block: The Node

Second Block: The Node

Third Block: The Node

Fourth Block: The Node

Fifth Block: University Collaboration

Sixth Block: Northern Rapid Road Network

Seventh Block: Southern Rapid Road Network


First Fleet: Inglemia

Second Fleet: Inglemia

Third Fleet: Proport (Repairing, 2/3rd Strength)

Fourth Fleet: Charport

Fifth Fleet: Iosport

Sixth Fleet: Blueport

Seventh Fleet: Perport


First Recon - Kelp

Second Recon - Kelp

Third Recon - Madlands

Fourth Recon - Charport

Fifth Recon - Protport

First Deep - Iosal

Second Deep - Shard


First Brevet - Earth

Second Brevet - Earth

Third Brevet - Ravenloft

Fourth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Fifth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Sixth Brevet - Eberron (Spying)

Seveth Brevet - Toril (Spying) (Incommunicado for 2 Months)

Inglemian Projects:

Eighth Airfleet (4 months)

Ninth Airfleet (4 months)

Tenth Airfleet (4 months)

Fortified Mirrortube Network (3 months)

Ether Academy and Increased Funding (2 months)

Eighth Fire Legion (1 months)

Ninth Fire Legion (1 months)

Tenth Fire Legion (1 months)

Eleventh Fire Legion (1 months)

Eighth Earth Core (3 months)

Ninth Earth Core (4 months)

Tenth Earth Core (3 months)

Revised Constitution (5 months)

Section 6 - Constitutional Convention

1 DTP to receive more details/investigate a faction, 1 DTP To Boost or Lower a Factions Political, Economic or Intruige Power; 1 DTP To Leverage a Major Issue +/-, 1 DTP to place a new issue before the Council

Current Factions

Ohigattan - Economic: 5 Political: 5 Intruige: 5

Yontor - Economic: 2 Political: 6 Intruige: 3

Sosori - Economic: 4 Political: 10 Intruige: 7

Segglestaff - Economic: 7 Political: 2 Intruige: 6

BluePort - Economic: 5 Political: 5 Intruige: 1

NorthPort - Economic: 1 Political: 1 Intruige: 2

CharPort - Economic: 2 Political: 3 Intruige: 2

ProtPort - Economic: 1 Political: 4 Intruige: 4

External Relevant Factions

Protectorate - Economic: 1 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Kelp - Economic: 9 Political: 5 Intruige: 9

Invisible Consortium - Economic: 10 Political: 1 Intruige: 9

Eberron - Economic: 5 Political: 0 Intruige: 3

Imperium - Economic: 6 Political: 0 Intruige: 7

The Shard - Economic: 4 Political: 1 Intruige: 5

The Issues [Abstracted]: Where each item looks to be in the current version of the constitution

Nobility: 5

Citizenry: 5

Power of the Doge: 2

Power of the Senate: 5

Cantons: 3

Inglemia: 9

Ing Allies: 1

Trade Network: 5

Merchants: 7

Military: 6

Section IV - Misc

Individual Items will be Sent to each of you tomorrow. This section will also include random things I want to put here that don't go anywhere else (none yet) as well as individual elements for each character that you want to make or become public knowledge (none yet).

Sunday, February 3, 2013

[Inglemia] Right Bastards: A Matter of Some Urgency (Part 1 of 3)

Andrew reviews this for me....and also spells character names correctly.


Thursday, January 31, 2013

[Inglemia] Five Element Majors - Cut Scene

Cut Scene

In the middle of the night, deep in a hidden chamber of the Castledown Inn, known to the owners only as a 'backup security room' and upon investigation found to be largely featureless....six torches light up in the darkness. Voices eminate from within.

"They have succeeded..." a bright white flame flickered in the darkness.

The green flame disagreed, "No. They have nearly disrupted the first blitzkreig but the enemy now arranges them in sequential order."

"Worse..." the Orange said, "There are fluctations. There is a critical impass coming..."

"Explain..." the White asked the Orange.

"Two converge, though their efforts have managed to keep the others separate..."

The Red sneered, "Barely. They barely even use their energy. There are far more worthy champions in Sensura if we discard their potential...what good is it if not used?"

The white flared with annoyance, "They have used it. No, they haven't used it all but there is still the future..."

The orange dimmed to barely a flicker, "There will be no future if they do not triumph here..."

Blue simply said, "They are now but four. My gift shall be useless to them."

The Steel said nothing...as usual.


A giant block of mist surrounded a five pointed table...therein sat Loki, Bane, Dragonoth, Iuz and Lord Soth.

Loki looked at the others, "We are agreed then....we shall reach an accord with this....being."

Five champions stood forth, each a color of precious metal, flickering with negative energy.

Bane placed his mark on their forearm, "You shall resist the first energy type thrown at you. It will take an act of will to change it. Kill them all."

Loki cacked, "To each of you I give a special gift. You shall also be able to throw up images of yourselves...they shall be useless against the Clear Society, but they will protect you well against interloping attacks. Kill them all!"

Lord Soth's tragic skull echoed to the others, his voice specral and hollow, "They shall have all of the strengths of undead, but only half of the weaknesses. To any good thing you shall be a bane. Bring balance to the magic between the worlds...and to that, you must kill them all!"

Dragonoth's draconic visage sneered, eyes an ember of flame in their sockets, "Your spell resistance shall be as psi resistance as well. And I provide you with telepathic communications amongst yourselves."

Iuz was last, most humiliated...most enraged, the demigod roared, "For this purpose alone you shall be as outsiders with all the advantages thereof, and with my force of will agaisnt attempts to banish you. And you shall also be able to dimension door at will to counter their cursed tattoos....why have we not found those responsible yet?"

Bane pounded the table, "They are well hidden! Whoever is backing them have cloaked themselves well. Even the clear society does not know...."

Iuz's eyes blazed, "It does not matter. Find them...and kill them all!"

And the employer of the Iron Horse Gang laughed with them....the Iron Horse Gang themselves were intelligent enough to stay silent...legions of undead began to appear in the edge of the mist.

The enemy had learned...and the enemy was coming....

Thursday, January 24, 2013

[Grynn] The Mouth of Gods, Sunhome, Halrua and the Oath of Leiges

So there was some kind of a session I missed in which there was a great deal of glory, treasure and interesting things on an off night. I suppose Tock was off contemplating books he had memorized or something.

Traveling through the desert, the group came upon the Mouth of Gods. This location is one of the only places that can penetrate the planar barrier. A series of riddles were asked which Tock won and was reward with the ability's of his latent fay bloodline [Nymph's Kiss] as a result. Inside there were nine slots, representative of the nine alignments. Upon investigation of the items, Mira took a magical hand puppet, Tock took Gaia's Blessing and Calwen took a powerful sword designed to kill Undead. Most of the other items were too dangerous to deal with. Between becoming a champion of light and taking a blessing from another deity, Labeoras Enolath was...'disappointed.' Like most of the Gods on Grynn, she was jealous of anything that didn't involve obsessive devotion to her and her alone despite Tock's full intent to worship her and create an honor in her name. Indeed, earlier he had been given one of the items that the group had forgotten they had taken from Ulshania (the mad elf) and sacriced it to her. In the process, he became a chamion of light, gaining all kind of new abilities including the ability to aid his companions slightly in bright light. The group then went farther into the cave and saw a brass dragon. It didn't give them any treasure because apparently they had sufficient. Tock asked if he had any books. There were two history books which Tock read and later sacrificed along with several others to Laboaelas Insecure. She seemed somewhat temporarily mollified. Tock asked if there was anything they could to do help the Brass dragon. In the process, he gave them lots of valuable information about things going on in the world and brass dragons he was worried about. Tock agreed to help as he could. Because of this, the guardian dragon offered to mark Tock. Since this mark would prevent other dragons from marking him and bending his will to theirs, plus the fact that this guardian was a goodly dragon, Tock agreed.

Along the way the group ran into two idiot wizards who were very tough. They died when Mira got close enough to them to kill them. Oh and Tock killed a lot of Hellhounds. They were after the Four. Then Snidely Whiplash came out from a rock and monologged. No one really cared. Tock did care that the bastards deliberately disintigrated his Holy Shot Gun of Awesomeness. Apparently, the weapon's power was so extreme that their intelligence briefing included instructions to eliminate this item.

Then a shadow dragon Mira had dealt with before and a BUNCH (as in a BUNCH) of shadows came through a gate. The shadow dragon hadn't thought about the stupidity of trying to kill someone who worshipped Lathander and had a sword designed to kill shadow dragons. It died, but not before the shadows had shlurped the party a lot. Calwen, Tock and the others killed lots of shadows. Before it died Mira cast statue on it so its body parts could be salvaged. Tock ate its heart and THIS time gained power from it, including an increase in strength and constitution as well as a resistance to Cold.

Then they ran into a bunch of giants that were good but sensed the evil with them, so Mira had to convince them that they were serving the greater good by guiding this evil to Sunhome to be healed. The giants escorted the group to Sunhome.

At Sunhome, Belvin dedicated a shrine to his goddess but there was no room for Athena at Sunhome except a spot inhabited by a bunch of homeless people. One of them was strangeled to death nearby, and Belvin didn't stop it. Aretemis was less than pleased with this as were the authorities who arrested him.

When the group found out about this the next morning they were, to say the least, concerned but could not see the exact site because it might tamper with the evidence [and allow Tock to use his aftersight ability] but they did all speak to Belvin's good character. A convoluted series of events then took place, the long and short of which is that Mira deduced that Halruan agents (refer to Snidely Whiplash above) were attempting to determine if the group had evidence about Snidely's wicked deeds. They did. One of the two dead dumb wizards had a journal. Concerned that Snidely was going to threaten Baron Greyskull (...name not exact) the group teleported with the Four back to Halrua and Castle Greyskull where they informed the Baron of Snidley's plans. Baron Greyskull was pleased and smote Snidley and blessed the group with power from the Haluran isle that made their soul's stouter.

The group the then teleported directly to the Citadel Adbar where the Oath of Leiges was present. Since he wasn't a delegate, the group put Tock in charge of security, which was pretty elaborate including a diversionary illusionary council, locks on the doors, coded arm bands, interviews and a gnome that could see through illusions. We'll see how well it worked.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Inglemia - Right Bastards - Hobbes - Side Quest - "The Merchant of Dreams - A Dozen Downs Adventure"

[Narrative compesed by Bernie written marked by [B] and ending with [/b]

Before Merchant Day, before their dire straights in looking at the ritual disollution of the power of Aslan to dark and hostile Gods...

Hobbes found himself in his usual meanderings of some of the darker elements of Inglemian society, the forgotten areas, often the Downs where children of non citizens and the unregistered played in shadow, sometimes victim to horrific magical experiments or abduction for the colonies by the less than scrupulous, though in recent years that had gone down. WAY down for some reason.

Indeed, most had gotten the message rather thoroughly that the children of the downs were Off Limits.

So it was...interesting...to say the least when Hobbes was approached by several of his friends who expressed their concern.


Upon query, it appeared that the children were offered access to a magical chamber that would show them their fondest dreams. It was totally immersive. Hobbes, as a wide world traveler, could compare it somewhat to television, but even more interactive. It was likely the kind of thing that Earth would have in mass someday...

"It's wrong." One of the little girls, a rather creepy one that most of the other children rarely spoke to but always seemed to hang around. "The more they use it, the more they want to use it."

They were pretty sure the chambers belong to House Sosori, the major illusion house, but no one was sure.


"All right, let's see what all the hubbub's about!"

Hobbes has one of the children take him to see this machine. Along the way, he asks the child just who it is exactly that made this mysterious offer, in the first place.

Upon arrival, Hobbes will get the lay of the land, talk to anybody present, inspect the machine and then probably enter the chamber himself.


The Machine itself is fairly innocuous. It is a thin wooden board with several self replicating runes on numerous sides. The key to the mechanism seems to be four pearls at the apex of each side of the box.

The offer was made by a tall man of gaunt build with brown hair and brown eyes, human, in his early twenties. Upon investigation, this individual is likely Hiderhawk, a free agent who often does deeds that 'need doing' for the powerful (societies, consortiums and the nobility) in the Downs. He is not evil, but kind of a jerk with no direct moral compass.

The children in the box will answer.

Upon using the Box himself, Hobbes finds that it is utterly immersive and responds to his mental commands. The people it makes are kind of stupid, but otherwise the illusion is tacticle as well as audial and visual. Of course...TECHNICALLY it is tuned to human senses so it isn't as effective on Hobbes as it would be a human, and the constant distraction of those sweet delicious pearls just hanging there keeps him from going all the way in, which is how he is able to notice the very subtle addictive quality to the boxes. They're designed to encourage anyone using them to spend more and more time using them.


After very careful deliberation, Hobbes decides to take the 3 pearls (having eaten one) for later examination by someone smarter than he is. HideyHawk is promptly shoved into the box, which is tied up in rope and hung from a very tall bridge just outside the Downs with the words "AND STAY OUT" scrawled across the outside of the box in red paint. He then treats the Downs Dozen (an urchin gang that has adopted Hobbes as their mascot. Think The Little Rascals but as hardened street criminals. Liars, thieves and con artists, the lot of them) to ice cream.

"What'd I tell ya, gang? Ice Cream beats havin' yer wildest dreams fulfilled any day uh the week."

"Aww, Hobbes!"

'Hobbes and The Merchant Of Dreams'

'...a Downs Dozen adventure!'@


Inglemia Game - Five Element Majors - Journal Entry by Martel Martavious as played by Greg Sanford

Journal Entry "Merchant's Day"

Life used to be easier. Most people think that growing up a poor orphan is hard. I suppose it could be in some places, like out in the Cantons. In Inglemia proper though, growing up a poor street urchin is lets a boy live the life that most higher born boys dream of. You are your own master. You answer to no one. You are free. And if you can't find food and shelter in this city, you are clearly too dense for your own good. Especially during Merchant's Day. Oh the treasures that I used to get on Merchant's Day. All of the free food and drink. All of the arrogant nobles showing off their new creations. The look on their face when I made off with it. Such wonderful memories. I miss that life.

Now I am one of those arrogant nobles. HA! ME! A Segglestaff. I wonder if I could be tried for those jobs that I pulled on them years ago? Little did I know that I was just "claiming my birthright". Speaking of birthrights, I really need to think of a good way to break all of this news to the Doge. He REALLY didn't like my "family". He and I get along alright now. Even if he is an elitist prick. I have a feeling that our relationship will be souring pretty soon. If me being a Segglestaff doesn't do it, my stance on the Cantons will.

Speaking of, when in the hell did my stance on things start to matter? Oh yeah, when I woke up in jail with a cane, some magic tattoos, and proceeded to save the Doge. I mean making people "think" that I am a big deal has always come naturally to me. It was to compensate for just being some street kid. Now that I actually AM a big deal... I don't know that I like it. I will do what I have to do though.

I really wish we could have saved the Doge's son. He was a good kid. I had met him a few times at various society functions and always enjoyed his company. The fact that the Dogeship will now fall to his brothers scares me. Considering that my job is now to "defend Inglemia", they are going to make it that much harder. Their dad has been pretty good about not using us for his personal wet work. I don't expect that any of his other sons would have the same prudence. Those are going to be some bad conversations.

Speaking of bad conversations, I really hope dealing with Aushante the way that we did doesn't bite us on the ass in the future. It shouldn't, she is a dreaming statue.

And finally... I GOT MY OWN SHIP!!! I am gonna need to dress her up a bit, but the Serene is a beauty! Why? Because she is MINE! She is crewed by some good folk too. Well, I had better be off.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

[Inglemia] Right Bastards - Chapter 2 - A Matter of Some Urgency (Session #4)

Bill - Vithbad Schler - Mind Flayer Psi trapped in a Human's Body

Andrew - Gani Vihab (Wrinkles) - Shapeshifting Shaman from Animalia dedicated to help the wild who spends most of his time in the form of a dog.

Bernie - Hobbs - Demon from the Abyss who radiates evil but isn't. Has a nasty magic gun and eats magic items.

John - Virgilous March Banks Chumley - Intelligent Honeybadger from Narnia who is looking for items stolen from him by an evil Inglemian Wizard.

Immediately upon victory, the group was going to decide what to do with the IRS Sarah Dark but Charles was called via his iStone and summoned away to a mysterious task. They parked the IRS Sarah Dark, cloaked and hidden ten miles outside of the node (and thus undetectable by the Inglemian military).

The session started with an intro (after much discussion of obscure Tolkien mythology and awesome comic books) with the group waiting in the Casa of Charles Polyshane, waiting as backup since Charles had been called off to some super secret family conference about some political thing involving interhouse intruige. It also happened to be Merchant Day, the Inglemian holiday designed to stimulate the Inglemian holiday. Wrinkles and Hobbes had been out collecting bags full of the random free nicknacks merchants gave out for decoration and other celebration to advertize their products (and which Hobbes found delicious) when they saw a small Goblin had arrived at the door. Hobbes answered it, since Jeeves had been 'volunteered' to stay on the IRS Sarah Dark to keep the ship's spirit active. Jeeves wasn't pleased with this, but the golems and psi ghosts were more inclined to obey the Right Bastards than Jeeves. Jeeves had also given them all lumps of coal. Since it was traditional to give gifts to one's social superiors, the group was discussing exactly what to give Charles Darcy (Wrinkle's had made him a pendant of a magical demeanor)...when they heard Gweddie (the Goblin's) message.

Gweddie, a known runner for the Invisible Consortium, had a small package for Vithbad. He explained that they were aware of the group's recent successes. For this reason, Vithbad had been selected to make a delivery of a highly sensitive nature to the Midkemian hall of worlds. They were to take 12 Rods of Maximize to Prince Falistar of Rilananon. Vithbad, eager to pay off his debt to the consortium, agreed.

Vithbad took the mission. They decided to travel via the Astral Plane instead of the Mirror Tube. They boarded the ship and headed out. Thanks to Vithbad's expert guidance, they swerved around a powerful emotional tempest and a titanic battle between some Astral Shelad and Thought Eaters. They found the color pool and entered Midkemia. After traveling a few hours, they entered the market at the Hall of Worlds.

Hobbes explained that he had worked there before as muscle, and that the people here were not to be trifled with. As they went on their way, Virgil noticed his missing items for sale at a booth. They had just been bought by the Horned Devil Gastrotelax. After a short but unsuccessful attempt to talk him out of the items (Darcy wasn't present so this strategy wasn't going to work very well) Virgil disarmed the devil the instant he stepped out of the market to teleport away and then ran back into the market. A combat took place despite Hobbes's warning that they were rather severely outmatched.

Gastrotelax summoned a barbed devil who went in search of Virgil. Wrinkles had an idea and ran off to a nearby stand to buy some holy water with a holy rapier, then turned into a dactyle and carried one of the ship's golems to help them attack the demon. Vithbad telepathically listened to the true name of the next two demons Gastrotelax summoned and immediately compelled both of them; the first attacking the barbed devil seeking Virgil, and the second immediately attacking Gastrotelax. Hobbes opened up a can of whoopass on Gastrotelax...who ignored him several times until he personally called out and insulted the demon. The demon smacked down Hobbes, but Hobbes was quickly able to recover when Vithbad's compelled demon distracted Gastrotelax. As soon as the barbed devil attacking Virgil was destroyed by the market's guardians, immediately drew Edmund's dagger and plowed it into Gastrotelax. Unable to withstand the holy artifact, he was instantly banished.

Virgil was insistant that the artifacts be returned to Narnia immediately, and the group agreed though considered other courses of action to hide the items. Along the way they were attacked by a shadow demon who tried steal the items (and was nerfed by Hobbes and Wrinkles rather quickly) and then by a large force of Tinker Gnomes. Rather than bother with the gnomes, Vithbad teleported the group back to the Sarah Dark which then entered the Astral Plane.

Narnia was not directly connected to the Astral plane, but the group was reluctant to take the known route via the mirror tube. After meditating and consulting Aslan, virgil had a vision of a guide a half day away. They found a bar on the astral plane. Upon entering, Hobbes and Virgil saw the Almighty Thor, who had been waiting for them. Apparently, his brother Loki had been part of the conspiracy to take Aslan's power. Hobbes had previously been to Earth 616 and had heard of Thor and was ecastatic to get into an arm wrestling match with him. He also ordered a glass of pure magic and became...rather intoxicated from it. Thor guided the ship through the Beastlands to Narnia.

Upon arriving, they all felt something profoundly wrong with the world. They entered the border etherial and ended up at the Stone Table, where they saw a conspiracy of Gods; Loki, Bane, Lord Soth, Iuz and Gibberganalax as well as at least 30 very powerful minions busy in a ritual with Peter's Sword and Susan's Bow. The group was considering blowing Susan's Horn, but hadn't decided what to do yet...

When we entered a cliff hanger...

[Grynn] Joker's Wild - Session 3

The group was on their way to pick up the gear that they had commisioned when they were ambushed in the streets by the Mad Elf Aushenia. She threw down a magic card and banished the priest of Thor into it. The group was rightfully upset about this, while she claimed that it was merely self defense and a way to redeem her reputation. Nevermind the fact that she had magically buffed herself up as much as possible, ambushed the party, assaulted them magically with no legal jurisdiction, and then inflicted murderous consequences in the most dishonorable circumstances imaginable. When asked to release their companion from the area, the mad elf refused and so combat occured.

It was a tough battle, but a lucky dispel from the spectromancer took down her redicious stone skin and a second took down some of her other defenses. Mira and Tock were able to lay the smack down on her, and though it was moderately close, eventually she collapsed. In a fit of mercy, Mira decided not to rightfully kill the murderer but kept her alive for rehabilitation later. The mad elf had a hoard of treasure on her, some from her psychopatic crusade against dragons, and others with bribes by multiple parties in the past to keep her constantly shifting loyalty. The Joker's Wild laid rightful claim to it and distributed her goods among the group.

They then took her to the current wizard in the city, the one who had enchanted their items (including Tock's new rather spectacular Trenchcoat of Resistance with Deep Pockets). He explained the situation that he had been placed in, the ruler of Silverymoon in Exile. He implored the group for Corymrian aid. Mira countered with an offer of the sentient dragon slaying sword Alshinia had 'obtained' that rightfully belonged to the dwarves. He suggested that they present the sword to the dwarves as a way to reconcile elves and dwarves in a fight against dragon kind and those assaulting Corymr. He agreed and also provided the group with some magical transportation to return quicker from their quest to the defiled temple of Lathander, currently ruled by the blasphemous cleric of Midnight. Mira also drew up papers for Tock to act as a marshal for Corymr (specifically her demense) after giving him powerful dimensional shackles which could hold near any prisoner.

After taking this conference, they stopped for supplies and water, equipping themselves for the journey and set forth into the dark and unknown desert.

[Inglemia] Five Element Majors - Session 6

Mr. Green, Martel and Bjorn all came to the conclusion that Enchante was too much of a security risk to allow to roam around free on her own. So after a few quiet inquiries, they discovered that she was heading towards Greyhawk to begin a new life of adventure, far away from the evils and chaos of Inglemia. Meanwhile, upon learning that it was Merchant Day, they received several gifts from each branch of the military as well as their Cantons. They also promised the Doge a rather special gift.

After some discussion, they came up with a plan. They made inquiries about dream mages. After reviewing a few candidates, they ultimately decided on Farnistar of the House Manticore, an expert in Oeniromancy. They set forth in the IRS Serentity, the Etherial Air Sub that Martel had deployed marines to take back. It was commandeered officially by the Five Element Majors command. They set off through the mirror tube, cloaked and undetectable to scrying. They caught up with the ship that Enchante had bought a ticket on in short order.

The group snuck on board and Martel and Mr. Green convinced the captain that this was important in the name of Inglemian security. The captain had no problem complying with this and had his people avoid the deck. The group then informed Enchante that they were on board, but that they just wanted to talk. In the process of talking with her, the Oeniermancer cast a powerful ninth circle sleep spell that made it seem that the conversation kept going in the blink of an eye with no ability to tell one conversation from another, making the transition from reality to dream seamless. In the dream, the group made their offer and then left, with Enchante arriving at Greyhawk. In reality, they turned her into a statue via flesh to stone and presented her to the Doge as a Statue. He was most pleased at the artistic merit of it.