Wednesday, November 23, 2022

[LARP] Barony of the Winds - Session 0

 Pericuolo Narr writes a provisional charter for the Barony 

[Online LARP for Baronies of Daytona on Discord]

TLDR If Not in the Mood to Read: These are the rules we, the Anarchs of Daytona agree to for the Federated Baronies of Daytona.

Fancier Preamble: We the Anarchs of Daytona hereby commit the charter document of the Parliament of Daytona.  By our liberty do we remain free; by our union do we the movement remain strong.  We as free thinking individuals demand our rights and are prepared to defend them by force of arms in sacred union that the Fires of Revolution never rescind from our collective memory.  

Article 1 - Baronies

1. It is the fundamental right of Anarchs to establish Baronies as they see fit, when they see fit how they see fit.  This charter supercedes none of their rights as such; with certain caveats (See below)

2. The Baronies of Daytona will be Federated and work jointly for the greater purpose of the cause at large.

3. The office of Baron shall be exclusive to the territory of each component barony.

4. The offices of Constable, Architect and Ambassador shall be reserved for the federation at large (Reference Article 3)

5. Each Baron shall have all rights and responsibilities pertaining to their office not the least of which shall include the right of Mandate and Authority as understood write large by the Movement on a global basis; to whit the Baron shall enforce justice, territorial integrity and the rights of the members of each barony within the movement or federation.

6. Any anarch may only be considered a resident or voting member of one barony in the Federation.

7. Charter members of the Federation consist of the Barony of the Winds and the Barony of Halifax.

8. Additional Baronies may be added per majority vote of the Assembly (See Below.)

9. Baronies may retain their own charters and laws but while members of the Daytona Federation rules and regs listed by this charter supersede all Barony laws except the authority of the Baron to execute their Mandate and Authority as duly elected by their office.

Article 2 - The Assembly

1. The Assembly is to consist of all members of the Baronies of the Federation.

2. The Assembly is understood to be the supreme body of the federation since the Federation exists by the free will and power of all anarchs and may amend this charter by majority vote at any time except as agreed to by the federation.

3. Residency requirements for a Barony are to be decided by each individual barony.

4. The assembly shall meet no less than once every ninety days.  No necessity of war or officers may deny the right of the assembly to assemble.

5. Outside of barony borders as enforced by elected Barons, members of the Assembly have the following rights

-The Right to Speech-Any time, anywhere except by Rules of Order constituted by this Charter.

-The Right to free movement to anywhere but the borders of Baronies as dictated by said Barony.

-The Right to free movement outside of Daytona or within Daytona except as dictated by Ratified treaty.

-The Right to Bear Arms anywhere they damn well please except in the havens of others or Free Zones dictated by this Charter or Local Barony.

6. The Assembly is to elect a speaker who maintains the rules and order of the Assembly following rational debate and timely motion of the order of the day since we all have better things to do than just sit around talking.

7. If the Assembly does not elect a Speaker, the Speaker shall default to the Senior Baron (one with the most elected time) in the Federation.  The Assembly is encouraged to elect a speaker that is one an existing Federation officer.

Article 3 - The Parliament

1. The Parliament shall consist of the following

-All Barons of the Federation

-All Officers of the Federation As Designated by the Assembly including:

-Architect at Large (or as subdivided)

-Constable of Defense

-Constable of Offense

-Ambassador At Large (or as subdivided)

-Speaker of the Assembly

2. It is the purview of the Parliament to perform the following

-Ratify plans of War that involve more than the routine actions of the Constable of Offense.

-Ratify Treaties by majority before put at large before the Assembly

-Ratify changes to the Charter as ratified by the Assembly (A change ratified by the Assembly not ratified by the Parliament will not be enacted unless Ratified by the Assembly for 3 sessions no less than 30 days apart)

-Resolve disputes between Baronies as the highest court of the Federation (Barons in such a dispute do not get a vote)

-Conduct initial negotiations for the admissions of new baronies to the federation (but may NOT determine additions of Baronies to the federation which is for the assembly alone)

-Veto the election of officer candidates by the Assembly by Majority (ties always go to the assembly)

-Vote proposals by the Assembly (ties always go to the Assembly)

-Have the right to Declare war by Majority (Ties go to the Assembly at large for vote)

-Have the right to end a Declaration of War (ties go to the Assembly at large for a vote)

3. The Office of the Architect at Large shall

-Provide for the well being of the Federation at large

-Have the ability to leverage a tax of time, resources or other activities as deemed needful and ratified by the Parliament for a duration of less than 30 days and the Assembly if longer than 30 days

-Provide for the spirit of Libertas for the Federation at large

-Provide for the sanctity and preservation of Mortals in the Federation at large and determine violations by Assembly Members of the same

-Facility the economy of the movement within the Federation

-Provide materials for the sustainment of the war effort such as required

-Shall be elected at large by the Assembly, whose term shall not exceed two years on election without confirmation by the Assembly.

-May be put up for election or confirmation by the majority of Parliament for the consideration of the Assembly at any time.

4. The Office of the Constable of Offense shall

-Be in charge of prosecution of war against the Sabbat or other enemies of the movement in times of war.

-Be the supreme commander in the field outside of Baronies (or as delegated by Barons within their territories) in times of war.

-Be allowed to designate special squads for the purpose of war and to create sub ranks that are to be obeyed by participants so long as the rank shall not exceed the length of the 30 days.

-Be allowed to propose sub ranks as needed to the Parliament who must ratify their nomination for any period longer than 30 days.

-Shall be elected at large by the Assembly, whose term shall not exceed two years on election without confirmation by the Assembly.

-May be put up for election or confirmation by the majority of Parliament for the consideration of the Assembly at any time.

5. The Office of the Constable of the Defense shall

-Be in charge of preservation of the peace and goodwill of Anarchy in the Federation writ large.

-May not be banished or subjected to a Call to Arms by the Barons of the Federation without the confirmation by the Assembly 

-Is supreme commander in the field within the baronies unless unusual circumstances force a Baron within their own Barony to take charge.  The default is always to the Constable of the defense.

-Be in charge of preserving the Masquerade

-Be allowed to designate special squads for purpose of war and to create sub ranks that are to obeyed by participants so long as the rank shall not exceed the length of the 30 days.

-Be allowed to propose sub ranks as needed to the Parliament who must ratify their nomination for any period longer than 30 days.

-Shall be elected at large by the Assembly, whose term shall not exceed two years on election without confirmation by the Assembly.

-May be put up for election or confirmation by the majority of Parliament for the consideration of the Assembly at any time.

6. The Office of the Ambassador

--Shall be elected at large by the Assembly, whose term shall not exceed two years on election without confirmation by the Assembly.

-May be put up for election or confirmation by the majority of Parliament for the consideration of the Assembly at any time.

-May be appointed by the Parliament for periods of less than 30 days if unfilled.

-Should not be a joint office held by any Baron or other Parliament officer.  

-Has full negotiating power for treaties and represents the interests of the Federation outside of the Federation.

-Must have decorum, sanity and moral character and wisdom more outstanding any other officer of the federation; suicidal militarism, fanaticism to their private dogma independent of the welfare of the federation, reckless or emberrasing behavior of office will not be tolerated and charges of such can be brought up by the assembly for the dismissal of this office at any time since the Ambassador is the voice and the image of the Federation outside of the Federation.

Article 4

1. The Federation may create other offices or amend this charter by majority vote at any time.  Ratification of such changes must take place in three successive meetings of the assembly or by 2/3rds of the assembly to be considered binding.

2. This Charter is considered ratified if everyone present in the Initial assembly agrees to by majority.

3. A barony may leave at any time by majority vote of the assembly members of its inhabitants but a BARON may not unilaterally do so.  If done in time of war, the remainder of the assembly may decide at will if this action constitutes a declaration of war on the rest of the Federation.


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