- Rocket has posed:
Everybody needs time to unwind, and with everything that's happened surrounding the Kryptonians, the Guardians needed a little time to themselves, a bit of R&R mixed in with, in some cases, some heavy drinking.
And, at least to start with, the whole idea actually came about when Rocket overheard Quill talking about his birthday. It wouldn't matter whether or not this fell on the same day, but Rocket set course for a planet that had a reputation as low-rent, a hub space port. Goods move through, some legit, some hot. Bounties are often posted and claimed for credits. Things happen that don't get spoken of around most, and whatever serves as the police force, you never really know what you're going to get.
The Guardians have gathered in a dingy, seedy bar that's perfect for their motley crew, and drinks have already been flowing to the table. It's a raucous place, and Rocket is currently standing atop the table, regaling the others with a tall tale about some caper he pulled off even before he met up with Groot. He does so with typical bombast and boasting, and only sounds mildly drunk. It's early in the party. "..and that's how I swiped that thing right out from under that poor loser's nose without him even realizing it!"
- Groot has posed:
Groot is all on board team building exercizes. He thinks they should all get to know each other more and it lets him ignore the elements of the discovery in the maze he is obsessed with and terrified with. So kicking the space can down the space road is good. He laughts at Rocket's tale and says, "I am Groot" adding his own spin on it.
- Peter Quill has posed:
Quil is always up for a party especially when it's for him. So he is definitely in the party mood a cardboard party hat strapped on his head, and definitely helping himself to his share of drinks to the point his cheeks are a bit rosy, and he's talking more loudly than usual. He's also not so subtly looking over at the bar staff, giving them little head shakes, and one moment gestures, before smirking to himself.
He turns his attention to Rocket's story, grinning and laughing as he pours a new drink from the pitcher and offers it to Rocket. "Nice one man, you get a pile of units for that score or what?" he asks.
- Gamora has posed:
With her cloak slung over the back of her seat, Gamora is two sips into her drink, and now holds it in front of her face, peering into the side of it with one suspicious eye. Whatever's on her mind seems to take a backseat at the end of Rocket's story, when Groot adds his two cents. She peers at them curiously. "... Strange. I almost felt like I knew what he was trying to indicate. For a moment." Gamora glances at her drink again, now doubly suspicious.
Looking to Rocket, she observes, "I am impressed that you've evaded a higher profile, given the... explosive nature of many of your adventures."
- Nebula has posed:
A long flowing black cape billowed from her shoulders to the ground, revealing a subtle shape of her body and the chair she's sitting on. The hood is up. The general vibe of the look suggests to strangers - 'Leave me alone'. It's also meant to mean the same thing to the crew of the Milano but they seemingly never get the hint.
It doesn't help that she's sitting at the table partaking in the drinks and listening to Rocket's heist story. "Ridiculous," is her contribution to Rocket's epic. "The smell would never come out," she suggests that perhaps the tale isn't entirely as recalled.
The problem with low-rent hub space ports is that eventually someone is going to notice you're one of the daughters of Thanos. But there's no point living life in fear. Fear isn't exactly a thing that drives Nebula's decisions. The only thing she truly fears is her father.
Glowering at the drink in front of her. She takes a long gulp of it and ponders each face around the table. Because of Gamora she's getting to know them and sadly, somehow, they've been getting to know her. It was easier back home where everybody mistrusted everybody else and it was an unspoken rule to stay out of each others business. Here, ... music and dancing and trying to be everyones friend.
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis has never gotten to celebrate a birthday before, so she's quite excited about this one! Unfortunately, she's dressed in the same manner she always is, simply because she's never actually bothered to shop for clothes for herself. At least she washes her one outfit. She arrives later than the rest, because she was busy coming up with what is the proper thing to say. When she finally arrives, she walks directly towards Peter, and shooting her arms in a flourish almost in his face out of nowhere, she cries out, "happy day of your birthing, Quill!" She moves surprisingly silently, so there's a chance she might give Peter more of a scare than a cheering up.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket gives Groot a quick glance, seemingly one of confusion, before he answers, "Yeah. Sure, buddy. That was hilarious." Thumbs-up! Double Thumbs-up, even! Maybe something got missed along the way.
Tossing back a shot of some purple-tinted liquid after he grabs a glass, he wipes his mouth with the back of a little hand afterward then settles both at his sides against the jumpsuit he goes around in. "Who's saying I've evaded a higher profile? You know how many times I've busted out of prisons and jails? Groot here makes it a little easier, but he hasn't even been with me for all of 'em! I'm probably the most famous one in the known galaxies out of all of us. That ain't a knock on the rest of you. Not everyone can be that famous."
He remarks, mainly for Nebula's benefit, "You'd be surprised at what smells can be gotten out of. Besides, I'm gonna go out on a limb here," at which point he makes his way over to Groot and literally does so, "and say I probably got the best nose out of all of you. Let's just say I probably know when you need a bath before you do." There /are/ some eyes on the table, but people are keeping their distance. In this case, it appears their reputations have afforded them some privacy.
Peter, as the birthday boy, gets a large portion of Rocket's focus, and the 'harshest' reaction. "Did I get paid? Quill, I got paid so well you probably can't even count that high. Did I get paid? Hah! Are you a big idiot sometimes?"
At least he said 'sometimes.' That's a marked improvement over the first few weeks and months.
"Were you busy getting him something, Mantis? 'cause I got him something, and I can go grab it whenever you're all ready. Unless any of you got any fun stories first," the fuzzy terror suggests.
- Groot has posed:
Groot chuckles at Rocket's comment and says "I am Groot." He folds his arms and smirks as if he knew some joke that only he and Rocket would get but then looks philospophical and nods, "I am Groot."
- Peter Quill has posed:
Quill reaches up a hand over Rocket's head as he looks to Gamora. "A higher profile is a little out of his reach I think," he says with a grin for the assassin before knocking back his drink and smirking at Rocket. "Sometimes? I didn't know you cared."
Though pretty quickly the joke is on Peter as Mantis appears and startles the bejeezus out of him spilling his drink all down his shirt. He makes a face looking down at his shirt before looking to Mantis, with a smile "Thanks," he says and actually seems like he means it. "But next time just a little bit of warning, okay?" he asks.
As for gifts, Peter grins, "Heck yeah, it's time for gifts," he says before glancing at his shirt again. "I hope one of you got me a towel."
- Gamora has posed:
Staring at Rocket, Gamora slowly says, "I... I see." That bodes poorly, if it's true. Gamora's no less infamous, but in her defense, up until recently most people who saw her face died shortly afterward. So that's something.
Gamora looks to Groot, and frowns. "... No. Nothing." Must have been a trick of the mind. She takes a sip. She grimaces. "Nnf. It is not unlike the hint of bitterness in Power Girl's gift. Though without the sweetness, the smoothness, nor the heavenly euphoria." Gamora frowns. She takes another drink.
Peter's jape earns a deadpan look from Gamora, which gradually shifts into a short huff of a laugh through here nose and a tugging at the corner of her lips. Don't laugh, Gamora, Rocket will cause a scene. After recoiling slightly at Mantis' sudden appearance, Gamora stammers, "I... yes." awkwardly and raises her glass. "You have survived another year by most Galactically recognized calendars, Peter Quill. Well done." She... lets the others go ahead with gifts first.
- Nebula has posed:
Nebula lifts her cup and says, "I am Groot." in a sort of 'cheers' motion so she doesn't have to say this 'happy birthday' thing that apparently is part of the ceremony. She has no idea what she just said in Groot's language, nor does she care. It's the thought that counts and that thought was 'i hate this why are we here'.
Rocket's odd boasting about being the most famous of the crew gets a small smirk from her. She'll give him that. It's only their victims that have images of Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula burned in to their retinas. Most people just think of their father as the space boogie man. Rocket, .. he's got flair and a mouth, very memorable. Assassins aren't meant to be remembered.
"I got you nothing because this ritual is ridiculous," she says to Peter with dark piercing eyes. Possibly jaded over the notion that he still has a planet of birth to return to whenever he wants, filled with music and culture and strange foods and weird Titan people.
- Mantis has posed:
"Oooo! I thought it was better if we say it in surprise!" Mantis explains herself, before looking at Quill with an impish grin, "but you did appreciate it! So thank you! I am happy for your day of birthing!" She then turns to look all puzzled at Rocket. "There was something to get...?" Mantis asks, the concept foreign to her. But then Quill mentions the need of a towel, nevermind it's her own fault, and Mantis calls out, "I can go and get one! Should I do that right now?"
Nebula next has Mantis' attention, as she gives her a beaming smile, "Nebula! You too came to celebrate Quill's day of birthing, this is really a big happy family! Thank you!" And after Nebula explains why she got Quill nothing, Mantis adds, "and I got you nothing because I didn't know this ridiculous ritual at all!"
After a moment's thought, Mantis asks Rocket, "everyone is more famous then me, but are you sure you're more famous than Groot? You don't know what the trees say about him, and there are many kinds of trees in the galaxy!"
- Rocket has posed:
"Yes, Groot, I know I smell great, and I didn't get Quill a cake. Or if I did, I already ate it. And no, I don't think she actually said she's a teacup. She just said 'I am Groot' like saying 'I am Groot,' not like you do," Rocket explains, having to take a moment to clarify a few things for the one Mantis soon suggests may be more famous than he is. "Whatever. If that's the case, it's because tagging along with me got more of the word out."
Rolling his eyes at Quill after his response, and especially after he's wasted a perfectly good drink, he hops down from Groot, reaches the floor, and goes over to his unused chair to fish something out of a gear bag. Finally, he climbs back atop the table so he can hold court again. In his hands is a box that might contain something roughly the size of a baseball in it, which means it's a bit larger given his proportions. It's wrapped in some kind of paper, if one can even call it 'wrapped.' There are gaps in coverage worse than a cell phone signal, it consists of what appear to have once been different pieces of paper but have since been torn up and gathered together, and a few letters can be seen on the box itself: 'ector.'
Tossing it toward Quill, he says. "Go ahead. Open it. I had to go through a lot to get this for you. You wouldn't believe it."
- Groot has posed:
Groot makes a teacup gesture and chuckles out loud, "I am Groot" said as if one were invoking said Tea Cup. An almost non perceptible scent of waffles and elderberies accompanies it and then he straightens up. He takes out a gift wrapped metal object shaped like a small shovel. "I am Groot." His brow furrows but he seems hopeful at the same time.
- Peter Quill has posed:
"It's okay Mantis," Peter says shrugging off his jacket and pulling off his shirt. "No reason to be fancy in a place like this, I'll air dry" he says tossing the shirt away and pulling his jacket back over top.
Wet shirt dealt with, "Well that's a shame Nebula," Peter says when she tells him she got him nothing. "Because a little birdy told me it's someone else's 'day of birthing' today and I /did/ get them something."
He gives a nod to the bar staff he'd been exchanging looks with and they hustle out with a sparkler festooned something that is blue and vaguely face shaped, with a very convincing scowl. Is it Nebula in cake form? Possibly, but then this is a bar not a bakery, and there was only so much they could do. "Happy birthday Nebula," Peter says with a smile as the cake is set down in front of Nebula and the servers scurry away to escape any retribution from the angry looking blue woman.
As for Quill? His eyes light up at the poorly wrapped package thrown his way. "Wow, you got me a present?!" and then he looks to Groot. "You too, thanks man," he says and without care or concern that Rocket's present might explode, he tears into the wrapping paper, first Groot's, pulling the paper off a trowel. "Thanks man, you invigting me into the chocolate cartel or something?"
Then when he opens Rocket's he freezes, eyes going wide at the notice on the top of the box. "Uh? this says Property of the Collector?" he says looking up at Rocket.
- Gamora has posed:
Gamora blinks once and straightens up as Rocket presents his gift to Quill. Wrappingg? Nobody said anything about wrapping. Is a gift cursed if it's not wrapped? Traditionally? She doubts it'd be true, but it'd be a bad omen.
Well... it's too late for that.
Gamora subtly looks away when Quill briefly disrobes, and softly clears her throat. When her turn comes around the table, Gamora reaches back into her cloak and retrieves two objects, setting one on the table. The other, she takes in both hands. "... Here." She says awkwardly, and holds out what appears to be - and what will prove to be! - a sheathed knife with a red handle, of good strong make; though not the most expensive thing money can buy. "I hope that this proves reliable, and useful in your future." She pauses. "... They offered to monogram the handle... though I feared that it may one day be used as evidence against you in a court of law. ... Happy Birthday."
The other object - identical but with a dark blue handle - is sloooowly, subtly nudged in Nebula's direct, only to be knocked loudly when Peter announced Nebula's birthday, causing Gamora to flinch sharply. Oh no... she didn't... oh no... she can't remember... oh no!
- Nebula has posed:
Nebula stands and turns so fast on the quickly retreating servers one might think she's really going to kill them. Her hood has fallen off though revealing her angry blue scowl. It's a good likeness. Two people in the bar see Nebula and one starts to shake, the other helps them up and they quickly make their way out of the bar. Apparently someone knows her face.
Her eyes look to the sparkler and the suspicious cake. Then her scowl moves to look toward Gamora because there's no one else on this ship that could possibly know that detail about her life. "Gamora," she says with a seething rage broiling up inside of her.
"Do you take nothing seriously anymore? or are you so petty you wish my enemies to know when I was born as some kind of psychologoical weapon against me." One finger pokes in to it and curls out a bit of the food. It is food after all. She takes a taste and says to Peter, "Excessive use of sugar. Typical of Earth." That review didn't say it tasted bad. Success.
- Mantis has posed:
Listening to the exchange between Rocket and Groot, Mantis looks at Nebula and giggles, "you said you were a tea cup in Groot! I can't even say that, you are very talented, Nebula!"
But then Quill makes his declaration, and Mantis gasps in surprise, "oooo! Nebula has a day of birthing too! Happy day of birthing, Nebula! Two in one is very special," but seeing the Nebula shaped cake, Mantis just bursts in laughter, "that is amazing! A Nebula cake! Ha!"
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket notes, "Groot thought he was getting you a towel, but instead he got you a trowel. And, yeah. I looked it up. Back on Earth, they like to wrap gifts so it's a surprise."
There are a few lengthy moments where he simply stares openly at the semblance of a cake that is brought out for Nebula. "Whoa. That looks like shit!" he blurts, proving that his ability to speak before he thinks at times has not left him.
Quill's reaction to seeing that name on the box was what he was waiting for. "Ain't it great? I went to the trouble of getting you something that was supposed to go to that guy! It was crazy! Go on. Open it. It's supposed to let you relive your favorite memories. I figured you don't have many of those, especially considering where you're from, but this will let you remember that one thing or two even better."
About that time, a voice can be heard from the general area of the entrance. "Funny you should talk about surprises, you talkin' rat." A man in a trenchcoat stands up, lifting a hat to show more of his face. "Because I gots one for you. See, you gots a bounty on your head for stealin' dat an' I aims t'collect. You wasn't lyin' when you said you was famous, so I gots myself a crew of my own."
The door is busted open, and for a moment there's a group of bodies all trying to enter at the same time. The smallest squeezes through, looking a lot like Rocket...except not. Others start to follow.
Rocket stares at all of this, and upon seeing the first one in he just..rubs the side of his face. "You? Got a bounty on me? And you hired /that?/ What the fuck /is/ that, even?" he gestures, for the creature with a pair of goggles upon its forehead looks a hell of a lot like a possum.
- Groot has posed:
Groot stands up frowning, "I AM GROOT!" He tosses a nearby table at the nearest guy that smashes on the wall, intentionally missing but likely being quite intimidating. He looks at Nebula, not realizing it was her birthday too. He sighs, and looks at Nebula and looks at Rocket, back and forth a few times, "I am groot." He puts something on the table, a rather specific something. "I am Groot" he says resignedly.
Meanwhile he has picked up another table to throw.
- Peter Quill has posed:
Quill grins at Gamora's gift, "Smart thinking," he remarks about not having his name on it, and grins even wider when she wishes him happy birthday. "Thanks, Gamora, I mean it," he says earnestly, before flipping the blade around in his hand a bit to get a feel for it's balance before sheathing it again.
Rocket's present still has him stunned. "You stole a thing, from the Collector?" the part about what it does doesn't seem to register, he's mostly just stuck on that part.
Well at least until the new guys butt in. "Whoa, whoa, whoa," Peter says knife slipped into his pocket while his other hand edges towards a blaster. "There's got to be some sort of misunderstanding, I'm sure if we all sit down and talk we can work this out-"
The possum like creature raises a blaster at Quill. "You ain't so smart, Humie, don't move! Nobody gets one over on ol' Pockets Possum, isn't that right Shrub?" he asks up to the plant-like creature beside him who's mean mugging Groot. "Me are Shrub," he says with a solemn nod and cracking wooden knuckles.
- Gamora has posed:
Gamora scowls at Nebula and insists "I am *not* petty!" leaving the matter of her seriousness unresolved. "Not everything is an attack on you, Sister! I simply struggle to keep my thoughts in order when I'm..." Gamora glances to the side awkwardly, and the fire in her voice dwindles when she concludes: "... 'relaxing.'"
'Gamora time' is a somewhat drunken time, just lately. It'll probably end when the chocolate liquor runs out. Probably.
Gamora just sort of... leeeeans back as the hostile group make themselves known, her eyes wandering over each one, and then to the Possum and the Tree... and then to her drink. "I am... inebriated." Gamora concludes aloud with some worry. "Someone sober confirm whether these people need to die... or if they are merely thirsty."
- Nebula has posed:
Well if Gamora is going to offer her a blade right when people come in looking for Rocket's head, she's obviously going to take the blue handled blade. Still standing, her back to the doors.. a big cloak and a blue back of her head. She lowers her hands and a compartment in her leg opens up. Nebula picks up the chocolate and deposits it in to her leg, but then draws out the base of a gun and it expands out in to a barrel, becoming a rifle. Completely hidden from their adversaries.
The subtle reflections off of surfaces and objects in the room allow her cybernetics to reconstruct a three dimensional vision of what is behind her, marking out the hired goons for rapid targeting.
Nebula narrows her eyes as Gamora realises she's drunk. "He stole it fairly, walk away," she says eyeing Groot and then giving him a small little nod of acceptance. Her eyes fall on the cake in front of her and her lips twitch in annoyance.. just more thugs trying to take things away from her. Things she didn't want, sure, but now they're her things. Nebula does not own many things.
"Or die," she adds ominously. Not just a threat, but a statement of fact as far as Nebula is concerned.
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis turns to look at the door in surprise when the man threatening Rocket has his minions all try and squeeze inside, "...is this part of your gift, Rocket?" Clearly, Mantis is open to infinite possibilities, and doesn't always assumes what's the simplest explanation is the right one. It's Quill's birthday, Rocket wouldn't get a bounty on his head just so they have to fight, would he? That had to be a surprise thing!
Looking over at the possum-like creature making the claim, Mantis looks at him intently, and then quips, "you're not very tall, I'm sure I can get a lot of things over you, like this!" And randomly, she reaches to an empty glass from the table, and proceeds to toss it right over the possum thing, "ha! Right over you! And you said no one could..." she then helpfully offers to Gamora, "yes, you are inebriated. It is because you drank that drink of alcoholic content!"
- Rocket has posed:
Before things get really hectic, Rocket helpfully points out, "Groot says that was his last chocolate, Nebula. And did that..thing just say he was gonna fuck your weedy bitch-ass up, Groot? Daaaaaamn! You gonna take that?" Groot already threw one table. Then, he shrugs. "Nebula here has a point, you wannabe space cowboy. I heard about it, I wanted it, and the guys transporting it must not have if their security was so lax. By invocation of Intergalactic Right of Thieves, that makes it mine to do with as I please. The Collector, of /all/ people, ought to appreciate that." For someone who's at least part of the way drunk, he can make sense when he wants to.
It's the marsupial that draws most of his ire and disdain. "You have to be fucking kidding me. What did you say your name was? Pouches? Hang on. I wasn't expecting more guests to the party, but I'm sure I can find a little gift for you."
"Hey! Hey hey hey! I SAID HEY! No throwing things prematurely!" The bounty hunter ducks and covers, coming back up with an accusing finger in the direction of the Guardians. As others begin to file in, he does his best to intone, "Your comeuppance is at hand, rat and friends! Even if you gave dat back, you's gots another thing comin' and I'm gettin' dat bounty. You already met Pockets an' Shrub. Say hello to the Blood Brothers an' Lurgh. Remember their names for the seconds you's gots left."
In come a pair of burly-looking aliens that look like twins, and they must really like each other given the fact they're all but attached at the hip. Behind them, barely fitting inside the place, is an even larger individual, an alien barbarian that appears to be made out of stone, carrying an axe made of rock as well.
"You's can call me da Bounty Hunter, an' we're..uh. Did we decide on a name yet, Pockets?"
Rocket doubles over in laughter, momentarily forgetting about digging out a weapon. "Seriously? You rubes don't even have a name for yourselves yet? What kinda half-assed crew goes around like that without even knowing what to call themselves? Lemme guess. This is your first time, right? Should we go easy on 'em, guys?"
- Groot has posed:
Groot looks angry and says, almost with shakespearean rancor, trilling the r and slapping Shrub across the face, "I am Grrrrrrrrooot." . o O "What a lack of eloquence thou hast peasant. Seriously, that is the best you can do? What kind of a name is that, 'shrub' your accent is so colloquial and gutter trash it sounds like you have been living in some galactic trailer park. Also your friend is small bald and dumb. He stiffens his back and sniffs with indigation at Possom and then begins growing in size thickening up arms become thick as treetrunks. "I. AM. GROOT." . o O "I AM GOING TO FUCK YOU UP 'SHRUB' LET ME SHOW YOU HOW ITS DONE."
- Peter Quill has posed:
"Seriously, Pouches?" Peter pushes the gun barrel out of his face. "Tell you what, we'll give you nameless Dollar Store Bounty Hunters a good ten second head start before we put our feet up your collective butts. Sound fair?" he asks as he slowly slides the box and trowel off the table with a free hand and stuffs them in his pocket.
"It's Pockets! You idiots!" he pulls the trigger on the blaster a half-second before the blaster is moved blowing a chunk out of the ceiling causing the bartender to groan and yell into his comm unit.
Shrub crosses his arms looking affronted. "Me are Shrub" <<Shrub is a good and honourable name passed down through good hardworking trees for generations, you classist! And my friend can't help his baldness, he's a possum! But he's still better than a no good scavenging Trash Panda!>>
- Gamora has posed:
Gamora slowly pushes herself and her chair back with her legs, causing a shrill screech of the legs dragging against the bar floor, creating a bit of distance between herself and the table, and, more vexingly, the increasingly crowded bar. Her eyes are fixed on the brothers, and a certain paleness comes to her facem even as her expression becomes stony and set.
"... It has been some time..." she begins to say, speaking a bit slowly after a few drinks - "... since I've allowed myself to be found in such a poor environment for swinging a blade." She stands up slowly. "You'll forgive me if my cuts are not so elegant as to spare you pain." She stares at the group icily.
Gamora brings one hand to her mouth, "Mmph." She shakes her head. "Do not let me forget to kill those two, should they refuse your offer."
- Nebula has posed:
Nebula tilts her head a touch at Rocket's explanation. The last of it.. she trusts Groot isn't lying to her, but Rocket might be. At least that chocolate liqueur Power Girl brought is almost done too. "Even Mantis could take these fools," she says and turns around lifting up the rifle. Her vision overlaid with their current momentums, predicted 'hit box' and targets on each of them with the weapon trained on the one that's talking the most.
"This is just embarrassing," she says as she looks over the bounty hunters. Not that a good bounty hunter can't do amazing work. Heck she's been caught by them before. But these guys don't look like they have the stuff.. and they missed their opportunity to get the jump on them.
"Pocket. Shrub. Blood Brothers. Bounty Hunter," she says scoffingly in a tone meant for Gamora.. or perhaps even a little for Peter. "There are three outcomes. I kill most of you and my friends kill the rest of you. You walk away. Or you come to an agreement with Rocket," she warns.
"Go ahead, do facial recognition. See how much of a misstep you have made. You've even made the tree angry. And if even one crumb of my cake is ruined because of you, you will know true terror before I end your lives."
- Mantis has posed:
"No throwing things!?" Mantis argues at the call by Bounty Hunter to not throw things, "Pouches just said we couldn't get anything over his head, and I proved him wrong, so you're just liars and a bullies!" Mantis says the words with such gravitas, one would almost think she expects the bounty hunters to walk away in tears.
Hearing those guys don't even have a name for themselves, Mantis is quick to offer help, "how about The Stupids? Because, you know, you're picking on The Guardians of The Galaxy, which is very stupid?" Mantis. Ever helpful.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket sputters at what he can pick up of the exchange between Groot and Shrub. The former, he understands perfectly. The latter...it's close. Different enough, but close. "You dumb bush, you want to fight royalty? Go ahead, see how that works out for you!" he taunts, following up with, "And I may be no good, and I may scavenge, but I am not that last part!" He doesn't give the others the satisfaction of hearing him say 'Trash Panda.'
Then he decides to forego the gun, instead hopping down after a small portion of the ceiling is chipped loose from the errant blaster. "Pockets, Pouches, whatever your stupid name is, let's get one thing straight. There's only room for one awesome pilot and plant sidekick in this reality, and you two ain't it. I don't know where they dug your scrawny ass up from, but I don't have time for this /or/ your stupid, gross, hairless tail. It's like when whatever made you..made you, they forgot to finish the job!" Nevermind that possum tails are all like that. Facts never stopped Rocket before, and he bites at one of those ears!
The Blood Brothers advance on Gamora and Nebula, looking for all the world like they'd be happy to pound the two into paste. "Which one do you want, brother?" the first asks. "The one you don't, brother," says the second, as they crack their knuckles together in unison. The girls may know the trick with these two, if it gets to that.
Lurgh merely stalks toward Mantis, a wordless presence for the moment, as the stony barbarian pats his axe.
Bounty Hunter, however, grows suddenly hesitant. "..N-Nebula?" he asks, casting an incredulous look Quill's way. "The intel dey gave us ain't said a thing about Nebula bein' wit' you's!" While he slows, the others still appear to be itching for a fight, even as a call goes out for the authorities.
Rocket, amid whatever's happening with Pockets, sniffs. "An agreement? I dunno what they could agree to that'd satisfy me! Unless..." As he grapples with Pockets, an idea springs forth and he lowers his voice. "Quit fighting me, you reject. I wanna talk to your stupid leader."
- Groot has posed:
Groot is a lot less verbal by Groot who attempts to great out with his larger physical size and (if successful) grabs Shrub's arms and uses them to punch the others face. Either way, he says, "I AM GROOT." . o O "Classist? That would imply you HAD some class you blatherskite. Stop oppressing yourself. Stop oppressing yourself. Help help a watery tart threw a sword at me in an aquatic farce and I thought it would be the foundation of a non class based system because I'm an unedjumacated rub!"
- Peter Quill has posed:
"My tail is supposed to look this way, you idjit!" Pockets roars as he lets another blast slip blowing out a screen above the bar. The bartender is really upset now, and is screaming even louder in Interlac into the comm unit, as Rocket gets a solid bite on Pockets' ear. Shrub doesn't seem put off by Groot's pedigree or his arguments. "Me are Shrub!" << It's the aristocracy that is doing the pressing, sipping the finest water, and drinking in the best sunlight while the trees that make your lifestyle possible get none! One day we will rise up and burn you all! >> the literal political firebrand says, before reaching down to try and pry Rocket off of Pockets.
Quill for his part, grins to Bounty Hunter, "Yep, Nebula, and that over there is Gamora, soooo, if you guys want to give up now, pants uncrapped, we'll understand," he says before Rocket of all people calls for a parley. "Or Rocket can talk to you, and if you're real lucky, he won't bite off your nose."
- Gamora has posed:
When the second blast goes off, Gamora's blade just seems to appear in her hand, so quick is her draw...
But then Captain and Also-Maybe-Captain Rodent alike are calling for parlay, which... doesn't come up too often in Gamora's experience. She hesitates, lowering her blade slightly, but not so much she could not raise it usefully if required.
- Nebula has posed:
The second blast has her rising her rifle a little more threateningly. One thing she's learnt being with the Milano crew is you don't start shooting right away. Sometimes weird stuff happens if you just wait a touch longer. And that weird stuff this time is Nebula lowering her weapon.
"Gh'ree? R'Hos?" she says blinking as she stands up straighter, no longer in fighting pose as she approaches the brothers and and then peers over at Bounty Hunter, "What are you doing working for these idiots?" Because these guys used to work for Thanos.. the two princesses here in this little dive running in to the two brutes that daddy used to put to work. Comical and weird.
There's simply no reason for her to fight these guys. Not unless they pick a fight. Hell she might even share some of her cake with them if they know what's good for them. "Gamora, it's the blood brothers.. _the_ blood brothers," she says now that it's not just a title, but a surname. It's also a rare sight for Nebula not to be instantly angry at someone. Familiarity breeds comfort, even though they're horrible horrible people.. they're old acquaintances. She trusts them as far as she can throw them either way.
- Mantis has posed:
Mantis completely misunderstands that Quill is introducing Nebula and Gamora as a means to intimidate the bozos, instead, she thinks he's introducing the girls of the team and feels slighted for not even earning a mention, so she does it for him, waving her hand, "and I am Mantis!"
But Mantis' attention immediately shifts to Lurgh as he moves over towards her while patting his axe, "sooo...you're thinking of trying to kill me with that thing?" Mantis asks politely, before extending her arm towards him, for a handshake it seems, "no reason to avoid sportsmanship, right? Shake hands, and then you try to kill me?" It's a polite request, though she does seem oddly calm in the fact of what might be her death.
Of course should Lurgh choose to shake hands before killing her, the antannas would light with a white glow as she'll whisper, "you're afraid. Terrified of me." Which Lurgh will find is quite true, as Mantis will appear like the scariest being he ever saw in his life.
Of course if he decides not to be sportive, it'll just have to go down.
- Rocket has posed:
Before things get good, Lurgh falls for Mantis' trick. Suddenly, there is a decidedly high-pitched shriek, followed by a thumping running as the big and currently very scared barbarian runs out of the place fast enough that he creates a new exit next to the one meant to be used.
The Blood Brothers stop as Nebula seems to be looking to chat instead, looking at each other, then the Bounty Hunter to follow his lead.
"Hold! I wanna hear what the rat has to say," the man says, and clearly he is still spooked enough by simply knowing Nebula is within an easy shot from him that he's reconsidering things.
Once Rocket tears himself away from Pockets, leaving a bite mark in the one ear but no skin ripped away, he points at the Bounty Hunter. "You. Sit. There." The chair next to the table he'd been at, watching and waiting for the Guardians to get drunk enough - or so he thought - is indicated, and he obliges. Rocket uses him to make his way up to the tabletop, making sure to step right on his groin to the sound of a satisfying grunt, before he leans in close to cup a hand against one of the man's ears.
The conversation is mostly one-sided, though a few words can occasionally be heard, words like 'present,' 'Quill,' 'Collector,' and 'Nebula,' and 'alive,' and even 'in one piece' immediately afterward, the man nodding a few times before sitting more upright. "That's too much!" he blurts, only for Rocket to smack him across the face and hiss, "Listen!"
A few more words, emphasized by him taking both hands, making fists together, then miming snapping them, and the Bounty Hunter seems to get it.
Rocket jumps back off the table and holds out his hands to the guy. "Fine. I surrender."
At this point, the Bounty Hunter is actually allowed to cuff Rocket, and the space cowboy still seems more afraid than not as he says, voice a little shaky, "We have..agreed to..to terms of surrender per conditions of said bounty on Rocket..and further agreed to.." The man pauses, swallows, and a kick in the shin from Rocket gets him to finish. "Ahem. We agree to give the Guardians of the Galaxy nine-tenths of the bounty upon collection, and immediately leave afterward. And..we'll pay for the damages here out of our cut."
While Pockets, at least, looks incredulous, Rocket gives the rest of his crewmates an exaggerated wink and says, "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure I'll be back in time for dinner." At that point, the local authorities arrive to take him into custody.
Been there, done that.
- Groot has posed:
Groot crosses his arms, quite skeptical and huffs, "I am Groot" and chuffs. . o O "Are you from a Branch world or Planet X?" He doesnt want to come out and ask about the lost colony he found out about on Oa but the idea of connecting with his own kind. Well, his own kind NOT like Shrub. This guy just rubs him the wrong way instinctively.
- Peter Quill has posed:
Peter for once seems to keep his cool when the terms of the negotiation are annoucned. "Seems fair to me," he grins putting away his blaster.
"FAIR! FAIR?!" screams Pockets, "How is giving these losers 90% of our bounty fair?!"
"Me are Shrub."
"I don't CARE if that's better than a hundred percent! That's not the point." He looks ready to go for his blaster when the authorities arrive to take Rocket away. "Don't think this is over Trashmuncher!" he calls after him.
eShrub for his part looks at Groot. << A branch world, of course but we can talk about this another time >> he points two twig like fingers at his eyes and then a single one at Groot. "Me are Shrub!" << I'll be seeing you >> he says before shuffling off to join his crew.
- Gamora has posed:
Gamora lets out a long slow sigh, and admits, "This is... not how I envisioned tonight going."
- Nebula has posed:
As the local authorities turn up, Nebula quickly pulls her hood back up and turns her face away. She shakes her head at Rocket.. whatever it is he thinks he's up to. Probably going to escape jail again. Somehow they're getting paid for this? Birthdays are ridiculous.
Once again Mantis does something.. strange.. with her antennas. She narrows her eyes a touch and makes a mental note to keep her distance from that one if things get dicey with the Guardians in the future. The rifle compacts itself down to the size of a pistol and she places it on the table next to her cake. _Her_ cake. She takes out the knife Gamora gave her and cuts a slice for herself. It is very sugary.. very Earth.. kinda nice. Could may be use some chocolate.
- Rocket has posed:
The Blood Brothers mingle, if only briefly, but do much like the others in going back to the Bounty Hunter, none of them looking very pleased at all, especially given the fact their cut is 10% /minus/ the repairs.
Before Rocket is taken off, he gives the possum dual middle fingers, taunting him, "Get bent, you half-assed knockoff with a tail that doesn't even make sense. The rest of you guys, keep the ship running." Or, you know, they could help him break out if they really want to. The particulars just have to be dealt with first as far as the bounty is concerned, which is in the process of happening with the Bounty Hunter. The rest of the authorities don't know what's been agreed to, just that Rocket /should/ be on his way to the group that was supposed to deliver Quill's present to the next group that was going to move it through additional channels en route to the Collector.
Instead, Quill has the gift, the Guardians had a party, got drunk, ate cake in some cases, one of them had a chat with another sentient plant, two of them got to see a pair of familiar faces, two others saw in themselves inferior reflections of themselves...and they're coming away richer for it as the Bounty Hunter reluctantly squares things up with Quill.
What a pair of birthdays.
- Nebula has posed:
--- Elsewhere in Space
The man in a faux tudor costume trembles weakly as the energy whips keep his arms spread and his posture kneeled before Ronan. Each passing moment brings more pain and it had been days for him now. "Please.. I beg of you.. I know nothing more! I know not where this Gamora or Nebula is!"
Another Kree approaches Ronan and comes to a halt near him. "Jump gate trace is complete. They traveled to Earth, a forbidden planet by your order. They then traveled to Oa, a forbidden planet, by Thanos' order. They appear to be heading to the Rao System, a class Q highly toxic star system, forbidden by Oa. There is no logic to their travel. If this is an attempt to evade us by going to forbidden destinations, they are fools."
Ronan turns to his crew and says, "The Daughters of Thanos are not fools. Prepare a jump to the Rao System." He turns and looks back to the prisoner from Eskeem-6 and makes a motion to one of the guards. He draws an energy blade and slices the mans head off. It topples to the floor and Ronan places his foot to stop it rolling. "They will have to stop for supplies soon." The Dark Aster begins to coil itself up in configuration for its next jump... and their pursuit of Thanos' daughters continues.
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