Friday, July 15, 2022

[Heroes Assembled] Groot Fan Fiction - Plotting



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Date of Scene:08 March 2021
Location:The Milano
Synopsis:Groot makes a bit of language progress with Drax and tries to figure out a way to stop Nebula from destroying his chocolate without hurting her. He may have a plan.
Cast of Characters:GrootDrax

Groot has posed:
Groot begins looking through the database at insideous and painful devices. He doesnt want to KILL Nebula but he wants a nasty surprise if she tries to take out more innocent and defensely chocolate plans. He mutters to himself "I am Groot" rejection one for being TOO lethal and another for being not tough enough. Nothing is RIGHT damn it.

Drax has posed:
Drax has been stewing in his own revenge juices since the big reveal and puzzling unconscious incident.  The boisterous Kylosian has not spoken a word.  A single word since the whole thing.  He's been stewing while sleeping, stewing while eating, stewing while crapping (which has been known to not always be a quiet affair).  It's been a 24/7 marinade.

Currently, he is stewing while snacking.  It's a veritable feast of leftovers that he has laid out.  Drax has a huge mixing bowl and he is spooning everything into that.  He glances over at Groot with hardened curiosity at the tree's exasperated tone.

Groot has posed:
Groot waves to Drax, not wanting to be rude no matter how distracted he is, as he shifts back and forth until he spots something that looks like a Rube Goldberg blueprints and puts his hands together, "I am Groot" he cackles, yes, yes this is not lethal but it will do nicely. It is...wait. Does that require a vibranium core? Where the hell is he supposed to get that? He moves his hand again and sighs.

Drax has posed:
Drax wraps a bit of once-live eel around some kind of blue sausage with his thick fingers, then drops it in the evolving dish.  "You are Groot?" Drax tries to ask as if this would make any sense whatsoever to Groot, not really sure if he's trying to ask Groot what is wrong or what is going on.  He doesn't dwell.  He grabs a box of Grapenuts he'd been saving from Earth and shakes out the entire box.

Groot has posed:
Groot briefly wonders if Drax realized that he was comparing the sonnets of shakespear to the unified field theory and then comparing it to salted pretlzes but Groot nods, "I am Groot." 'I appreciate you trying to learn my language' even if you are horribly unintentionally mangling it. He thumbs from left to right TRYING to figure this out. He doesnt want to HURT Nebula, just...really hurt her. It's confusing and difficult to do.

Drax has posed:
Kylosians would certainly not call Drax an intellectual nerd...but if he doesn't know about it yet, it probably doesn't matter.  "I am an expert in this language," the Kylosian says with that semi-permanent scowl but a supreme sense of satisfaction, as if, of course he is. "On my first try.  I will teach the others, but not Gamora and Nebula.  It would be a waste."  They are not long for this galaxy.  He grabs his bowl, curiosity winning out, and moves to get closer to see if he can help out.  "These are not lethal.  How will you vanquish your enemy?"  He gestures with the giant spatula he's eating with.

Groot has posed:
Groot says, "I am Groot" he doesnt want to KILL Nebula, just piss her off if she tries to mess with the plans. Finding something not lethal but really really emberrasing is hard, especially since Groot's heart really isnt in it and he just really wants to grow the chocolate but can't explain that directly and its frustrating BUT he appreciates you trying. He isn't sure Gamora and Nebula really want to LEARN his language anyway. He shrugs and flips through another blueprint, and sighs.

Drax has posed:
"You are strong, and big.  You could put them on a high high high tree so they would have to jump down or fall."  Drax's hand starts low as if his scale was much larger to begin with, but this reasoning breaks down in an instant as he steps it up taller, no taller, as if he's not satisfied with the representation to begin with.  "A very very very tall tree.  Or pillar.  Both work.  You could ensnare them."  These seem like very elaborate plans for the Kylosian.  He might have been focus on killing people way too much, specific people, recently.  "Oh.  You do not wish to kill.  You are capturing.  I understand.  Maroon them.  You will know where they are."  Well, less helpful than the earlier suggestions, if he was truly trying to help Groot with a capture plan.

"Do not worry.  We will find the right method," Drax assures Groot with a pat on the shoulder, palming his bowl in the other hand.

Groot has posed:
Groot blinks for a moment and if he didnt know better, he would think Drax's blind confidence and not thinking about it too much might mean he actually IS learning. "I am Groot" he puts his hand under his chin considering. Nebula is fearless which is normally a positive quality but that means intimidating her by putting her up in a tree isnt going to work but the snare...there might be something to that. He does have a WIDE range of seeds he has collected and if he considers...he looks through various designs and finds an energy net, "I am Groot!" He nods enthusiastically, "I am Groot" he appreciates Drax's input andsmiles widely.

Drax has posed:
Drax certainly does not overcomplicate his problems, even if he might have a very very very long list of things he'd like to do to certain people...simple.  He goes back to mindlessly eating his concoction as he mulls on ways to kill people.  Most of these have to do with bashing.  Groot's enthusiasm knocks him out of his reverie.  His brow muscles arch and he looks closer.  "Ah.  Yes.  We have nets like that.  But ours would be lethal to any non-Kylosian of course."  He nods.  "You are welcome, You are Groot."  He might be saying something, he might be using the words as Groot's name directly.  "If you need help, I will do what I can."

Groot has posed:
Groot says, "I am Groot." It's so ...amazingly confusing. Drax is managing to say about 50% of what Groot can clearly understand in Galactic Standard and then rant about Thanos and also talk about Earth Gas Station food at the same time. It's uncanny what he does and doesn't get. "I am Groot" and he appreciates the progress intentional or otherwise, Drax definitely has a good idea on the nets but he can adjust it, he might get Rocket's help, "I am Groot" and he appreciates Drax's offer as well."

Drax has posed:
"Of course I'm available three cycles from now." he smiling?  Is that a smile?  Not by anyone else's standards.  But there's a pause as if to imply insert-laughter-here.  "I will leave you to the planning then," and then the Kylosian takes great care for the next however many minutes it takes to pack up all the leftovers and, ironically, seal his leftovers suicide dish as...leftovers.

Drax departs with the confusing announcement that, "I am going to think."

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