4798/A Chocolate Conspiracy
A Chocolate Conspiracy | |
Date of Scene: | 19 January 2021 |
Location: | Cockpit - Milano |
Synopsis: | Nebula defeats the chocolate ambitions of Rocket and Groot...for now, saving Rocket from showing emotions and stuff. |
Cast of Characters: | Groot, Rocket, Nebula |
- Groot has posed:
Groot is cackling to himself a bit as he sees an entire row of plants in the hydroponics bay. He got seeds for a lot of earth spices and plants, like Pepper and Ginger and the like but Chocolate is what occupies this row. He thinks that he is going to make a hella profit when they get to the next port. Sure its poison but isnt nearly everything in the Galaxy. He waves to Rocket as he sips from a huge bottle of Tequila.
- Rocket has posed:
"Are you seriously becoming some kind of farmer or something, Groot?" comes Rocket's voice as he enters the lower deck of the Milano, planting (haha) his hands at his sides in the midst of staring up at the rows of different things that are growing, tended to by the tree. "I mean, I guess growing this stuff is better than you growing noisy little humies, which would be pretty fucking ironic, but..really, what's the play here, pal?" In the midst of asking these things, he heads over to scale Groot until he's up to shoulder level, a hand grabbing the side of his head for extra support. "Tequila, huh? You lush."
- Groot has posed:
"I am Groot." (Listen Hockey Puck...this chocolate is worth some serious coinage. Gamora is totes addicted to it and I think that we might be able to set up a unique cartel on this stuff. If we find another species that likes this stuff and it doesnt kill them....besides, farming is a noble profession and I can do a lot with it. Of course its Tequila, Tequila is awesome!) He offers a swig to Rocket as he moves from plant to plant carefully making sure there are no weeds or blight on the blossoming chocolate plants. He is methodically patient and kind to them.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket sips, then sets the bottle aside and wipes the back of a hand across his muzzle. "Thanks. For starters, I don't even know what a hockey puck is, 'cept to know I ain't one." He eyes the cacao plants with a mixture of skepticism and speculation. "You can't think everyone in the seven systems and beyond is gonna be hooked on this stuff the way Gamora is, but I hope you're protecting it from her so she doesn't eat all our profits. See, I was thinkin' we cruise around the galaxy and sell it for major scores. The humies around can vouch for it." Did he just try to claim credit for Groot's suggestion? Why yes, he did. What is he gonna do, tell someone else? "I guess if anyone on this heap can make something grow, it'd be you."
- Groot has posed:
"I am Groot." (She doesnt even know I took it and its not like she understands enough to truly get most of what I am saying though thankfully the crew is starting to get bits and pieces. Still, I think this is safe and I certainly wont tell her if you don't. I can spray some kind of irritant on it though if you think its a good idea. Major scores sounds great. I like it a lot. We can become like Chocolate Godfathers." Groot allows Rocket to assume the idea was his. It happens...well...a lot really. "I am Groot." (I maintain most of the hydroponics so I doubt anyone will even notice, but we can set up some kind of hologram over them if you're worried about it."
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket scoffs, "You better be careful she don't start understanding you any time soon, talking like that." The suggestion, of course, being that if Gamora knew Groot was saying that about her, it might not go all that well. "'cept you could probably stop her by acting like you were gonna get rid of all that." He gestures toward the cacao plants, making a throat-slashing gesture. "So that's how we keep her under control. Control the supply, control her. It's perfect." He even rubs his little hands together like a classic villain would. "Now, don't think I care any about how you do all this. You can be the grower, the cook so to speak. I can be the distributor, the genius of the operation."
- Groot has posed:
He chuckles, "I am Groot." (It is a handy lever isn't it? Its a shame we didnt discover the broader food preferences for Quill, I'm sure we could recreated that if we tried. Some of their breakfast cereals and sugar products weren't that hard to repross. Control the supply, control...er....yes what you said." He isn't, at heart, a villain though he knows Rocket isnt either but he is more than willing to go along with this plan plus he does like the idea of becoming a Chocolate Bar. Mabye enough to buy a title of nobility like Count or something. "I am Groot." (That is probably a good plan.) Assuming Rocket didn't KILL their clients if they pissed him off he was far better equipped for it.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket hops back down to the floor from Groot's shoulder, but it puts him low enough that seeing into the plant beds is more problematic than before. No matter. He doesn't care what they make as long as they can do something with it. "Far as I know, humies eat everything. I don't think there's any one thing we could control Quill with," he explains. "Besides, he's easy enough to manipulate as it is. Any more and it almost wouldn't be fair. Speaking of sugar though, I did read something that humie cubs are born craving the stuff. I guess that never really goes away."
Now, is Rocket a villain? Technically, some would say yes. He just lives by his own set of rules, which often happen to fall outside the bounds of legality, both literally and technically. Killing is not something he's resistant of, but it usually helps when you can at least /pretend/ to justify it with a straight face. "This might be one of my best ideas yet."
- Groot has posed:
Groot is a bit suprised that Rocket is talking about being fair to Quill. He's growing on Rocket, and that makes Groot smile but he doesnt say anything about that. "I am Groot." (We do have sugar. I have seeds for it. I can grow it if we need to. And yeah, some individuals or some species need it.) He adjusts the water on the cholate, carefully titrating it to "Earth" norms and smiles, "I am Groot." (Oh yes Rocket, this will go far.) Groot may or may not roll his eyes.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket is /not/ getting soft on Quill. It's just that, as an inferior species, humies sometimes need to feel like they at least have a chance, to think they have a little free will. "Make sure we control the sugar usage, too. Now, Drax. What does he like the most? Combat? His knives? Maybe if we asked him to do some of the most boring jobs on the ship, we can keep him from thinking about fighting all the time," he muses, rubbing his furry chin thoughtfully. "That could also help us direct him toward a target. He'll be so ready to fight, anyone in his way would never stand a chance."
- Groot has posed:
"I am....Groot?" (I don't know. He likes us. He likes meat. He likes to drink. He likes to fight. I think as long as we offer him better opportunities for those we're good? Especially if we start researching where to find Thanos though we're not likely to corner that market more than Gamora or Nebula?" He shrugs and watches Rocket rummage around,"I am Groot." (I think as long as we're cool about it we dont need to subterfuge with Drax, he'll just beat the crap of most anyone if they have it coming. We just need to find out the reason that they do."
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket frowns. "Yyyyeeaaah, you might be right. And we don't really want the big guy angry at us. Note: I need to find a jumpsuit without this stuff on it." He reaches back behind toward the neck, where there's a bit of metal in the build that makes it far too easy to simply grab and lift with. Being left to hang from a mount on the wall is no fun. "So, let's table that idea. Nebula, I don't know yet. I can't figure her out. She's like a humie but blue, but she's also like a machine, and she might be the angriest creature I've ever laid eyes on. I ain't so sure she and Gamora are actually related, though. They don't have a whole lot in common as far as I can tell."
- Groot has posed:
Groot says, "I am Groot." (She has a very deep hidden pain and is at war with herself, but I couldnt predict of where that battle will win out if you paid me. She does have some of the violent tendancies of humans but more judgement unless really upset. We better not let her find the chocolate though, she went bonkers in terms of protecting her sister. Despite hating Gamora, she clearly loves her but might never publicly admit it. Also....a jump suit full of what?) He flicks some buttons and a few colored lights light up above the things."
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket snaps his fingers. "Luphomoid. That's what she is. Don't ask me what idiot came up with that name. Must've been drunk on something." It's a good thing when the memory works the way it's supposed to. Lots of information in there, after all. "She does like to shoot first and ask questions...way down the line, and I gotta admit I like that about her."
Moving on, he considers. "Now, Mantis. I got a feeling there's some extra space between the ears, but maybe that's just me. Being honest, I don't like being around her that much. I just get this feeling like she wants to /touch/ me." This causes him to shudder, then he asks, "What? What do you mean a jumpsuit full of what?" He's taken to walking around, reaching up at one thing or another to inspect, and his steps are about as short as he is.
- Groot has posed:
Groot says, "I am Groot." (Its a mistake to misunderestimate Mantis just like iti s a mistake to underestimate you, and you know how often people do that my friend. To their peril. She can control, not just sense emotions. She knows more about us than we know about ourselves. Oh...er...) He is clearly thrown off by Rocket not knowing what he wanted in the jump suit and shrugs."
- Rocket has posed:
"Well, I don't like emotions," Rocket declares, a hand cutting through the air. "You can't shoot 'em, can't fight 'em, can't even reason with 'em. Emotions are bullshit." A moment of depth from the furry little ball of fury, who climbs atop a chair just to get a little higher up, looking over the growing setup one more time. "Feels like I'm forgetting about someone, though. Help me out here."
- Groot has posed:
Groot looks at Rocket and arches a brow. His friend is one giant sapient Emoticon. "I am Groot." (I am empathetic to your anger at emotions. I imagine that makes you feel...many different things.) He considers, "I am Groot." (Me. You. Quill. Drax. Gamora. Nebula. Mantis.) He ticks off another finger, "I am Groot?" (Kraglin or Yondu?)
- Rocket has posed:
"Things I don't wanna talk about, so don't ask," Rocket says, irritation present. It shows in the way his ears start to flatten before they perk back up again. "No, no, not those guys. That's right. I almost forgot you." He probably didn't really. "You do a lot of things that don't make any sense to me..." There's a 'but' there, and he's taking as long as he can to avoid saying it, long enough that Groot may think him to be finished speaking for the moment as he crosses his arms with some reluctance, his upper lip curling.
- Groot has posed:
Groot nods, "I am Groot." (You are a good friend too Rocket. Dont worry, I wont let it get to my head or tell anyone. We need to keep our tactical advantages to ourselves.) He winks and then hears a noise in the background. "I am Groot." He says this with a quiet tone of menace (I think I heard something....should we hide the chocolate?)
- Nebula has posed:
Nebula rounds the corner on a mission. She'd kick open the door if it weren't a touch pad sliding door. The door snaps open and Nebula walks in carrying a big flame thrower nuzzle in her arms and a tank on her back. She pulls down a welding visor and says, "Run."
She doesn't wait for Groot and Rocket to vamoose before the flames burst from the thrower and she starts to spread it over the growing setup and seeds planted there in. Glass cracks, metal warps. It's a big loss for the hydroponics bay. Probably more damage than would be strictly necessary.
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket opens his mouth, and he's spared saying the part he's trying not to. Groot's answer is given with Rocket keeping his back to the tree, the easier to keep any expressions to himself. What, exactly, was he about to say?
Nobody present will be hearing it, for Nebula storms into the place brandishing some real, heh heh, firepower. Thankfully he's not in close proximity to the target of her aggression, but he turns to watch the flames spread all over Groot's project, leaving him to stare. By the time he finds anything to say, the question is a simple one:
"Uh, where'd you find that? That looks like one of mine." To Groot, he can only add, "I don't think she likes plants much." The flames dance as reflections in his eyes.
Then overhead sprinklers activate.
- Groot has posed:
Groot is very flammible and not a fan of being set on fire. He leaves post haste. "I. Am. GROOT." (Not Happy! Not Happy at ALL. No chocolate or sugar for you. We need to create a chamber deep in the bowls of the ship and start again. Fortunately I kept a reserve. Curse it all! CURSES!) He grumbles and stomps out. Stomp...runs.
- Nebula has posed:
As the fire suppression system damps down on the flames, leaving behind a smoking ruined mess of a hydroponics bay, Nebula simply drops Rocket's flame thrower on to the ground and the welding helmet too. She dusts her hands off and then peers at Rocket. "If you and your twig ever try to create chocolate again I will rip out your organs and use you as a bag."
- Rocket has posed:
Rocket's eyes narrow upon Nebula as the entire area gets soaked. "Ohhh, if you knew the things Groot just called you," he lies, shaking his head slowly. All that's missing is a 'tsk, tsk' to go with it. The water puts out the fire well enough, but it also leaves his fur matted and generally not much worth looking at. If there's a positive, it's one less bath he has to give himself in certain places...but not all places.
"And nice threat, but I know better. You won't do anything of the sort." He at least goes to collect what's his, toting it with him as he makes to leave. "I think you made Groot cry. Probably didn't even know he could cry, did you?"
- Nebula has posed:
Nebula, dripped wet, looking pissed off which is fairly normal for her. It's enough devastation for the day, Nebula walks away back to the quieter part of the ship she likes to haunt. "If only that fur ball knew what I'd really do to him," she says and angrily turns and punches the wall, leaving a small dent.
No doubt later she will be yelled at by Gamora and Quill for starting a fire on the ship. No doubt Groot will glare at her for using fire at all. No doubt Rocket will be pissed she touched his stuff. But that's her job, being the punching bag to keep her sister safe.
- Groot has posed:
Groot says, "I am Groot." (Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! You killed my plant puppies! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!)"
- Groot has posed:
Only Groot hears the small saplings scream as they burn.....
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