Friday, April 1, 2022

[To Sail the Zeitgeist Sea] Robotman Fan Fiction - This Way to the Egress


6452/This Way to the Egress

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This Way to the Egress
Date of Scene:03 June 2021
Location:The Waking World
Synopsis:Cliff is taken to the waking world by Nick.
Cast of Characters:Cliff SteeleMichael Hannigan
Tinyplot:Sailing the Zeitgiest Sea

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff is flipping out. "What. The. FUCK?!" He has spotted the Brazier just get taken by a giant monkey. Wait, was that Grodd? He thought he had read about that guy in a newspaper. He started to run after him, "After that Monkey!" Technicaly it was a great ape, but he wasnt particularly inclined to be non speciest when the hyperintelligent gorilal was trying to hurt them all.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The Phantasm turns his head watching as the Brazier gets taken. Based from the speed in which it was nabbed, the likelyhood of them getting to it before the flame goes out again is slim. He turns his head to look to Cliff. As the Robotman starts to run, Nick reaches out an arm, grabbing on to Cliff's arm. "Hold up!"

Now, there is no denying that Cliff is a big guy. All roboticy and has a good four inches and ... probably a lot of weight more than Nick. But the weight doesn't really matter. The visual doesn't hurt as the musician ends up getting yoinked off the deck, flapping in the breeze like an arm flag on the robot, signaling the advancing motion.

Grumbling the musician adjusts his hands. "You're forgetting something!"

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele stops and turns around, unsure what exactly Nick is talking about but Nick has displayed a lot more understanding of Dream than Cliff and while Cliff is willing to punch things with great enthusiasm, long and painful experience has taught him that listening to Smart People gets things done. Still, he is anxious to go chase and get beaten to a pulp by a villain vastly out of his league. "Yo what?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With Cliff stopping, the Drago flag stops flapping in the breeze and starts to settle down, feet resting upon the deck. But despite that he's not letting go of Cliff. "You've got some very strong allies who can take care of him. AND even if we get it back right this moment we can't take that out of here until we get YOU out of here."

Nick tiltshis head. "It's time for you to pull out, Cliff."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele thinks about this. He isnt SURE that it makes sense. It is, in fact, totally wrong, but Nick has no reason to know this and Cliff has the collective arcane knowledge of things he learned from Scooby Doo and cereal boxes. "well, sure if you think getting me out of here will stop all this I am all in favor of it. What do we do?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Getting the general agreement to Nick's plan. The smaller figure gives a nod. "Alright. I'm going to make you into like me temporarily. Once I do. You close your eyes and we'll step forward together at the count of three. Do NOT let go until I tell you. Clear?"

Clear or not. Nick shifts to the side, taking Robotman's hand in a manner that's more condusive to walking.

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele blinks, "What, what the fuck? Does this involve punching a giant rat or something? Because I dont do that was a mistake the first time but if it doesnt involve a bloodfued against multiple generations of rats, then, I guess I'm in." He pauses awkardly, "you. In a completely manly and some multidimensional dead cats not dead cats mystical shit." He gives a thumbs up completely confused but pretending he knows what he is talking about.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick blinks. "Punching a g- what?" He shakes his head, "Ok when all this stuff is settled all of us need to go out and get drinks so you can tell us more about where these references are coming from. But either way... starting now."

The phantasm grows quiet, facing the direction they are to walk while he starts to feed some of his energy in to the robotman. Now, Cliff has a bit an advantage as he doesn't already have the sense of touch, taste, or smell. Which is great for Nick! Less freaking out about the loss of those senses then. "...Alright. Close your eyes. And at the count of three, step forward. Do NOT open your eyes until I say so."

Grip tightening on the robot, Nick looks forward, starting the countdown. "One... Two..."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "Drinks, yeah I totally am up for drinks and booze which I can totally taste....sort of." He has a canister and everything. He would hold his breath but he has an oxygen tank and stuff but makes a holding his breath sound right before three just to be polite. He does however close his eyes and steps forward to save the world by going back to the normal world.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
At the three, the two step forward. The noise from the conflict on the boat vanishes, leaving nothing but the silence of the room Amanda and Vorpal are taking their magic naps. "Ok... now shift over to the right a few steps, Au- eyes still closed, forward three more and Stop. Don't move."

Having made sure that Cliff was not standing in anything solid, Nick lets go of the other person's hand, taking the dream energy away from him. "Okay. You can open your eyes."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele does that. He doesnt move and opens his eyes. "FUCK YEAH! WE SAVED THE WORLD! EVIL DREAM STUFF IS OVER! FUCK YEAH!" He does a victory pose and high fives Nick, "We did it! Wait, why are they still asleep?

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick gives a bit of a grimace to the celebration but shakes his head. "We still have stuff to do. It's just, you're going to to it from this side so if that light goes out prematurely you're not trapped on that end." He looks over to the side. "That looks like a good place for you to nap. Flame should pull you where you need to be."

Cliff Steele has posed:
Cliff Steele says, "Uh..." he looks awkward,"uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh well......sure....sleep. Just....right....go to sleep. Zonk out there. Zzzzzzzz...I er....yeah, sure I'll get right on that." He lies down, "I'll just....nod off."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick nods. Moving over to another seat to sit down. Looking over to the sleeping teammates he sighs. "...I'm going to pop back in once I get a breather in. Roundtrips are tiring."

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