Friday, March 4, 2022

[What Price One Soul] Hellboy Fanfic - Future Stupid Past


5823/Future Stupid Past

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Future Stupid Past
Date of Scene:01 April 2021
Location:A W.A.N.D. inventory sight on 3/28/2021
Synopsis:Carson and Hellboy learn of a terrible future they must mention to no one.
Cast of Characters:HellboyCarson Deschain
Tinyplot:What Price One Soul

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy has invited Carson to help him secure a W.A.N.D site because its a two man job and he is worried the Army might turn themselves into mice. Also...he MIGHT be looking for an opportunity to grab as many devices to help him for the larceny he is planning as possible. He hands Carson a clip board and checklist, "Don't. Touch. Anything. This checklist doesnt tell you to do. Seriously Carson, this is where we put some dangerous stuff.

Carson Deschain has posed:
"Dangerous stuff..." looking around the space and to the clip board before back again, "I mean... that's a top hat." jerking his chin towards the hat in question. "Like... is that some sort of Top Hat of Cosmic Destruction? Some of this stuff... I get ok. I've seen enough books and movies; unimaginable power and destruction in something as simple as a thimble from a monopoly game... But does all of it look like a junk-shop stuff?" Carson notes pointing at a shabby looking statuette of some horrific elder god looking creature.

"I'll be careful too, but there's like... You in the flesh man, Hellboy himself - but next to you this all looks really anti-climatic so far." brows lifting.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy says, "Carson," he chuckles, "Everything in here looks shiny or harmless or innocent and its not. This is specifically the Harmless but Dangerous room. Not one thing in here is a good idea to touch and the inventory cards are in a....Anti climatic is my life man. One minute you're punching Cthulu and saving the world, and the next three hours you're scouting out some goblin eating cheese burgers and watching a realyl boring ally." He grins and starts pushing glowing arcane runes putting up the force walls to protect it for a protracted period of time."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy considers his notes and thumbs up to Carson, "Are you good?"

Carson Deschain has posed:
A laugh of his own and a shake of his head, Carson shrugs, "Long boring stakeouts and momentary bursts of action has really been my life for a lot of things when I was masking up, before SHIELD. But... I don't even get the heebejeebies here man." looking at a small, furry, hand with fingers extended, except for the thumb, "Still four wishes on this? Intercepted before they could make 'em or was that first a doozy?"

Looking back to Hellboy again while pointing to the paw, "I mean assuming that's the right thing I think it is."

Jovian (1433) has posed:
"NOT THAT! ANYTHING BUT THA-" and suddenly Carson finds himself in the past. (Reference scene as he appears as soon as he touched it.


Carson Deschain has posed:
He's being screamed at, he's fairly sure. But everything is stopped and while he was pointing at a paw... he finds himself holding a small hour glass. "Wait what?" turning back to Hellboy, or trying to as he looks to what he's holding. Then back to tree. Wait Tree?!


"Hey wait I didn't even touch it! This room is bullshiiii-!" feeling himself being pulled while standing completely still while the room and it's objects sink away and are replaced by trees... and other figures while his and Big Red's position refuse to change.

Jovian (1433) has posed:
Suddenly the two of them are in a featureless grey void in a vast black space, and they can see themselves in the future fighting a hoard of stone winged monkeys, shrieking as Hellboy keeps fighting his hand trying to go to a slit in the ground, "No! No! NOT THIS!"

Hellboy looks at his future self fighting the hand going into the slot and says, "Dude, what we see here CANNOT be changed. This is horrible. This is why you dont use it. What could possibly have been worth it in the past to see that?

Carson Deschain has posed:
"I didn't want to go to the past man! I just wanted to know if I was seein' a real monkey's paw!" staring at the future images of themselves, the winged monkeys and Hellboy's hand going into the crack in the earth. "What the hell are we seeing here man??" Carson stares, gobsmacked for a moment.

"What the hell are you doing with your hand?! Why can't we stop this? Is this something to do with the guy with the Guttenberg From Hell?!"

Jovian (1433) has posed:
"THAT was what you saw?" He sighs, of course it was, "The Limner. I wonder if this has something to do with that? Crazy. Crazy. So the paw lets you travel to any point in the past to see any one thing but the price is that you see some dark inescapable fate that you CANNOT change; at least you and I can't. So whatever the hell this is...we can't stop it. The harder we try, the more likely it is to become."

Hellboy in the future sticks his hand in the slot and the monkeys all fly off chittering with laughter and the darkness around them change to reveal that they are on a skyscraper on top of New York and dark, GIANT tentacles begin to descend from the darkened sky.

Carson Deschain has posed:
"The paw is the paw of CW Time Travel Plots?!" Carson exclaims as he looks up at the sight of the tentacles falling from the sky, "Why would you keep this thing?!" staring in horror, "You can't can you! Just hide it. Cripes man, this is insanity." hands at his side and staring at the nightmares setting before them.

"So if we tell anyone about this... they can't oppose it? Like... we have to keep this secret to hope it gets stopped??"

Jovian (1433) has posed:
Hellboy2 says, "Because its cursed dude. We've TRIED to destroy it. This is the room where we put cursed things and bad stuff to keep it away from the bad guys. Yes, we just hide it" he smiles darkly. He considers, "Yeah probably. We need to vaguely hint at people to keep an eye out for it but if we DIRECTLY tell them they might be prevented as well. The more we tell people, the harder WE work to stop it, the more unchangable it becomes."

Carson Deschain has posed:
"Then we don't directly tell anyone... and we put this paw in a box, inside a box, inside like... a cast lead box. And bury it under your bed." Carson continues to stare at the madness. "Man we gotta try to do as little as possible and wait for hints... and let others notice and tell us..." brows lifting a little higher. "We have to go into this full-stupid and hope..." Because logical... and because Carson is still technically a scientist.

Jovian (1433) has posed:
Hellboy2 smiles and points to the checklist as the dark future melts around them, "First of all we do have a duck that you can put stuff on that finds the most impossible island to keep anyone from getting the thing but heroes are drawn to it. Let's just finish the lock down sequence and tell no one..." he smiles, "Full stup...I like the way you think ...when not accidently triggering horribly cursed devices" he smiles to Carson.

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