Thursday, March 8, 2018

[United] Halloween in the Park


Halloween in the Park
Date of Scene: 01 November 2017
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: A costume party in Central Park on an unusually warm October evening.
Cast of Characters: Spider-Man, Wonder Woman, Kaelyn Silverleaf, Psylocke, Frankenstein, Dragonfly, 300, Invisible Woman, Thing, Iron Man

Spider-Man has posed:
It's Halloween, and this year, it happened to fall on a Friday, so most people don't have to worry about work tomorrow. Central Park's famed Pumpkin festival is still out on display, with a towering faux building made of racks, each containing a variety of carved pumpkins with a variety of different spooky faces. There are pumpkins floating on individual miniature rafts in the water. And there are revellers, dressed in all manner of costumes.

A couple of the sponsors of 'Halloween in the Park' have their branding intermingled with the games, events, food, and beverages. There are even a few rides set up, in clearly designated areas. New Yorkers are fiercely protective of Central Park, so it's all been done in such a way as to not detract from the park's natural beauty, or have a lasting effect. In a few days, since these things always start before Halloween and finish long after it, they'll be gone. But for now, it happens to be a pleasantly warm October night.

There are some kids about, taking in the festivities, but mostly its adults, wearing costumes that range from Red Dwarf, to Lord of the Rings, to Super Mario Brothers, and everything in between. Some are incredibly specific, since there are prizes to be awarded for the best costume, though these days they do like to check on them in a tent, since a lot of people, well, they aren't in costume. That's how they are.

Peter Parker is just arriving, wearing his Canon 1D X camera around his neck, with the black and red strap, and a nice 24-70 mm lens. It's a modern design, as he uses that for work. But it's the only thing modern about him. He's wearing a light blue jumper, white collared shirt underneath, burgundy pants, white socks, and brown shoes. He's also put something into his hair to give it a reddish blonde tint, and he's brushed the front up, as he's supposed to be Tintin.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince was in attendance to the celebration, but she wasn't there on a publicly official capacity, she was in-costume and was intending to enjoy herself while also staying hopefully incognito. Her costume was fairly simple, black slim jeans and a black turtleneck sweater that clung to her torso and arms with black heeled boots on her feet. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail and she had a simple little black mask on over her eyes, black cat ears atop her head and a matching cat tail afixed to the back of her pants, swishing around behind her as she strolled through the park and watched people enjoying their night.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Soo again, Kae's talked into coming to yet another party.. She'd done hers hours before and al, and now she's at this new party, and well still in that dragon 'costume' of hers... Well half dragon costume. She has silver scale male over the natural hematite colored gray scales of the dragon 'costume'. The half dragon look being an entirely female look, really kind of an anthro at a little bit over 7 feet tall give or take... There's wings, a tail a long supple neck, horns, a long streamlined muzzle, you name it. She sighs and smooths down the scale male and idly fidgets with her cloak, while the girls who again talked her into coming out giggle and poke at Kae, one looks like an elvin mage of sorts, another is dressed up like a rogue, and the third girl resembles a ranger... "See we now have our DND party..." The ranger girl is auburn-headed and has some cool makup over her eyes, as well as a leather jerkin with studs, a cloak, a bow and of course a pair of swords. The rogue girl is actually made up to kind of resemble a hobit, she even has fuzzy feet... She's wearing dark blacks and greys, has a dagger and a short sword, a a cross bow, a few pouches and a visible ring of lockpicks... 

Kae peers at the girls and mutters "YOu really think we can win a costume contest like we are, going as DND characters from one of y'alls table top games?" The girls all in unison nod... "You sooo gotta join us at the school one night!" Kae sighs, exhailing a bit of smoke and a small lick of blue flame now as she exhails, then blinks and her nostrils flare as her ears perk.. "Ok I soo gotta stop doing that..." One of the girls, the elf mage giggles "But it's nifty!!!"

Psylocke has posed:
Standing near 'Tintin' is none other than Sailor Moon. Sort of. The costume is right, including the white top with the sailor collar in blue, the short blue skirt and the red bow in the back with the trailing ribbons down the legs. Red boots cover her feet. Only the blonde locks are missing. Instead, Betsy has used her own violet locks which are pulled up into the traditional long ponytails although, hers being natural, they are quite a bit shorter than the original. She currently is holding a paper cone covered in a fluffy pink cloud of cotton candy. She tears off a piece with her gloved fingers and offers the tidbit to Peter.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is enjoying the one time a year that he isn't required to explain away his appearance. He doesnt have holo generators or even make up....every other night he is a monster...tonight, he just has a nice costume and walks in the park enjoying the people

Dragonfly has posed:
    There are benefits to being in charge of a lab without a lot of management oversight. One of those is the ability to slip off early "for research purposes" and head over to Central Park for the shindig in the park. Not properly outfitted for the occasion--Halloween takes her by surprise seemingly every year--Nancy has made do with a full-face Beijing Opera mask that she overpaid grossly for by one of the crafty vendors out and about selling to the myriad of people just like her who forgot.
    Still, it's only money, and now she's ... Chinese Opera Girl? Or something? And dammit, the full-face mask is a pain to eat cotton candy through. This was just not very well thought-out, was it?
    The Tintin-looking guy did his homework. The purple Sailor Moon is decent. The cat lady is a bit ... pedestrian, but hey, Nancy's wearing a mask and nothing else costumey so who is she to judge? Then there's the dragon. That's great work! And the Frankenstein? Wow! That doesn't even look like makeup!

Spider-Man has posed:
Normally, Peter had to come up with complex positions for his photographs, using a timer, or more often, a remote trigger. Today, he got to take photos in person. The lighting wasn't great, and he had a flash in his left pocket, but wasn't using it yet. Mostly, people seemed to hate flash photography, and his diffuser would look silly in this crowd. He'd look 'too professional', if that were such a thing. So he had the camera, and took a few odd photos here and there. In a public place, there was no expectation of privacy. He took a quick snap of a tall brunette dressed up like a black cat, but not the Black Cat, more like a cat woman, as opposed to Catwoman. Oh, his head hurt thinking about how many people seemed to look sort of like people he knew, or had heard about.

When the cotton candy is offered to him, he takes a bite, licking his lips. Cotton candy was hard to eat without fine motor control, and with it being offered to him, he kind of had to aim his mouth, probably getting those fingers a little wet in the process. The minute the pink stuff touched his tongue or lips, it seemed to become sugar again. "Thank you, Sailor Moon."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    For some people, tonight's a night to have fun, to celebrate, and to let go. For Sassa Aesdottir? It's another night full of potential, bad potential. Potential to be used by those that would do harm and she, being the person she is, just can't help herself. For now, she's hovering in mid air, about a thousand feet or so up over the park and clad in a fully black outfit that she hopes will mask her pressence. There's a deep desire here, in her, to just do a quick check of the area and make sure everyone is safe before sneaking in to the party-time goodness below. That can wait though, for now, she's placed herself on guard duty.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein wanders through the park, ejoying the ostumes and liking what he sees. He grabs a softdrink and pays for it, looking around, feeling for a short time connected to the mass of humanity in the park.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watch the people rushing by and she'd admire their costumes, offering an uprturn of her red painted lips to thsoe who made eye contact with her and the happy children playing throughout the park.

Diana would pose for the picture taken by Peter and she'd give him a smile as well as the Sailor Moon charaater beside him (Diana had no idea where most of these costumes came from).

She too would end up where Frank was, also buying a drink but she asked for a cup of hot tea. She'd look to Frank and give him a thumbs up. "Very real looking. I like it." She'd say in her Greek accented voice, smiling to him too.

Psylocke has posed:
"You are welcme, Tintin," Betsy says in response to Peter. Taking her own piece of confectionary goodness and popping it in her mouth, Betsy looks around at the other people while taking in costumes. It's about half and half. A lot of people just came for the celebration, not bothering with any form of costume at all. A few have on masks. Then there are those who obviously enjoy their holiday or perhaps they are entering the contest. Every year, the competition gets harder and harder. She motioins to the two that stand out to her--the dragon and its band of merry marauders and the Frankenstein over by the soda stand. "Great work!" she calls out to both, giving them a Sailor wave and a wink before refocusing on her increased sugar intake.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein would get smashed tonight if he could. Its almost impossible for him to get intoxicated without ever clear. He laughs, "Well its the best make up that money can buy. Your own is great. Name's Frank." Might as well be. he has many names and relaxes accordingly.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein smiles and gives a thumbs up to Psylock, "Great yourself.

Spider-Man has posed:
Frankenstein's Monster did have a good costume, at least as far as Peter was concerned, it was a great costume, and worthy of a photograph. Taking a snap of the 'Monster,' he then took a moment to look over the photos he had taken so far. That was a real keeper of the cat woman smiling and posing for him. She was very photogenic, and the Frankenstein's Mosnter was good too, though there was a guy making a weird face in the background. He stuck his tongue out, licking his lips as he thought about how best to edit that guy out. Was it worth the effort and a salvageable shot?

With Sailor Moon pointing out the Dragon, Peter's eyes go wide. Yeah, he was off to get a photo. He had to move quickly through the crowd, trying to get into a good position, but he got a quick shot, or actually a few, as it was on burst mode. "Thanks," he said, before turning back to Sailor Moon, who he took a few photos of as well. He always took more than he needed. It was all about getting the atmosphere, sending the best ones to the Bugle, and seeing what, if any, J. Jonah would buy.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would accept her cup of hot tea from the vendor and she'd offer a smile in Frank's direction. "Why thank you." She told him in a kind voice. "I am Diana." She didn't hide her name, she wasn't -that- undercover, the black mask and cat ears were just for fun, just for the special night, it was other people to put the name together with the rest of the woman's visage.

She would sip her tea and step away from the vendor to watch the party goers and the activities of the evening, her black tail swaying around behind her as she'd moved about.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa maintains her vigil for a few more moments before letting out a sigh, and blurting out softly to herself, "Well, not like anyone knows me anyway. Might as well go down there and attempt to have fun." She adds just a few more moments of hesitation before gently decending that thousand feet to the ground, and hopefully doing so in a manner no one notices. With that done, she's just like any other six foot tall red head, cough. Welp, time to blend in with the blacked out turtleneck with long sleeves, black slacks and black leather heeled boots.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein thumbs up Spiderman and poses. He's slowly moving towards his non human end of the spectrum but can still speak albiet slowly. It's all in costume. He smiles at Diana, though he doesn't read news papers that often, he cant help but wonder given the voice which hasbeen heard on television. He isn't rude though. "Pleased to meet you Diana. Lovely costume."

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Boing boing boing boing! A short blonde girl skips her way into the party. Dressed like the Invisible girl, she seems to be taking a haphazard line through to party in the park. Mostly to see what all there is. She's followed by a blonde woman that is dressed like She-Hulk from the fantastic Four, but she's nowhere near as tall, or as defined as She-hulk.

Dragonfly has posed:
    Nancy watches Tintin taking photos, eyes narrowing somewhat. "Hey, aren't you that guy that the Daily Bugle grossly undervalues?" she asks Peter impetuously. "I mean, I've seen your work in the Bugle lots of times. You've got a great eye for action. No matter what you're being paid, it's too little."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae blinks as she's getting photographed? Kae poes with her wings half unfurled for affect, letting smoke drift out her nostrils while she looks into the camera. After the shot's taken, Kae grins a bit at Peter and offers a nod, kind of a dart of that long tapered muzzle of hers, but it's still a nod... With a lash of her long tail she begins meandering around the place, the woman in the rvery very realistic dragn 'suit' now happily mingling with everyone as she wanders around.

Psylocke has posed:
As Peter dashed off to take more pictures, Sailor Moon found a hay bale to settle down on to munch her cotton candy and people watch. Tentatively she let down her mental shields for a moment, just letting the happiness of the people around leak through. For a moment, no negative emotions as people enjoyed the celebration. She quickly brings her shields back up though since her intention isn't to snoop. She smiles as someone goes by with a little girl who points at her costume and tugs on her mother's arm. Betsy gives a little wave in her direction before the pair disappear in the crowd heading toward the rides.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein lets lots of people photograph him and with him. He even signs a few things (not people) and is amused that they dont understand he is the real thing. He even plays up the non human walking but not too much. He doesn't want to actually scare anyone after all.

Thing has posed:
You would think that technically being both in costume, and a monster, 365 days a year would mean that on /one/ day Benjamin J Grimm, idol of Millions, could.. you know.. just be himself. He could dress up in his hawaiian shorts and shirt and shorts. He doesn't need to dress up, damnit!

But alas, he has Godchildren.. with their own sense of how hallowe'en should be. ANd it just wouldn't do for 'Unca Ben' to NOT dress up. Because of course it wouldn't.

Susan walked in to the festical rocking it as a very passable, if short, She-Hulk and accompanied by Valeria as, you guessed it, The Invisible Woman. franklin is Rushing after them dressed as his hero Spider-Man, of course, calling behind him "C'mon Unca Ben!"

Entering into the festival, Ben sighs and grumbles as he lumbers in. "This is so humiliatin'..." he whines as he pulls at the belt strapped around his green waist. Yes, Green. At first one could mistake him for The Hulk.. maybe.. But even Ben wouldn't EVER agree to that so he got suckered into the next bestthing. Painted green. With a red bandana with eyeholes wrapped around his head.. and a big paper mache turtle shell on his back and nunchucks made of foam on his big belt. "Darnit, Frankie! Who am I s'posed ta be again?" he gripes as he catches up.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would regard Sassa when they drew close to one another and she'd offer a smile to her as well. "You look fantastic." She'd say to the tall redhead who was almost equal to her in height. "Like one of my sister's in fact." She'd add before sipping from her cup of hot tea and putting her eyes back on the crowds.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter had no trouble recognising the Invisible Woman, even if she were dressed as She-Hulk, and Valeria Richards, who was dressed as the Invisible Girl. He had met them many times as Spider-Man, though he hadn't met them as Peter Parker, so when he approached for a photo, he was conscious to clear his throat, ready to try and throw on a different accent in case they might recognise him by his accent. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to speak. But he took a photo. They were so cute together.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein simply watches, enjoying what he sees, enjoying that no one is coming after him with torches or pitch forks.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Oh my god, is that, no..can't be.. Sassa shakes her head back and forth a few times, because the person who just complimented her looks an awful lot like Wonder Woman in costume, naw... "Thank you!" She smiles warmly in reply to Diana, pausing just a moment to give her a quizical look in response, "Your sisters?"

Invisible Woman has posed:
    "YOU CAN'T TAKE MY PICTURE! I'M INVISIBLE!" Is Valeria's response to Peter wanting a picture of her and Sue. Sue only giggles and shakes her head. "Valeria....he wants to take a picture of you in your costume. It means you're in a good costume and people want to remember it." Then Valeria perks up. "Well...if you insist, I can become visible again." Sue rolls her eyes and smirks. She then turns and sees Ben and Franklin. "Them too?"

Psylocke has posed:
As the quartet arrive, Betsy has to hide a giggle behind her hand. The two adults look great and they obviously are catering to the whims of the kids. Well, maybe not obviously. Perhaps Ben Grimm likes turtles. A Lot. The mini Invisible Woman and Spider-Man steal the show for her. Particulary, the Spidey. She flicks a gaze to Peter as he works on getting his pictures, hoping he finds it as endearing as she does.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein yawns and stretches. Undead though he may be, he still needs to sleep from time to time. He relaxes (for once) and simply enjoys the ambiance.

Thing has posed:
"You're a NINJA Turtle, Unca Ben!" Spider-Franklin calls out, "You know, like that new Lady kept talkin about.. They live under the city and fight OTHEr ninjas and.. OOOH YESYESYES, Pictures!!" Yes, Franklins attention span is measured in milliseconds as he zooms towards his mom and sister so he can get his picture taken, leaving Ben by himself for now. "You're ALWAYS visible, Val! don't be a pumkinhead! Oh Oh, Look at me. I'm SPIDER-MAN! He's WAY better than Invisible Woman..." he stops, frowns.. "Sorry Mom.."

Watching The kid, especially Franklin, Ben shakes his head. "Pfffft.. Ninja Turtles.. No such thing.." he scoffs as he pulls a cigar from his belt pouch and placing it between his teeth. "Totally unrealistic, if ya ask me. Reporter prob'bly sniffed too much sewer gas.." he pats himself down for a lighter then catches sight of the photographer looking /his/ way. A photographer he KNOWS works for the Daily Bugle "Oh no... No no no... No you don't.. Keep that camera away frum me!" he says, slowly stepping back and looking paniced.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Who said that?" Peter said in his accented voice. He was pretending to be English, to cover up his native Queens accent. "I can't see, but I can hear. Where, where are you?" He's pretending not to be able to see Valeria, but when she becomes visible, he'll take another photo. He also makes a point of trying to take another photo of the background, once she's moved, so that with some photographic trickery, he might be able to make her look half visible. He'd even send copies to the FF. It wasn't hard to find that out. They were in the phone book... and yes, they still make phone books for some reason.

Afterwards, he'll take some photos of Ben and Franklin, then of the entire group. He wondered where Johnny and Reed were. Knowing Johnny, probably still sleeping. He'd only wake up for the after party, and Reed was probably monitoring something at Four Freedoms Plaza. As he checked over his photos, he turned a button on a black trigger of some kind. Did he set up another camera somewhere else? Ah, Spider-Man, so fond of his habits.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hears the little girl, long pointed ears perking straight up and brushing against those backward swept horns she has.. She smirks a bit and begins heading in that direction, the 'woman' using her suits built in suped up senses to slowly wind her way toward them.. Then she pauses as she sees Ben Grimmm.. She blinks, starring, solid blue crystaline eyes glowing a bit as she studies them, then she grins a bit... Well it's cool seeing the Fantastic 4 out and about being well normal folks and having fun with their kids on All Hallows Eve... 

Kae smiles just a bit and moves on, long tail lashing behind her as she stretches her back, the 7+ foot tall dragon woman kind of hard to miss at this point, and now she's passing close to Diana and folks, still wandering on.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would show a smile at Sassa again after sipping from her beverage and then she'd offer her her right hand. "Yes, they are tall, as you are." She'd say to the woman. "Diana." She'd offer her name. "Are you enjoying your night here? A good Halloween thus far?" She'd ask before watching the children nearby playing which made her heart melt just a little, it was all she could do not to just fawn over them like a silly crazy person.

Psylocke has posed:
Betsy is starting to lean back her weight on her hand, nibbling the cotton candy drictly from the paper cone it's wrapped around when she suddenly develops fumble fingers and almost drops the entire thing. It falls and she reaches up the other hand, sending it flying back into the air where she manages to snag it with her right. In the middle of the pink sugariness. She frowns as she gets up, walking a bit stiffly to the nearby trash can and depositing the entire mess there before heading to a nearby water fountain to wash off her hand. She passes Tintin on the way and gives him a light punch on the arm in passing. With her non-sticky hand at least.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa would smile warmly and offer her own right hand in response, "Sassa." She blinks a few times at the comment about being tall, and then, Oh My Gods it is her. Come on Sassa, snap out of it, you're over eleven hundred years old, don't fawn over someone like a schoolgirl.


    "Diana?" she replies in a sort of question slash comment manner, "Pleasure to meet you!" she adds as she to, also can't help but melt at the onslaught of cute.

Spider-Man has posed:
When Peter gets the love tap, it distracts him from a photo he was trying to line up. More of a crowd shot, but he looks to Sailor Moon, and scratches his head at the gesture. He was a bit disturbed that she wasn't setting off his spider sense. He had learned to rely on that way too much.

Invisible Woman has posed:
    Sue smiles for Peter and even poses for the camera a couple of times for him, and Valeria announces she's visible so Peter can take pictures of her. Afterwards, Sue and Valeria sort of meanders around the party....

Thing has posed:
Deep inside, Ben Sobs. His reputation will be ruined! He just knows it. he'll end up on the first page.. well.. lets say 13th page.. Dressed up as some loony conspiracy reporters delusion! If the guys on Yancy street see this he'll be the laughing stock of, well, Yancy Street!



Ben hangs his head, probably in shame. and walks over to Sue and the kids, sighing deeply. "Whut a revoltin' development..." he mutters.

Invisible Woman has posed:
Susan Storm-Richards says, "It's just one day a year, Ben. PLus we made sure the paint washes off easily. I'm not as convincing as Jen is....but you're supposed to dress up as your hero." She then smiles. "Now come on. have a bit of fun, at least for my sake.""

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hears the comment from Ben and turns on one of those Digitigrade feet of hers, claws clicking briefly on a rock a sshe turns back toward Ben and tilts her head... "Isn't so bad, trust me." she says, giving a toothy grin. Kae then says cheerfully "She's right..." she says now pointing at Susan... "100% right..."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look back to Sassa and give her another big smile, if she'd been recognized or not she wasn't terribly mindful of it. "It is getting cold though, this might be the last enjoyable night out in Central Park until spring." Not that the cold REALLY bothered Diana, but she didn't care for it all same after the long span of time of living in a rather warm climate.

"You should try one of the teas, Sassa." She'd say to the other tall woman who'd potentially ID'd her.

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm scowls a bit, still clenching the unlit cigar with his teeth, and glares at Sue. "When /I/ wuz a kid ya dressed up in sheet with the eyes cut out. Or tried ta be scary.. Hallowe'en iznt 'bout heroes. It's about gettin tha bejeeezus scared outta ya." he says, then watches as Sue and val wander off, and Keeps an eye on Franklin as he explores nearby booths. 

He turns to the.. Dragon lady(?) and frowns. "And yer 'ero is a /Dragon/? Didn't Game uv Thrones end, like, a decade ago er somethin?" he asks. Or are ya sum sorta furry?" he asks.

Psylocke has posed:
Apparently, Betsy meant no harm to Peter since his senses didn't go off. And he's conscious instead of out cold on the ground. She washes her gloves off then finds a nearby vendor so she can get some napkins to dry them. As she stands there, she shifts position a couple of times. A glance is given to her boots. Must've gotten something in one of them. She shifts her right foot around a bit then walks back the way she had come from, giving Peter a look on the way by but pausing as she hears Ben. A gentle hand touches his arm and she gives a bright smile. "You look amazing and you are great for doing it for them." She nods toward the kids then continues her path, pausing to look way way way up at that dragon. "That is amazing. If you don't win the contest, there's something wrong." Then she returns to her haybale to settle back down.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa had indeed recognized her, but she wasn't going to make a big deal of it, yet. That being that, she'd toss a response out about the cold, nodding first. "Aye, it is. Though, I was born and raised in a rather cold climate and this really isn't much to me.." she adds, and by now, with enough speech, anyone listening could hear the accent that was, Swedish? Yeah, Swedish, that's it.

    Showcasing that the cold didn't bother her by not shivering, Sassa would also add in another reply, "Tea? Oh, well, I love tea. So, suppose I just might have to do that. Are you offering to join me?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter smiles, and would love to talk with Ben and Franklin, but he's worried they'll recognise his voice, even with the fake accent, or someone he knows might ask about the fake accent. All around, it was a bad idea, so instead, he heads on over to the hay bale, taking a seat next to Sailor Moon, then leans back on it, posing for a camera somewhere off in the distance, and flicks a switch on a remote trigger. Afterwards, he asks, "hey, what happened to the cotton candy? Finish it off without me?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae looks at Ben curiously and shrugs, those wings rising and falling with that gesture, her tail-tip flicks too.. "Meh, I came with a group, they wanted to go in as DND heroes, so here I am a half-dragon Cleric of Mystarra... At least that's what they said..." Kae adds and grins toothily again, then her head swivels toward Psylocke and shrugs... "My house-mates idea..." She says and shrugs "I'm kinda good at making these things I guess?" Kae saysl, those gem-like blue eyes still glowing a bit as she studies Betsy curiously. She then offers a hand to first Ben, and then to Psy "Name's Kaelyn, Kaelyn Silverleaf."

Iron Man has posed:
From the sky there's the sight of a streak of light, and then over near the entrance to the park there's a solid *ka-thunk* as the metal lands on the park's soft soil but let's face it, the thing is heavy even despite the technological improvements he's made since he first started designing them. Hopping out of the suit as it opens up and just sort of 'balances' there (ok so a little break like a kick-stand kicks out the back - it's the Iron Man version of a bicycle) and Tony exits. "Here, don't lose this..." he says, tossing his keys to a carnival staffer and you can see the kid's eyes light up before Tony laughs. "Don't be ridiculous. It's not for the suit. Like I'd just hand out the keys to an Iron Man suit...." and then he checks his pocket and takes out the other set of keys...."Alright, give me that back," he says, quickly shoving both keys back into his pants before someone notices he almost gave away an Iron Man suit the way Elvis used to give away Cadillacs and Oldsmobiles. But it's halloween, and a festival, and Lord Tony Stark of House Stark has decided to join it!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would regard Sassa again, looking at the other from behind her black cat mask (she was in all black with cat ears ontop of her head too). "I am from a much... warmer climate than this." She'd say back to the woman. "You are of... the Kingdom of Sweden, I presume?" And she'd smile at her as well.

Diana was about to say more to Sassa when Stark made his grand entrance and her red lips turned into that of a smirk. "Oh look, Granny Panties has arrived." She muttered, lifting her cup up for another sip of her still-warm-tea.

Thing has posed:
Distracted a moment by the touch on his (currenly painted green) rocky arm, Ben looks down at.. Sailor Moon? Then where she points, that being Franklin and Valeria, and then the big stony 'Ninja Turtle' daws. "Thanks." he murmurs, then looks at Kae and raises a red-masked brow. "DND.. ya mean, like, Dungeons and Dragons?" he asks, skeptically. "Do kids even know whut DnD /is/ anymore? I thought it wuz all, like, World of Warcraft or whatever.." he huhs and watches as Franklin (dressed as spider-man, of course) is getting himself a HUGE cotton candy.. "Whoa there, Spidey!" he says and is about ta rush over when a familiar suit lands at the Parks entrance and an even more familiar figure (even in costrume) step out ad into the festival.

"Because of course he would hafta make an entrance... Show off..." he grumbles.

Psylocke has posed:
"Yes, yes, I did. Every bite and I am not the least bit sorry because this is a night of evil doing and I was being evil," Betsy says to Peter. It would be so much more effective if she wasn't half laughing. "You could go buy us some more. I'll take the remote camera button though. Don't want you snapping pictures of me candidly when I'm not looking." 

That's the moment when the streak of light fills the sky only to turn into a suit of armor in the famliiar red and gold. As Iron Man steps out, she can't help but giggle. "Subtle."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae glances over to Tony now and looks back at Ben... "If I'd have done that like this I think I woulda started some kinda riot, that or gotten beaten down by every superhero in the crowd." She says with a wry smirk. She then glances back to Ben and shrugs at the Dungeons and Dragons mention "Yup, Dungeons and Dragons, My housemates wanted me to be the dragon since I built this arcane combat construct..." she says, motioning to her self. "So here I am, in a draconic 'suit' of sorts having fun on halloween." She adds, then Wendy, the 'elf' mage and yes the ears look very very real skips by and thrusts a funnel cake in Kae's talloned hands. Kae glances down and shrugs. Meh... 

THe next crazy thing, the woman in the 'dragon suit' begins eating the funnel cake as if it were only natural. There's no access port for it, and well yes there's a long pointy tongue and everything. Really looking at it closely, the only thing that seems out of place is the internally faceted smooth blue sapphier-like eyes, and the rune patterned scales that show up here and there, along her neck, arms, etc.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa can't help but tilt her head towards the light and the ku-thud, yeah, ok, someone else she practically idolizes just decided to show up and she's WAY to old for him and he's taken anyway, sigh.

    Right, tea, think Sasy, you're about to grab tea with Diana Prince, focus.

    "Much warmer climate?" she asks, feigning ignorance to who this other woman really is. "Oh, yes, you could say that.." she adds, choosing not to mention anything else. "Granny Panties?" she asks, looking back towards Tony and then back to Diana.

Spider-Man has posed:
Tintin Peter listens to Sailor Betsy, and he decides to take another snap with the remote camera, "just one more, I promise" before handing the trigger to Betsy, "there you go." And then he slaps his knees, before getting up to go get her some more. "I'll be back," he says, doing his best Arnold Schwarzenegger impression, which is very ill fitting with his current costume. On his way to the queue, he gets a shot of the oh so subtle Tony Stark. A few moments later, he'll return with cotton candy in one hand, and a soft drink in the other. The haybale was surprisingly comfortable, either that, or Peter just had crappy furniture at home.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would look over at Sassa again and she'd give her a little smirk on her red lips. "It is a long story." She'd tell the other. "His Lordship there is just a very... amusing conversation. As I am sure that you might imagine, based on his arrival." She'd let the smirk fade into a light smile. "But yes, I'm from a tropical climate, so the cold... even all these years later since leaving it... is still rather unpleasant."

Iron Man has posed:
Making his way over to the ticket booth and buying some tickets, Tony may or may not hand over a few extra bills and tell him to hand out like 10 or 20 tickets to people who get in line until what he hands over runs out. He tries to do that bit discretely though, and he only does it at the one ticket booth. So some kids will get fortunate and as he takes his unecessary amoutn of ride and prize tickets and wraps thema round his neck like a scarf, he turns to stroll the festival. "The King in the North," he chants to no one in particular and of course likely gets looks but then again, he's Tony Stark. What do you expect? The green painted Grimm gets his attention first though. It's not like one of the smartest men on the planet doesn't recognize...the friend of another of the smartest men ont he planet. "If you're looking for a job replacing Banner I'm totally game to listen," he teases, spying his dragon friend as well and giving her...and her funnel cake...the eye. Then he grins to Diana as well, knowing her probably the best as he's fortunate to stumble into the group not too long after arriving. "Here kitty kitty...." he teases...handing a couple of tickets to a child who comes over and pulls on the end of the fur cloak.

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm shakes his head. Arcane Combat Combat... ooookay. What is the world coming to these days. "Yeah yeah, well thats whut hallowe'en is fer, right? Dressing up and having fun.." he looks down at his own costume he ddn't have any choice in, then at Spider-Franklin as he is getting tangled in the huge cotton candy construct as if it were webbing. "oh fer tha luv a.... SOrry.. scuze me.." he says as he quickly lumbers off, pushing through people. "C'mon, Franky! YEr mom will KILL me if ya get that in yer hair." he says, then stops as he passes Tony and frowns at the billionaire. "I'm /not/ dressed as banner, darnit! I'm a Sewer-gas Hallucinated Ninja Turtle or whutever... You watch tha news, donthcya, Stark. or do ya pay sumone ta watch all yer TV fer ya?"

Psylocke has posed:
As Peter passes over the button, Betsy pushes it to take her own picture as she watches him go. Then the button disappears somewhere inside that Sailor Moon costume, lost for the rest of the evening unless he gets handsy. In which case she will get handsy back and possibly feetsy and hurt him right there in front of everyone. What would the kiddies say if Sailor Moon beat up Tintin? It would be horrible and they would need hterapy for years to come. As he settles, she leans over to take a quick sip of the soda then gives him a serene smile as she just settles in to people watch some more.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    "Long story, right, got it..." cough. Sassa turns to grab some of that warm tea, pays for it, and turns back shortly after. "Who doesn't know about Tony Stark?" she asks of Diana, "I was just curious about the comment you made, not to mention the comment you just made about it being an amusing conversation." She turns aside a little and watches Tony, and then, there's the whole /holy crap, how cold I not notice Ben over there all painted up/. She blinks a few times and decides not to push anything for now.

    "So, where are you from then?" she asks of Diana, deflecting the topic of convesation back at her.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would watch the big green Ben make his way off with the kiddo and she'd smile quite happily about that before her eyes would look to Stark when he did his 'here kitty kitty' comment. She just showed him a smile and raised her left hand to give him a little fingertip wave motion, where she'd then place them against her red lips and blow him a kiss... just to tease him back some.

Diana would turn then toward Sassa and speak softly to her. "A liiiittle place called Themyscira." She'd say softly to the tall redhead. "I will have to tell you about it sometime, should we meet again. If you will excuse me though, I have to meet a friend at the History Museum. They are doing a large even there tonight as well." Diana would offer another hand shake to Sassa then.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae grins a bit at Tony and glances down at her self, then laughs lightly, watching Ben deal with their charge, then the comment... "Yah, so figured the 'suit' would be kinda fun to bring out.. Still dunno about using it for its original intended use and all but it's kinda fun to be this way and at a costume party.. Besides, it's a 'costume' after all right?" she says by way of explanation at Tony... 

Kae then glances to Ben curiously "Sewer gas induced halucination?" she asks curiously... "Maybe I need to go check out sewers more often." she mutters, then shrugs slowly and is soon done with her funnel cake... "So ya know, the different senses, and eating food like this is quite an interesting experience.." She mutters, then Tina, one of the girls she came with slips up behind her and tugs on the dragon-lady's tail.. "Geeeek." she says and Kae sticks out her longe pointy tongue, the petulant look of the dragon-lady kind of comical in appearance.

Iron Man has posed:
Grinning to Ben, Tony can't help but smile just a little. "What? I'm supposed to be the news -and- watch the news? I'm only one man....aww who am I kidding. But no, I actually pay people to pay people to watch tv for me. That first direct level of supervision...whew....way too much responsibility." He is in far too playful spirits though but the hand wave from Diana pulls him out of 'Tony-ness' for a moment and he inclines his head. She's far too worthy of respect to get ALL the Tony-ness at one time. But it isn't long again before he's back in character. Which includes pushing the head of the Iron Man pommel he has and the first 25 seconds of this plays. It's not super loud....just...loud enough to be heard by those around him. Winking though at Kae, he says simply, "You had me at funnel cake, kid." Yes....Tony Stark is in supreme spirits tonight.

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa watches Diana tease Tony and then, she says it and Sassa just grins. "Oh, well, I'd love to hear about it sometime..." she adds, a smile forming on her lips. She nods her head slightly to Diana, "Of course. Be well Miss Prince..." she adds as she slowly turns around to watch Tony, be, well, Tony.

Spider-Man has posed:
Of course Peter had a backup trigger. He bought them used, like most of his equipment, and managed to get four, though he only ever takes two, just in case the first one fails. The other two are currently in his photographer bag, okay, photographer bag is a big generous. It's a backpack with cardboard and foam inserts, which were borrowed from other things, in a homemade photographer bag. He triggers another photo of him and Betsy, smiling, "I want to remember this evening. It's not every night we get to take in the Pumpkin Festival, Tony Stark, and the Fantastic Four."

Thing has posed:
Ben Grimm bahs at Tony, shaking his head and grabbing Fanklin by the hand. "C'mon kid.. Lets get outta here before his bad influence rubs off on ya.." he says as he leads a cotton candy tangled Spider-Franlin Through the crowd. "But.. But.. He brought the armor, Unca ben! And why is he dressed like someone from Game of Thrones? No one watches THAt anymore..."

Psylocke has posed:
There is a little squeak of protest from Betsy as Peter pushes the before-this-moment hidden button. "Will you stop that, already?" she says but there is no bite to her words. She's gotten used to his need to always take pictures and there are never enough in his mind. She shifts her position on the haybale, trying to get a little more comfortable. While it's not bad, there are moments where a stalk pokes uncomfortably and she shifts to a better spot. The cotton candy is ignored as she glances at the people Peter just mentioned, giving a nod as she smiles. "Yeah, it's pretty amazing really. Times like this make up for the bad ones." At the sound of the Game of Thrones theme music, she can't help laughing. "Although Mr. Stark is showing all of us up bringing his own music too. I should've thought of that."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hears that mention, then looks to Psylocke, aka Betsy... she smirks a bit "Ya could allways do one of those little magical girl, Sailor moon type transformational poses and such, I bet you can find the music and blare it on your phone.." Kae suggests. Now the 'Dragon' Lady tilts her head and begins wandering around some, soon enough coming up with a large mug of cider.. She had the mug actually attached to her belt, but in this case she got it filled with plenty of spiced cider.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark is definitley entertained and he waves to Ben and Spider-Franklin before looking to his friendly dragon-girl. "Now where exactly do you get one of those," he asks, pointing to the Funnel Cake and spinning on his heel, the cape he wears swirling around him dramatically. Sassa is smiled at if for no other reason than she was talking with Diana and Tony starts to walk again, past people here and there. The occasional handing out of tickets to random kids as he walks past a line or someone walks past him while he's standing in one will continue. Nothing overt or anything, just his scarf is getting smaller and kids are getting a few extra rides at his expense. Pretty in theme if one considers old nobility handing out coins to the commoners, which it could also easily be taken as. Glass half full or half empty...

"You sir! Ho there, let me have your finest fried bread with chocolate and powdered sugar. Yes yes, and strawberries. Good man...good man." He looks around, clearly pondering some sort of mischief. His gaze has it.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae passes one of her tickets before Stark has the chance to like pay for his funnel cake... Kae then gets a bit of a smug look on her face, no she doesn't have much money and all, but it does give her much ammusement to actually get the man who litterally has pretty much everything something he didn't have, even if it's just a lowly funnel cake. The dragon-girl then winks to Tony and waves to the others before heading off with the three ladies she arrived with to head to the judges stations to get their group outfits all judged and stuff...

Spider-Man has posed:
"All right, all right," Tintin Peter laughs, and he doesn't take anymore photos with that hidden camera. Must have a really long lens on it. But Peter knew all the tricks. He did it as Spider-Man often enough. Of course, if Betsy had wanted to, she could have just moved somewhere out of the path of his camera. It was in a stationary position, after all. With Mr. Stark's playing his own music, Peter admits, "I've never actually seen Game of Thrones. I didn't have HBO growing up." Yeah, Aunt May couldn't afford it, and Peter wasn't going to illegally download it, even if he knew how to.

"Wow, that's a large mug," he commented to Kae and her cider. Then about Tony, "he really does make the kids happy, doesn't he?" Standing, as it's getting kind of late, he offers his arm, "shall we? I think we might have a little bit of candy left in the bowl from the Trick or Treaters."

Sassa (300) has posed:
    Sassa decides it's time for her to take off, and since Tony made an entrance, she decides to make an exit. She slowly lifts off the ground under no apparent propulsion of her own. No doubt causing several people to look, and stare and gawp at her. She hovers there, about a dozen feet above the ground for a few moments, seeing if someone decides to take a picture or not. She smiles at everyone and then simply, accelerates and shoots skyward at near Mach. A few moments laters, there's a small, /boom/ that signals that someone literally broke the sound barrier.

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