Thursday, March 29, 2018

[United] Welcome to Wand


Welcome to WAND
Date of Scene: 21 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Frankenstein is welcomed into the WAND division and showing around the offices by Lara Croft.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Frankenstein

Lara Croft has posed:
The WAND offices are a bit different from the average SHIELD division. Cubicles and desks make up the bulk of the main room but in the very center is a large conference table surrounded by a host of office chairs... its at this table that WAND members meet to discuss activities and actions taking place within the world of the occult, the 'unseemly' things that go bump in the night, or just the oddities around the world that no one else wants to think about or try to figure out 'why'.

Right now the offices were fairly quiet, it was Christmas and most people were taking some time off. Since this wasn't the most active militaristic-division in SHIELD, the agents weren't held to the same standards that the rest of such ilk were.

Lara Croft was here though, she was in her office... one of the offices that line the walls around the cubicles and conference table.

She was currently coming out of her office, in-fact, dressed in a black longsleeved henley top and some dark blue jeans, she's moving toward a shelf along the wall to put back some old books she'd been using.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein walks in directly from Fury's office higher up in the same building and looks around closely. He likes that most of the overt signs of the supernatural aren't displayed. It cheapens things for him but he is enjoying the decorations, tempted to put the lights back into his sockets. He looks around and spots Lara. He is dressed as he usually is, jacket, shirt and pants. But they are fresh and laundered. Upon seeing her, he waves and says, "Hello."

Lara Croft has posed:
If it were any other building and any other job... seeing Frankenstein at your workplace might surprise you... but Lara Croft had coffee the other day with Hellboy.

So when she turned around and saw Frank there, much taller than her, she looked up at him and looked a 'bit' surprised at first, but she let that surprise fade into a smile.

"Hello." She said back to him, her right hand came off of a leather book she was holding and she offered it to him.

"I'm Lara, Croft." She introduced herself. "Need some help with something?" She'd ask him further.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "Yes, just met with Director Fury. He's assigned me here. Joining up again." It had been 10, 20 or 60 years since....well. "Frankenstein." Duh but he was polite enough to answer with his own name. No first name given. "Fury says you're the senior agent here. I am a new recruit. Well...reactivated that is." He shakes her hand, it is firm but not crushing."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara looked around after he said she was the senior agent here... she hadn't even thought about that. Johnson and Braithe had both left after Thanksgiving, they'd brought her into the WAND group last year when she'd joined, then several others had left since then...

"My god, I am." She quietly said, and then huffed out a laugh as she looked back at Frank.

She didn't want to really comment on his legacy, because she'd dealt with people who had them already (Indiana Jones for one) and she knew they generally hated that stuff.

"Glad to have you aboard." Lara would say to him with a grin given.

She'd turn and motion to follow after her. "Got a desk for you if you'd like to see it...? A workspace to settle into and hide away inside of?"

Lara carried her two books in her left arm and started to walk down the lane of cubicles to the far side of the offices.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "Glad to be aboard. And desk..." he grins, "I must say that despite seven lifetimes of memories I have never, ever, had a desk, that would be...nice." Normal. Modern. "Any ongoing missions I should know about?" He looks at the books with curiousity but then walks with her."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would laugh softly as she brought him to the corner cubical, which as far as cubicals go... is top shelf!

She stood off to the sid eof its entry point and motioned it toward him, a nice L-shaped desk with a computer in the corner and some shelves and desk drawers. "I know its not much, but its a good space... as far as spaces go." The British woman would show the taller man a slight grin.

"What kind of missions and operations are you looking to assist us with?" She'd ask him then after he posed that last question to her.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein looks at his hands and then the keyboard, "Might have to...get a larger one there, second monitor but I know how to use it. It is lovely. I will try to add plants. Maybe a stapler." He looks down at her and is infected by her grin, "Well....I know of the occult but am no sorcerer. I'm imaginaning I would do better in the indimitate or smash department.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara would take a step back and let the man get comfortable with his new workspace. "You can contact Darcy Lewis to get any new office supplies that you might need. She'll bring them right to you and talk your ear off if you let her." Lara grinned a little again before she exhaled sharply and glanced around.

"I believe some of the agents have been working in and around Mutant Town, since the death of the President there's been a lot of instability keeping that part of southern New York City safer and clear of troubles... There have also been ongoing investigations into a... zombie infestation in the sewers beneath Brooklyn, but thats... not really my area of expertise so I have left that up to some of the others."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods, "Doable. Should also get a comm. I see you guys them all the time." He seems to enjoy her exhale but made no mention. "I've been...mostly underground but I've heard something about that. Zombies are much more normal territory for me. As you might imagine I take the descration of the dead quite seriously.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara hugged the two large leather books against her stomach behind both of her crossed forearms and she nodded one small time to Frank's words. "We can get you a comm unit before you head out for the day and yes... it sounds as though the zombies are not, medical in nature, such as those that plagued Raccoon City. It sounds more as though they are magical in origin, which would suggest we have a rogue necromancer perhaps trying to flex and test new spells... I will try to set you up with the agents on the case, perhaps you can help them." She'd show another little smile then. "Beyond that, you just need to... get comfortable here and attend meetings, and offer your skills on whatever cases seem to be suited for you."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein keeps his gaze in her eyes at all times, not even beading a sweat. He has excellent periphial vision hoever. "Magical or surgical, I've dealt with them all. It is the area of the occult I know the most. If he is a necromancer, Fury was right to assign me here. I take it personally. I'd be happ to help them yes. I have a feeling I'll be quite comfortable, thank you for your concern...should I call you Lara or Agent Croft?

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's understanding of his words made her nod in affirmation at him again. "Sounds perfect then." She'd say with a quick smile. "And yes, Lara is what I prefer. I never served in the military or held any rank prior. So I prefer to simply go by the name given to me as a child."

Lara turned half-way to her left and pointed a few doors down. "My office is just down there as well, so feel free to come to me if you have any questions or concerns."

She'd extend her hand to him again and offer another smile. "Good to have another onboard, I'll reach out to you if I need some intimidation and muscle on a job."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein shook her hand, again, firmly but not crushingly. "It was a genuine pleasure to meet you Lara. I look forward and don't hesitate to ask for my help on anything."

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

[United] Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast
Date of Scene: 11 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Frankenstein, Rift

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has spent much of the time here in the square since the tree lighting, still wearing the christmas tree lights just like from the commercial. He is somewhat of a tourist attractiona lmost, none realizing he is the real deal.

Rift has posed:
A portal tears open in a remote corner of the park near you as a glowing female figure emerges, her body, clothes and all, washed out in a dull red glow with bright glows inside her arms legs, chest, and head. She looks for the large tree lighting... and then sees... some other christmas lights and goes to investigate.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein blinks and wipes his eyes wondering if it is Santa and then he blushes as the lighting does interesting things to certain curves as they come near him. He idly waves wondering if he has frightened small children again.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks as she lifts off the ground, hovering at your eye level. "So... did someone leave a Halloween decoration adn cover it in..." She trails off. "Wait, you're alive?" she asks, glowing eyes wide as she orbits you curiously.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is on the human side of his spectrum so almost looks humanish. He is not quite as terrifying as usual. "Yes...I am." There is still a slight slur to his words as if he didn't talk much but it adds a rich bass tone to his voice making it insaley deep.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods slowly, clicking her tongue. "You may call me Rift," she states, extending her hand. "Why are you standing in the dark wrapped in Christmas tree lights?" she asks.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "I" He shrugs. Its kind of a well known name. He takes her hand and kisses it. He is a man from another time. "Well....there was this commercial. And it gave me an excuse to not make people run away screaming."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Frankenstein..." she muses softly. "Sine you don't look like a scentist, I will assume you mean the creation." She doesn't use the word 'monster'. "One could even say that you might be considered a mutant..." She stays hovering at eye level. "You do look festive. So... where are you from?" she asks.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "There is an clarifies..." he smiles, "I am the son of...creation of the patriarch ofthat most...interesting" he says it in a tone to indicate disturbing, "class of people. I am apparently many frankensteins to boot. I am from...many places. I remember some...not all. Switzerland is where my oldest selfwas born."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Fascinating..." she muses, sounding truly interested as she descends to land. The cold doesn't bother her while the gravity field is active. "So - what do you do? Do you try to be a hero? I'm still in high school but I want to join the X-Men some day."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "Lots of me have done lots of things. I've got an application pending to rejoin shield. Some mercinary work. Hunting down anyone trying to recreate the experiment. You'd be amazed at how many people try to do it. High School..." he thinks, "Good. Stay in school." Apparently one of him dida lot of hostess comercials and PSAs"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "Wait - why are you continuing to talk like you are... more than one person?" she asks. "I don't get it - oh, want some hot dogs? I can get you one if you want... I normally eat six at a time but my powers give me a high metabolism..."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "I am ...a Frankenstein of Frankensteins....more than just the original." He shrugs and smiles, "Hot dogs are good.""

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles as she darts over to the hotdog stand, a faint red glow. The glow winks out in the distance... ... until it starts up again as she returns with eight hotdogs - with the works minus the relish and hands you two. "Here," hse states. "A Frankenstein of frankensteins... that must be awfully confusing. I thought being able to tell gravity where to shove it was weird."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has the hot dog and eats it. "That is good. Thank you." He nods, "It is. It is hard to know where I end or I begin. I am the sum of my parts and more than the sum of my parts. There are people I know and people I don't. People I should know and people who should know me. We have no idea who made this version ofme. Gravity is a useful power to have.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "Do you remember future incarnations too or is it just all the present and past ones?" She pondres. "Yes - but one of the main mutant terrorists uses electormagnetism, which is severl orders of magnitude reater..."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "I do. A few different futures actually, some of which I am sure couldn't happen already. Whole worlds that are much different than this. Some where half the heroes aren't even here or other half isn't. It's weird. Do you know physics too?"

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "I made it a point to study physics - I have found it very useful in undrestanding what I can do - and can't." She smiles. "Though most of what I've learned I realize doesn't apply to me." She ponders. "My big passion is cooking though."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein nods, "Yes, anatomy and a bit of biology are handy for me. I had to learn from my father. I mainly had to learn in case anyone else is stupid enough to mess around with the dead. Have you tried cooking with Gravity?

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua nods. "That sounds like a good idea..." She smiles as she eats a hot dog, going quiet. "I'm going to have to get going - it's almost curfew." She smiles. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Frankenstein..." She smiles as a portal opens as she steps through it.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein smiles, "Lovely meeting you Rift. If I can't talk well later, its still me." He waves as she heads off.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

[United] Out of Sight Out of Mind


Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Date of Scene: 19 November 2017
Location: Vernon - Metropolis
Synopsis: The leading Legionnaire has returned...only there is a slight problem.
Cast of Characters: Invisible Kid, Frankenstein, Mon-El, Ikaris, Super-Man

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle is beginning to doubt the necessity of ever returning to their own time; the 21st century seems to need the Legion even more! It seems everyone's off on a mission somewhere, and it's reached the stage where the cruiser is just too sprocking quiet.
    Well, okay, and everything he has going on in the lab has reached a state where all he can do is wait on them, so there's not much point in banging around the ship doing nothing.
    So, he'll bang around planetside doing nothing. Besides, sometimes it's good to get real gravity under your feet. For once out of uniform, he's casually strolling the streets of Vernon, guiltily enjoying not having to be on duty for a little while.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is walking down the street carrying a large number of packages for a friend. He can carry a lot, so he uses his strength for good when he can. He is somewhat of a hazard but his size and the way the ground shakes when he moves makes some cautious around him

Mon-El has posed:
    As Lyle is strolling down the street, there is a sudden commotion coming from a pub a few paces ahead of him. You know, shouting of many forbidden words, things smashing and thudding...a general cacophony of discord that seems to be coming from what's probably a bad bar brawl.

    This time though, the bartender or owner or someone is cowering outside with his back against the wall and his eyes wide like he'd never seen a fight that bad at -his- place before. And if one peers through the windows, there is indeed a very chaotic scene inside. Tables and chairs are not only overturned but broken into -pieces-, and patrons are rushing panicked for the exits. And is that wall -cracked-?

Ikaris has posed:
One of the patrons in the bar is against the wall, somewhat shielding the people he is nearest with his arms spread wide. He didn't see what happened, or who started it.. but those next to him while startled.. are fine. The few people that come that way he turns away, pushing them away from those behind him. "Make your way to the door." He tells those he's covering.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    So much for being off-duty. At least Lyle's not feeling guilty about it anymore.
    Surely no one's going to notice him turning invisible; they're all paying attention to the commotion at the bar. Once safely out of sight, he takes to the air so as to not block anyone trying to get away from the ruckus, and so he can get close and see what's going on.
    Okay, he may help a few people get out of the way -- they're probably too rattled by whatever's going on to remember a second or two of not actually touching the ground.
    Let's see what the problem is...

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein sighs as he hears the barfight. He puts the packages down at the side of the bar and begins to move in farther. This is not good, but the lumbering monster is certainly to draw stares.

Mon-El has posed:
    Ike and Lyle are fairly successful in evacuating bystanders. Yes, they are most likely too concerned about getting away from the chaos to worry about an invisible person picking them up. Some do stare in Frankenstein's direction once they are away from the fight, however, when someone abruptly goes flying through a front-facing window all attention is once again directed back at the pub. Glass shatters, flying in every direction and the individual lands with a hard thud on the sidewalk, unconscious. He looks like a big burly redneck type, definitely the sort who would get into bar fights.

    Inside, the fight has finally ended because, well--everyone but one man is either out cold or outside. Bits and pieces of furniture, dishes, and other items are scattered all around, some even plastered against the walls and ceiling. Ike and Frankenstein probably won't recognize him, but Lyle certainly's none other than Lar Gand, otherwise known as Mon-El, the currently elected leader of the Legionnaires but who had been missing for quite some time.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris doesn't know Lar Gand. Never seen him before, doesn't know anything about him or the Legionaires. He doesn know trouble though. Perhaps more than anyone else on earth. He knows trouble. Once his people.. the ones he was protecting leaves he turns to face the Future Superman. "You need to stand down Sir. Noone here means you harm. " He tells the man, one hand extended, fingers open.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Oh, grife.
    Here's a question one hopes to never have to figure out an answer to: how do you stop someone with powers comparable to a Kryptonian's when they're on a rampage? He'll worry about why the rampage later. Stop him first, debrief the situation later.
    Lyle gets behind Mon-El, out of immediate arm's reach -- invulnerability is *not* included with invisibility -- and hopes whatever's going on inside Mon's head will respond to a famliar voice. "Lar! Stop! Please!"

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has no idea who the guy is of course but he definitely gets the impression that its not a good thing that he is doing. He slowly moves within leaping distance, not going to start something he can't finish but willing to if it proves needful. He looks at the packages from time to time to make sure they are fine.

Mon-El has posed:
    Oddly enough, despite the clear destruction, Lar doesn't -look- hostile at all. The expression he's wearing is actually one of fear and confusion, with a hint of a flabbergasted 'omg what just happened and why is it happening'.

    However, he does seem to understand that no one else in here has any more intention to attempt to hurt him, causing him to relax a bit. He turns around when Lyle uses his name, though he doesn't appear to recognize his own teammate. " know me??" he asks, stammering a bit.

Ikaris has posed:
Ike Harris is letting everyone stream out. A few people are checking on the redneck that is laying unconcious outside the window. He hears the voice behind Lar as well, even if he can't see him. But he can sense him. "If you know him, you need to get him out of here. "

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Lyle fades back into visibility. "Yes, I do, Lar. And you know me," he says gently, slowly holding up his hand to show off his Legion flight ring -- identical to the one Mon-El wears. He looks around for a back door; better to exit that way, probably. "Will you come with me? And what's the last thing you remember?"

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein scratches his head and idly looks at Mon El's skull to see if there were surgical alterations. If he had had his brain put into his own body....hmm....not really. He is pleased the bar fight isn't continuing and listens sympathetically.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan has used his Super Hearing to track down trouble. It is the hardest power he has to use in some ways. He has heard the bar fight and it took him only a shoret time to get there. Of course, there is a slight technical problem, he is under 21 and not supposed to go inside. He pauses and uses his X-rav vision to see who is hurt and how badly...

Mon-El has posed:
    Suddenly some guy appears out of thin air. Presumably, it's the one who was talking just now. Mon-El doesn't appear to have evidence of any kind of surgical manipulation on his head. But he still looks pretty confused. He peers at the ring Lyle is holding up...yeah, he did find something like that on himself earlier.

    Lar doesn't seem to be sure of how to respond to Lyle's question. But the fact that he starts talking to him in his native tongue Daxamite just might shed a little bit of light on the answer to just how bad this case of amnesia is.

    Kenan's X-ray examination will reveal that yes, there are some people who have taken a pretty serious beating, here. Nothing really life-threatening, but plenty of broken bones and cuts. Mostly young male humans who are now inert on the floor or on the sidewalk outside. The guy on the sidewalk has a lot of glass in his body. And there is a lot of glass on the ground. The inside of the bar is total wreck, with Ike, Mon-El, Frankenstein, and Invisible Kid being the only ones who appear to be standing.

Ikaris has posed:
Unfortunately Daxamite is NOT a language known to him, though he does recognize the extra-terrestrial nature. "Off worlder.. He will help you. Please go peacefully." Ike tells him, before his hand falls and digs into his pocket, pulling out a beatup old Nokia brick phone. Y'know the indestructible ones.. And dials 911. People are hurt, they need help. "Yes Mam.. I need several Ambulances at.." He pauses and walks outside to find the address.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Oh, boy," Lyle mutters. He's probably picked up a couple words of Lar's native language over the years, but not enough to hold a conversation. Trying to lead him towards the back door out of the bar, he says -- in Interlac, this time -- <<Can you understand this, Lar?>>

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is considering leaving but stays a bit longer, just in case. However since there is no fight right NOW, he goes and picks up the packages again one at a time, listening and watching.

Super-Man has posed:
OK, so there are 4 people standing. He sees one heading towards him, calling for help, and two trying to head out the back. The other one is trying to help others even if he looks a bit odd. It seems to him like he should be talking to the ones trying to sneak out, so he runs around to the back of the building and waits.

Mon-El has posed:
    Nope, Lar doesn't understand Interlac either, since he currently has no memories of the 30th century whatsoever. He stops trying to talk to Lyle in Daxamite though, seeing that the other young man doesn't understand it either. Oh well--it was worth a try, right? Anyway, he tries going back to what little he knows of English at the moment. "You are....?" he points at Lyle.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein takes the packages and moves off into the gloom, content to have not just been an idiot.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    Back to English, then. "Lyle. Invisible Kid." Hopefully one of the two names -- given or code -- will ring a bell of some kind. "Can you recall the Legion? Of Super Heroes?" He holds up the ring again. "Your cousin Laurel?"
    He actually hesitates before trying the next name -- if Lar can't remember his girlfriend, this is worse than Lyle wants to think about: "How about Tasmia -- Shadow Lass?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan states, "Hold it right there. From here it looks like you are leaving the scene of a crime without paying for damages. I think the Police will want to talk to you...though they might go easy on you if you are suffering amnesia and did not know better."

Mon-El has posed:
    Mon-El just stares blankly at Lyle when he mentions the Legion, and other people he knew before. And yes, even Shadow Lass seems to just draw a blank with him. He shakes his head, but smiles politely. He's not sure what the custom is on this planet when making new acquaintences, so he just tries to be pleasant in general. "Hello Lyle. So...where are we?" Well at least he seems to be picking up the language fairly quickly, though what Kenan says still seems to be beyond him. "That is a friend?" he gestures toward Kong.

Invisible Kid has posed:
    "Suburb of Metropolis. In a bar," Lyle explains. Do I want to know what started the fight? Wait, don't explain now, save that for later."
    Lyle glances at Kenan uncertainly. The newcomer has a point... but there are extenuating circumstances beyond the amnesia itself. "I don't know. I hope so," he says to Lar, then turns his attention to the interloper.
    Here's the other problem. The Legion -- or at least the Legionnaires who've got themselves trapped in this time -- have kept a fairly low profile, mainly out of concern for altering the future, their past. So he doesn't know if this guy has heard of them or not.
    "Invisible Kid. Legion of Superheroes," he says by way of introduction, offering his hand. "We can pay for the damages. But the priority here is getting my teammate to our medical bay so we can check out what's happened to him."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan is a bit torn...should he stop them? I mean, they are trying to treat someone who might be out of control or something. He as not heard of the Legion of superheroes though...or has he? For some reason the name is vaguely familiar from somewhere. He decides what to do, "We have a number of people injured and property damage as well. We will need a contact so that we can arrange paymnt for these damages."

Mon-El has posed:
    "Met...tropolis?" Lar repeats the name but it doesn't ring a bell to him either. "What planet?" He sighs at the question about the fight, shrugging. "I got a drink. Then they attacked me. Sorry." He gestures at the ruins of the pub. "I don't know why..." And he isn't sure how to explain to them in English his own shock at the effects of Earth's sun on his physiology. Instead, he just apologizes again. "I am sorry, will you help me??"

Invisible Kid has posed:
    The amount of damage caused by Lar doesn't seem to faze or surprise Lyle. "Yes, certainly," he says to Kenan, quickly writing out a note. "We monitor these frequencies continually; you can ask for me, I will *definitely* remember this."
    He looks at Lar, and says 'whoooo' under his breath. That's a *lot* of stuff not being remembered. "Yes. We can help you, Lar. Don't worry about this incident, I'll handle it." Speaking directly into his ring, he says, "Invisible Kid to cruiser, slipgate on my position, two coming up, prep medical."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan catches the question about planets and the thing about monitring frequencies. Clearly he is going to have to pass this one upstairs with SHIELD. The two members of the Legion he needs to explain this to the Police.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

[United] Frank and Nick Discuss


Frank and Nick Discuss
Date of Scene: 21 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nick Fury, Frankenstein

Nick Fury has posed:
    With everything happening in the last few days, SHIELD was busy. The hallways were crammed with Agents, from Level 1 to Level 11, running around trying to ascertain how things were going to change with the upcoming missions- especially in regards the Alpha Flight and its new status. IN all of this was the eye of the storm, Nick Fury.

    Fury is currently in his office on the Helicarrier, ODYSSEY. A Level 6 Agent named Stewart escorts Frankenstein to the main command deck, and nods towards the Office of the Director of SHIELD.

    "I heard the Quinjet ride was a little rough coming up to the Ody?" The man says with a slight grimace. "East Coast weather this time of year...whatta ya do huh?" They arrive on the command deck, a bustle of activity like everywhere else on the carrier. "He's in there." Waving to the Director's Office. The man adds, with a slight smile, "Good luck." With a final respectful nod, he turns, and heads towards the navigation area.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is fortunately on the human side of his spectrum at the moment though his voice is still rather grovelly. He has removed the christmas lights despite the decorations around the facility. "There was some bad air, but its still better than a balloon or a zeplin. The wonders of modern technology." He nodded to the agent, "Thanks."

He'd need it. The explantions from his initial debrief had been halted....what with them all being Hydra agents and all. He went to the door in question and knocked. He kept it polite even though he could obviously knock...loudly.

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Come in Frankenstein." Fury says from the other side of the doorway after Frank knocks. Almost on cue, the doorways swooshes open, like some Star Trek episode, and on the other side is the Director himself, Nick Fury. He is currently standing behind a desk that is cluttered with several data pads and reports, all of which seem to be on the right hand side of the desk. On the left is an empty glass and an ash tray with a half-smoked cigar in it.

    Nick is wearing his SHIELD uniform, with all the insignia and accoutrements, but his holsters are empty. Fury waves Frank forward, and says, "Good to see you Frankenstein."

    Fury looks at the chair, then at Frank, and frowns. "Welcome to the ODYSSEY. I hear you wanted to talk to me?" Fury, right to the point. "I could see if we have bigger chairs? Or we can stand."

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein walks and slightly lumbers in, relaxed and enjoying the surroundings. Shield is a place where people are just used to the weird, so he doesn't have to deal with people running in terror. It's nice. Very nice. "Good to see you too Nick..." two of him remember Nick rather well. "I've considered rejoining Shield. I am tired of the shadows." He looks at the chair and grins, "I can stand, but enjoy sitting. Bigger chairs might be nice.

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nick Fury taps a button in his almost invisible headset, and says, "Bring a bigger chair. Yes. Now. Out." Fury then looks at Frank, and actually offers a small smile. "Shouldn't be long."

    Fury crosses his arms across his chest, and nods. "That's good. We could use a man of your abilities, and history. You bring a lot to the team, especially in WAND or even BPRD. Of course you have my support if you want to re-join. Have you given thought to where or what you want to do?"

    It was at that moment that a Level 2 Agent enters the office with a large, reinforced chair. Impressive the speed it took to get that here. AFter he deposits the chair in front of Frankenstein, and receives a dismissing nod from Fury, he leaves almost as fast as he appeared.

    "Now that was fast." Fury muses, almost to himself. "Hill must have been on it. Sometimes she scares me with how she anticipates what I need. Huh." Fury shakes his head, and says, "Now, where were we?" Fury sits down in his chair, and regards Frank thoughtfully.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein shrugs, "Anything that keeps me off the general radar is good." He is suprised to know that he recognizes both those groups and has memories of both. "So either of those groups would work. I am just tired of the fear. I need something to keep my mind occupied. As long as I have time to look for the occasional descendent of Victor Frankenstein messing with the death then I'm very amenable to ....whatever." He would not make that ofer easily but trusts Fury immensely and sits down in the large chair thankfully. "Thanks. We were disussing where I could be of most use?

Nick Fury has posed:
    "Excellent. I know they could use you downstairs in the Triskelion. I know it is the basement, but that's the way they like it I suppose. Either or. I think WAND is looking for a lot of help. Jones and Croft could use your help I expect. Fury pauses, as though considering the options.

    "You know a lot of things they can use to help them dig up this and that. They can probably help you with your hunt as well." Fury nods, and leans back. "Sounds good to me. Let's do that."

    Fury pauses for a moment, and says, "However, go where you are needed. Consider your inactive status, re-activated. Level 4 wasn't it? Is that good with you?" Fury asks.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "Both work for me. And yes, glad to be aboard. I am familiar with Jones and Croft's work," though he isn't sure how...,"and would be happy to aid them. The basement is some place I am well used to." he grins, "I'm open to most things, rank rarely means much to me. If someone above me is a jackass, I'll just submit a report."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury chuckles, nods, and says, "Very good then. I have already set things in motion. See the Human Resources Deaprtment for the final paperwork and your accomodations at the Trisk. They should be able to help you get going fast, since I have put a rush on it." Fury nods.

    "I'd talk to Croft asap. She's kind of "de facto" IC (in charge) there right now. She's the same rank as you, but she can bring you up to speed." Fury nods and says, "Is there anything else you need Frankenstein? All's you have to do is ask." A pause. "It is good to have to back. Truly. We need guys like you to keep these children in line." A wan smile.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "I met the guys who worked the original freighter that bagged Kong. I'm a firm believer in listening to the locals. It would be a boring movie but a strong op, just don't go into the fence when the natives say its stupid. I don't need much medical; dental and a 401K would be nice."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Nodding, Fury stands up. "Excellent. We can take care of that. The benefits package is as good as you remember." Fury adds, "We're at your disposal Frankenstein. SHIELD has a lot of bumpy days ahead, but I know I can count on you. Talk to you later?" Fury says, shuffle a couple of the data pads from the right to the centre of the table.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein says, "We didn't have 401Ks in the war, Ca...Director, I liked the pension bettter but it will do. And bumpy I can do." He grins and feels his forehead, "and later is just fine. Catch up on old times." He stands and offers his hand, "Glad to be aboard."

Nick Fury has posed:
    Fury takes the man's hand in his own, shakes it firmly, and releases it. "Yeah, I hear ya'. The good ole days it was. Heh." Fury places his hands on his hips, and nods, for emphasis. "Excellent! War stories...maybe we should grab Dr. Jones, and see who has the best story from the old days. I got one about Captain Rogers that would curl your toes in laughter. Just don't tell him I told you." Fury smiles, and says, "Welcome home Frank."

Thursday, March 15, 2018

[United] Beginning to feel a lot like Christmas


Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas!
Date of Scene: 04 December 2017
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superman, Frankenstein, Slimer, Supergirl, Robin (Wayne), Power Boy, Stardust

Superman has posed:
Millenium Park, Metropolis' answer to Central Park, is decked out for the Holiday already. Lights and garland and similar are strung around lampposts, and run along the fences. Several trees, scattered through the park, have been decorated for the holiday by volunteers or city workers, and are already lit and brilliant. The ice skating rink in the middle of the park is the sight of the big tree, though. The rink is filled with happy couples, laughing families, and those skating solo. Music plays over the loud speakers, ringing in the Holiday with classic cheer.

There are food vendors, providing food from all over the world, along with local favorites, and various stalls are selling all sorts of things as well, as if it were a bit of a craft fair as well. Some carnival games are setup in one corner of the event, and the whole thing is packed with people for it. Metropolis PD, along with normal security, keep order. All-in-all, it is a very nice event.

The main tree is almost twenty feet tall, and covered in unlit lights, garland and decorations. A podium is setup, where the mayor and other important individuals can give out awards and give speeches. Supposedly Superman is going to be here to flick the switch, which has plenty of locals very excited!

Superman has posed:
There is snow on the hills and along the paths, and there is a very faint snowfall. Just enough to add to the mood, and to require some sort of warm clothing to most.

Superman has posed:'s evening. The sun has set, but only by an hour or so.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein saw a recent commercial that made him feel safe to go out in Public. People would just think it a gimmic to go look for the tree and he does indeed have two christmas tree lights bolted onto the side of his neck just like the commercial.

Slimer has posed:
    How exciting! Lights, creativity, smiling faces, and, more important than anything: FOOD. There's delicious smells everywhere. And plenty of bright colors and items to distract from anyone that particularly needs odd things to blend in with.

    The eyes on a large striped (or is that plaid?) pink and white panda toy move, rotating as if to absorb the sight of the large tree, and the booths with food nearby.

     And so it is, a mostly translucent, green ghostly shape has surfaced from below a carnival game, and hid amoung the stuffed animals.

    But, then the panda's eyes go vacant, only a smear of green liquid left behind. Well, only that -- Until the stuffed animal rolls out of the carnival game sideways. And then sort of drags across towards the pretzel cart next to it. Drag-flop. Nothing to see here. Drag-flop. It's not acting possessed-- just like a fluffy plaid shield against suspicion. Shhhhh.

Supergirl has posed:
It's always a good thing when capes make themselves available to the public for this or that and not just fighting crime. To that end, Supergirl is at a booth with Power Boy. She has a little elf hat in red and blue on her head as well as her uniform. Sitting in a chair meant for little kids, she's working with a table full of tykes to make little ornaments to add to the massive tree before Superman turns on the lights. She shows a pipe cleaner and clothes pin reindeer to Power Boy with it's fuzzy ball red nose with a smile. "Sorry I didn't warn you we'd be on ornament detail." She offers cheerfully. "At least I didn't volunteer us for caroling."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian Wayne had a car brought around to Millenium Park, extracting himself from the car, dressed in a green shirt, black tie, and black overcoat. The young heir had smiled and taken pictures for the press. Of course he had been in charge of making some appearances on behalf of the Wayne Foundation, and as the public knew, he was a pretty upstanding young man. He eventually made his way to the midway, checking out the activities. Most of it was saccharine to Damian, but still he covered with his guise. Was that a pink panda? A quick look back, and it wasn't there. "What the..."

Power Boy has posed:
    Shaking his be-antlered head, Power Boy seems to be amused. It is hard to be upset with all the pure joy in the air and emanating from kids. "Now that is a reindeer. A truly superior reindeer ornament I have never seen!" Power Boy compliments the kid. He has felt antlers on a headband on his head, and some sleighbells wrapped around his arms. The little Elf on a Shelf guy is hanging out of the window cut into his outfit.
    He's an empath. The kids are happy, and that is hard to ignore. More over, he is actually happy. "Make sure to leave carrots out for the reindeer!" he quickly looks over at Supergirl, as if not sure that is the right tradition.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein gets a few people thinking he IS the actor for the commercials and signs a few autographs though people looked annoyed when he signs it "Frankenstein" as he lopes around, in the less human guise. Withouth the christmas lights he would look truly frightening.

Stardust has posed:
For those in the superheroing business, there is a ranking. At the top sit people like Superman. Front-page capes, invited to switch on the lights. Celebrated, recognized wherever they go, the rock stars of the cape world. Perhaps a notch down, public appearances is still very much part of the business, be it manning a booth getting dramatically out of a car for the press. Events like this might almost be a public duty to them. It's not like they can really let their hair down.

  Stardust sits a good few rungs below on the ladder. A decent step up from the ski-mask and diving suit wannabees who spend more time in ambulances than actually saving people. She's actually got superpowers and stuff! She fights crime, and usually wins. She even once kicked Darkseid in the nuts. You'd probably have to be a superhero geek who spends more time than is healthy on or to know her by sight though. Thus she is free to relax. Sitting casually on the top of a tree (not THE tree) that shouldn't be able to take her weight, dressed in a superheroing costume that's close enough to all-white to blend in rather with the snow.

Stardust watches the crowds, idly sipping at a cup of hot cocoa. Not looking for trouble, just here to enjoy a bit of christmas spirit. However the business never quite lets you relax, and her eyes fall on a stuffed panda, that appears to have been possessed. She thinks briefly about investigating, but decides that finishing her cocoa is more important for now. After all, this is Metropolis. Weird stuff happens all the time.

Superman has posed:
    The fun event continues. Music plays, people skate, laugh and eat. Vendors sell stuff, and people partake. Snow falls gently, at pretty much the perfect pace. No flurries, no heavy downfall. Just a faint flutter of white. The mayor arrives, and pauses with his entourage long enough to greet Damian Wayne, and briefly lament his father not being able to make the event (But to tell him to personally thank him for generous donations that are often incoming, even outside of Gotham!)

    The mayor and the other important bigwigs make their way up to the tree, and begin to prepare for speeches and such. News crews walk about, filming and interviewing people!

Supergirl has posed:
"The reindeer come inside too?" Supergirl asks, looking alarmed. She glances to the little girl on her left with pipecleaners stuck to her hands. "Is that true? I should make sure I have reindeer treats." The alien heroine says as the girl giggles heartily. "No, Santa takes them to the reindeer." The little girl explains very matter of fact and rolls her eyes. Lifting her hands, Supergirl holds them together in front of herself. "Oh, sorry, sorry. Santa takes them to the reindeer. That makes a lot more sense than figuring out how all those reindeer got in my house." She nods and the kids laugh. A few chime in with other Christmas facts, suddenly determined to tell Supergirl and Power Boy all about the holiday and being nice and not naughty. Her attention is briefly diverted by Frankenstein and she tilts her head, leaning to watch him go by.

Slimer has posed:
    Drag flop.
    Drag flop.

    Oh for heavens sake, this is FAR and the stuffed thing is stuck on something. Spindly green hands reach out from around the bear to tug-tug at the caught foot. Tug.... ARRRRGH. Pretzels are needed, come LOOSE --- Rip. Oh.

    The one-legged panda now rolls over again, spilling bits of fluff out. A child trots over to look at the foot, then gets close to the bear, looks behind it.


Annnnnd so much for holiday cheer, because THAT is a very very real terrified child-scream. You'd think the child was getting kidnapped. With a similarly awful howling squawk, the green ghost bolts into the inside of the pretzel cart, leaving a splash of green goop splattering down the side of entry.

    And a bit more screaming, which makes more people look. The panda bear, on cue, loses a fight with gravity and falls on its smeared green-splashed face, directly at the child's feet, who takes that as if it were a bloody murder, pointing at it. Apparently this child is afraid of one-legged pandas; sad state of affairs.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein has a pretty good guess the doll is possessed. But he is mainly keeping an eye on it for now, and waiting for green vomit to come from peoples mouths or the like. The squawk also gets his attention. The child, screaming makes him cringe and look around for tiki torches

Power Boy has posed:
    He should be paying attention. He should be eyeballing potential threats. he should be trying to puzzle out things. Power Boy isn't.
    He never had a childhood. These kids with their stories? It hurts, but in the best possible way. This must be why Superman does what he does. He is asking questions, and asking about Santa Claus. He is absolutely enraptured by it. "So, is Santa Claus faster than me? Is he faster than Superman?" No one knows who Power Boy is. Superman and Santa Claus though? Mixed opinions there. Power Boy does a little math. "I think that unless Supergirl, Superwoman, Supergirl, Superboy, Power Girl, and maybe Power Boy." Lots of blinks there. Who is Power Boy.
    He doesn't mind. "I think Santa Claus is faster!" Some of the children are aghast. Most of them agree though. Superman is slower than Santa Claus! But not by much!

Stardust has posed:
Wierd stuff is fine, but screams not so much. With a sigh, Stardust makes an attempt to balance her cup of cocoa in the branches of the tree, but it doesn't want to stay there. With a shrug of her shoulders, she takes to the air still holding it, and swoops over to land next to the possessed panda. "Okay folks, back off a bit please," she calls out to the crowd. "Everything's good, just give the panda some space. Nice costume!" this last comment is directed at Frankenstein.

  Taking a few steps forwards, Stardust peers down at the stuffed toy, and gives it a prod with her foot. "It's covered in goop," she comments to nobody in particular. She prods it again, but devoid of its animating spook, Slimer having made a beeline for the pretzel cart, it doesn't react. She takes a thoughtful sip of her cocoa. She looks around, scanning the crowd thoughtfully, before her eyes return to the ravaged plushie. "Uh. Nobody touch the goop?" she suggests, rather lost for an explanation.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein gives a thumbs up and a kind of grarararanks. Like Scooby Doo in a blender. He nods. Ectoplasm, definitely a ghost. He tries to say "liasraramless." It likely doesn't come out well.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian smiles and shakes the mayor's hand of course. He knew where his father was, but the cover was that he was in Europe for WayneTech business. The usual, but for Damian, he kept smiling and being the face he needed to be for the Foundation.

  He passes to the kid's activities, and gives a laugh at Supergirl and Power Boy's descriptions of Christmas. "Oh, faster than the Flash for sure. At least, you know all those milk and cookies help him get it all done that night. And the reindeer totally love the carrots you leave out for them."

Superman has posed:
    The mayor's bodyguards move to step in the way when there is a scream, and they scan the event. When they see a costumed hero land to handle it, though, they go back to their speech planning and going over the specifics. The snow begins to fall a little heavier. Just a bit.

Slimer has posed:
    Incidentally, Slimer can't just 'hide' in a pretzel cart. Because there's pretzels. In the Pretzel cart. So, the panda is indeed long forgotten, and the pretzels are under consumption. Perhaps fortunately (or not fortunately?) the vendor of pretzels is no doubt distracted by Stardust arriving, and has not opened the cart's compartment recently.

    The panda just lays there. Well, most of it does. That foot is still stuck back on the edge of a metal sheet piece that's part of the concrete making up the edge of a sidewalk boarder.

    The child gets wisked away by a guardian, who is embarrassed. Crisis averted?

Supergirl has posed:
"Damian Wayne. Wow!" Supergirl smiles and looks to the table of kids. "We're making ornaments to decorate the tree before it gets lit." She explains and offers him a clothes pin. "I bet the Flash thinks he's faster than Santa." She jokes, the former Titan and now Justice League member pauses to help a little boy hold the red fuzzball nose in place and nods to Power Boy. "This is my friend, Power Boy. He's like me." She explains and looks to the scream, relaxing as soon as she seems Colette there. She calls out to her as she works, offering the other heroine a bright smile while she glues reindeer noses.

Power Boy has posed:
    "No one is like her." Power Boy responds to Damian. He offers his hand. "Mr. Wayne." He has a firm grip, but he'll likely be more impressed by the young man's. He busies his other hand helping a google eye get attached to a clothes pin.
    "Why do they call it a google eye?" he asks the table, and the other two more adult type folks around. "We... had holidays where I am from, but they were only for the upper folks, as a rule. More of a half a day of work, or something. Maybe a little extra food. Why eat Goose for--" The kids are staring. Power Boy just shakes his antlers, and little bells ring. There. happy kids.

Stardust has posed:
"Liasraramless," Stardust repeats to Frankenstein. "Yeah. My thoughts precisely." She eyes the panicked child with the monopodal panda phobia being marched away by an embarrassed guardian, thinks for a moment, then warily picks the panda up by an ungooped portion. "I'll just rush him to the panda clinic," she explains to the watching crowd. "They'll sew that leg right back on, no problems. And give him a good wash." With that she takes off in a swirl of air and snowflakes, to find an out of the way rooftop to dump it on.

Returning moments later, Stardust drops down by the booth to return Supergirl's greeting with a cheery "Heya! Long time and all that. How's stuff? Hi Mister Wayne. Yeah, I'm with you. Even the Flash couldn't deliver gifts to every house on the planet in one night. Especially while eating a half billion cookies and drinking a small ocean of milk." Her eyes remain glued to the area around the pretzel vendor, site of the previous panda shenanigans, watching for anything more out of the ordinary.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein does not go chasing waterfalls and sticks to the tree that he's used to. He gives a thumbs up as Colette obtains the new panda. He looks at the tree and enjoys it very much. He buys a pretzel.

Slimer has posed:
    The yelling is so unnecessary. When the vendor gets a new customer, Frankenstein, still no crisis--- plenty of the pretzels are still in the top. So there's some time. But after a little while - a few more people --, the vendor does open the cabinets, bending down... and gets a blast of green ectoplasm directly in the face, sitting down backwards and sputtering from it, unable to yell properly, confused, with a face of slime.

    Cautiously a green hand fumbles up and daintily plucks the pretzels in the upper area from the racks on display. No Pretzel Left Behind. Pluck pluck pluck -- and they're drawn down. And eaten. Then the hand reappears to check the emptry racks for any more, feeling around. It's subtle, but said little green ghostly hand does qualify as 'out of the ordinary' for Stardust's perspective, likely.

Superman has posed:
    Not everyone wants the citizens of Metropolis to have a Holly, Holly Christmas. The snow begins to fall a teeny bit harder. Every five or ten minutes it grows a bit thicker. A bit colder. It isn't an iced wasteland, but it is getting chillier. The mayor cups his hands over his mouth to warm them, before an assistant offers him some gloves. "Where's Superman?," he grumbles to an advisor, who shrugs. They glance skyward, shielding their eyes from the snow. "This snow better let up," he grunts. "Weatherman said it should have stopped by now, but when are those things right, huh?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian chuckles, joining in with the ornament making. "Of course he would." A bit of glue, a red pompom and pipe cleaners, and he's made a decent looking Rudolph. The green eyed teen looks to the little kid next to him, comparing the two. "I dunno. I think you did better than I did."

  A quick hand given to shake. While his grip is firm, it doesn't betray who he is. "Power Boy, well, that's quite a name. I used to ask the same thing. It's a colloquialism for the way the pupils just shake in the..." He looks around and notices the kids kind of staring. He quickly puts a pair on his eyelids, making a goofy face. Kids laugh again, smiles on their faces (missing baby teeth and all.)

  Damian bundles himself up a bit more, adjusting his long black scarf. "I guess we're going to have a good cold winter this year."

Supergirl has posed:
Eying the snow coming down, Supergirl's brows knit together for a moment and she gently pats the shoulder of the kid she was helping before rising and brushing her skirt into place and chuckling at the assessment of the Flash. "It's hard to be faster than Santa I guess." She says and shakes her hair off her shoulders before walking over to Colette. "Yeah, since the museum heist. That was some brawl huh? That cocoa smells great, did you get it here?" She asks and looks to Power Boy and Damian with a smile seeing them make the children laugh before looking to Colette again. "What was with the panda huh? Some animal try to eat a stuffed animal maybe?"

Power Boy has posed:
    "Getting a little too cold for the kids." Power Boy says. He nods at Damian. "I would have picked something a little more low key. We never get to pick our names, right?" He look about, a little concerned. "Is the rapid temperature change normal?" he asks. Alarm is too strong a term.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein doesn't feel the cold at all. He simply enjoys the lights and relaxes. He munches another pretzel.

Superman has posed:
    "Ladies and gentlemen! The Christmas Tree ceremony will begin in just a few moments!," comes the announcement over the loud speakers. The snow begins to let up a bit again. So, that's good, right?

Stardust has posed:
Stardust side-eyes Damian as he bundles himself up tighter, and she glances around at the crowd to see similar reactions elsewhere. She becomes aware that people seem to be feeling the cold more than she is, and most of them are rather more wrapped up. Apart from Supergirl, anyway. You probably have to be Kryptonian to wear a skirt in this weather. She wonders idly to herself whether there's such a thing as a not-feeling-the-cold superpower, or if her costume is really well insulated. Yet another thing the so-called mentor that lives in her head hasn't explained to her. With that in mind, Stardust acknowledges Powerboy's comment about names with surprising vehemence. "Tell me about it," she says. "Apparently I inherited the name Stardust, and I get sick of David Bowie jokes."

"There's a cart that-a-way," Stardust replies to Supergirl. "Want me to go get you some while you're on ornament duty? The panda was... I dunno. Possessed probably. It..." she trails away as she glances back in the direction of the panda event and notices the disappearing pretzel trick. "There was goop," she explains thoughtfully. "And there seems to be more of it." She sighs, offers Supergirl the rest of her cocoa, and says "I guess I better go take a closer look," before heading over to the pretzel vendor to find out if he survived the sliming.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein tries to put himself in EXACTLY the same spot as the commercial and dims his lights. He wants to recreate it exactly and is slightly nervous about looming there without the christmas lights on. He looms well.

Supergirl has posed:
"Possessed?" Supergirl asks, intrigued and takes the cocoa, holding it even as she follows Stardust. The announcement gets her attention and she looks towards the stage and then glances around. "Oh? Is my cousin here already? I didn't see him arrive." She muses and scans the crowd for a spectacled nerdy looking reporter no doubt pigging out on Christmas sweets last second. That would be like Clark she figures. Her steps follow Stardust away from the ornaments, distracted in her scan of the crowds.

Slimer has posed:
The pretzel cart vendor is working to clear off his face -- mostly just getting it on his hands and his sleeves. Yuck. He is confused but isn't choking to death, or similar.

     The little ghostly hand continues to probe for any stray tasty bits, and finds a few crumbs and lost pieces, which are picked up. And then the mustard container is nabbed.... followed by more condiments.

Superman has posed:
    The mayor steps up to the podium, and many people turn to watch. Plenty of folks continue playing games, ice skating, or doing whatever it was they were doing, though. "Ladies and gentleman, thank you for coming out tonight. I know it's a bit colder then we were planning!" People murmur agreement. In fact, while the snow slowed, it IS getting steadily colder. What the heck?

    The mayor shuffles his cue cards. "This is the season for giving, and for family. We all celebrate different holidays, from Christmas, to Kwanzaa, to <insert odd alien holiday here>, but our city is a city of togetherness, and of cohesion. Whatever it is we celebrate, it is something we celebrate together." Some cheers. He's a good speech giver! Lots of charisma and such.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein is likely standing in the dark, looking looming and quite scary against the backlight of tree with his own lights on, though he is smiling in a warm friendly way.

Power Boy has posed:
    Offering his hand to Stardust. The antlered and elf-on-shelf in his shirt sporting Power Boy introduces himself. "Power Boy. Pleased to meet you. Stardust?" He thought he heard the name applied to her.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust returns Powerboy's handshake with a "Nice to meet you," and an apologetic "I better go investigate.... seeya later!" as she heads back to the cart. She glances briefly in the direction of the podium as the mayor starts speaking, then gives Supergirl a nudge as she spots Frank again. "See the dude dressed as Frankenstein's Monster?" she asks. "Cool costume, huh?"

Seeing the vendor doesn't seem to be harmed by the sliming, Stardust leaves him to get cleaned up while she investigates the hand. She peers cautiously into the cart, ready to pull back quickly. Harmless or not, she has no desire to be slimed. "Hey! You in there. Covering people with goop is rude. So's eating all their pretzels. Have you got no Christmas spirit? Step /away/ from the tasty, tasty snacks, and no gooping."

Superman has posed:
    "One thing you can all celebrate together is being ROBBED! HAHAHA!," comes a high-pitched cackle from the middle of the crowd. The temperature drops several more degrees in an instance, and a several people toss back the hoods on their jackets (Except for one, who leaves it on!)

    There are several individuals, all now drawing attention. The one who shouted is pale blue, with a pointed nose, and the snow begins to swirl about him and gather like he is summoning it to him. Beside him is a man with an Inuit-styled fur hood, and slitted blue glasses, wielding a big, crackling freeze gun. Between them is a beautiful woman who is pale blue and white, with long, dark blue hair and a black and blue, stylized leotard. "You can call us the COLD MISERS!," shouts the long-nosed man. The others roll their eyes, and do not appear to be on-board with the name. "Now! Everyone toss down their valuables!

    The C-List, winter themed villains don't seem to realise who all is present...and how quickly this is going to be over...

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl had meant to help Colette but then the temperature drops and even she looks like she might feel chilly. She passes Stardust's cocoa to Damian with a "Here, hold this." and marches towards the c-list villains with all the bravado the S on her chest should command. "Hey!" She calls out and hears Stardust's command to Slimmer. "In case you didn't hear my friend, we're cracking down on a lack of Christmas cheer and robber is definitely up there!" She places her hands on her hips and does the pose. "Now make this easy on yourselves and call it quits while you're ahead."

Slimer has posed:
    There is a little... green ghost inside the cart. It doesn't hide or anything from Stardust. It is shoveling pieces of pretzel and spraying mustard from the bottle into it's face when she opens the door. He just stops where he is, entirely freezing as if she'd just forget he was there, staring at her with big, semi-transparent eyes. And then squeezes the mustard bottle a bit more.

    Thankfully, it seems there's other distractions far more interesting than a 'harmless' little green ghost. He mouths 'What snacks?' at her with his mouth still full. And then turns to peek up over the cart at the Cold Misers. And then at Stardust. And ... seems to cheer her on, waggling the condiment containers at her in a pleased way. "Save day!" The ghost actually says to her. And then brightens. "Help rescue snacks!" he says, indicating himself, and suddenly bolts through the side of the cart; the condiments in hand flop down inside the cart as they are left behind in a smear of green, and the ghost is shooting off to 'save' the contents of the ice cream cart nearby. Not to worry, he's on it.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein gives a thumbs up to the second compliment and then spots the less than intelligent villains. He begins plodding toward them. He has seen the other heroes here so isn't expecting to have to do much but happy to pound the impounded.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian returns Colette's side-eye, still keeping his cover as well as he can. "We're we supposed to get a cold front tonight?" He says, attempting to float a hint to anyone paying attention. But then the Cold Misers make their presence known. "Aww h-" Realizing he is around the children still, Damian continues. "e-double hockey sticks." The youngest Wayne looks to the kids and puts his finger on his mouth. "You know who's gonna make these guys go away, right?"

Stardust has posed:
Pretzel thieves just don't come high on the list of threats. Even ones that slime people. Certainly not compared to a gang of even C-list supervillains. "Okay mister whatever-you-are, change of plan. You're free to goop those guys..." Stardust jerks a thumb in the direction of the Cold Misers. "...As much as you like. No more stealing snacks though."

Swooshing up into the air in a fashion that would only be more dramatic were she to wear a cape, Stardust zooms over the heads of the crowd and comes to a halt floating by Supergirl, backing her up. She tilts her head sideways, staring at the Misers with a look of disbelief. "Really?" she asks them. "You decide on pulling this garbage here? At a nice, fun, festive Christmas event? With Superman the guest of honor? And several other supers hanging around? What on earth is wrong with you?" she pauses a moment, staring at the one in the center. "Apart from your fashion sense. And your choice of team name. You guys don't want to do this the hard way, do you? 'Cos believe me, we don't mind. Either way is easy for us."

Power Boy has posed:
    Pulling in a breath, Power Boy starts as if to make his way over towards the villains, but then he looks down at all the kids around them. He taps into a bit of emotion, and a large hand begins to form behind him. With a practiced hand gesture he lays it down, and shields the children and the nearby adults with a gleaming blue-ish wall of energy. "No one can hurt you behind that, kids. Don't worry, Supergirl has got this sorted!" His knuckles itch, and he feels like a coward, but somewhere along the way, someone taught him the value of human life.

Superman has posed:
    The female member of the Snow Misers(tm) whirls about as Supergirl strikes a superhero pose. "Ha! Supergirl! Perfect!" Ice and cold manifests around her hands, and the infamous Killer Frost lashes out with bolds of chill fired off in her direction! "Just what I wanted for Christmas! Killing a Kryptonian!"

    Captain Cold levels his big gun at the mayor's podium, before he notices the green glob. "IS THAT A GHOST?!," Snart cries out, whirling towards Slimer and firing off a beam of super-frozen whatchamacallit. The leader is stalking towards the podium, as people are herding back and...mostly watching, honestly!

    The leader glances up when Stardust swoops into view. "Your FACE is the hard way!" He then swings an arm, and the snow and ice that had gathered about him launches in her direction.

Slimer has posed:
    Hit by the frost ray from Captain Cold, there is now a flying, very confused and disoriented, icy green ghost blob that goes tumbling through the air from where it was hit off to the side of the podium, and lands in one of the piles of decorations. FWUMP. There was a little cry, a "AHHHHHhhhhhiiiiieee!" from the iced blob. Was it a ghost? Hard to tell. It's in the clump of decorations now. Well, probably is. Slimer is smart enough to stay down, for the moment.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl's eyes widen as a blast of ice comes her way. She draws her cape up to absorb the worst of the ice blast as people start to scatter. "Please. Does brain freeze come with the territory with those powers?" She asks dryly and brings her fists up as she shakes the ice off her cape and blows it back into Frost's face to distract her before looking to Stardust. "Just like with the parademons?" she asks and offers a crooked smile. Power Boy gets a quick look and a warm smile at his protective wall.

Power Boy has posed:
    The field surges both is color, size, and intensity at that smile. Maybe he's compensating, or maybe he just likes her that much, or maybe her approval matters to him, or maybe the hope she generates and is currently powering Power Boy's construct just was more inspiring to all the others as she shook loose that ice. Regardless, the field shines all the brighter. "Kick her (filthy sounding alien word), Supergirl!"
    The kids repeat it, and Power Boy gets a couple of dirty looks from parents as the young alien teaches children an alien curse word.

Stardust has posed:
On the scale of things that have been fired or exploded at her, Stardust doesn't particularly rate an icy snowball that highly on the threat-o-meter. Nevertheless, she dodges. It's instinct more than anything else, and when you're already in the air, just flying UP is easy enough. "My face?" she asks. "Was that an attempt at banter? You guys are just SO cute. You're trying so hard!"

"Bad guy tennis?" she calls down to Supergirl. "You got it. Maybe heatray that gun too?" She soars upwards, flying a distracting circuit to keep the attention, and icy attacks, of the badguys pointed that way rather than crowd-wards, and gets ready to receive punch victims in a replay of the aforementioned Parademon battle, or to swoop down on someone, as necessary.

Superman has posed:
    Killer Frost snarls when Supergirl catches the blast with such ease. "Parademons?," she then asks in confusion, glancing between the two superheroes. She shifts her stance and gestures, creating a shield of ice, to try to hold off as much as she can. One really super punch will shatter it, and likely take her down, though.

    Captain Cold seems pleased as the green glob vanishes, and he whirls back about to try and find the mayor...who has now been taken out of view. The leader snowls as Stardust mocks him, and he follows her through the sky, lobbing icecicles and snow balls.

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein picks up a large plastic barrel of apple cider and is preparing to lob it, waiting for them to be distracted. He can throw it far but shuts down in total cold. He waits and watches.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oooh? And I thought you were an admirer." Supergirl shakes her head as the ice wall goes up. "Does this mean you don't want to kill me?" She wonders and brings a fist back to punch through the wall. She's going for omph, not finesse. No doubt Damian and Power Boy might find her form painful, but she does put her hips and core into it, she's learning! She calls out to Captain Cold to draw his fire so he's open. "Really? You shrieked about a ghost, what are you? Seven?"

Stardust has posed:
Stardust darts, swooshes and loops through the air, dodging the icy missiles being hurled at her. From time to time she stops to stick her tongue out and make a face at the leader. "Yah! Missed me!" It's all to keep him distracted until Supergirl makes her move...

When Supergirl punches through Killer Frost's wall and knocks her into the air, Stardust is ready. She changes direction suddenly to intercept, grabs her, swings her around twice, and hurls her back down... straight at the leader. How's that for an icy missile?

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein tosses the barrel at precisely the time of Stardust's attack aiming for the person closest to her target to distract. It flies through the air and unless shot out willbe pretty accurate

Superman has posed:
    The ice shield shatters like sugar glass, and Killer Frost cries out in surprise. She has heard things about Kryptonians, but she's never FOUGHT one! She goes flying into the air...and right into Stardust's punch! She is knocked out cold, and sails back down towards the leader. He, however...manages to get BARELY out of the way. Frost hits the snow and crumples. He leaps back...and right into Frankenstein's tossed barrel. His right arm shatters, as if he were made of ice, and he howls and snarls. He then whirls about...and in a rage he fires off a blast at the tent of children...though there is time to block the blast if someone is fast enough!

    Immediatly after the blast, however, Captain Cold turns on the man. "HEY! NO INNOCENTS! YOU AGREED!" The Rogue blasts the man with his gun, sending him flying back into a lamppost...and crumpling to the ground.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Punch through the obstruction!" Power Boy cheers Supergirl on. "Good use of your hips! Aim for the back of the target, throw the punch to transfer as much of the..." He looks about at the kids who are staring at him as if he grew a second head. One little girl stomps on his foot to no avail. "She's soopergirl. She can punch." Power Boy starts to open his mouth to argue, but just says, "Of course." He clears his throat and keeps the barrier up, just looking abashed. "Just keep the shield up." The little girl tells him. POwer Boy shifts the construct field to take the hit. There is a flash of energy. The little girl's eyes are huge. She holds onto Power Boy's hand." His features soften. "I got this." he assures her.

Supergirl has posed:
Looking towards the children, Supergirl tenses and remembers Power Boy is over there with his protective wall. She looks at Captain Cold. "I should think you've cooled your heels by now. Care to surrender peacefully?" She asks and curls her hands into fists as she squares off with the Captain and notes the other heroes. "Don't forget my cousin is likely due to arrive any moment." She adds in a purr. She isn't worried, he's out matched and his team mates are downed. "You have this one if he shoots, Stardust?" She offers and looks up to her ally.

Stardust has posed:
"You got it," Stardust calls down to Supergirl, as she flies overhead and drops down the other side of Captain Cold, all the better to make him feel surrounded. She jerks her thumb towards the man he just shot, and tuts. "No class, huh? See, that's what happens when you consort with these kinda idiots. You picked the wrong side, Freezy-pants. You obviously ain't like those jerks. How about it, huh? Don't sink to their level. Put the gun down."

Superman has posed:
    The blast hits Power Boy's barrier, and dissipates. Captain Cold, meanwhile, scowls at Supergirl. "Ice pun. That's cold." In response, however, he sets his freeze gun down and sighs, dropping to his knees and tucking his hands behind his head. He's been arrested in Central City a thousand times before, afterall. At this point the police move in, since they've been maintaining the crowd and safety, and quickly arrest Leonard, and the two other unconcious ones. "Don't tell Flash about this?," he calls out to Supergirl. "It's damn embarassing." The Rogue is led off, while the other two are carried off. People cheer on the heroes!

Frankenstein has posed:
Frankenstein decides NOW is the time to turn on the lights on his neck and he gives two thumbs up just like in the commercial.

Supergirl has posed:
"Absolutely, it'd hurt his feelings you know." Supergirl waves Captain Cold off and looks to Stardust. "Awesome. Man. Makes me miss the Titans. It's way more nerve wracking fighting with the Leaguers." She shakes her head and trots over to Power Boy and Damian. "Did you see? That was way better!" She tells Power Boy and waves to Frankenstein as she passes. "Awesome throw dude!" She calls out and returns to the kids all smiles.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Having observed the heroes begrudgingly from behind the safety of the barrier, Damian places a hand to his chin. Giving a round of applause along with the smaller kids. "Great job there." He offers, giving a smirk to the group.

Power Boy has posed:
    The field drops, and the families are free to go. The little girl looks up at Power Boy. "Soopergirl is better."
    Power Boy nods. "She is." She tugs at his hand to get him to kneel. He does. She clips the ornament onto his chest cut out. She leaves a messy kiss on his cheek. "You are okay though. Thanks!" She skips off and over towards Supergirl and stardust cheering them on along with the other kids.
    Power Boy just remains kneeling. FOr a moment it looks like he might cry, then his features harden, even as he rubs his cheek as if to push the kiss in. He then rubs at one of his eyes.
    Slowly standing, Power Boy nods. "Greatly improved." he agrees. "Everyone should be very proud. I know you worked hard to get better."

Stardust has posed:
"I knew you were smarter than those other two," Stardust tells Captain Cold as he's cuffed. "Join the other side," she advises him. "Get yourself off Santa's naughty list. Crime doesn't pay, etcetera." She grins at Supergirl, walking away with her. "That was fun," she agrees.

  On the way, she stops short by Frankenstein. "Very awesome throw," she agrees, looking him up and down. "Does that mean it isn't a costume after all? Hmm. Well so long as you're the misunderstood soul trope rather than the brain eating zombie type, we cool. " She gives Frankenstein a thumbs up before rejoining the rest of the heroes. "That your work with the sheilding thing?" she asks Power Boy. "Good stuff. Huh. I should have had a line about a snowball's chance in hell... damn."

Superman has posed:
    The mayor has been shuffled off to whatever bunker is used during villain attacks, but the people have begun to slowly go about enjoying the which point someone points upwards into the snow. "Hey, look! It's a bird!" "No, it's a plane!" "Seriously? Come on. It's Superman!" "Oh...yeah. No clue how I thought he was a bird." "...Yeah...I've been drinking since noon..."

    Superman lands in a circle that is quickly opened for him by the crowd, his red cape fluttering at his booted ankles. He flashes a warm and charismatic smile, and people wave and cheer. "Sorry I'm late, everyone! A satellite was falling over Norway, and that would NOT have made for a very Merry Christmas!" Folks laugh, and photos are taken. He leans over to sign a picture or two, being very warm and friendly, before he spots the other costumes.

    "Supergirl! Hello! You're Stardust, right?" He knows her name! He peers curiously at Power-Boy, though, unfamiliar, and he givesd Frankenstein a curious look as well. "Good job, everyone. I heard it all wrapping up on my way over. I'm proud of you all. You should be, too."

Slimer has posed:
    Slimer peeks out from where he'd be doing HIS job. His job of ... making sure a whole hell of a lot of snacks are 'safe'. Most of them are candy canes, but there's ice cream, some condiments from a taco stand, and a variety of other things that normally would clash with such a thing. And Slimer is okay with being an unsung hero-- at least for now, in his daring, action-pacted behind-the-scenes rescue missions. Really.

Supergirl has posed:
"Power Boy take good care of you, Mr. Wayne?" Supergirl asks and looks to the other children. "What about you guys? He do a good job?" She asks the kids, eliciting a few Power Boy cheers and some thankful looks from parents. After all, he protected them. She just hit some bad guys. She looks at her cousin and props a hand on her hip. "Hi Superman. Norway huh? Chilly troubles all over today." She comments and straightens. "Oh. Power Boy, Superman." she gestures between the two. "Should someone check on that ghost thing?" She wonders and looks around for the frozen blob.

Power Boy has posed:
    "I thought you wee quite witty." Power Boy assures Stardust. He settles his arms about his middle, his body language displaying his sudden ill ease. His left hand slides upwards to run a finger over the ornament the little girl left there. He reaches up to remove the elf on a shelf from his shirt which gets gasps from the kids. That against the rules!
    He looks confused, and slowly removes the antlers and sleigh bells as well. that ornament though? It stays right where the little girl left it. "Superman." Power Boy greets the hero in a respectful tone with a little nod of his head.
    "Ghost thing?" Power Boy asks. He lacks those super senses. He just looks about. "What ghost thing? Ghosts are real?"

Stardust has posed:
Stardust's eyes dilate slightly, but probably noticeably to ultra-sharp Kryptonian senses, when he addresses her by name. oO(He's heard of me?) she thinks. oO(Even *I* have barely heard of me). It occurs to her that signing up with the Titans probably has raised her profile a fair bit, but still. She'd be totally fangirling about that, if she did such things. Or at least admitted to doing such things. "Yep, that's me. Hi Superman," she says, /totally/ nonchalantly.

"The ghost thing! I totally forgot about that guy," Stardust says with a snap of her fingers when Supergirl reminds them. "I knew there was something... the Snow Patrol totally distracted me. " She peers through the crowd, trying to search out the pretzel thief again.

Superman has posed:
    "Power Boy?," Superman asks curiously. He offers him a hand to shake and smiles. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Power Boy." He arches an eyebrow at the mention of a ghost, and he glances over in Slimer's direction. "Quite a bit of mischief tonight, huh? Well, I'm glad to see everyone is okay. We should get on lighting that tree, huh? Since the mayor had to take off for his own safety?" He glances back towards Power Boy. "You alright? I liked the look. This is my favorite time of year."


Slimer has posed:
    'Ghost thing'? GHOST THING?!

    Slimer is being looked for? This could be a big moment. A moment of great importance in his very small, spud-like little existance. He swallows the array of candy canes to keep them safe (...), and licks his small palms to wipe them back over where his hair would be if he had any hair, getting ready for his big moment. ...He is, though, still mostly in a bin of hats and bows, and 'green' is a pretty strong color with the whole christmas theme, let alone glowing green things, so he may not be immediately spotted.

Supergirl has posed:
"Apparently. Did you see that green thing?" Supergirl asks and slides a hand into one of Power Boy's, giving it a quick squeeze and smiling at him. She nods to Colette. "I totally just remembered Captain Cold freezed him too. Poor blob, ghost, thingy. Oh the tree!" She looks at Superman and nods. "Yes, shoo. You're on the clock." she shoos the Superman with a dry expression, flapping her hands and trying to heard him to the tree.

Power Boy has posed:
    The handshake is firm to even the Kryptonian sensibility. A hard, strong hand that shakes warmly. Power Boy nods. "I arrived with the invasion." Because there is no point in being a liar or false. His gives a little nod of his head. "A pleasure to meet you, sir." He is sincere, but his heart rate is a little elevated.
    A more telling thing is the nervous look he gives Supergirl and the fact his hand squeezes hers back. His heart positively races when Supergirl grabs his hand.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust turns to Power Boy, raising an eyebrow. "Ghosts are real. Here's a tip. If you ever need to ask the question 'is X real', the answer is always 'yes, x is real, and it's gonna cause trouble at some point'. " The young superhero is obviously old in cynicism. "There are even ghost cops," she answers. "I mean like cops that arrest ghosts, not cops that are ghosts, but there's probably that too. One of them mistook me for a ghost once. Also aliens, Frankenstein monsters, giant talking turtles, ninjas..." she drifts off. "Pirates. I've never met a pirate. But they're probably real too."

Superman has posed:
    "Please, call me Kal. My dad was 'sir'," Superman offers Power Boy with a friendly, joking tone. He doesn't comment on the grip. He glances briefly between Supergirl and Power Boy. He can hear the change in heart rate, and it makes him look at him a little differently. He is still very friendly, of course. He IS Superman.

    "I fought space pirates. Well, a space pirate and his crew. He was a K'lanthian. He came to Earth centuries ago and fell in love with old pirate culture, and fashioned himself after it. Tentacle face...tricorner hat...hook hand. A literal Flying Dutchman with plasma cannons. It experience." He laughs softly. He nods to Supergirl and makes his way to the tree.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "That he did." Damian offers, returning to the group, of course seeing everyone happy to be safe and to see Superman has Damian a little aloof. "They are real." He offers to Colette, as if he'd know for sure. He starts to make his way to the tree to witness the lighting.

Supergirl has posed:
"Oh. Pirates are real, that's not like...that's a historical fact." Supergirl chimes in. She looks more exasperated than anything else at Superman's story. "Rau. You are lucky I'm too young to ground you." She says and ushers the man along with an exasperated look to Stardust and Damian Wayne. "Are Earth families this exasperating?" She wonders. "He's so full of life threatening tales. I can just see my aunt and uncle fussing about not keeping a better eye on baby Kal." Poor Slimer. There's a Superman to herd before she worries about the ghost thing.

Slimer has posed:
Slimer continues to pose. And ... continues to pose. And wait. ....And they're not interested in his unlife it appears. Well. He deflates into a rather flattened version of himself.... and makes himself feel better by shaking some ice crystals out of his lower body and eating the rescued ice cream without a spoon: just pawing it on out of the container. The decorations bin is going to be very sticky for more than just an ectoplasm reason.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust shakes a finger at Superman's retreating back. "You're just trying to make me feel jealous. I want to fight space pirates too. I never fought space pirates." She pauses a moment. "Or gone into space for that matter." Another pause. "At least not while sober..." she mutters to herself, recalling a very strange party thrown by Asgardians.

She falls in with the group, following along behind Superman as he heads to the tree, walking in step with Damian. "Hey Shortstuff," she says. "Keeping well? Got stuff to talk to you about when there's a quiet moment." Her eyes scan the crowds, looking out for ghosts. She's still interested in least enough to tell him off for stealing snacks, but she lacks the super-senses to pick him out easily.

Power Boy has posed:
    "Well. I knew Aliens were real." He assures Stardust with the faintest of grins. "I am talking to one now." Power Boy quips. He nods to Superman. "I'll try." he catches the look and the subtle shift in emotion, but he smiles back at Superman. Not in a nasty way, but in a 'yeah, we'll talk later' sort of way, still friendly. Still respectful, but apparently honest.
    "I'll try to remember that rule of thumb though. Your planet is so.. diverse." He murmurs at Supergirl. "Family is important, I keep hearing. You should help him out." His smile is soft, and just a touch jealous. Not his favorite emotion, but between Sue Storm mothering him and the holidays, he is beginning to realize just what he missed out on. "he loves you. Go be with him." His features are hard to read, but his blue eyes widen. "Is that the ghost? The thing that deflated like a ball?" He sort of points in Slimer's general direction. "Are there green squirrels? It could have been a green squirrel?"

Supergirl has posed:
"Nah. It's more fun to watch it with my friends. All the splash and light is his thing." Supergirl shakes her head. "Besides, I bet Stardust's cocoa is all cold now so we should get new ones, huh?" She suggests and bumps Power Boy lightly before looking to Stardust and Damian. "Want to tag along since you're sans family here?" She offers to the boy.

Slimer has posed:
    Slimer applies one of the santa hats to his head. To make himself more appealing. It probably actually does the opposite, because it emphasizes his transparency (you can see through his head into the hat), and the white fluffy edge of it has become crusty with the snot-like green substance he seems to be sharing with nearly everything he's in contact with.

    There's some faults here with the ghost, obviously, but he is ALSO not lunging out and scaring the crap out of all the children - or anybody, really. Which means he's mostly just going to be less obvious. Until somebody walks by with a churro and the ghost's eyes get big...

Stardust has posed:
Stardust's gaze follows Power Boy's pointing fingers. She peers through the crowds until she makes out the figure, now santa-hatted. "Squirrels don't wear hats," she says. "Probably not even green ones." She jabs a finger in Slimer's direction and calls out. "You! Leave that snack alone." She curls her finger up into a beckoning gesture to the ghost, then points to the ground by her feet. "New cocoa sounds good SG," she says. "We may also need a large number of sugary snacks, which I am beginning to suspect are highly attractive to ghosts."

Superman has posed:
    The Man of Tomorrow appears at the podium, and people quiet. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are heroes. Each and every one of you, regardless of super powered or colored costumes. You may not fly, or fighting criminals, but you are here. You support one another. You get through hardship and hold your head high. You make it through, and you help others make it through. Life is hard when you can crack a planet...and yet humanity moves forward through all of people. I am humbled by that...and I am thankful for -you-. Please, hold hands with the friend or stranger next to you...and thank them for being just as heroic as you are. More heroic then I could ever be." One of the reasons people tend to love him is because he makes them feel so great about themselves.

    People move to hold hands, and conversation is exchanged. Thank yous and well wishes...and then the tree lights up in all of its brilliant color.

    "Thank you, Metropolis, for humbling me in the best way possible."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian gives a nod at the offered accompaniment. "Sure. I'm buying." He heads over to the stand, eyeing the Santa hat wearing ghost. "Five cocoas...and a bunch of churros. At least...eight?" He hands over a crisp $100 bill no change needed. "Hey." He says, looking to Slimer. "You did good! Merry Christmas!" He offers a grouping of three churros to the ghost.

  A tray and a bag later, and the youngest Wayne has the required snacks for everyone.

  Green eyes widen a bit as he's asked to hold hands, but the hands seem to be full, a sigh of relief before he looks to whomever is next to him. "Thank you." He says, smiling.

Slimer has posed:
Slimer dips down into the box of decor in a 'I didn't do it' wide-eyed look. But, then, Superman is there being so charismatic! He does fly. But no criminals. He isn't even alive. But he can still be inspired. To NOT eat... this last candy cane. And considers ---

    Wait. New distraction: Damian. He suddenly has 3 churros offered, and there is absolutely no ability to resist that. Slimer releases a thrilled little sound along the line of "Bwweheheheheeee!" and reaches out to grab the gifts, entirely focused on Damian. Sorry Superman, Stardust, Super folks: Damian had /churros/....

Power Boy has posed:
    Ow.Ow. Ow. Emotions all over. Luckily positive ones, but Power Boy sways for a moment as gratitude and hope swell in the area. He shoots Supergirl a look. He looks dazed. He murmurs, "Gotta go." It is said softly. "It's like I just took one of your punches right between the eyes. It's... very intense." He starts to lift off. "So-sorry. Please apologize for me." He tells Supergirl. He does look vaguely bleary-eyed as if concentrating through the upswell of emotion is hard for him.
    All he can think is he's glad its positive. If it had been negative...
    Power Boy lifts off, and angles upwards, his left hand gripping the ornament, and giving a quick little wave before rocketing off with a soft pop as he goes supersonic before he loses himself completely in that sea of emotion.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl smiles and hand holds. In this case it's Stardust and Power Boy, but she also makes sure to shake hands with other people around her too. She offers Damian a nod and takes some of the cocoas off his hands. "Thanks Damian. That's nice of you." She tells him and replaces Stardust's cocoa. "Courtesy of the nicest Wayne." She tells him and looks at Power Boy as he lifts off. "Awww. Poor guy. It's like a love fest down here I bet." She murmurs and looks back to her friends and ghost. "So umm, ice skating next?" She wonders, her cousin is much more graceful with his words, clearly.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust can't compete with Damian levels of broody cynicism, but there's a slight roll of her eyes when the whole holding hands thing comes up. It all seems kinda Hallmark to her. However her shield of cynicism is easily broken down by the general upswell of positive festive feelings and she's soon joining in. Holding hands with Supergirl on one side, she looks to see who's on the other side, recognises that Damian probably doesn't want to be touched, and looks down.


Stardust takes in the layer of green slime encrusting the fur trim of his hat, and then glances at her pristine white glove. With a slight sigh, she offers him her hand, thankful that she can renew her costume from damage - and mess - so easily. Christmas spirit, after all, should be extended to spirits. Even gluttonous ones.

Slimer has posed:
    Sorry, there will be some ectoplasm on the glove by the end of this. But Slimer entirely misunderstands what the hand is held out for. With a lot of effort, he sloooooowly.... extends.... and releases the LAST of the rescued candy canes into Stardust's possession, setting it into her hand. And then wilting to the floor as if he'd just battled off the worst of the villains in the world. And maybe he has; hunger is a powerful, powerful thing. So valiant the struggle, such giving christmas spirit! ...sorry, it's just a little slimy, but it's just the wrapper.

Superman has posed:
    Once the whole thing is done, Superman comes walking back over. It takes time for him to get there, since he is pausing to shake hands and be friendly with the civilians and police officers, and anyone else. Eventually he gets back to them. "Sorry, I didn't have a chance to write a speech," Kal offers with a soft chuckle. "Did the boy who likes you take off?," he asks Supergirl curiously. He glances between the others, smiling.

Supergirl has posed:
"Kal!" Kara exclaims at the question and rolls her eyes. She looks at Stardust, looks down at her hand. The maid of might's eyes go saucer huge and she looks back at Superman forcing her expression to neutral. "Yup. He's an empath so all this-" She gestures and shrugs. "He said to tell you he's sorry to meet you and dash." She offers and looks at Damian seeing his phone out and grins. "Is your dad like my cousin? Didn't have time to write a speech. Sheesh."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian attempts to be sneaky, pulling out his WayneTech phone and snapping a couple pictures of Slimer regurgitating the candy cane into Stardust's hand.

  With little effort, he slips it back into his coat. The question from Supergirl garners an honest response. "He usually has them written for him. He rarely writes his own." He offers, not bringing any attention to himself slipping the phone back in his coat.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust stares at the candy cane in her hand, then at the exhausted looking ghost wilting on the floor beside her. Ghosts are not in her area of expertise, but she recognizes the personal sacrifice that slimer has made, proving that indeed spirits do get the Christmas spirit. She very gingerly gives the ghost a pat on the head, or at least pats at the intangible spot where the top of his head appears to be. There's ectoplasm on her glove anyway, after all. "Thank you," she says to him. She looks thoughtful for a few moments. The ghost gave her a Christmas present! That's kind of awesome. She should give him something. What do ghosts like? Oh wait, it's pretty clear what THIS ghost likes. She turns to the vendor and slips him a couple of bills. Not quite as generous with her tipping as Damian, but then she's not heir to a vast fortune. "Another ten churros for my little green buddy, please."

With a few surreptitious wipes of her hand, Stardust cleans off the candy cane and pockets it. She stares at her now rather sticky hand, and then looks at Damian, thinking evil thoughts.

"You ever done public speaking, Shortstuff?" Stardust asks Damian. "I mean some day your dad's gonna say all this is yours, and that includes the speechifying duties. I'm sure you'll do great though," she says, patting him on the back.

With her slimed glove.

Which, fortunately for whoever has to clean Damian's coat, she has reconstructed, sans slime, while nobody was looking. A useful power indeed.

Slimer has posed:
    The Vendor -- and in fact, most of the people around -- are probably not so tolerant of Slimer as even these super people are. Slimer's awareness seems to kind of flux depending on how distracted he is. And in this case, there's more food, as a prize for being out next to Stardust, so he'll stay right there. He sticks a little uncomfortably close to her leg. He's very easy to pat, because of the santa hat: it is very firm, real, and the top isn't slimy anyway. He bounces up and down hopefully for the churros, both arms out, mouth super wide open. Churros go in there. Tongue extends. Yes, right on there, on that ghostly eerie dripping reddish ghost-tongue.

    So, there's probably some new screaming and pointing.

Superman has posed:
    Kal nods to Supergirl and chuckles softly. "Well, I'd love to meet him again. Have him over for dinner soon. I'll cook. No cutting onions for you, don't worry." He glances about at everyone and smiles, before he furrows his brow a bit and glances at the sky.

    "I'm sorry, everyone. I'd love to stick around and chat, but there's a situation in Guam."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Being called Shortstuff gets Damian's eyes to flare slightly. "I have." Then he feels it, the pat on the back felt around the world. The coat he was given was luxurious black cashmere from Paris. While not one of his prized possessions, he did like to keep looking well kempt in public. A slight jump as he reels back, almost seething with the thought of a Big Slimey handprint on his back.

  He quickly removes the coat and inspects the back...nothing there. "How...what?" He knew exactly how she did it. But that was Robin's info, not Damian Wayne's, keeping in character. "Nice one." He says, thinking of sending out that picture for all Twitter to see.

  "Well, this was fun. But I need to get back to Gotham, school night and all." He says, giving a wave and a smile to all. "Merry Christmas!"

Supergirl has posed:
Kara edges away from Slimer since she does her own laundry. Watching Slimer go to town on churros she looks back to Damian a little horrified. "Oh. There are people who write speeches? Hey Kal, I think I know the perfect day job for you if you need one." She cants her head and then nods. "Yeah. Hop to. I'll let him know." She tells Kal and looks to her friends again. "Guess it's adult free zone." She starts and looks to Damian. "Oh uh, yeah. Nice meeting you!" She offer and looks to Stardust.

Stardust has posed:
Stardust holds her now once again pristinely gloved hand for Damian to see, grinning widely at him. "As if I'd ruin your gorgeous coat, Damian." She gives him a wink as she turns her open hand gesture into a wave. "Laters, Wayne. Merry Christmas."

"Guam, huh?" Stardust says, looking at Superman. "Norway, Metropolis, Guam. Quite an itenerary. You are a busy guy. Do you ever have down time? Makes me almost glad I can't fly all that fast. She grins, turning to Supergirl. "Well, we beat the bad guys, the lights are lit, and it looks like the party's winding to an end. What do you say, SG? Wanna go looking for trouble? Or food? I wanna hear all about the League. You guys gotta have the /best/ gossip."

Slimer has posed:
So yes, there was some screaming, pointing. But the buffer of superheroes is not to be taken lightly. Perhaps it's a horribly creepy mascot. In any event, there's a bigger gift tonight that the superheroes are probably entirely unaware of: a little ghost got to be out and seen without horrible reactions. And fed. It is a good holiday after all, even as the group disperses, and Slimer does his best to keep one churro --- nope, can't do it. It's eaten. But maybe he'll see them again.
