D51-D52-D53-D54-D55 Down from the old dirt road, steadily leads a
| | | | | path into a lighter section of the woods where the
D58-D59-D60-D61-D62 trees run thinner around and about. Nature just on the
| starting edge within the area as smaller bushes and
[5m** shrubs dart here and there as one passes along the
[5m | way. The road itself is mostly gravel and dirt as well
[5mF4--F5---F6--F7--F8 only goes so far until it comes on up to a muddy bank
[5m | | | | | in which it abruptly stops seeming to be impassable
[5mF14-F15-F16-F17-F18 with vehicles at least, though as far as other
[5m transportation such as walking or hiking would be
The beginning of the light woods starts with a spattering of lush
trees and the light sounds of birds and some few squirrels can be seen along
the way darting here and there. Passing on through deeper becomes more vivid
in colors as well as denser. The view of animal tracks come more into play
the farther one goes. In the lighter section of the forest it does seem that
there are signs of human presence here, whether for sport of licensed
hunting or other favorite hobbies.
The species known as Canis KillusEverythingicus is at times elusive, even for the mighty spies known as Corax, but sometimes they are spotable; as Polk would be able to notice as he spotted a wolf in wolf form but that just seemed...a bit more, watching a human strolling idly though the woods mildly clueless. Polk would recognize the guy who had tricked the boy earlier.
Polk has met Talos once, under strange circumstances, so that underscores the concern of a wolf following a man. It gets his attention. He comes to land nearby. He'll immediately use a power on the wolf, Scent fo the True Form, to see if the wolf is Garou or not. In case there's danger here
The wolf looks at Polk and grunts, almost rolling its eyes. Polk can definitely tell that it is a Garou.
Polk flies lower, flapping and landing near the wolf. "Hi, I'm Jim. Don't worry about that guy. He's a wizard but nothing too terrible. Helped me the other day. If he's intruding I can tell him to clear out."
The wolf grunts with amusement <>
Polk is surprised by this. "He's.... oh." he trills. Then lowering his voice a bit, turning. "Moon by Night, hi. Well, that's fine. It can wait. I'm sur eyou have a good reason for not telling him. He didn't seem to knwo anything about this stuff when he met me."
She 'nods' with a grunt and lift of her tail. <
Polk trills again. "He does seem nice. A kid was throwing rocks at me, and he decided to play a joke on the kid. With Harry Potter tricks. Harmless and mayb e teaching a lesson. This was at the beach."
Polk bobs his head and flaps. "Sure, that's fine. I can do that. IT's a fair deal. Moon by Night. Do you live in the city, or out here?"
<> she lolgrins, <
Polk bobs again, looking over toward Talos. "McFabishams. I'm Jim Polk. I live here in town. I can get you an address if you need to talk sometime. Otherwise if you can give me directions I can fly out your way. so you think he's in danger?"
Polk has to take a moment to shift. Wel he doesn't have to, but he's far less likely to forget this if he shifts, takes the email address down, and then shifts back. "Nothing major. There was some stuff going on, involving a Leviathan and the local dragons, but that seems to be on a back burner for now."
Meanwhile, Talos walks haplessly down the path, whistling a happy tune.
Polk rolls his head and flaps a goodbye to the leaving wolf. He then sees abut following Talos some. Flying from tree to tree, keeping an eye on the guy. Not trying to hide, but hey, it's just a bird. Though a large one.
The highly observant bird would notice...little things. The first is a shadowed winged figure, very small indeed darting in amongst the trees, almost a shadow really. But there are at least three...maybe four other odd sounds, tracking them all at ones is hard, but they are ALL different and ALL moving with Talos as he walks.
Polk lands and perches, really watching. Then he moves again. The bird flies rapidly, doing his best to follow, chase the winged figure. Really putting his flying skills to a rare test.
The figure drifts in and out of some kind of mists. If Polk didn't know better, he'd swear it was a pixie. Was he supposed to be able to see those? WHY was he seeing it? But it looked like it was spying on Talos.
Polk doens't know anything about what hte's supposed to be able to see or why. But he continues to follow it, trying to get close. This got serious in a hurry.
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