Friday, February 28, 2014

[Numenera] Team B - Session 5

Cast: Same as Last Time.


"Yes Highness?"

"If I get an 'A' on my exam can you give me a power up?"

"Those are built into the game highness.  I'm afraid that it really is beyond my control."

"Really?  Nothing?  You know my motivation might improve considerably if you can find SOME way..."

(Sigh)..."I'll see what I can do highness."

The group circles back briefly to recheck their gear and pretend they hadn't set out yet.  After taking inventory of lantern oil and the like, they set out again after establishing a marching order.  As the group proceeded, Valina periodically checked to make sure that there were no telepathic intrusions.  None at the start.  The group was able to travel to the estate of Fat Farmer only to discover that the bugs had learned Civil Engineering skills and built a berm all the way around the farm.  The house was collapsed (from when the group had killed the mega bug) but the barn, the well and the workshop were intact.

The group considered many options, with Johannes taking the lead over the berm.  Nothing happened.  The group went over the berm carefully one by one.  Nothing happened.  Valina gave Johnnes a cypher that would give him telepathy to give the group a link in case they got separated. The group resumed marching order and went to check out the barn.    Something happened.

A giant sink hole opened in the ground and five bug men began attacking the party.  Many of the group and the militia fell in, but Jaybez, Urshinabi, Johannes and Rook (one of the archers from Jeff) shot down arrows to the group.  The Bug men killed two militia and dragged down more.  Nine were saved.  Valina was initially able to grab on to a rope while Jaybez, Urshinabi and Johannes shot projectiles at the bug men attacking Zax and Valina whilst Rook shot the one attacking his son Gil.  Zax made it to the top and was set to start helping others up, when one of the bug men leapt up out of the ground and dragged him back at the last minute.  Valina nearly made it as well but was attacked (Specifically targeted by the hive mind) and dragged down to the bottom of the sink hole.  Gil was drug under, whilst stabbing the bug man attacking him.  Crying with despair, Rook jumped in after him.

Zax, enraged at this point that the bugs were attacking him, focused on attacking just the bug man which allowed it to drag him down.  He did a lot of damage to it, but the lack of air started to get Zax.

"What is this screen that says impending death in 10 seconds?"

"Well it appears you're likely to lose the game highness, though I might note that the structural design of this sync hole indicates that there might be air at the bottom.  You could probably swim down."

"They're going to kill Zax?"

"Possibly highness but-"

"They're going to kill Valina and all these other people?"

"I think so highness but-"

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG! I am Prince Caltroth Zortar Alaoraran Deathskullsplitterawesomesause XXXII heir to the Multi Galactic Imperium of DOOM and I am not going to have my Character killed by a bunch of stinking Ant Men!!!!! YOU HEAR ME!"

Zax "the divine" grabbed ahold of the Bug Man's antenna and rode it like a steer, forcing it back up towards the sunlight where it burst out, much to the surprise of everyone else involved where he then turned around and killed it with his Halbard.  Valina grabbed on to one of the ropes.  Johanes meant to carefully charge the bug man attacking her and ended up falling right past the bug and straight down into the sink hole.

Valina and the others got up to the top, including Zax.  They looked around and then began looking for the real entrance to the compound.  The top of the giant mound was covered up.


"Yes, Zork?"

"I am not able to give you unlimited feed on the game for a wide variety of reasons but I can analyze the feed into your V/R device."


"I believe if you look will find the entrance to the tunnels."

"Awesome.  Thanks Zork. That would have taken forever to find."

"Never let it be said I don't encourage your scholarship highness."

Zax lead the group right to the tunnel entrance.

Meanwhile, Johannes, Gil and Rook were trying to get out.  A bug man attacked them but Johannes quickly discouraged the bug from thinking that this was a good idea.  It ran.  They found some cyphers and then followed the bug.  Along the way, a tiny little acid slug thing randomly killed Gil, but only after Rook pushed Johannes out of the way, saving his life.  Gil was dead and Rook was devastated.

Up at the tunnel entrance, Zax took the lead but accidentally set off a land mine that went off straight in Jaybez's face, harming him, MeatCake and Urshinabbi.  Zax healed them.  They continued onward.

Rook and Johannes fell into a pit with spikes but managed to avoid the poison.  They climbed out of the pit.  Johannes sensed some bugs coming their way and prepared to kill them by throwing down some lantern oil and getting ready to light it.  Rook stopped him at the last minute by pointing out that the Hive mind was decieving him and it was the rest of the party.

Zax proceeded to heal them all.  Rook saw this and desperately asked Zax if he could bring back the dead.  Nonplussed, Zax explained he could heal but not resurrect.  Crestfallen, Rook sat down and wept.

"They're really real aren't they?"


"These are real people."


"What the hell kind of game IS this Zork?"

Sunday, February 23, 2014

[Heromux] Team Genesis Genesis

Title: Team: Genesis #1
Summary: Old and new members of Team: Genesis to save hostages at the Empire State Building.
Location: Empire State Building
Date: 02/21/2014
Players: Tousaint Walters Lunair Weir Jeremy Doe Senri_Mizushima Penelopy_Phillips Nico_Minoru Brynnhildr Kilroy
NPCs: Mandroids and commandoes.
Groups: Team: Genesis
Tone: Medium
Rating: Heroic

It is just another ordinary day for Ashley, the tour guide as she leads another group of children through the observation floor on the 86th floor of the Empire State Building. Ashley gathers the children together in a big circle around her, "Today, we are going to walk most of the floors one of the tallest buildings on America. Ashley holds up her hand and says, "How many of you have been here before. Several of the children raise the hand. Ashley gives a big wink to the children, "Well, hopefully I will be able to give you a few secrets about this place that you did not know." "What secrets are you talking about?" is spoken by a voice coming from outside the group of children. Ashley looks up and see a submachine gun with a laser scope pointed directed at her. As Ashley begins to scream, 22 other gunmen in urban combat fatigues appeared in the building and begin securing the doors. The leader calls to others and says, "I want this place lock down!" The leader looks to another member, "Sergeant, do you have the location of the signal." The sergeant looks back at the leader, "No, Colonel, I need about 5 minutes to lock in on it. It seems as if something is trying to jam us in here. The Colonel fires back at two men by the sergeants, "Corporals, fine the source of the jammer. A girl from group of children holds tightly to her backpack and heads towards the elevator. She pushes the button and throws the backpack inside as the gunmen continue rounded everyone else, before going to rejoin her group. She nods to another girl in the group who squeezes her earrings. The Sergeant says, "Jammer strength is getting stronger. One of the corporals finally shouts, "The Jammer is on the elevator. Wait, the Jammer seems to have stop, Sir" The Colonel calls to his men, "Take the tour guide, and the security guards with us. The Colonel looks at the other adult hostages tie them together next to the elevator. The sergeant shouts, "I got a trace on the target it is 10 floors above us and it appears to be standing there. The Colonel nods to the sergeant, "All right, the target is the most important thing." The Colonel leaves five men to watch the children and the remaining adults.

Kilroy is, of course, entirely unaware of the team coordinating outside, but he is aware of the men attacking the Empire State Building. How might you guess? Duct tape. A mortal mind can't monitor everything, but most operations take duct tape for certain kinds of heavy equipment, and the money trail of these gentleman...not good. He still hasn't had time to trace down who they are, but another quick scan of milk money, pokemon cards and sundry lunch tickets tells him the worst of the worst. Until now he's dealt with his father's minions and knew how to counter the threat. This is different. What do they want? He could investigate...but he hasn't time. Moreover, is it right to summon the police yet? His instinct tells him that there is more to this than meets the eye. So he is suited up and armored up, realizing for the first time that ...perhaps some minor utility objects might have been a good idea. Too late now. 22? That's a bit much to take out by himself, not without some serious thinking, but he is able to follow a maintenance man, now running away from the building, and enters through the subway. He can sense where the men are, and how they move but not what they are saying and what they are doing. He summons his staff and moves slowly up the stairs, prepared to enter. Unsure what to do, but determined to do something.

What a lovely day for a tour to the Empire State Building, right? Nico thought so, I mean, she knows her friends are here in the city, so, why not visit the building? She hadn't found them yet, was nearby, and the tour was free, so. She was wrong. As the men come, Nico is moving into the group with the children, placing her hand in her pocket, grasping her pocket knife. What the hell is going on? She needed to be careful, wrong move and she could get shot. Just find the right time to remove it, that's all. Doo dee doo. Lunair's always wondered if you could kill someone with a penny dropped off the top of the Empire State Building. She'll have to get that Mythbusters episode sometime. But she has a message and she is quietly on her way. She even makes it on time, bundled up in a winter coat to hide her body armor. She's totally in the coordinating group, listening to what's going on and frowning faintly. She looks a bit more solemn and focused, thoughtful. Hostages. Always more complicated... When the call came in, Jeremy could tell it was something serious. He dropped everything and ran. He even begged one of the shelter directors for a ride, getting out a block or two away with some (highly unsatisfactory) excuses as to where he was going and what he was doing. By now, pretty much everyone at the shelter is probably aware the kid's some kind of superhero anyway, as often as drug dealers in the area have decided to move elsewhere, but he still tries, bless him. There was the run there, then the scamper up the staircase, and up, and up, and up. He's clearly out of breath, when he speaks into his communicator, softly. "I-I'm...I'm in..." A few deep breaths. "...lots of stairs..." He makes his way up the last couple of flights towards the observation floor, more slowly. "H-Hostages...okay...there's guns, right? I-I'm not so great with guns."

"Only a detestable sort of person would use children as shields." remarks Brynn. She would have needed several attempts to make the comm work, but she recently decided that if she was going to use this thing all the time, she would have a -real- communications unit from home. This one is almost invisible, just sticks to the skin at her chin and interfaces with her on her whole psi-translation internal channel. Good thing Dad let her take it with. But yeah so she is on the obervation deck, strolling casually towards the elevator shaft where she gestures to force the doors open and drops down the shaft at a leisurely pace. "What floor should I be on?" she asks simply... without even moving her lips. Love -real- tech.

It was a beautiful night for a stroll, even if she didn't walk along like most folk did. Still not used to the massive concrete jungle that is New York, she casually walks past a window about 85 stories up. The ensuing ker-fuffle a level above however catches her ear, and a pair of fingers slowly curl over the floor, the pale white face of the Ghost Girl of Gotham (TM) peering in. "Well now..." comes a soft voice that would barely carry a foot, let alone through the window "... what have we here?" Slowly the head fades from sight, so even the trained professionals might doubletake if they spotted the crown of her head out the window, only to see nothing there any longer. With utmost silent, she drifts through the wall and hangs out near the ceiling. This looked like an aweful big party whatever it was... and... she thoughg to herself as she scanned her eyes across the gathered urban troops, she was running low on military trinkets. Faded from sight as she was, content to just observe for now, the only hope of detecting her lies in heat detection or infra-red, where she would register as shockingly cold. Just a half dozen degrees above freezing in a roughly humanoid shape.

With work several hours away, Senri figured that she'd take advantage of both her free time and the free tour of the Empire State Building. Because, hey. What's not to love about free stuff, right? So it is that she finds herself on the business end of several rather intimidating firearms, wielded by rather more intimidating uniformed thugs. "(Go figure.)" Slow enough to avoid drawing attention to herself, she slips her hand into the drop pouch on her thigh and withdraws a storm grey domino mask. "(First time I get to use this and it hasn't even been a week. Gotta love the Big Apple.)" She turns her head down and away from the eyes of the men guarding her and the others, bringing her mask up at the same time. Once it is secured, she maneuvers her way to the back of the group, just to be safe. "(Okay, five guarding, so seventeen elsewhere. Let's start out and work in...)" With that settled, she focuses on the group furthest from her and the hostages and sets the air around them in motion. Only a little at first, but rapidly gaining strength until it howls at preposterous speed. Mysteriously, though, the gale parts around everyone but those in the military uniforms. The idea is to force them out of the building, but time would tell how that would work out.

On the observation deck, Senri's gale winds does its job at pushing a couple of gunmen right outside into park cars outside. These causes the remaining gunmen to grab the nearest hostage. One of them holds up a bomb with a deadman switch, "Whoever is the hero? Step forward! The men are still unaware of Phantasm's presence and Kilroy. Othello speaks to the coms, "Lunair, they are coming to your floor in 30 seconds. Jeremy, I detected some sort of movement downstairs. I need you to run downstairs and get those children to safely. Brynn, come up from the elevators and bring the pain! On the 96floor, the group of men begin fanning out and pulling people out of the offices. The Colonel looks over to his Major, "Secure all the hostages." The Colonel says, "Track down the target. He might be in disguise. The Sergeant goes around scanning each of the hostages one by one. "Colonel, something is wrong. I got two signals now. One coming from above us.

Kilroy can't hear the men upstairs but he can sense the motion and the locals, but he can sense one presence he immediately recognizes. He dials a cellphone which might not be answered but goes ahead and tries. He dials but waits. The panicked motion above indicates to him that some one is battling, and he's ready to join, but he know what they bought the duct tape FOR and can see the guy move nearer to the kids. He's waiting but will be springing into action very soon.

Unfortunately, Nico is the closest hostage, being grabbed by the gunman. It's time, as she's slitting her wrist quickly with the knife just as he grabs her, turning around as she says a few magic words. "When blood is shed..let the Staff of One emerge!" The Staff of One juts forward into the guy's chest, before floating up into her hand, as she points it at the gunmen in front of her. "Freeze.". And then the staff does it's magic, aaand...A flock of pigeons flies out at the gunmen. "Oh, wait, I've done that one before. Uh..". She's holding up the staff in a sort of "DON'T SHOOT ME I'M A WITCH" type pose.Good thing a certain other witch who hates pigeons isn't here. It would get ugly.

Lunair waits patiently on the 96th floor. At the coms, she sort of perks up. More in the sense she looks less quietly distant. One hand has a 9-bang. An alarmingly powerful flash bang. That sounds kinda perverse now that you think about it. Better keep that one and switch to a stun grenade so no one comments about getting flash banged by Lunair. All comedy aside, she sets up by making the entry way and door way of the room nice and slick with an ice gun. Then dismisses it to wait and see if she needs something armor piercing or less lethal.

"Got it," Jeremy says, trying to sound confident. Internally, he's quite a bit less so. These guys seem like they're loaded for bear, and Jeremy already knows his shield isn't as handy against gunfire. It sounds like things are starting to happen in there,, he quickly opens the door, darting inside, as a light blue nimbus of light surrounds his body. The shield might not be perfect, but it's sure better than nothing. All right. A hostage, and a bomb. Neither are things he can really let go...but he's only one kid. There's some other people around, and...pigeons? He's going to have to hope he can be enough of a distraction to help keep everyone safe. "Hey!" He holds out his hands, and fires a light blue bolt of kinetic energy straight for the side of the chin of the man holding the hostage, trying to aim for a point with less armor in hopes of at least shaking the man a bit. He hasn't absorbed much power yet. As he does so, he moves towards the man with the bomb...

"Do we know who their target is?" asks Brynn. She was floating down the shaft and then told, 'go up.' There was a pause as she looked upward with an expression of... really? Shaking her head, she ascends once more and on the 96th floor she gestures and the doors open. She steps out as if the air was a solid surface and she ends up on the floor just outside the elevator. "Armed mortal idiots. Your target is -here-." she says, just starting to walk down the hallway, chain and plate armor making the expected sounds it would make when moving. Her small shield rests upon her arm but no weapon is in her hand just yet. "Your commander. I must speak with him if -any- of you wish to leave here alive." Yep. Look at me! Look at me! That's her strategy.

With a look of disdain, and pulling a pack of gum from Frankenbunny's left arm, she starts chewing a few pieces here and there, slowly lowering herself to the floor amidst the hostage situation. She still can't be seen of course, and isn't entirely concerned. A few of the guards might hear a girlish, distant giggle, others feel a tap on their shoulder only to see nobody there, others still feel a sudden chill breath on their neck or ear, interspaced here and there.

Each gentleman she visits is given the gift of a wad of chewing gum in their sidearm, tucked neatly against the strike point of the hammer. For now she was going for general aire of creepyness. Something that builds the tension nicely but won't provoke any 'sudden reactions'. Of course, the sudden appearance of birds startles her quite as much as anyone else, and the sudden feeling of one flying through her chest makes her give a little shriek like giggle. Immediately afterwards she blushed, grateful for being unseen, and quickly darts down into the ground just as Jeremy breaks onto the scene! What she'd done so far would have to do, as she moves about with just her eyes above floor level, shrugging it off when people step in her head, keeping an eye on the guy carrying the detonator. Not that she knows what it is but.. he seemed to be making the most noise. Anyone who steps in her head will be rewarded with the sudden, unpleasant and bone piercing chill of her cool body temperature gushing straight through their foot.

"(Well, that could have gone better...)" The tinted lenses of her mask hid her wince as first a hostage was taken and then someone brought out a -bomb switch-. "(Oh, this is just awesome. How much you wanna bet that he's trained to let go if anything happens? I can't risk it.)" Then, of course, the hostage situation resolves itself. Grateful for that half of the equation out being taken out, she looks around for any more help. So it was that she notices several of the guards being distracted one after the other, and she's certain that she sees something being put into at least one gun, the color standing out against the metal of the weapon. Taking a slight gamble, she steps into plain view and, while the guards' attention is on her, jerks the air into an abrupt gale once again, blasting into the soldiers. "(I'm counting on backup, so if you're there, please don't let us die!)"

The members begin to take tactical positions to protect themselves. They begin to focus their fire on the biggest perceives threat which is Brynn. The Colonel growls, "I am not losing this payday to the others, Sergeant. You got one minute to find the real target." As the men begin to fall back diving into offices for cover, three of the men make the mistake of taking cover in the room that has already been booby trapped by Lunair. The first two fall flat on the face, but third one only stumbles, but this causes her to drop her weapon. The three are managing to get into a standing position. On the 102 floor, Othello opens the elevator and pulls out the jammer. He sticks his hand into the jammer and presses several buttons. He slinks to the floor for a few moments until his hand begins to heal. The sergeant yells, "The signal is 102th floor! Colonel shouts, "That's just great. Now come up with a plan to get us up there! On the lower observatory, Jeremy blasts might be weak, but it is enough to bring the gunmen to his knees. He release the hostage. The gunmen that was attacked by pigeon makes the mistake of reaching for his sidearm instead of his main weapon to deal with Nico. The gunman takes his eyes off of Nico to see how his gun got messed up. Senri blasts the man with a gale blast and he begins to lose his grip on the deadman switch.....

Kilroy steps through, kicking in the door. He's quite the sight, Kevlar bedecked with pennies and bound notes of many different kinds. He speaks through his bluetooth to Lunair, "Maindroid's coming." He can see the gentleman with the Deadman switch, and waves his hand, with a dozen Quipu (indian knotted currency) appearing in the air and then wrapping all around the mercenary’s hand and dead man switch keeping them together. He then begins running toward a group of mercenaries, and waves his hand again. At first it seems nothing has happened, but a series of metallic ...something appears on the ground, slippery invisible pennies right under the mercenaries but away from the heroes. "Looking for 'The Lost One' one of two gentlemen hundreds of years old. Can't track him but they're the one they're after." Nico is staring at all of the heroes coming in, but then back at the remaining guard, pointing her staff at him. "Have a nice fall.". The gun with the gun is suddenly tripping over, as she begins running back to not get shot. She's joining the other hostages, before calling out to the heroes. "Is it safe..?"

Lunair was guarding the doorway, it seems. She pauses, realizing there's probably people who object to a high calibre rifle or plasma coming into play. So the Twerker and stun grenades it is! And then suddenly, the room turns into a yakkety sax chase sequence as the two soldiers fall flat, then the third stumbles. SOLDIERS AT TWERK TIME. It's hilarious and disconcerting. But no one dies, at least. ... she does seem to care that Kilroy is there, too.

Bomb...bomb...bomb...that's all Jeremy can think about. If that goes off, and there's nothing to stop it...a lot of people are dead. He has to take care of the bomb, and he only knows one way to do it. More in panic than with a well thought-out plan, he sprints for the man holding the bomb and leaps to grab on to him, the shielding blue light still surrounding his body as he covers the bomb. ...which, of course, is already potentially handled by coinage wrapped about the man's hand and the switch, but Jeremy's far too stressed out to realize it. He's also whimpering. Heroically.

Now, the vast majority of the world would think... iron, or even steel plate armor, being fired at by modern armor piercing ammunition, should end up looking like swiss cheese, or any other kind of cheese after being riddled with bullets. So when the fusillade of withering fire begins blasting towards Brynn... she stumbles back a pace or two before grinning. The bullets -are- literally sparking and bouncing off of her armor. Chainmail catching slugs that really should penetrate. There are a couple of smears but for the most part, the armor isn't even scratched. She makes good stuff! "You have had your warning." she remarks before she lifts from the ground, floating slowly forward as more bullets strike her left and right. Twin beams of force blast from her eyes and strike weapons as she float on, and gestures from her hands lift two of the shooters into the air... before she gestures as if pushing, and those two are flung through windows designed to stand up to gale force winds. Suddenly, the whole room is windy as can be, Brynn's hair being caught up in it and pulled from the tie holding it in place. So it is that she floats forward like some demented armored redheaded angel of death, working her way through the soldiers there.

(I think I have these soldiers... sufficiently occupied.) O O o o . . she transmits over the comms to the rest of the team even as a third is flung from a window. Yep, she's a warrior... these men forfeited their rights to life in her eyes. Yep, she's tearing through them like a scythe through the harvest.

One circles around to try to get a flank shot at her, and a sword appears in her hand. Blade black as night, runes down the center twinkling like stars in the night sky. She points it at the guy and the sword turns into a long spear which is stabbed through his leg, pinning him to the wall there as Brynn keeps floating on. Stupid magic weapon!

It was too much fun. Was this guy serious? Oh man! Happening to be behind the suicide bomber, an impish little idea comes to the girls mind, but this was going to be SUPER hard! Nibbling her lower lip a little, she turns around and gets ready, still completely hidden from traditional sight. A blast of wind rips through her, the man starts to fall backwards... that poor soldier will be privileged to a DEEPLY unpleasant cold wash through his body, penetrating straight to the core. The mercenaries grip is suddenly sealed around the switch and the day is saved! But she wouldn't let her fun be so easily spoiled. Whats the point of a bomb that doesn't go off? She floats up and curls her legs, placing her hand on the soldiers rigged bomb vest, her toe-slipping out of his stomach as she suddenly becomes tangible again.

"BOOM!" comes a giddy cry in the center of the room, and Phantasma decides to try something for the first time. Hoping it works, she pulls all the energy coursing through her body into the tips of her fingers, and SHUNTS it into the vest! The bomber's torso would be wrapped in an icy grip as dead mans switch or no, the signal is cut off. The sound of the explosion is ever so slightly muffled and distant, but no less frightening as it literally rips through the building alongside a massive fireball! Flame, smoke, ash, even the pressurewave of the sound itself all pass harmlessly through walls, heroes, terrorists and hostages alike, dragging a chilling breeze that pierces clothing, skin, even bone through everyone. For the briefest of moments before the explosion ripped harmlessly through the scene, people would see Phantasma crouched on the suicide bombers chest, visible, tangible and with a horribly mischievous smirk on her face. She would vanish however, be once more gone by the time the intangible smoke clears.

Lunair will quietly lay down cover fire for any who need it. The odd stun grenade might even get chucked out. Her area is going to be nice and secure, Scooby Troops who were flailing earlier and all. They might've gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids.

Senri breathes a deep sigh of relief as the bomber's hand is bound to the switch, but watches with growing alarm as Jeremy dives onto him. "(Wait, I know him! What does he think he's doing?!)" Moments later, a girl appears from nowhere, parts of her actually seeming to stick out of the bomber's body. At the same time, the bomb goes off anyway. Then she hears, "BOOM!", dives to the floor and curls into a ball "(For all the good that'll do)", hoping against hope that she'll actually get out alive. Imagine her surprise when the sound and fury of the explosion pass over her... and she isn't harmed in the slightest. She is, however, -very- cold for a short while. She blinks dazedly as she comes back to her feet and looks around, trying to find the girl again. Naturally, though, she's already gone. The situation appears to be under control, though, and she takes steps to keep it that way, moving between each recovering soldier and dealing them a sharp, expert blow to the back of the head. They wouldn't die, but hopefully they'd be out for a while. The downstairs action has calm down with most people only suffering the effects of ghostly explosion. All of the remaining gunmen are down and more than a few of the hostages are cheering for the heroes, when gunfire starts to be heard above them.

With Lunair laying down fire from behind, and Brynn charging from the elevators. The Major looks at the Colonel, "We got to fall back!" Two Lieutenants throws some discs on the floor that slide down the hall and release several small gas bombs and smoke grenades. The hallways are filled with smoke and coughing hostages. The remaining gunmen double time it to the 102 observatory. ??Where 3 mandroids have come to reinforce the commandoes. One of the corporals sighs, "Great, now we are going to get a smaller share of the bounty." The Mandroids take an offensive position in preparation for the arriving heroes.

Othello is still hiding, when taps his ear and his comlink hooks with the communication system in the Empire state building as well as the team's frequency. "I am not sure who you are, but I need people on the top observatory floor. The elevators are open. There is an energy shield in place to cover you, but it will not last long. Othello cuts off the frequency, "Jeremy, you don't have to come up. Just get the kids and hostages out of here. You did a good job today. Finally Othello leaves his hiding spot, and throws several concussive bombs at the Mandroid.

Kilroy strikes one of the retreating guards flat in the back of the head with his Staff but weaves through the smoke. He really needs a gasmask though as he coughs. He can detect where the people are until he runs into someone who doesn't have any money on them. "Sorry..." he manages to mutter out until the announcement on the PA. That's enough for him. Up he goes and can sense the man in the mandroid and strikes it with his staff...which breaks the staff into a shower of pennies. Nothing happens.A second later a 1 ton Rai stone (invisible) hails down and cracks the windshield of one of the Mandroids.

Hearing the gunfire, Nico winces, up until the system comes over the PA, as she turns to who she assumes is 'Jeremy'. "I'm not leaving. Those guys got me involved in this, I plan on helping out.". Nico flashes a grin, running with her staff towards the elevator, before pausing. "Get them out of here, will ya?".

Jeremy shivers at the feeling of cold, and then cries out as the explosion comes, and he can tell from the noise and fury that he's /not/ absorbing it. "No! I...not again!" he shouts, opening his eyes and beholding the fireball and the shockwave. There's a look of pure horror on the boy's face, and tears well up in his eyes. "I...I tried, I...wh-what'd I do wrong?" Slumping to the ground, the boy hangs his head, shivering at some partial memory, hands cupped to his head. "I-I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." It isn't until he hear's Othello's voice over the communicator that he comes out of it a bit...and that's enough to let him see that everyone is, in fact, alive. "Wh-What?" He looks up at Nico, at Senri, then around at all the very much alive hostages, and finally at the fallen but living soldiers. "But...I-I didn't absorb it..." Slowly, he gets to his feet again, still shaking a little. "'s...okay, everybody," he says, not exactly the picture of confidence, as he goes over by the kids and tries to get them calmed down. "Um, I-I know a way out, and, um...j-just come with me, o-okay?" He takes a deep breath, and beckons to the kids and other hostages to follow as he heads for the stairs down.

The forces falling back before her, Brynn just snorts and holds out her hand. The spear pinning the soldier to the wall vanishes and reappears as a sword in her hand. She simply follows the withdrawl through the smoke. It bugs her but she's tough. She telekinetically fans the air before her gently as she goes, moving some of it out of the way while she goes up.

For the visual sake of Othello, up top.. one Mandroid appears to be about to fire with it just stops, then lurches, and then a long sword blade protrudes from its chest and slices upward... rendering the carapace useless before Brynn optic blasts another... She's just in full bore ATTACK mode tonight. She's blown up a major building, pranked a bunch of high class soldiers, and best of all her big sis wouldn't be able to say boo about it since she didn't hurt anybody! Heck she's a savor!.... forgetting for a moment that she's the one who needlessly decided it had to blow up to begin with. Still, she felt drained. She had hastily made her way through a nearby wall and stayed invisible in the hall, slumped against the wall and solid, panting. Or at least panting for her, you know, taking a breath every minute or so. Deciding that she'd had her fun, she turns and starts making her way to the nearest door leading out, heading home for a nap. This was one to remember.

"(Top floor? Alright, then. Up we go.)" Senri looks around once more to take stock of who's hero and who's hostage, then makes for the first of the two observatory cars. After a quick few minutes, she steps out into what is already a full-scale battle. For starters, she scours away the gas hanging in the air, sending it up and out through the ventilation and dissipating it harmlessly. In the back of her mind, she notices that someone is already doing so, if on a smaller scale. That person had the right idea. She was going to be -beat- when this was all over. "(Just like every other time I seem to use my powers,)" she thought ruefully. Even as she cleared the air, she made herself as inconspicuous as possible. There was a lot of firepower on the floor, and she wasn't anxious at all to attract its attention. Changing her focus, she concentrates on dampening the sound of her passage, something she had only recently really gotten the hang of. Taking full advantage of the cover provided by the offices, she snuck up behind one of the soldiers, knocked him to the ground with a downburst, and claimed his weapons while he was still off balance. Then, like his fellows downstairs, she dealt him a sharp blow to the back of the head. Sliding the sidearm into her thigh pouch and toting the rifle, she slinks around the floor, taking shots as she can at the Mandroids, slipping away quickly and silently before they can target her with the help of her powers.

The inviisble Rai stone does it's job and the men in the mandroid armor are not as strong willed as their commando counterparts, because this act causes him to go into panic mode. Othello sees that panic and superspeeds away from his Mandroid and jumps on the mandroid with the cracked window. He places a gas bomb inside his suit, "Night night." Brynn's blade rips through the Mandroid armor outer shell, and the optical blast destroy the rest of the armor. The Mandroid falls to the ground. All that is left is one Mandroid and a few commandoes. Major looks to the Colonel, "I think it might be time to surrender, Sir." Colonel looks around the floor and says, "Nah, I rather die. When he says this he is knocked to the ground with a downburst. When the other soldiers see their Colonel's gun now in the hands of Senri, the Major issues the order for them to the surrender. The soldiers weapons are not harming the Mandroid's armor's, but they are way too many heroes here to worry about for him to be able to hit Senri.

Many thousand miles away in an office building, two men are staring at a screen. One of the men walks up to look at the screen, "Why are you looking at the Empire State Building?" The other looks at the man and says, "I made a grave miscalculation. I thought you had betrayed me. Someone the fool manage to mask your signature, and make it appear in New York. I thought you had betrayed me. I sent men to kill and capture you. The Lost One frowns, "That was a grave mistake. I take it there were not successful." The other looks at the screen, "The odds of their success at this moment are not even worthy of me to calculate. The Lost One looks at the other, "So we have lost our advantage against him. Is there anything that we have gain from this encounter that we might turn this to our advantage." The other points to the camera shot that is focus on Brynn. I know someone who would be interested in her. I am almost positive of it. The Lost One hand glows green and places it on the the shoulder of the other one. THe other one smirks, "We are not going to fall to these people. Look at them. The screen changes to Jeremy: An innocent. Someone learning to control their power: An old video of Apple along with a new video of Nico. The screen changes to Brynn. A person with enough power to rival a god. The scene is now filled with Senri, Snake-Eyes, Jupe, and Kilroy.They call themselves, Team: Genesis. What does that even mean? Who do they think they are?" The Lost one snorts, "They seem to be the group that has defeated your best efforts, and has probably put the end of our existence on this planet to an end, unless your new plan works....and with that the screen turns off.

Kilroy is summarily impressed by the coordinated actions of Othello and Brynn and decides that what worked once will work again. Another invisible Rai stone drops from nowhere down onto the Mandroid, again cracking its Armor. Though with a wave of his hand once that is done, the pennies and the rai stones vanish to dust.

Taking the other observatory elevator, Nico goes see the Mandroid. Readying her staff with one spell to go, she obviously has a brilliant plan on how to destroy it, explosions, technical difficulties, teleportation. "Gelatin!" Or she goes with the first thing to come to mind! As she casts the spell, the Mandroid's parts are turning into gelatin. Bouncy, wobbling, mechanical thing. It's probably not going to do much more damage and might be delicious! Though, she's going to refrain from eating it. "I take it that's that?". Leading the kids downstairs, Jeremy is slowly regaining his composure. He's still shaken, but he's putting on a brave face for the people he's helping, especially as he knows that having a kid like him leading the way doesn't necessarily inspire much confidence to begin with. "We're a-almost out," he says into his communicator. ", no other bad guys down here."

The Mandroid was about to be smashed by Brynn, but after the combine attacked of the coins and gelatin the Mandroid is left helpless. Othello calls on his coms, "Clean sweep of the place for any scragglers, and it is time to bail. Cinque puts a device from his belt and presses a button. "It is time to leave. All traces of presence will be wiped from all video. Othello thinks to himself and say, "I will leave a few bits of my program in their system." Othello speaks to Jeremy, "I am heading to the club. I would bail if I was you."

Othello looks the three people over, "Go to One-Two Barber shop, and ask for Bobby if you are interested in making a difference in this world. He will show you where to go."

Othello superspeeds from rooftop to rooftop as he flees the scene.

Kilroy nods, and is just as interested in leaving and can sense a few law enforcement officials at the fringe of his senses and more on the way. He vanishes down a stair case, avoiding anyone else along the way. A difference in the world? Well he's already done that...but...perhaps synergy might make things...better.

"Heh. We'll see.". Nico grins, before realizing that she needs to escape. Aaaand her staff is gone. She looks to the remaining person, and looks a bit worried. "Uh, do you have a way for me to get out? I don't really like getting arrested.".

Senri watches in a corner as the remaining soldiers and Mandroids are mopped up. One of the officers, a major, is surrendering, and she realizes with distant surprise that the soldier she knocked out was in fact the colonel she had seen earlier. "(How about that for coincidence!)" When the Mandroids are all out of commission, she comes out from her hidey hole, in time to hear Othello's invitation. She nods confirmation, a feeling of exhausted pride sweeping over her. However small her part was, she made it through alive and, she liked to think, had saved lives on top of that.

Friday, February 21, 2014

[HeroMux] I'm From The Economy And I'm Here To Help

 Title: I'm From The Economy, And I'm Here To Help   
Summary: Aquaman finds The Economy trying to hire a submarine to go to Atlantis to clean up the stain of dark magic caused by the Zepplin Explosion. A conversation happens.
Location: NYW
Date: 2014.02.20
Emitter: N/A
Players: Aquaman, Kilroy Capital Conneticut
NPCs: Surly Captain Hoboken
Groups: Magic and Mysticism
Tone: [Social]
Rating: PG

The consequences for Kilroy's good intentions and his father's death are still reverberating in all kinds of unexpected ways. He has spent the last week and a half trying to clean up the mess, still not coming to grips with the events, only to find upon investigation that the treasure seeking in the Atlantic is some negative economic magic...but what economy would be down there?

Atlantis of course, but no one knows where it is. So how do you find out? Tapping a few contacts helped a little, leading to a man who knows a man who claimed to have a submarine crew that could get him close...maybe close enough. But that's a dead end too. "Excuse me, what do you MEAN they're gone?"

"Arrr, that's what I said. They're out huntin' treasure. Got a solid lead."

Dark magic. Black magic. Likely they'd find nothing and even if they did....cursed or worse. Another fine mess.

"I see. When will they get back?"

"They probably won't be back," comes a low voice from the doorway. The King of Atlantis' hair is still wet from his recent swim to the surface, but not even the cold and snow seems to bother him as he isn't bundled up against the elements. Stepping inside, he looks over to the man who knows a man who claimed to have the submarine and crew. "You. We've had words before. Quit claiming your pirate subs can reach Atlantis. They can't. Your current crew will probably be torn in half by one of the very angry creatures there right now. You should save up for another submarine."

Stormy blue eyes then look to Kilroy, "If you're looking for someone on that heinous excuse for a submarine, you'll be looking forever. They may not make it and I may not even try to rescue them."

Kilroy looks at the King of Atlantis and immediately knows who he is. He's a bit taken aback. Does Atlantis have intelligence agents? He's tempted to investigate a bit, given Aquaman's proximity but then vaguely recalls something about Atlantean sorcery...and decides against it. Instead he simply says, with genuine relief,

"I'm glad you're here sir. I think there may be a dire enchantment in Atlantis...or some underwater settlement nearby. I, and several others recently stopped a ...thing...happening and I'm still cleaning up the effects. I can stop it if you'll let me." Realizing, given the speech Aquaman just made to the proprietor of the submarine, that this might not go over well, he also adds, "I can also potentially help your sorcerers remotely elsewise."

The proprietor of the submarine looks PISSED for all of five seconds before he remembers that this guy not only has diplomatic immunity but could also baseball pitch him quite a ways into the harbor and mutters to himself. He wipes counters.

Aquaman eyes the younger man, "You can't come to Atlantis." It's said with a sense of finality. "There is no enchantment on Atlantis. Our Sorcerers have made certain that will not happen. I'm here because of the...increased traffic trying to find it. What do you know of this?" Not that any have gotten close, but still.
He glances at the proprietor and then gestures for the other to follow him outside. No need to have this conversation here.

Kilroy considers how to sum up the situation. Then he looks at the guy wiping down the counter, "I know quite a bit actually, and that was my second priority after the immediate blight. Is there somewhere else we can talk? Not around Captain Blaigh over here?"

Kilroy is not Aquaman, and thus earns a sneer and a curse from the proprietor of the submarine, "Curse ye fool, I'll have at ye."

Kilroy ignores him.

Aquaman just rolls his eyes at the 'Captain' as he makes his way outside, "Oh, give it up. You're from Hoboken." Kilroy is led out of earshot of the building before the conversation continues. "So. What do you know of this? We're usually left alone, but these idiots are travelling deeper and risking their lives trying to find us. If they do, it would create an International Incident. So. Spill."

Kilroy says, "I'm the Economy. My Grandfather the Economy was known to some heroes at that time, though I don't know if he ever mentioned anyone from Atlantis. He kept a pretty low profile. My father...wasn't a hero. We've been..." he puts his hand behind his head unsure, "In a cold war for three or four years but he's been making things worse. He tried to make a new currency that would have given him tremendous power, but he pissed off the wrong people...particularly Mystique...who..." he takes a deep breath but its obvious he's distressed. Very distressed but is focusing on the task at hand, "Killed him. When he died, the economy...shifted, rippling all over the planet, but that much ritual magic over the Atlantic was going to affect any sentient that had an economy...I believe that to be Atlantis. Your sorcerers might have eliminated the attack on the city, but the WAY they did it probably didn't patch the holes in the fabric. I can fix the damage, but it will take time. I haven't decided the best way to do it.""

Aquaman crosses his arms at his chest, the harpoon replacing his left hand resting easily against his right arm, "Atlantis has no trade with the Surface." Internal Economy...could it actually be affected? "So, this is...monetary magic?" He can't help but look rather skeptical at the very idea of that. "You still can't come to Atlantis. For one, your body couldn't withstand the pressure. Secondly, you wouldn't be able to breathe."

Kilroy considers a moment, "I'm not my Grandfather. I'm not even as good as my father, but I know how our magic works. And I've learned what my grandfather taught me quite well. If I ca..." and then he literally slaps his forehead. "Of course. Regis est Terra." He considers a moment, "This is going to sound...hokey...but if you'll allow me to cast a spell on you that will likely fix the problem for the whole region. You're the symbol of Atlantis...her king. It will stop the effects of the dark magic...and likely bring a moderate amount of prosperity to boot. I've not done an area so large before but without my father opposing me, technically speaking it should work."

A blonde eyebrow arches, "You want to what?" His arms uncross as he's not sure if he should smack the kid upside the head or worse. "I think there needs to be a bit more of an explanation as to what you're trying to get me to do."

Kilroy considers, "The economy is like...a modern God really, except Grandfather seems to think it has few thoughts. It's..the anthrapamorphization that everyone's talking about, like the Easter bunny or Santa or the like that eventually becomes real because so many people believe in it. We're 'Shepard' of that force, so it listens to what we ask of it. If I essentially ask it to heal the rift, it will do so. It would start with you, then travel back through Atlantis and then the territory around it. The alternative is traveling around the areas and fixing it all by hand. Neither alternative requires me to know where Atlantis is. I just have to be close enough to something representing the area to affect it, in this case that could be you."

"Atlantis does not have a 'modern Economy'," Orin points out. "I don't understand how there could be any sort of anthromorphing of a simpler economy? We don't mint money. We don't have credit cards." For a technologically and magically advanced realm, they are much simpler in other areas. "I don't generally let random strangers cast magic on me. Who -are- you?"

Kilroy considers how to approach that, " magic doesn't require a modern economy. Any currency of any kind, gold, favors, sea shells, string...salt, even a barter economy is blessable or cursable. I don't blame you for being reluctant about the magic, but I will say that the effect is minor in its intensity. As to who I am?" He considers, " the guy offering to fix the problem for you?" He isn't hostile in saying it, just not entirely sure what to say in response.

Aquaman just gives an exasperated sigh, "Name. Where are you from. Why do you know this. Why are you willing to do this and what do you want in return?" Blue eyes narrow again, "What minor effect?

Kilroy says, "My name is Kilroy Capital Conneticut, son of Ascot Conneticut son of Yankee Conneticut. I know this because I am the third generation to wield a hidden and powerful magic, designed to help all mankind, that was taken and corrupted by my father. I have fought and even learned minor physical arts at peril of my own life to undo the damage he has wrought, so well hidden from the world, the shadows, and cracks that have harmed so many. I am willing to do this because I chose to accept this mantle, and it is my responsibility. I want nothing in return." He looks lost for a moment, deep in thought and then continues, "The minor effect is essentially probability. It renders the economics of the blessed individual the best 1 in a hundred possibility that one might have..crops grow better, businesses flourish more, but any competent magi can remove it locally...its only truly powerful effect is the range of the spell...well, or if I choose to conceal it. I'm good at making it invisible, but I consider it in bad taste when done to help.""

He somehow manages not to give another sigh, "And what happens if this effect is then removed?" Not that he necessarily believes that this sort of thing is even possible as it's so intangible. "Am I going to have to have this...'probability' on me for the rest of my life in order to prevent the...bad economy?" Orin lifts his chin some, "It feels like cheating."

Kilroy says, "No. I can remove it at any time remotely. Given the size and scope of the problem I'd recommend a month. A week would do to remove the more noticeable effects like the sharks and the greedy idiots. Nothing happens when it is removed since its mending the natural order. If anything, you might notice minorly beneficial effects. As for cheating..." he shrugs and smiles slightly, "As I said, I could rent a plane and fly around covering hundreds of square miles. It would take me...a while.""

Aquaman's lips press together, "For someone who claims to be so in-tune with the Economy, you're not seeing what I am." He takes in a deep breath and lets it out, "Say you cast this on me...and I go play the lottery. My luck has been increased for wealth because of your spell. Or I go into a delicate negotiation and end up screwing some poor guy over because luck is in my favor for monetary negotiations."

Kilroy frowns, "If I was an idiot, yes. Magic doesn't work like that. At least mine doesn't. First of all, I'd rather doubt you would play the lottery or negotiate with a poor fellow so cavalierly. You do have a reputation. More importantly, the Economy knows the intent of the spell, to help Atlantis and help heal the balance. Now, I'll grant you, if you SINCERELY believed either of those two things are necessary to help the world or Atlantis then it would be bad but..." The seed of doubt has been planted...and Kilroy does begin to investigate...

"And furthermore, you haven't gambled or cheated poor people. I know. I can sense a dime move around the world and every hand it touches. I know what money does. I'm not all knowing but I can ask it what it has done and you sir are not Snidely Whiplash."

Aquaman listens in silence and considers the younger man's words for a moment afterwards. There's a frown that begins to appear before he asks, "Did you just make a 'Popeye' reference?" It's been a long time since he was hooked into pop culture so he's a little rusty still.

Kilroy smiles slightly, "No. Dudley Doright. He's a royal Canadian Mountie and Snidely Whiplash is a sneering villain in a top hat with a long mustache who goes about tying young women to rail road tracks and laughing sinisterly.

"That," the King of Atlantis points out, "Was well before my time." He's heard of it...barely. There's another
pause, "I'm not sure I'm comfortable having you place a spell on me when I don't know you."

Kilroy considers and finally says, "I understand. I really do." He's about to try it the hard way when he considers one more approach. He produces a coin out of thin air. It is an odd looking thing, gold but looks very old, "Have your people examine it. It's enchanted by itself. The same spell I propose to use. If your own sorcerers can analyze it, maybe they can duplicate the effect on a local level. It will, I guarantee, take them a hell of a lot more work than it will for me, but it might help them notice the holes they missed before."

"Ok..." Orin holds his hand up to stay the other, "Look. I appreciate this. I really do. If I was Superman, I'd probably let you do the spell but I'm older and much, much more cynical." There's a slight smirk at that, but it fades again, "What I can do though, is help you get to the spots you need to get to. I can either get a boat and make sure you get to the right place in the Atlantic...or I can help you get a plane."

Kilroy smiles, "I can make money appear out of thin air. I can buy several planes or boats." He considers, "BUT...there are a lot of nasty things out there. Things that aren't in the news, and that are a lot bigger than sharks. If you can 'put the word out' to keep them away, I can do this the hard way. Hell, if I rent a nice enough boat I can even pretend its a vacation."

Aquaman thinks a moment before he nods, "I can help protect you from grumpy Marine life, yes. I can't necessarily protect you from idiots trying to play 'Pirate'. But let me know when you're planning on heading out and where you're going to and I'll do my best to make sure the way is clear."

Kilroy says, "Funny thing about Pirates...." he smiles wickedly for the first time, "They really really like money."
He opens the palm of his hand and the coin vanishes in a puff of dust, rather dramatically. "Appreciated and God Speed Aquaman.""

Aquaman gives a grunt that could be a chuckle. Maybe. "Leave word with my office at the UN. I'll get it. You be careful and I'll see you soon." After all, it was kind of the kid's mess...shouldn't he be the one to clean it up?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

[HeroMux] High Stakes Poker

Title: High Stakes
Summary: A poker game aboard the Airship Excelsior proves interesting for all involved.
Location: Airship Excelsior
Date: 2014.02.12
Players: Loki Laufeyson, Raven Darkholme, Kilroy Capital Conneticut, Warren Worthington, Tony Stark
NPCs: 0
Groups: 0
Tone: Social
Rating: PG

It is a fine day for the middle of winter, the breeze is frosty but the sky is infinitely clear and the sun shines brightly down on the waves. Well beyond the recourse of land, the airship Excelsior glides at four thousand feet above the ocean. Half a kilometer in length, the cabin has rooms and facilities for over 200 people.
This is a nominally private voyage, taking off in Monaco with a second stop in the Canary Islands, it is exactly at the half way point to the Cayman's. The decor is exquisite, and the exact ticket price is unknown since the five voyages thus far have all been with a different VIP sponsor. In this case, the mystery patron is also hosting a poker game in the very large lounge. A jazz band of moderate skill is playing in the background, and there is despite all a highly relaxed atmosphere to the thing. The buy in is $3.14 million, in any currency of choice.
It's a moment in time when Loki really doesn't care if he's seen or not. He's been lying low, but now, slowly but surely he's stretching. Nothing too overt, certainly, but he's beginning to make his presence known once again.
This... this trip has caught his eye for oh-so-many reasons, and now impeccably dressed, the Prince of Asgard in exile wanders the lounge in a tux, his manner and mien wearing it comfortably. A cane in one hand, he's got a champagne flute in the other, and begins to wander, allowing his feet to carry him towards that poker game. After all, it -is- why he's here after all.
Isn't it?
This trip was going to cost him...probably in more ways than one. But in Warren Worthington III's case, he really doesn't care. He's been throwing money around like it was water and playing poker on a luxury yacht seemed a pleasant change from the nightclubs he's been frequenting of late. He's really made no effort to hide his identity -- he is, after all, doing what any hugely wealthy socialite heir should be doing, according to Hollywood and all the gossip magazines.
As requested, he's wearing one of his Armani tuxedos, his pure white wings out on display for all to see.
Oh come now, an event this grand and in such a luxurious craft simply demands for proper finery. With the addition of the game's simply staggering buy-in, who would want a random slouch sitting at the table?
Mystique's gone through her usual level of delicate planning, allowing for one of her personas to make it onto the guest list. With a plus one. Tall boots, complete with heel, do not always make for a tall woman. Blonde hair (that appears natural, at least) and with blue eyes, she's surrounded in a backless black leather piece with spacious legs which give the appearance of an ankle length skirt without going through the trouble of wearing one, and a total height of around five feet and seven inches. Between the attire, the cosmetics, and the jewelry, she's decorated herself with enough monetary value to rival that of most family sedans.
Of course she can cover the buy-in. Just don't question where the money happened to come from.
Her plus one for the trip happens to be Loki, himself. The two enter together, a stemmed glass likewise in her own hand.
"And here the fun shall begin."
Kilroy is a waiter. He's wearing a nice tux, perfectly pressed, and no one gives a crap that he is here. He's serving drinks and mixing in among the populace of betters, face utterly and completely neutral but seeing all and hearing much.
So let's see: VIP cruise on an airship. Ridiculously high stakes poker game. Formal wear required. So-So Jazz band in the background?
Count Tony in.
Tony is wearing a hand tailored tuxedo. All black, save for the lapels, tie, and the stripe down the leg - those are white. For a highlight, he has a red handkerchief folded ad tucked into the sportscoat's breast pocket. Smoked shades cover his eyes, but his trademark goatee is sharply groomed and his hair is perfectly coiffed.
He moves with an ease that speaks of him being used to such events. He heads to the bar, orders a twenty year old scotch, neat. Overtipping, he takes his drink and heads towards the poker table but doesn't sit down yet.
If he notices Loki when he enters or moves about, he doesn't let it registered. Tony is totally Fonzie in this situation - and what is Fonzie?
As time passes, the tone of the room goes from casual to a light buzz as the unmentioned hour of arrival begins. But before it does, large (very large) tuxedod security men move through the crowd in pairs and tap about six of the folks in the assembled crowd on the shoulder and whisper into their ear. They are quietly escorted out of the room, and it is done subtly enough that MOST do not express alarm or even seem to care.
Loki looks unconcerned, even with Tony Stark entering the 'fray', as it were. He doesn't know Worthington, but there's that brief glance and a whisper towards the lady that is obviously traveling with him. Straightening, there's a smile that begins to crease his face; that 'isn't this going to be interesting' expression. One that promises that if it wasn't before, it will be soon.
"I don't think I could have said it better myself," is murmured. Loki takes a swallow of his champagne and sets it on a tray that is moving past him before he sidelong glances at those around him. The casting out of those not worthy, perhaps?
"Mr. Stark," comes easily. "An interesting field picked for our next meeting, isn't it?"
Warren Worthington heads over to the bar and gets a drink of his own -- he came prepared to spend money. He'll deal with his parents' chastizing later. Following the others who move towards the poker table, he offers a nod, "Stark. Good to see you again." Glancing over at those who speak with the other, he tilts his head at Loki, "You look really familiar. Have we met?" He makes sure to turn on the charm though, when he smiles at the blonde woman. "It's a nice shindig...I have to say, even the Hellfire Club could learn a thing or two from this place."
"Mmh, feel that energy in the air?" Mystique quietly asks of her companion, glancing toward Loki with a glint in her eyes. With the comment made only for her ears her smile grows further, she could probably brighten up the entire room if someone turned the lights off. "Oh, indeed," she replies with a trace of a British accent. Then, there's a whispered comment given to Loki in return before she suggests "Shall we find our seats?"
The others in the room are noted. She knows Stark and Worthington, alright. A few other faces also light up on her radar. This would appear to be high stakes in more than a silly old card game, but she's only playing one hand in order to get a read on another.
In response to Warren, she offers that warm, friendly smile once more. "It is proving to be quite lovely. I cannot imagine why no one has thought to return such a classic event any sooner." Heck, they're on a luxurious airship. Wasn't the last one of its sort called the Hindenburg? Such a connection has not been lost to her, either.
Kilroy continues to Waiterize. Unseen. Unnoticed. He moves back and forth. Why he's even earned quite a few tips. Wahoo. From time to time, the only emotion he really shows is looking at the mysterious door. But then again, most everyone in the room looks in that direction from time to time so even that hardly stands out.
Tony Stark offers Loki a tight smile and nods, "It would appear so - just remember to behave yourself, hmm?" and before he can respond offers Loki's companion a warmer smile, "Looks like he's been holding out on me again - he always does keep the best for himself. Pleasure to meet you. Tony Stark." and offers a hand. After they exchange pleasantries, he's offering a nod to Worthington. "Warren, good to see you again." he says, "Don't let Shaw and Emma hear you say that, they might order a remodel of the whole club - or worse yet, try and burn it to the ground and start over."
For anyone near a window, there is an amusing/terrifying sight of four men and two women in formal wear being summarily thrown out of the deck with parachutes and a large raft with a parachute right behind them. Most of the people in the room who see it chuckle with amusement, and the vast majority don't even care at that level. However, the buzz in the room has increased a bit and the jazz band has stopped playing.
"I do," Loki responds softly, but with obvious relish. He gives something of a theatric shudder when he adds, "It's electric. Isn't that what you all say?"
Now that he's got his intel, the Asgardian turns to face the newly identified Warren Worthington. He straightens a little more, and brows rise before he responds to the question, "Loki. Prince Loki. Of Asgard. Of Jotunheim. God of Chaos." And deception. Oh, and lies. Can't forget that part!
Of course he looks familiar!
Stark's quip regarding 'behaving himself' gains a laugh from the exile, and he turns with a quirk of his head. "And are you going to actually tell me 'how' to behave, Stark? After all, I am who I am." Loki's smile remains, and inclines his head, ready to swing Mystique around to have her avoid his proffered hand, "Of course I do. Why would you deserve such a lovely creature?"
Now, however, Loki catches the motion, and turns to watch.. before that smile fades to that -grin- once again. Blue-green eyes check the room once more, his gaze landing upon another small group that seem to also 'notice' him. There is an incline of his head; acknowledgment, before he seizes another flute of champagne as it comes by via a waiter.
Sometimes it's a curse to have superior eyesight. Warren notes those being tossed off the airship and he nearly chokes on his drink, "I..." he glances to the others to see if they saw what he did. "I get that this is an exclusive sort of party, it really necessary to toss people overboard?" At least they were given parachutes.
Loki gets a glance before he arches an eyebrow, "Oh. Right. I remember you now. It was because of you that I was in a coma for six weeks. Thank you so much for that," the last is said with obvious sarcasm. Looking at the Poker table he mutters something about wanting to begin this thing. His drink is quickly downed and swiftly refilled.
Tony Stark looks between Loki and Warren and smirks. "Oh, so know each other already. Excellent." - not many people realize that there are many different sides to Tony. Tonight's Tony is "Icy" Tony which can also be confused with "Tony The Bastard" - as evidenced by his not so much even reacting to people getting tossed over with parachutes and a life raft, "So yeah, I'm sure the French judge is gonna short their scores because of the extra splash when they hit the water." - although no one knows /who/ tipped off the Coast Guard to scramble to quickly rescue those people...
The ejection of a small number of passengers seems like an oddly fitting background as the metamorph's attention focuses on Tony Stark next. "From what I've heard, you're guilty of doing the same," she teases in such a light manner that the jab may well up and float away. "Emily Smythe. Truly a pleasure." At least for her, anyway. Loki's being possessive, though she's a good sport about it.
Her disguise probably won't last forever. She's realistic about these things, she's practically hanging off of the man that openly identifies himself as the -God of Chaos- and who made it quite clear who he's here with today. It stands to reason that -someone- onboard is going to be running in-depth background checks for anything connected to 'Emily's' identity. She's established the essentials, there's relevant data on electronic record tied to the name, but she's not gone to obsessive lengths. All this name has to do for now is see her through the journey.
So far, so good.
To Warren's question regarding those passengers, 'Emily' turns back to him with her friendly smile yet intact. "They do offer quite the myriad of activities here, don't they? It seems that basejumping and deep-sea diving are on the list." Oh, and Warren already knows Loki! How positively splendid.
Tony Stark smiles at Emily and her response, "Emily. Pleasure's all mine - and guilty as charged. Except my escapades don't usually end up with millions in damage." and a beat pause, "Well, there was that spring break in Cabo my sophomore year of college..."
There is a silence that moves across the room. People stop buzzing and E.F.'s a guy in a well pressed tuxedo with very very fine threaded dollar bill signs as well as other symbols for currency woven into it. He carries a cane with the head of a golden calf and looks to be in his late fourties early fifties. He raises his voice, and speaks, quite clearly someone used to speaking to large crowds, "Ladies and Gentlemen. I am your host. Welcome this evening. The rules are rotational at each table. Dealer's choice. Please present your sacrificial stake in the tournament to one of the workers as they go about and you will be given your chips."
The doors to the far wall open and three large palates chips are taken out and pulled behind several guards. As the guards approach players, their cash is present and then vanishes, with a small digital display being instantly shown on the chip. "These chips are state of the art. And a bit more, but we'll go into that later this evening. Suffice to say your funds are more secure than you can imagine." One gentleman seems highly reluctant to contribute and as he hesitates the host smiles, "Ah. You are welcome to leave at any time sir."
The would be reluctant player shakes his head and presents his stake. As players around the tables are divided up, cards are presented from sealed decks. One of the workers approaches the four gathered together near the window, and extends a hand.
Cash? Who buys in with cash? Particularly when the $500 bill is no more? Gold. All weighed and notarized with a valuation. And it's not 'on him'. It appears seemingly out of nowhere to land upon a table. "For the lady and myself." Keen blue-green eyes search the room, that smile remaining as a ghost upon his lips.
As for Warren, Loki looks unrepentant, and goes so far as to fashion a curious expression. "When was that again?"
Stark. Now, this is a side of him that Loki hasn't seen, and it amuses him. Intrigues him. Now, this... this is a man that he -might- be able to respect. "We'll have to fix that. Up the stakes, as it were, Stark. Go for some real damage one day. You'll enjoy it. Just let loose. You know you want to."
Kilroy very briefly looks horrified. He knows what's going on here. This isn't just a poker game...and if his father succeeds...they'll be no stopping it. But...HOW? He looks around and notices Mr. Stark and Warren Worthington. Alone, in a room next to the God of Chaos and several other less than savory types. This will take some thinking.
Warren Worthington has also come prepared -- that much cash is not the easiest to carry, but there are methods of transfer that, surely, this place will accept. He looks at the man who is their host and notes his outfit. There's a brief frown as he considers it before he offers his buy-in to the worker. There's a humorless chuckle as he offers to Loki, "I'm sure it's not something you remember. A little tiff with Thor in a museum a while back. I'm sure it didn't even cross your radar."
He's trying to be a blase, uncaring multi-millionaire. It's what's expected of him and it's what people seem to want to see out of him. This is very different from boozing it up at nightclubs but he's not about to back out now.
Even if he could just fly off of the airship.
One way to alleviate the financial burdeon of such a steep buy-in is to be accompanied by a God. This trip's finances are thoroughly covered for Emily, which she's plenty content to allow.
For her, this game has started long before the chips have been passed out. Mystique has no particular gifts which will allow her to have the upper hand in this game. Where she does excel is in reading people, and acting in ways which allow her to play a crowd as she desires. Fake tells, careful planning, feeling everything out, and above all, observing those around her on the sly. Such as their host. -Particularly- with their host.
There stands a man whom is holding out on them all.
And Loki is taunting Stark. She can't help but grin slightly, that twinkle within her eyes once more. Loki's suggestion to the billionaire -does- sound like a grand recipe for entertainment across the board. But, first and foremost, they still have this particular lavishly decorated nut to crack open.
Tony Stark is also prepared, and Loki's chiding is merely met with a cocky smirk. "Obviously, you haven't done your homework or you'd realize how much wanton destruction I've unleashed on the world without ever having left my office." - and then turns away from the trickster abruptly, like a mic drop. When approached for his stake, Tony reaches into his inner sportcoat pocket and withdraws a small folder, the kind used to pay checks in restaurants. He offers to the person who is asking for it, and nods indicating for them to open it to verify the contents.
Only Tony Stark would carry 31 $100,000 dollar and 4 $10,000 bills on him and treat the transaction as if he were picking up the dinner check.
The money has changed hands and the poker chips are distributed. The games in the room are all quite successful in the enjoyment department, and the liquor and the cards flow well. Luck seems to shine on all here, and while there is always someone on a losing streak, they seem to lose well. One might say that the 'prosperity' of the games is at apex.
A table is provided for the four present.
A few moments, people seem to examine their chips...and furrow their brows and begin looking around their tables. The host looks...disturbed for a moment and then with great subtly the chips are replaced immediately with a bit of slight of hand. This is noticed by almost no one primarily because they're ADDING chips rather than taking.
For the first time that evening the Host looks...concerned, very quietly, almost imperceptibly concerned nonetheless...and is looking around the room.
Loki has chips in hand now, and is ready to throw down, as it were. A seat is taken at the proffered seat, but not before taking a look around. Keen eyes land upon the host once again, and the gaze lingers for a long moment before he's in.. chips tossed into the pot for the evening's gamble.
"My brother and I are always fighting. In a museum, well... that happens to be one of my preferred venues." Loki looks up at Tony, a guile-less grin on his face. "Isn't it, Stark?" Isn't that where he'd taken an eye?
Regardless! "Watch me take your chips, one and all." As opposed to someone else he'd caught almost red handed.
Warren Worthington takes a seat at the table and shifts to make sure he's comfortable. His wings drape behind him, but he's careful not to have them be hazards to those walking about and refilling drinks. He looks at his chips and then his cards...and at his chips again. Interesting. He looks to Loki, "No cheating. I know that bothering with us non-Asgardians is beneath you, but it wouldn't be polite to our host if you took our chips in an unsportsmanlike manner."
Kilroy is immensely frustrated. His father might not be able to see the coins but he can replace them just as fast as Kilroy can hide them. He increases the pace and Cold Hard Cash matches him dollar for dollar. The more they play the worse this gets. Think! This isn't working. Then an idea hits a ton of bricks.
A short while later, Kilroy walks up to the table and presents a small plastic folder, the kind you might have a receipt or a bill in and places it discreetly at the table of Mr. Stark, Mr. Odinson and Mr. Worthington, tastefully skipping 'emily' since she is the guest of Mr. Odinson.
Intriguing. Emily's endlessly taking careful notes. Once again, it's the behavior from their host that strikes her as the most curious of all. She's got good eyes. Heck, when she wants to she's got downright superhuman senses to play with. There's the sleight of hand, but what exactly is it accomplishing? The chips in play never seem to change at all.
One thought which comes to mind is that he's attempting to switch some of them out as a means of DNA-checking everyone. Then again, she's the only one at the table who is not being presented true to form. It's a lot of trouble for one unknown and there are much easier ways of getting such information. Right from the glass she drinks from, that's how she'd do it.
So, the question remains. She has no reasonable answer for it, either. This is a matter for concern.
"I think you will find that some of us are more worthy adversaries than we appear," Emily jokes with Loki. He already knows, of course. She's also not threatening him. It's all but another game they play. Then it's Warren again that she looks to, stating "Surely you wouldn't accuse a man of cheating without just cause..."
Then everyone's handed a plastic folder. Everyone -else.- Looks like she's free to continue studying the other three, searching for a whole new level of tells.
No, wait. The 'waiter' that dropped those folders. Something's changing upon the playing field. Something which she's now preparing herself for.
Tony Stark accepts the folder with a nod, and opens his to glance at the contest. He's sat at enough tables to know to never change his expression once, no matter what's inside it. He does so, and looks up at the others at his table, noting their reactions as well.
The flavor of the room increases in intensity. As people play, the host looks like he wants to make an announcement but doesn't want to stop people from playing either. He is also looking about the room, spotting nothing. The guards also seem to be looking for...they're not even sure what they're looking for.
There is a buzzing in the room, like when you walk into a haunted mansion or buy a new car, or the first day of the first pitch of the world series, a sense of beginnings, a sense of dread, the smell of cash and sweat and high stakes and liquor are in the air, life itself and death, and a turning and no turning at all. But the games play well, and perfect or near perfect hands are held by all those present, even when beaten by a greater one at large.
It's clear the host is going to say something soon but not quite yet.
Bait and switch. Loki's got his eye on his chips, imbued as they are with his gold. He knows it... he can feel the magicks that placed it there.
"Are you accusing me of cheating before I lay a card upon this table? Really." Loki's got cards in hand, and laying two down, pushes them forward and flicks fingers.
Looking up as the small plastic folder is laid before him, Loki reaches for it at first, but then pauses in the gesture. Kilroy is studied for a long moment before he flickers his gaze beyond, and around the room. It's only a brief run before he returns his attention to the table, and his attention lands on Stark. Brows rise and his head cants before he shakes his head ever so slightly. Zeroed out. Nothing. Nada.
"Stark," and Loki's voice is low. "Call the waiter over, if you would."
Warren Worthington also takes a look at the folder, doing his best to maintain a neutral expression, but despite his experience with events like these, he does have less practice than those at the table. There is a brief grimace as he looks at his cards, "You did say that you were God of Chaos." He glances at the others about the table as well, "I'm Agnostic."
It makes sense, really...what a fantastic way to fund a project of such a high expense. It's like Kickstarter for Villains.
The cards. The hands which everyone plays. Statistically speaking, there should be more -bad- hands. More folds. Here Emily is suspecting that the game has been rigged simply to keep all of the players within a continual state of feeling as though they have better odds of winning every hand they play. More confidence, more chips, more money trading hands.
It also makes it somewhat more difficult to get a positive read on the other players.
Emily's looking at a very good hand. -Again.- And again, statistically, this hand has a very good chance of winning.
She decides to fold.
Tony Stark nods to Loki, "In fact," he says evenly, "I think I will. I seem to find the wine a bit sour."
Funny, that. Considering he's drinking scotch.
He leans back, and with the ease of having done so many times before, gracefully motions for the waiter to return to the table. He looks between Loki, Emily, and Warren. He hasn't even looked at his cards yet, if there are any there.
Kilroy nods politely, face perfectly calm despite the emotions roiling in his head. He's grown up among this kind of environment and fits right in, in either side of the role. He nods to Tony, "Yes?"
At the same time, Cold Hard Cash says, "By all means keep playing folks, but might I take a moment to talk to you about the wonders of the chip you're holding? You'll find it automatically converts any money you put into it into any other national currency on earth. It's also connected to the Dark Net, and the ultimate crypto currency. Lose it? It can be replaced. Stolen by a government? Not to worry. We can replace that too. It also has a rather neat feature..." he taps the side of the poker chip and the poker chip becomes lamp, then a rock, then a poker chip again, "Interested clients will be given contact information after the game but in the mean time, please, enjoy."
Tony Stark examines the chip, and floats it along his knuckles. "Interesting enough toy. The question is - is this an infomercial, a shakedown, or a smash-and-grab?" he looks to the others at his table. "Opinion?" - yes, he's even including Loki in on this one.
Blue eyes look up at their host as he gives his spiel but then Warren looks at the others at the table. At Tony's question, he glances to the folder set beside them, "If you ask me, it's a rather brilliant way to gain funds for nefarious business." He keeps his voice low, so as to not garner attention from the others. "With the money in a chip like this, who is to say that they can't just suck it out? It's like...a fancier bitcoin."
Loki nods once to Stark, and he sits still, his attention upon his cards. The moment the waiter arrives, the God of Chaos murmurs, loudly enough for Kilroy and the table to hear, but he cants it such that the rest of the room is in the dark. For all intents and purposes, it's simply some fresh, warm hors d'oevres that is desired.
"If you have a hand in this, you will die. I will allow you to live if you tell me now what is is that is happening here." And Loki sounds oh-so-reasonably. Not to mention perfectly willing to back up his threat.
After all, Loki doesn't threaten.
At the speech, however, Loki slowly turns his head, his regard falling upon Cold Hard Cash. Eyes narrow, and for a moment, seems to consider. Holding his hand out, he murmurs to Mystique, "Give me your dagger."
The -moment- it's passed to him, the Asgardian is on his feet, and in his hand... it's an innocuous looking.. lamp. It's thrown with no little force and no little expertise, however, and the lampshade doesn't seem to offer much in the way of drag before it makes its grand attempt to lodge into the sternum of the man that speaks. Cold Hard Cash? By this time, of course, it is no longer a lamp, but... a knife.
"Like that?"
Ever looking as if nothing has happened, Loki retakes his seat with a smirk. "I think it's fascinating."
A convertible Poker chip..? It seems like an odd time to make such an announcement, in the middle of a very costly game for so many people. There's a lot of money riding on these small tokens, and now it's been proven to everyone that they might not be what they appear to be. Is their money actually secure for the current game, let alone anywhere across the globe?
Here's one more reason why Emily had been happy to let someone cover her buy-in. It's not her money on the line!
"And the cards," she suddenly asks while turning toward Mister Cash with an inquiring hook of an eyebrow. "Do they change appearances, as well?"
She's pretty certain that she already has her answer to this question.
To Tony, she offers "I believe anything here is fair game, though I did not intend to buy in for the advertising." Warren's comment, not at all missed, is a very good point as well. Everyone here's paying attention, wonderful.
Dagger. Emily's expression remains completely neutral as she offers in the same low tone of voice "So much for subtlety." There, from under the table, comes a stiletto dagger, neatly placed within Loki's awaiting palm. Yes, she's armed. Go ahead, try to guess where she's keeping her weapons hidden. Then, seeming disinterested, she looks back to her cards. Much like the six passengers getting thrown into the sea a while ago, the dagger's sudden change of direction isn't all that important to her at the moment.
Tony Stark clears his throat, still speaking quietly at his table amongst those sitting there. "Solid holography. That's how it can change shape. Human tech, but not of this time." he nods to Warren, "and you're right. Like a fancy bitcoin. Besides that, not much to to it. Well except.." he nods towards Loki, "There's a definite occult edge to it. Haven't got that figured out, but you might open your third eye and tell us what you see." - Tony looks to Emily and smiles when she produces the dagger. "There's a part of me that's dying to know where that came from."
Kilroy's expressions are like flipping the remote on a TV. Fear. Bravery. Defiance. Consideration. Then the dagger is thrown at his father, relief, guilt, sorrow, and determination all follow in seconds. He looks at Loki, "This is a ritual. I had nothing to do with it and have been trying to stop it. My father can gain magical power over any currency, so by trading it during the poker were helping to make it a real currency that he could do the things he claimed with...ironically...he probably meant what he said." He smiles thinly. "There is a field he is producing which increases the wealth of the games in general, with magic. I...don't know about the cards. I don't think they're affected but that's not my field of expertise."
So....yeah. The guards pretty much reach for their guns until the hired mercenary says through their head gear, "If you WANT to shoot a guy who lays down with the avengers four thousand feet in the air, in a gondola filled with gazillionares be my guest. Oh...and an avenger an x man and ....god who knows she is."
Cold Hard Cash wants to explain that there are safety features built into the chip. No one can steal them, they're more secure than any currency on earth...except of course to him....or Kilroy...but he eloquently says none of this because there is a nice hole in his lung so instead he says, "GUAKAAUAUAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURK!" and bleeds a lot and immediately runs like hell. A series of silver appears on the ground and he ....sort of iceman slides at speeds of about a hundred miles an hour, blood trailing on the floor.
Kilroy looks at Tony, "I don't know anything about the tech bought it from someplace called, 'The Nine Prime Worlds' a year ago, but I don't know anything about them."
Warren Worthington glances to Loki as Emily hands him a dagger, "You lucky sonuva..." is started, but then the knife is let fly and...he just watches. There's a wince at the blood before he starts to slide like Scrooge McDuck on the silver. "Uh. I can heal him, but he'd need to reimburse all of us for this game." He glances at Kilroy and sets the poker chip down and turns over his cards...a winning hand, just like their's. There's a glance at Tony Stark, "Four thousand feet in the air? Really?"
"The Nine Prime Worlds?" Loki looks completely disinterested in the goings on of the man who may bleed to death (if Loki was lucky enough to find an artery). He made his point, as it were. He, too, can make anything into 'a lamp and back into..' something. Though, there flickers interest behind those eyes of his, and he glances at Mystique before he takes his cards and settles them onto the table before him, faced down.
"I actually didn't know how to play." Bluffing!
Over the table, Loki catches the recounting of Tony and his theories and inclines his head in the briefest of nods. "They're enchanted as well. Rather interesting, really. Nothing that couldn't be broken, but there are very few who could do such a thing and have it work."
Tony Stark looks at Loki and cocks an eyebrow, "Well, that gives you a short list of people to shake down to find out why they would want to do it in the first place." and he looks over at Warren, "Well usually it's more like thirty eight or forty thousand feet, but I'll make do with four."
His voice cants low once again, with that touch of steel that lies beneath the surface. Loki's words are for one person... Mystique. "Go ahead. Take the shot. Just be sure you don't pop this ship as I really cannot fly. Unlike the others at this table."
Tony likewise sidelong glances at Loki when he mentions he can't play and lightly chuckles, "Can't play my ass."
"Every lady has her secrets," Emily smoothly replies to Tony with a sly looking smirk.
"Is that so?" she now asks Kilroy with his description of the magic at play. Emily sets her cards upon the table, finishing her thought. "In that case, I wish to make a deposit of two hundred grains. If you appreciated that trick, Mister Stark, then you should love this one.""
Trying to track her every motion isn't an easy task. She's out of the chair, spinning about to a crouch upon the table with one hand bracing herself and the other holding a suppressed .40 caliber pistol, aimed squarely at the retreating Mister Cash as she pulls the trigger twice.
Somewhere throughout all of that she also stopped being 'Emily' and started being Mystique. Very, very -blue- Mystique.
Once she's taken her two shots she looks down to Warren and Tony, a wicked grin now in full swing. "Gentlemen."
And now they know who she is.
Kilroy looks at Mystique, " what so? Are they enchanted? Yes. Powerful and arcane. But I think..." he squints a moment and then all of a sudden the coins POP and all the money reappears as donated, along with about 21 million created by Cold Hard Cash. Needless to say folks begin grabbing bag fulls of the stuff. Chaos is tarting to increase and with the gun shot, there is a splatter of blood.
"You. Will. All. Be. Cursed!" As he falls out of the window cold air comes into the room and the glass catches in one of the engines. A small fire starts but the 'dead' man falls out the window, hurtling down to the sea below.
Kilroy mutters under his breath sadly, "He was....not always like this."
"Don't worry, Tony. I can always fly you long as we're not at 40,000 feet. Breathing gets a little hard for me at that altitude as I don't have a fancy suit like you do," Warren grins and looks back at the others. An eyebrow lifts as Loki mentions he doesn't know the game, "I'm sure you'd have picked it up quickly enough..." is offered...although it's not as good a comment as Stark's. He looks about to say something when Emily suddenly becomes Mystique and shoots Cash from guns that came from...nowhere.
There's a sigh then, "Of course. Every beautiful woman I meet ends up to be you."
When his mnoney reappears, he takes it...and no more. "Uhm. Maybe this extra stuff could be donated? Put into Scholarships?" There's a frown as he asks, "What's that about a curse?" There isn't much of an opportunity to discuss it as the fire starts. "Did you need me to fly you out now, Stark?"
Tony Stark watches the woman and then sees her turn into Mystique and smirks, "Mystique. I'll be damned." he chuckles softly, and sighs as he stands up. "JARVIS, send me Shotgun. Best possible speed." - he looks to Warren, "I'm good. My ride's on the way." he looks over to Loki, "How about you, Blitzen. Need a lift?" - then pauses, "Oh and JARVIS, mark my bills."
Among the vast piles of cash people are grabbing for, there are 35 bills glowing faintly blue among them. Tony collects these and folds them, slipping the inside his coat. "Might need some walkin' around money. JARVIS - Got an ETA for me?"
A voice from the same place he slipped his cash announces, "fifteen point four seconds, sir. The mark forty's current speed is mach four-point-seven."
I don't recognize "pepper".
Now, however, would be a good time to consider departing. His own gold shimmers before it disappears, as well as a few other piles of metallic or precious gem currency. Loki rises from the table, looking at the window, the -hole- (essentially) in the big balloon.
"Oh, that's not good." Fires. So very high up in the air.
A long, drawn out sigh exits the God of Chaos, and with slightly slumped shoulders nods at Stark, a hint of a (sheepish) smile creeping across his face. "If you wouldn't mind."
"Mystique?" As in, 'Do you have a way down as well?'
The guy with wings, well.. that's probably a given right there! Loki shrugs lightly at Warren's comment and offers in an offhand comment, "Didn't I mention it? I'm also the God of Deception." He makes a small *tchk* sound with another shrug. "It's what I do."
The blue woman is all grins as she looks to Warren, teasing "The attention amuses me" in a voice which blends a high note with a low note into an eerie symphony. Hmm, and it would appear that the winged one is not taking the extra money from the deal. "I can find it a good home for you."
Wait. Curse..? Here Mystique turns to look back at Loki with solid yellow eyes. "You know how to undo those, don't you?" Normally she would have laughed at the very concept. -Cursed!- Her children despise her and she has no true friends, what could he -possibly- do to her! However, these days she's been hanging out with Loki. The concept carries a little more weight than it used to with her.
Another grin, this one to Tony. She passes him a mock-salute with the suppressed pistol, completely shameless about ..well, being herself. It feels good to ditch the act and be true to her nature.
Besides, Tony's -also- setting to leave some extra money behind. This means that she could walk out of here with having shot another person -and- raking in a pile of extra cash. Which Loki already has covered. No wonder she likes the God.
This is turning out to be an awesome aerial cruise, after all.
"This isn't my stop," she replies to Loki while nimbly hopping off of the table. She'll follow, sure.
The poker players are panicking of course. Some are still grabbing their own money, a wise few are GONE, grabbing parachutes, whilst the guards hired by a rather competent agency brought theirs along with standard gear and are all out with the second, third and fourth raft already.
Kilroy is in a bit of a state of shock, but first tries to do the right thing and puts a bunch of salt in the engine, dousing some of the flame, not realizing that this won't do much good in the immediate future. Then there's the matter of all the arcane energy suddenly let loose and wild at the disruption of the ritual which Kilroy is trying to mend with limited success but as a final after thought before BOOM, he takes the remaining funds not yet pocketed ($10,502,214.24) and puts it into a credit card and hands it to Warren. The spare (non brought) cash vanishes into a shimmer, which causes the remaining idiots trying to grab it to run for the exits.
Fourteen point four seconds later...
"Sir, Shotgun has landed on the Promenade deck." JARVIS helpfully informs Tony.
"Excellent. Okay, I'm outta here. Anyone coming with me, let's adjourn to the Promenade deck." a beat pause, and a look to Warren - "Wanna take the kid?" - he motions to Kilroy, trying to deal with the flaming engine.
Warren Worthington takes the credit card handed to him with a blink...but then he nods to Kilroy. He'll make sure that this money does some good. " need help out of here?" he asks of their 'waiter'..."I'm not as shiny and fancy as Mr. Stark over there, but I can promise to land safely." It's the least he can do as the others are grabbing parachutes and life-rafts to get out of there...
Loki technically doesn't need a ride. It's just that landing is painful- not to mention it leaves a rather large hole in the ground. But given a choice between the two? He'll accept a ride from the Man of Iron. He waves a hand and is ready to follow Stark out. "Don't you dare mention this. I do have a reputation to uphold." Uh huh.
He looks back over his shoulder when the question of curse comes up. Waving a hand dismissively in the air between them, Loki scoffs. "I wouldn't worry about any curses. Not if he's smart." After all, don't want to piss off a god. The security contingent had it right!
"Stark. Before we hit the ground if you please?"
Ah, and there's their ride. Granted, Mystique could just make some wings and glide her way on down, but it's ocean down there and she can't just make herself a teleporter. A fish, yes, but that's still a heck of a lot of swimming. A free ride's a free ride.
Though you know what else is free?
She's not oblivious. Money disappears, then Kilroy hands Warren what looks an awful lot like a credit card. In the confusion and evacuation plans that follow, along with the announcement of their ride being ready, she makes her move and attempts to neatly slip that card out of Warren's hand and into her own, where much like the chip and stiletto trick from before, she plans on making it disappear for a time. There and gone in a sleight of hand of her own.
"JARVIS, did you remember to--"
"Yes, sir. They should be there shortly."
No sooner than the artificial intelligence said that, then a group of Coast Guard choppers are within easy visual distance of the Excelsior, ready to take on those who aren't being personally rescued by Tony or Warren.
A few seconds later, Tony is in Shotgun and is carrying Loki and Mystique. If she allows, Tony offers his sportscoat to keep her warm on the way down.
"Alright, everybody CLENCH!" Tony calls out before taking off in the hypervelocity armor. The three land seconds later, well away from prying public eyes.
Kilroy makes a few parachutes out of confederate bills and Quipu for the poor souls left on the airship. When Warren offers him a ride off, he blinks, " isn't sinking..." He must be NEW here. Old hands know this thing is going kaboom. He vaguely nods, still in shock at the loss of his father.
As soon as all of the party is off the airship, sure enough, more holes appear in its infrastructure, the fire increases and a great conflagration begins to occur. "How did Glass do that?"
Loki holds on, particularly when that whole 'being on the outside of hypervelocity armour' thing goes near sonic. It certainly is a bit faster than his brother, and it's more than a little breathtaking.
Upon landing, Loki actually falls to a knee and draws breath, his head bowed briefly. Looking up at the Avenger, there's a ghost of a smile on his face. "Would you look at that. We didn't kill each other."
In the next moment, the God of Chaos disappears in thin air. Teleporting works, now that he's on the ground!
Warren Worthington reaches out to grab Kilroy as he just sort of stands there, "We're leaving. Now. Whether it's sinking or exploding, you don't need to be on it when it goes." He'll make sure he has a good hold on the other before diving off of the ship, his wings spreading to easily catch air currents and fly them back to land.
A coat? Eh, sure, Mystique will take it. She'll also just morph herself a pair of goggles while they go -flying across the sky!-
Touchdown. ..Then Loki disappears. Without her. Sigh. "Don't worry, I'll take care of that matter, myself," she says to Tony.
Maybe -those- two didn't kill one another...
Tony Stark cants his head to once side, "What matter is that?" he asks.
Kilroy floats away from the ship, the grave of his Father, or the marker in the infinite ocean as it floats in ash to the ground, a coast guard cutter picking up the highly annoyed VIP's. "Thanks..." he manages to whisper, "Name's Kilroy, pleased to meet you."