Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The King of Feldra (LARP Gencon 2010)

My Character: Prince Reginald Bluestorm

Background: Reg had learned from his calculations that the neighboring kingdom of Feldra was going to be vulnerable by the end of the day. Feldran magic was all tied to a single sword owned by the king, and since Feldra had not chosen a sword before (in the Dragon of Feldra) it would soon vanish. If Feldra was vulnerable, Reg's older brother Mortimer was sure to kill the king of Rydia (Reg's kingdom) and assume the throne in order to invade Feldra because of his hatred of it.

Game: Reg desperately raced on horseback to inform the Feldrans of his brother's intent, informing them that if they did not have a new king by sundown, their kingdom would be invaded. He immediately talked to Morgymr, the wizard of the kingdom, offering to be his apprentice. This was to help restore the balance of Light and Dark to the kingdom. The Regent, Sir William, had assembled many nobles to choose a king. Some went out to cure the plague that was ravaging the land for a time. Others went out and sought information on the Dragon. Morgymr urged aid against a creature that was in his tower called a Shadow Wyvern. Reg and several others skillfully killed it. All kinds of politics were going on in the background, but it came to a head when, in order to prove that both their kingdoms were doomed if Feldra did not have a king, Reg swore an oath of loyalty to Feldra, convincing Sir Williams of his intent and the urgency of Feldra receiving a king.

There were five candidates. Using a clever interpretation of Feldran magic, Reg got all five candidates to take an oath to tell only the truth. One candidate was revealed to be interested only in himself. The second was shown to be less than qualified. Through a series of votes of the council (on which Reg now served due to his oath) Sir William was chosen as king, and both kingdoms were saved. The Dragon was put back to sleep and there was an excellent chance of the Plague being cured as well.

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