Friday, March 22, 2013

[Inglemia] Five Element Majors - March News

[Seven Sections, in Order of Which You Might Care About Them]

Section 1

Headlines - [Cost a DTP to investigate]

Convention amicable, slow to progress. Deligates extend time vow to forge meaningful peace. Some factins becoming agitated.

Corrigan Flint assasinated. Hostile son heir to throne.

More Fourth Runes discovered, new products being created, Inglemian economy expected to soar.

The Perfect Dominion and the Charred Lands are now at war.

Undying Court forms alliance with Iosal. Defense treaty pending.

Verbal Sosori, son who favors Segglestaff faction, current leading candidate for heir.

Inquiry into the Sarah Dark resolves peacefully, abliet with lingering questions.

Formal committee to discuss how to create Plasma created.

Inquisition into Segglestaff activities reveal most offense crimes imaginable. Trials set to begin soon.

Tax revenues up as economy soars. Many are calling for increased expansion of Inglemian interests.

Three more worlds cut off from communication in outer ring. Some trade ships going missing.

Bjorn Ogreshaft secures leadership of the capital in the North, facing armed insurrection from some tribes.

The Red Society and Violet Society disagree on Exposure of Military Secrets. Public debates held.

Civil war occuring in Madlands. Half of each race taking sides. Mass casualties.

The Gendremain report a drastic increase in magical crimes infecting the city.

Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Fire legions completed. Cantons and senators are fighting for deployment or even whether the current military expansion is now needed.

Section II

Rumors - 1 DTP To Generate More For Next Cycle, 1 DTP to Push Towards True or Not True, 1 DTP to Investigate each

The Mountain Kingdom is approaching the Undying Court for an alliance

Fingolde University believes it can recreate the Eberon science of Artifice

Bluebridge has left the Blueport faction for the Northport Faction in the Constitutional Negotiations.

House Antigan is in flagrant violation of the Construct protocols and constructing a huge number of greater undead.

The lucky Blue Spider comet has been spotted in the skies, which only appears once in a generation.

The dragons and giants of the far continent are considering an invasion of the North while they are divided.

Charbridge has discovered a large cluth of hidden dragon eggs and has begun experiments.

Ohigattan is talking with the Invisible Consortium.

A frozen ship of an unusual nature has been discovered among the most isolated of ruins in the north. It is of a most curious design.

Section III

The Party


Ace - Mr. Green

Current DTP: 33

Generation: 8 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major + 1 Clear Society Member + 2 For "X"]


Current DTP: 32

Generation: 12 [3 PC + 1 Clear Society Member + 6 For Ruling "The North" + 1 Sr Red Society Membership +1 Honorary Board Member 3 Universities]


Current DTP: 53

Generation: 7 [3 PC+2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +1 Cloud Kingdom Ambassador]


Current DTP: 38

Generation: 13 [3 PC + 2 5 Element Major +1 Clear Society Member +6 Acting Head of House Segglestaff+1 Acting Head of 3rd Ether Branch]


Current DTP: 39

Generation: 0


Current DTP: 3

Generation: 3 [PC 3]

Section IV

1 DTP to Invest/Expand Party Assets, 1 DTP to Expand Strength/Fortification of Assets, 1 DTP to Leverage an Asset or Asset Group, 1 DTP to Cultivate/Train an Asset, 1 DTP to Leverage a Contact, 1 DTP to Cultivate a Contact

Followers via Feat do not count DTP and may spend up to 2 weeks of time directed by turn email.

Party Assets:

The Castledown Inn - 100% ownership (Gifted to them by the Doge)

Party Income: 20000GP in Gold per month

123000 in Gold

Zanzibar the Carpet (deployed permanently to M.)

Library of the Lich (+5 on all knowledge actions whilst performing a DTP action, plus other elements. Worth 200000gp if sold)

10 Staff (from each branch) serve as contacts (deployed to Martel but usable by all)

5th Tower in the Vermilion Citadel (well secured)

5th Element Major Status [Not Bjorn]

Titles of Nobility on Sosori Lands: Produces 2000 GP a month each. [4000 in individual accounts]

Order of the Silver Conch Feat: +4 on all Diplomacy Checks with Kelpian and other entities who speak Aquan or Merman as their native tounge and are aware of the title. Also magically conveys the ability to speak Aquan.

Titles of Nobility in Aquan Lands: Produces 5000 GP a month each. [10000 in individual accounts]

Unexamined Treasure of Dead Iron Horse Gang Members

Section 5

Green, Martel and Auranos may spend 1 DTP to Redeploy 1 asset, +1 Cost for Redeployed Asset [Must Justify], 1+ to Lobby Senate for Asset Creation

Bjorn may attempt to do so through the Red Society but at a cost of 4 via military contracts.

Inglemian Military Deployments


First Legion - Inglemia

Second Legion - Inglemia

Third Legion - Iosport

Fourth Legion - Charport

Fifth Legion - Clockport

Sixth Legion - Blueport

Seventh Legion - Perport

Eigth Legion - Norport


First Block: The Node

Second Block: The Node

Third Block: The Node

Fourth Block: The Node

Fifth Block: University Collaboration

Sixth Block: Northern Rapid Road Network

Seventh Block: Southern Rapid Road Network


First Fleet: Inglemia

Second Fleet: Inglemia

Third Fleet: Proport (Very Friendly towards Party)

Fourth Fleet: Charport

Fifth Fleet: Iosport

Sixth Fleet: Blueport

Seventh Fleet: Perport


First Recon - Kelp

Second Recon - Kelp

Third Recon - Madlands

Fourth Recon - Charport

Fifth Recon - Protport

First Deep - Iosal

Second Deep - Shard


First Brevet - Earth

Second Brevet - Earth

Third Brevet - Ravenloft

Fourth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Fifth Brevet - Inner Trade Network (guarding)

Sixth Brevet - Eberron (Spying)

Seveth Brevet - Toril (Spying) (Incommunicado for 2 Months)

Inglemian Projects:

Eighth Airfleet (3 months)

Ninth Airfleet (3 months)

Tenth Airfleet (3 months)

Fortified Mirrortube Network (3 months)

Ether Academy and Increased Funding (1 months)

Eighth Earth Core (2 months)

Ninth Earth Core (2 months)

Tenth Earth Core (2 months)

Revised Constitution (4 months)

Section 6 - Constitutional Convention

1 DTP to receive more details/investigate a faction, 1 DTP To Boost or Lower a Factions Political, Economic or Intruige Power; 1 DTP To Leverage a Major Issue +/-, 1 DTP to place a new issue before the Council

Current Factions

Ohigattan - Economic: 6 Political: 5 Intruige: 6

Yontor - Economic: 2 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Sosori - Economic: 4 Political: 11 Intruige: 7

Segglestaff - Economic: 8 Political: 1 Intruige: 7

BluePort - Economic: 5 Political: 4 Intruige: 1

NorthPort - Economic: 1 Political: 1 Intruige: 3

CharPort - Economic: 2 Political: 3 Intruige: 2

ProtPort - Economic: 1 Political: 4 Intruige: 4

External Relevant Factions

Protectorate - Economic: 1 Political: 7 Intruige: 2

Kelp - Economic: 9 Political: 6 Intruige: 10

Invisible Consortium - Economic: 11 Political: 2 Intruige: 10

Eberron - Economic: 6 Political: -1 Intruige: 5

Imperium - Economic: 6 Political: 0 Intruige: 7

The Shard - Economic: 6 Political: 2 Intruige: 6

The Issues [Abstracted]: Where each item looks to be in the current version of the constitution

Nobility: 6

Citizenry: 5

Power of the Doge: 4

Power of the Senate: 6

Cantons: 4

Inglemia: 10

Ing Allies: 1

Trade Network: 6

Merchants: 9

Military: 5

Section IV - Misc

Individual Items will be Sent to each of you tomorrow. This section will also include random things I want to put here that don't go anywhere else (none yet) as well as individual elements for each character that you want to make or become public knowledge (none yet).

*A large number of false identities are being estbalished through the 5 Element Major water office.

Friday, March 15, 2013

[Grynn] The Radiant Society - New Friends, New Enemies, New World

The group said goodbye to Lantan.  Tock left his psi crystal with his cohort, Zoosk the gnome, so he could guide the gnomes of Lantan while he was away.  The group went through the portal, where the psi web still stood guard and caused everyone to experience the shared fears of the group.   Then they went through the portal and arrived at Allelithong.

The group went directly to the dragon slayer school there they met Scrondike and Trinity.  The group told them about their goals and travels.  Things went mostly well but Void (one of the three members of who was Trinity), was upset at the Hourons for having harmed her people (the Fierons).  She did give Tock the benefit of the doubt but only barely.

Trinity taught Calwen some magic, and they made several items and gave several items to the party.  Among the items given to Tock included a magic Volcano blade, a tiny fireball grenade, a set of elven chain (from Calwen), a crystal that would help him learn a psi ability when he was powerful enough, and several others.  Void also gave him a bit of Tyche's blood.  Tock drank it and nearly died but, upon surviving became stronger, faster, smarter and more adept at combat.

Once the group was reequipped and rearmed, they were ready to teleport to Northending in Corymr (Mira's HQ) but the Queen of Wands and the former Halruan Mages (Snidely Whiplash) snagged them mid teleport in an ambush.  After much speechifying against the Party, Mira pulled out a bomb which was highly destructive...and destroyed the microplane.  The party escaped alive...but were in Nyrg.

Nyrg was like Grynn but oppposite in many ways.  The goodly wizard of Thay the lady Spindle owned the tower.  The party just pretended it was a teleport accident rather than leaving Grynn.  They cleaned up and went out into the town to buy some supplies.  They also were going to commision a ship to leave.

In this world, the war wizards of Corymr were evil and invading Allelithong, and the party got out in time just in time on a ship.  The crew was going to demand that the party perform for them (again calling themselves the Joker's Wild for cover) but Tock had a promonition of danger.  Mira and Calwen slept with the Pirates while Tock and Belvin secured a long boat.

They ran into the same mages that were trying to kill them before, but this time the Party ambushed them.  Calwen threw up hallucinatory terrain and Belvin used a blade barrier ring given them by Trinity.  A fight ensured and the party (primarily Mira and Tock) used the blade barrier to tactical advantage by pushing wizards into the swirling blades.  Calwen cast several potent spells and  Belvin shot several deadly arrows.  Upon defeating the villains, the party took their stuff and sailed onward towards Candlekeep which wasn't kept in lock by an insane dragon in this world.

Friday, March 1, 2013

[Inglemia] - Right Bastards - From the Journal of Glythbaad Sslurr [by Bill Bridges]

From the The Journal of Glythbaad Sslurr

I have discovered yet another unfortunate aspect to the existential dilemma of, as they say, “being human”: toothpicks.

The human anatomy lacks the elegant, widely spaced, serrated teeth of higher lifeforms. Human teeth are dull and crammed together, more for mashing plant matter than piercing flesh. As a consequence, gray matter tends to get caught between molars, necessitating use of a… toothpick.

I of course purchased a fine ivory one, rather than settle for the common, disposable wooden variety used by most humans. After some awkward moments I finally figured out how to implement it and successfully extracted the now-rotting piece of goblin brain from between my teeth.

Goblin brain is not really a delicacy, but insane goblin brain – well, now that is a nice treat. All forms of insanity add different degrees of taste to the brains they inflict. I believe the proper metaphor here would be “marination.” Yes, insanity marinates a brain. The longer the affliction, the more tender the mind.

These goblins were relatively new to their insanity. I don’t know what drove their reasoning faculties askew and I didn’t really care. They had invaded a district of town where they were proving to be a nuisance. Nobody would miss them if they disappeared from the streets. And certainly nobody would object to me “studying” their brains to “better understand” their insanity so that its causes can be predicted (and so recreated at will, for culinary purposes).

My goblin hunt commenced at night. Their minds were easy to detect, not just because most residents were asleep at that hour but because their madness proved rather loud telepathically, akin to the banshee-like howl of someone playing the bagpipes. I quickly tracked a number of them and followed by levitating above (they were so focused on chasing urchins that never thought to look up).

When I felt they were sufficiently removed from the earshot of a constable, I prepared to lash their fragile minds into mush. But then I had a rather somber thought: Why be so direct and quick? When, oh Glythbaad, had you stopped playing with your food? I had, of late, failed to indulge in the finer things of life, and although these goblins hardly counted, they could at least afford a taste of cat-and-mouse.

I listened intently to their insane chattering and slowly, here and there, introduced compulsions into the noise that, one by one, turned goblin against goblin. What fun!

I did, however, have to cut the melee short when one goblin bashed out the brains of another, spoiling my coming feast. I somewhat wistfully destroyed their minds, all without them ever knowing what was happening to them. I then glided down and, with the aid of a knife and telekinesis, extracted their brains. Sitting on a nearby crate, I chewed slowly, savoring the taste. They lacked the bite of a hobgoblin brain, but there were certainly sweeter – there’s a reason Illithid’s refer to it as “goblin fruit”. A good desert for my exertions.

My reverie was broken by the screams of a prostitute and her “John,” who had sought to use the back alley for a tryst. I tried to explain that I was only putting an end to a public menace, but my mouth was still full of brains. Not having yet fully mastered the use of the human speech apparatus, I could only mumble as cerebrospinal fluid ran down my chin. The look of horror on their faces made me hungry again, but I was full and had to watch my synaptic calories lest I put on cranial weight. (Although, perhaps this does not occur in human frames. I am told fat goes to the belly.)

I took to the air and headed home. I became plagued by the piece of brain between my teeth, necessitating my stopping off at a night market and acquiring my fine ivory toothpick. It came with a nice velvet carrying case, so I can practice proper hygiene after my next feast afield.