Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Blood of the Earth - Session Synopsis 8

Blood of the Earth – Session 8 Synopsis (May 2073)
(via Brooks, via Shadow)
The group started out traveling to Denver again, because the Dagger and the Dragon Book both pointed to a significant event in Denver. Steel, having learned from the last visit, projected ahead to let Ghostwalker know we were coming. The group met with Ghostwalker (holy crap that dragon is HUGE) in his own lair to find out who the new Lorekeeper was. The group learned the hard way that all magic ceases to function in Ghostwalker’s lair, including forcing Shadow to his tiger form. Shadow was provided with an amulet that would allow him to change shape back to human form. During discussions, Ghostwalker informed the team that Hestaby was named the new Lorekeeper and even “offered” to take the Dragon Book to Hestaby. The team decided that, in order to meet the agreement made concerning return of the Book, that they would return it to Hestaby in person.

The team then travelled Portland in order to meet with Hestaby. After setting up a meeting time and place, the team travelled to the border of Hestaby’s territory on Mount Shasta. There, the Memory Gem (Book of Dragon Lore) was returned to Hestaby, who graciously allowed them to leave without incident.

The next point of greatest possibility was determined to be an island off the coast of Greece, as this was where the Book of Light directed. The team was able to do some research on the island and found that the island apparently turned into a huge magic surge area sometime after the awakening. Many teams were sent in to study the effects over the next several years. Then, about 50 years ago, all teams sent in to study the island disappeared. Now, any team sent to the islands fails to return.

The team landed their jet about a mile from the island and used a small inflatable boat to travel the rest of the way to the island. They circled the island after Shadow noticed that there was a path leading up to a deserted city coming from the other side. When the team made it to the other side of the island, Shadow stepped onto the path, causing it to turn red. This, of course, caused the team some trepidation, which resulted in them traveling to the Ruins via the woods, instead of the path. Upon arrival, Shadow noted a ward circling the ruins, which Rain was able to study then dispel. Once they crossed the former barrier, a red glow surrounded the party. Unable to do anything about the glow, the team proceeded into the ruins, where they discovered two things. 1- Once inside the actual ruins, the glow ceased and 2- there were several inscriptions on the ruins themselves. Rain and Steel were able to translate as “Death to all who enter except the bearers.” Not to be deterred, the team still continued into the ruins.

The team camped out in the ruins until the anticipated D-Day. As midnight on D-Day, the temple apparently transported them approximately 22,000 years back into the past, to a point prior to the creation of the Dagger. The temple at this time was intact and the village was actually populated. Rain wanted to insert the Dagger into the altar that appeared, but the team convinced her that they should investigate the village first. Upon travelling back across the barrier circling the ruins, Shadow noticed that each of the team was now a manifested spirit. They decided to continue traveling to the village, which appeared to be divided into 7 factions. One section was only a single building, and apparently contained a bound and contained Shedim.

The team attempted to sneak into the village, but were seen (even in the astral plane) by one of the guards. They were able to convince the guard to let them pass, and travelled to the hut of an elderly elf. After some discussion, they were able to determine that they were actually astral echos of Arachne (the Dagger), at least as they existed in that time period. The team also determined that Arachne was actually a divination spell, apparently the most power divination spell ever created or cast. The team also discussed the current temple on the hill with the elderly elf, and he seemed surprised that there was an altar in the temple. The elf also indicated that not everyone should know about Arachne or the fact that they had travelled back in time (or actually been projected back in time as an astral echo). The team figured this was simply a way for the elf to secure some sort of advantage for the Elven faction. During the discussions, the team also found out that the Fey were called Islani at this time in history.

Next thing they knew, the team was back in the present, with no knowledge of what happened when they went back in time. All that Shadow remembered was that someone (something) scanned his entire memory and then an incredible sense of dread, then nothing. Apparently, not everyone was affected in this way, and the team was able to piece some things together about the trip back through time.

They waited around in the ruins for a few more minutes trying to decide what to do next (the team was split on how to proceed), when they were transported back in time again, but not to the exact same time as the previous trip. This time, when examining the village, the team noted that the Fey faction portion of the village appeared to be much smaller. Obviously a result of what we told the elderly elf during our first visit. The team decided to travel back to the village to investigate, and this time the village guard actually welcomed them to the village instead of blocking the path as the guard did on their previous visit. The decision was to travel to the Dragon faction, but the team was attacked by tendrils of magic and pulled into a magical circle in the Fey faction. Completely overcome by magically induced pain for several minutes, they were then questioned by the Fey mage regarding what was told to the elderly elf on their first visit. How the Fey knew of the first visit is unknown at this time. The Fey mage appeared to be more of an amorphous blob than an actual form, but was somewhat bipedal. After some minutes Rain and Steel answered the mage’s questions. At that point, the team was again shifted back to the “Temple” and forward in time again to the current time, while Shadow had lost all knowledge of any previous visits or anything that had occurred during his time in the temple. Rain, however, seemed to have been able to resist the mind-wipe, and was able to provide the information on the previous trips through time.

The team decided to take one more trip back in time. During this trip, Shadow gained complete amnesia, not remembering anything about what the team was doing and why they were here. Something also happened to Raven, although no one is sure exactly what, other than she appears to have different memories. Because of this, Rain and Steel decided to go to the village alone to speak to the Dragon faction. Once again, they were able to enter the village without incident and made their way to the Dragon lodge. Once inside, something happened that caused the two of them to lose grip on their sanity and they attacked one of the non-dragons in the lodge, killing him. This, of course, upset the dragons who entered, one of them being Dunklezahn. Rain and Steel talked with Dunklezahn for a bit, informing him of some future events, including that Lofwyr would eventually become the Lorekeeper. Found that Dunklezahn did not have a very high opinion of Lofwyr. Steel also gave Dunklezahn a hint that he might be the target of an assassination (attempt?) after he is elected president of the UCAS. The team was then shifted back to the present, and it was decided that any future travels to the past represented entirely too many unknown dangers, given that we don’t know the actual results of these visits as yet. Upon return, the memories of all 3 trips were restored, and it appears that Raven was able to recover as well.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Blood of the Earth - News May 2073

(Note: The group has experienced an impending....something feeling. As if the world was holding its breath for something.")

May 2073 (Late)

The Azzies have consolidated their hold on that part of California Free State that they have taken (Paradiso Dante). They are trying to quickly negotiate with the Yucatan to give them what they want on the guarantee to leave them alone, in return for Yucatan’s assistance in negotiating a long term settlement with Amazonia to the south. According to some sources Azlan offered a hands-off-policy as well Amazonia should they decide to take over the Caribbean League to return the islands to more eco-friendly conditions. This frees up both their southern fronts.

UCAS continued in talks for a merging of CAS and UCAS for the benefit of both. It was not be a full-state-to-state unification, but one that recognizes the political and semi-autonomous nature of the former UCAS and CAS states. The final name can be some combination of the names, or something new, like North America Union. This would be a phased process taking some time, but their military and police functions could merge faster. They remained vigilant against Azlan. They continued to use large spirits in anti-Azlan operations most often in a semi-covert manner; not just against air and sea resources, but also for surveillance of inner areas. They covertly investigated potential wasp spirit hive near Santa Fe and hired shadowteams to remove it.

Ares continued to work on anti-spirit, especially anti-bug spirit munitions and magics, and to test them in as many environments as possible. They continued their lobbying of the UCAS/CAS merger. They are becoming more popular in Seattle.

Terrorist incidents have occurred all over the world as various non human rights organizations are extremely upset that they have been unrecognized. Life support in the Corporate court station was down for a whole day as people there began to panick. Many reported visions and terrible dreams.

(*)There also appear to be numerous incidents in the pacific islands, with a large number of bombs going off in Hawaii. Rumor has it that a group of non meta humans are planning on taking over the kingdom.

(*)The Caliphate is undergoing a huge upheval as large sand worms are causing a massive amount of sandstorms, grounding all air traffic.

Azlan has made an offer of permanent peace with Amazonia and a draw down of forces along the border. It is said that Azlan is preparing for battle along its northern border and does not want problems to the South.

It is said that the Pueblo Corporate Council have discovered a Wasp Hive not far from Santa Fe. It is said that the UCAS wants to remove it ASAP but the NAN has told the UCAS in no uncertain terms that their military forces in such a manner would lead to a very hot war.

The rest of the state of Florida has threatened to succeed from CAS and join the Caribean League if the UCAS and the CAS uniite.

Wuxing has developed a new hybrid corn that yeilds up to twice as much food as that of the best Aztech has to offer.

There is going to be another gathering of the Great Dragons in Venice.

The earth's magnetic field is intesifying and the poles have somehow reversed playing havoc with compasses worldwide.

SoƱador has offered Hestaby a considerable reward to help him end the fighting in Tir Taingaire.

The Elves of Tir Na Og have offered Ice Wing rich treasures in exchange for helping end the fighting in Tir Taingaire. He is considering the offer.

Hestaby has recently found a powerful treasure of her own and has no need of bribery.

Sonador has realized that his territory is vulnerable without him and has decided to return.

A great dragon council has been called in Denver for April of 2073.

A great dragon council has been called in Atlantis in April of 2073.

Saeder Krupp is enjoying unprecedented financial success.

Lofwyr is dying of a rare and incurable disease.

Toxic Spirits are destroying all of Korea.

Toxic Spirits are destroying all of China.

Toxic Spirits are destryong all of Iraq.

Toxic Spirits are causing massive damage in the Pacific.

Toxic Spirits are manifesting just outside of Seatle.

A powerful ritual spell has been developed that harms toxic spirits.

Jade Oriculcum allows spirits to draw power involuntarily from humans and is the source of the rumors
about theGreat Desert Spirit.

The Wireless Matrix is in danger of crashing and only reverting to the old Matrix will keep people and data safe.

There are no cats in America and the Streets are paved with Cheese.

No beer and no TV makes Homer go crazy.

The Humanis Policlub is engaged in a quiet civil war that is causing their leadership to be highly vulnerable to assasination.

The rumors of a super shadow runner group are all true and there are several reporters that are trailing
them to gain the story of their true identities.

The CAS and the UCAS are becoming united.

Three hidden elven kingdoms are about to end their self imposed exile and reveal themselves to the world.

Arthur is about to conduct a coup de etat in England.

Aztlan is desperately trying to conceal rumors that they’re going to be hit by a meteorite.

Prices on Fake Sins are about to drop to half the cost due to a new revolutionary duplication technology.

Ares is secretly working to encourage the union between CAS and UCAS.

Aztechnology is bringing Saeder-Krupp before the Corporate Court for violations.

Pueblo Corporate Council disrupted an attempted assault on the Sante Fee wasp hive; they accuse UCAS but the attackers were not from UCAS or CAS, and most were elves.

The CAS government has arrested the leadership of Florida because of their talks with the Caribbean League to exit the CAS.

A Juggernaut has been sighted 75 miles southeast of Denver.

A Dragon Council has been called in Zurich.

A murder of Stormcrows has taken up residence in Tir Taingire.

Horizon is offering its services to Saeder Krupp for image control. Many believe that the dragon will take them up on the offer.

The dragons are having a Civil War.

The super Shadow Team has seized control of the UCAS Government and now run the country.

Crash 3.0 is immenent and will wipe out the virtual world permanently.

Saeder-Krupp is about to be down-graded to a AA corporation.

Pueblo Corporate Council has found many people on its southern borderlands possessed by wasp insect spirits.

UCAS has a special forces unit made up of Free Spirits.

Status and Stuff:
DTP Saved
Dennis: 4 Stored DP
Brian: 20 Stored DP
Brooks: 0 (?)
Liv: 24 Stored DP
Wiley: 8 Stored DTP

New Character: 430 Build Points

Group Edge: 1. Cost to Increase: 10 DP

Accelerated Karma: 2 Per Session. Cost to Increase: 15 DP (5 toward)

Darkness Index: 0/10 (Effect/Countdown)

Magic Index: 6

Tech Index: 7

Group Assets: $10,000 Vehicle Harbor in Seattle

GMC Bulldog step van with $15000 in improvements including Chameleon Coating, Shielded Components and A Hard Point.
Group Jet

Base outside of Atlanta. This is a major facility, stealthed and quite nice. It has repair gear and a moderate medical bay. Has a Virtual Programming Environment. VERY high security system.

Group Base between Thunder Bay and Sault Ste Marie. Water Entry Hanger with a Sea Nymph. A large amount of security and manufacturing facilities.

Corporate Patronage: Renraku – Level 1. By spending 1 DTP the group can pay up to 100,000 NY to get up to 1 Avail 16 item per character. This represents using the Book of Life to benefit Renraku.
Level 2: The group gains access to a Delta Ware cyber clinic at 75% cost for each DTP spent for this benefit.

Foundation Patronage: Draco Foundation – Level 1. By Spending 1 DTP the group may gain access to one Rating 5 Contact for a single mission OR up to a Rating 5 Foci at 75% Cost. This represents using the Book of Life to benefit the Draco Foundation.

Level 2: By spending 1 DTP the group is able to increase the max benefit of all their personal missions (each individual that spends it) to 4 Karma per mission instead of 3 to represent the improved run info that the Draco Foundation can provide.

Level 3: By spending 1 DTP an individual can get a level 8 Foci at 75% cost or a rating 6 Contact for a single mission.

Level 4: By spending 1 DTP an individual can have a single Level 8 spell cast on their person for a 24 hour period for free, either for a personal mission or for an actual session event. They may also spend a DTP to have aid brought to a particular area of a humanitarian nature on a large scale.

Level 5: By spending 1 DTP an individual can obtain any magical piece of equipment, regardless of availability rating at 75% of Cost. This does not apply to toxic, blood or other ‘dark path’ magics.

Group Patronage: Ghostwalker – Level 1. By Spending 1 DTP, the group may successfully gain the covert assistance of Ghostwalker in any shadowrun in the world; this will primarily take place either through the intervention of the Draco Foundation, the Atlantean Foundation, The Children of the Dragon or any number of single individuals who own favors to Ghostwalker. It signficantly increases the odds of a Personal Mission succeeding.

Level 2: By Spending 1 DTP, the group may have access to heavy military backup of a limited nature during a personal run in a neutral area that can have plausible deniability. A DTP can also be spent to customize any found military gear to the individuals specifications.

A Level Corp (Chrysanthamum) based in Atlanta GA. Capable of generating SINs and legal licenses of up to Avail 14 gear.

Assets: Financial 4 – Income of 30 Million NY Per Month (Includes Jade Oriculcum Refinery). Employee Recreation Facility in Northern Michigan.

Assets: Shadow 1 – Corporate Patronage on 1 Runner Team called, “The Saws” consisting of 5 Rating 4 NPC’s – A Mage, 2 Street Sam’s, a Face and a Decker. They have their own gear.

Assets: Matrix 1 – The group has its own resident AI, Neo.

Assets: Magic 1 – The group now has a powerful group of shamans with a small number of paranormal creatures that protect the main corp HQ.

Assets: Physical Security 5 – This is all headquartered at the corp headquarters and makes it the most secure facility in Atlanta, and one of the most secure facilities in the CAS. There are 3 battalions of heavily cybered shock troops with drones and milspec weaponry.

Asset: Reseach Area – Allows 1 DTP worth of research to be done by the corp per turn. It has thus far confirmed that the Jade Oriculcum does indeed have anti spirit properties. It thinks it may be what Ares is using in their anti Bug Spirit ammo.

Book of Light – Possession of the Book allows one to predict the next target of the greatest opportunity for the Allies of Life, through the Dagger of Arachne.

First of Seven Rituals (Unlocked): There are up to six other 'streams' that you can unlock in the dagger that point to the location of interest. These will be revealed when the Dagger is activated on its primary day. To anticipate the location on each lunar cycle, the master tome of each stream must be found. The dagger can be ordered to point to the location of the master tome instead of the location of each groups next position of opportunity.

Book of Darkness – Can be read for 1 DPT to give knowledge of Blood Metamagics (as outlined in Street Magic)

Possession of the book allows one to predict the next target of the greatest opportunity available to the Foes of Life through the Dagger of Arachne.

You learn the first of seven rituals within this book that will reveal the presence of all but the most powerful Shedim or Shedim agents within a 10 feet as attached to the dagger or any other vessel upon which you wish to invoke the ritual. It costs a DTP and seven animal sacrifices to create. (None currently made)

Book of Dragons –

1rst Ritual: Learn up to 1 month in advance through the book where the dagger will point for the Dragon’s faction. (The dagger is currently pointing to Denver.)

2nd Ritual: With the book, find any greater Wyrm anywhere in the physical world during the dagger’s active phase.

3rd Ritual: By spending 2 points of essence, a complex and risky ritual allows a meta human to become a drake.

4th Ritual: Using this ritual and 5 DTP, an adult dragon can be made into a Greater Wyrm

5th Ritual: With the cooperation of 3 greater wyrms, the holder of the dagger and the book, an area of up to 20 miles can be shifted to a particular type of magic, generally draconic but others could be possible, and all toxic or background counts removed.

Dagger of Arachne

*The dagger is tied to a powerful Ally Spirit (which you already knew). You can make a spirit pact with it. (Which you didn't.)
*The dagger can be bound to an infinite number of mages, however the effects only apply to anyone within a fifty foot radius of the wielder.
*The dagger is beyond doubt Atlantean in origin. It is difficult to determine but you believe it to be essentially indestructible. Furthermore, you learn that there is a distinct astrological tie of some kind to the cloaking effect, though what that is not yet discernible. It does seem to be a 24 hour window on the Second Saturday of every month.

+3 +4 +4 +4 +1 +1 +0


There are seven conspiracies.
The Dragons, who have two factions – the pro meta human and pro environment factions. The question is how much of a role metahumanity is to play in these. Their future will be extremely eco friendly and magic will be strong.
The Elves, who have two factions – The elven supremecists and the elven cohabitors. The question is how much of a role meta humanity plays in their future. Their future will be somewhat eco friend and magic will be rediculously strong.
The Atlantean Foundation – The two factions are the elites and the baselines. The question is what means are acceptable to achieve the desired future. The baseline are quite strong but the elites have a subtle but important infleunce. Their future will result in beneficial relations between all metahumans and sapients in general. The primary question is whether this shall be through empowering the masses or rule by a benevolent few.
The Illumanti – Very similar on the surface to the Atlantean foundation however they believe that core humanity should be dominant. Three factions; the Templars who believe that humanity should be dominant but only barely. The Masons who believe that humans should rule but that there is a place for non humans as well. The Scourge, who believe that non meta humans should be purged. They are largely hidden amongst the other two factions. Their future would be dominated by humans and a balance between magic and tech. They use strong governments and corporate institutions as a primary tool.
The Techs – Two factions – Dark Technomancers and AI’s. Tech at the expense of magic. Transhumanists and the like. Their future would essentially be Eclipse Phase without the magic.
The Fey – Two factions – Ambivalent Fey (who want to keep humans around as play things) and Hostile Spirits (who want to rid the world of non pure magic beings.) Their future is a world of strong magic, with little tech.
The Shedim. Who want to destroy all life. They have no factions.
Translating the cave wall you learn many things (not all of which I am going to put here) but you also learn that ONE of these factions WILL prevail. The “dagger” faction can be a faction but by the very nature of the dagger, one of the conspiracies will succeed. It just depends on which faction.

I will send the Dragon Information and the Cave Translations in a separate post later this week.